View Full Version : Guild ranks....more diversity needed.

09-09-2008, 07:54 AM
'Nuff said really...It's time the dev's thought about adding more 'ranks' to the guild list....It's time that the officer system got an overhaul...There really isn't a big enough diversity in the current ranking system, and it needs to change. I realise that this has probably been done to death, but Dev's, don't you think it's time too?

09-09-2008, 08:04 AM
I would like to see a seconf Goverment method instituted...as an example after going thru the typical sigle Leader-Successor Guild we formed our current guild 2 years ago (almost) under a 3 man Council sytem and Officers (4 currently).

On Guild Page of course theres 1 eader 1 Successor and 5 Officers but our previously mentioned structure has worked quite well.

The "Crown" is handed over every 4 months or so in a symbolic fashion and it rotates among the 3 Councilmen.

The main reason we did things in this way is to avoid the overpowered and overburdened Leader scenario and so that decisions were reached by a consensus...not unanimous but 2 of 3 and always consulting major isasues with Officers.

Anyway OP I salute the request and if this method appeals to some....post a reply and let the Dev's know....I would like to see Guilds be strengthened again like pre Mod 5, as I ahave seen Great Guilds crumble and of course thanks to that we have fattened our ranks with excellent players and people....but IMO Guilds are the foundation of DDO and giving them Housing, Goverment Variety and Bonuses for X Y Z achievem,ents would be awesome.

09-09-2008, 08:08 AM
hmmmmmm i coude be a junior officer sweet!:D

09-09-2008, 05:54 PM
Absotivly, posotuletly /signed.

09-09-2008, 06:22 PM
i would love to see something like this as i have 2 guild officers that i run my guild with i would like to give them the ability to make their own officers. as of now they have to come to me both of them i trust to make the call so it would be nice to give them that right

09-09-2008, 06:44 PM
I think it would be a good idea. Problem is, what model do we base it on?

General, Major, Captain, Sarge, Corproral?
Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Friar, Altar Boy?
Grand Dragon, Grand Wizard, whatever else?
King, Duke, Knight, Squire, Peasant?
Lead Singer, Lead Guitar, Rythm Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drummer?
John, Paul, Ringo, Yoko?
Molson, Labatts, O'Keefe's, Budweiser?

The possibilities are endless.

09-09-2008, 06:53 PM
I agree, but in addition to the new ranks, we should also have more support for players, like a way to reward members for good behavior.

09-09-2008, 07:04 PM
could maybe also do something to show the longer standing guild members vs the newer ones, then newbies, or new people to the guild could get an idea who's been around for a longer time and know who to ask for advice...
this one would be more aimed at the larger guilds than the small ones but still an idea...

09-09-2008, 07:37 PM
I can see giving someone other than the leader the ability to create officers, and something like color coding in the guild list for length of time in the guild, but I think "ranks" (beyond leader, "co-leader(s) who can create officers," officer and member) would just lead to elitism.

09-09-2008, 08:38 PM
Make it open ended and let the guild choose how they want to implement it.

Default to 1 leader and 1 successor and the rest either officers or members... kinda the way it is now :D

Have the guild leader have the option of creating up to 5 more 'leader' positions - for guilds who lead by council, as well as up to 5 more officer ranks (i.e. lieutenant, captain, major, colonel, general, etc.) and 5 member ranks (i.e. serf, militia, corporal, sergeant, etc.).

The way that I'm envisioning it is a separate UI available only to the guild leader(s) with empty text boxes to define the name for the rank as well as a short one-line description of the position (for guilds who want quartermaster, scribe, cabinboy, etc. positions)

09-09-2008, 08:53 PM
I think it would be a good idea. Problem is, what model do we base it on?

General, Major, Captain, Sarge, Corproral?
Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Friar, Altar Boy?
Grand Dragon, Grand Wizard, whatever else?
King, Duke, Knight, Squire, Peasant?
Lead Singer, Lead Guitar, Rythm Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drummer?
John, Paul, Ringo, Yoko?
Molson, Labatts, O'Keefe's, Budweiser?

The possibilities are endless.

