View Full Version : DDOcast Episode 84!

09-07-2008, 01:57 PM
Hi everyone! Episode 84 of DDOcast is not (not) ready to go, aka - it's ready to go. Here's a LINK (http://www.cyberears.com/cybrss/3851.mp3) to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can also find DDOcast on Digg, iTunes and many other podcast aggregators.

This week kicks off the mayoral election in Stormreach! A mix of RP and just plain 'ole goofiness, I think you'll enjoy what we've got in store for you. There's also a bit of news and some great stuff from the DDOcast crew. Lessah talks about permadeath, raiding and more on "Know Your Role", Buzzsaw starts talking about the guild survey he's done on "Guild Life", Steiner-Davion has House K collectibles on "Definitive Collectibles" and Rheebus has the "Top Ten Things Monsters Don't Like About DDO." Thanks for listening!

09-07-2008, 03:16 PM
I found these Mayoral Campaign posters hanging around the City....



((Skrapps is the Bouncer in the PVP area in the Wayward Lobster. Not to be confused with Skragg, the kobold with the dog problem....))


09-07-2008, 03:43 PM
Hi everyone! Episode 84 of DDOcast is not ready to go.

Is or is not? :D

Love the production and as always - thank you!

09-07-2008, 05:59 PM
Is or is not? :D

Love the production and as always - thank you!

Too funny! I didn't catch that.

09-07-2008, 11:15 PM
Rheebus the Role Play Top Ten?

The Abbot.... Puts the lotion on the skin.... or it get the hose!

I liked Vellah the Red Dragon... I had no idea she was a southern bell!!!