Does it really matter, pick one and lets roll with it.


09-10-2008, 03:48 AM
Don't care what it's based on, as long as we get something!

/signed, signed, signed

09-10-2008, 03:50 AM

09-10-2008, 08:09 AM
******, Lessor ******, Peon, Scrub, Noob, Eewber

09-10-2008, 08:35 AM

And it would be nice to have them fully customizable with the Guild Leader able to set Names and permissions for each rank, with the possibility of 10 or so ranks. Different guilds have different ideas of hierarchy so an open system would cater to everyone's tastes. Perhaps the permissions page would look something like:

NAME: Guild Leader
Permissions: ALL
Special: customize permissions
Name Successor: Yes
Months until succession: 6

NAME: Officer
Set guild MoTD yes
Use Officer Chat: yes
Invite new Members: yes
Boot memebrs rank 3 or lower: yes
Promote memebrs to rank 3 or lower: yes

NAME: Junior Officer
Set guild MoTD no
Use Officer Chat: no
Invite new Members: yes
Boot memebrs rank 3 or lower: no
Promote memebrs to rank 4 or lower: no

NAME: Member
RANK: 10
Set guild MoTD no
Use Officer Chat: no
Invite new Members: no

It would also be nice to see some in game guild tools, like a Guild Bank. This would create the need for a permissions such as deposit/withdrawal items, cash, view items etc.

09-10-2008, 08:42 AM
I think it would be a good idea. Problem is, what model do we base it on?

General, Major, Captain, Sarge, Corproral?
Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Friar, Altar Boy?
Grand Dragon, Grand Wizard, whatever else?
King, Duke, Knight, Squire, Peasant?
Lead Singer, Lead Guitar, Rythm Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drummer?
John, Paul, Ringo, Yoko?
Molson, Labatts, O'Keefe's, Budweiser?

The possibilities are endless.

Some games have implemented guild structures in a vague sense. They are just tier 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and you can define the name of each rank, and sometimes even the permissions granted to each rank (recruit members, promote members, use guild vault, etc).

09-10-2008, 08:44 AM
Nice Kahoun

Thats getting quite close to what could be very workable.

For Council Governed Guilds I´d suggest the ability to change the Actual Names for Ranks....

I´d enjoy being called "Benevolent Overseer" :D and my fellow councilmen...well I have names for them too... :eek:

09-10-2008, 08:53 AM
I think it would be a good idea. Problem is, what model do we base it on?

General, Major, Captain, Sarge, Corproral?
Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Friar, Altar Boy?
Grand Dragon, Grand Wizard, whatever else?
King, Duke, Knight, Squire, Peasant?
Lead Singer, Lead Guitar, Rythm Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drummer?
John, Paul, Ringo, Yoko?
Molson, Labatts, O'Keefe's, Budweiser?

The possibilities are endless.

Turbine could do what COH does and allow the guild leader to define the names for the ranks they are creating...

Would be the best option

09-10-2008, 09:29 AM
I don't mind WHAT names they give the different ranks, as long as the dev's see that we need to be able to add different guild ranks, and permissions...as long as they see that this isn't status based within the guild structure, but more of a co-operative strategy to help us maintain control of guilds, and members without having to resort to fights, booting and ect... It would be nice to be able to organise teams within guilds, to designate people to various ranks/squadrons within the guild....It would be nice to have a guild hall, where we could stash items ect... Although this may need a formal guild requirement ect...as well as permission to enter and remove items ect. I can see that there is a need for it in the DDO wider community, and after three years....Dev's: Don't you think it's time too?

09-10-2008, 03:33 PM
Ranks, offices and sub-ranks.

A Rank is a general term, an office being more specific. I.e., Sergeant of the Infantry, Major of the Medics, etc.

Allowing the Guild Leader to confer with the members in assigning ranks and offices to characters is the most adviseable course of action if this is implemented.

Recruit(Unassigned) would be the Default rank, whereas the rest would be " "

09-10-2008, 03:52 PM
The guild I am presently leader of has no one out ranking anyone The only reason there is a leader is because that is the way the guild system is presently set up. Guild bank would be nice as I have to use my second account as guild bank. We have very simple rules keep the guild chat to where a kid could read it and not be offended thats about it. Oh yeah lets have fun.

Cofounder of Trainers of Stormreach

09-11-2008, 05:08 PM

And it would be nice to have them fully customizable with the Guild Leader able to set Names and permissions for each rank, with the possibility of 10 or so ranks. Different guilds have different ideas of hierarchy so an open system would cater to everyone's tastes. Perhaps the permissions page would look something like:

NAME: Guild Leader
Permissions: ALL
Special: customize permissions
Name Successor: Yes
Months until succession: 6

NAME: Officer
Set guild MoTD yes
Use Officer Chat: yes
Invite new Members: yes
Boot memebrs rank 3 or lower: yes
Promote memebrs to rank 3 or lower: yes

NAME: Junior Officer
Set guild MoTD no
Use Officer Chat: no
Invite new Members: yes
Boot memebrs rank 3 or lower: no
Promote memebrs to rank 4 or lower: no

NAME: Member
RANK: 10
Set guild MoTD no
Use Officer Chat: no
Invite new Members: no

It would also be nice to see some in game guild tools, like a Guild Bank. This would create the need for a permissions such as deposit/withdrawal items, cash, view items etc.

Instead of calling them Junior Officer why not call them Senior Member? I mean the only thing they can do is invite, but I'd go for that.

09-11-2008, 06:21 PM
Can you say.....WoW Guild Ranking System AND Guild Bank system?

Each guild has the ability to set as many ranks up to a certain number and assign titles and permissions to each one. These permissions also translate into which bank pages members can access and if they can deposit/withdraw to not only that but to the monetary funds. You then charge a guild X amount of plat per extra storage page up to say 5 pages.

Add into all that in the guild listing, the ability to make short notes for toons like "Alt of so and so" etc.

Devs just go play WoW for a few days and setup a guild and see how they do it and give us that. It's pretty much what everyone here is asking for anyway.

09-12-2008, 01:33 PM
Instead of calling them Junior Officer why not call them Senior Member? I mean the only thing they can do is invite, but I'd go for that.
Because the word "member" is naughty and the less it's used the better.

09-15-2008, 01:16 AM
'Nuff said really...It's time the dev's thought about adding more 'ranks' to the guild list....It's time that the officer system got an overhaul...There really isn't a big enough diversity in the current ranking system, and it needs to change. I realise that this has probably been done to death, but Dev's, don't you think it's time too?


09-15-2008, 06:18 AM

And it would be nice to have them fully customizable with the Guild Leader able to set Names and permissions for each rank, with the possibility of 10 or so ranks. Different guilds have different ideas of hierarchy so an open system would cater to everyone's tastes. Perhaps the permissions page would look something like:

NAME: Guild Leader
Permissions: ALL
Special: customize permissions
Name Successor: Yes
Months until succession: 6

NAME: Officer
Set guild MoTD yes
Use Officer Chat: yes
Invite new Members: yes
Boot memebrs rank 3 or lower: yes
Promote memebrs to rank 3 or lower: yes

NAME: Junior Officer
Set guild MoTD no
Use Officer Chat: no
Invite new Members: yes
Boot memebrs rank 3 or lower: no
Promote memebrs to rank 4 or lower: no

NAME: Member
RANK: 10
Set guild MoTD no
Use Officer Chat: no
Invite new Members: no

It would also be nice to see some in game guild tools, like a Guild Bank. This would create the need for a permissions such as deposit/withdrawal items, cash, view items etc.

I think 4 or 5 ranks would be ideal. I like this setup and any similar setup towards the idea. One idea at a time, thats the ddo way.

09-15-2008, 09:09 AM
Because the word "member" is naughty and the less it's used the better.

In my guild we only allow "Elite Members" who are used as often as possible.

Btw being elite is not bad, and being elitest is not negative, unless one prefers inferiority and the lowest common denominator.

I Like the idea OP it would be useful. In my guild the more toons with officer status, genera; denotes rank in the guild.