View Full Version : Time to add Astral Diamonds currency

09-04-2008, 09:23 AM
DDO has an economic problem caused by lack of foresight and too-stringent adherence to a few D&D rules: characters who've been playing on a continual basis since the release of the game have by now earned well more money than the game software can allow them to hold. It's a design oversight that no character can have much more than 4,000,000 pp. Items already exist in the game whose legitimate value on the in-game market is more than that.

DDO has 4 units of currency, copper, silver, gold, and platinum, but unfortunately the smallest two were never really used in the game. Level 1 characters started off measuring prices in gp, and by level 2 or 3 they had advanced to counting in pp for the rest of their careers.

In D&D 3.5, higher level characters use gems as currency instead of coins. They're so rich that no amount of manufactured cash can handle the wealth they carry. In D&D 4e that has been simplified so that there is one specific kind of gem, the Astral Diamond, that is consistently acknowledged by the most powerful beings. One ad is worth 100 pp.

Although the name should probably be changed to something Eberron-specific (yet another variation of dragonshards, perhaps), DDO will need to add some kind of new wealth measurement to cope with the fact that as the level cap increases, characters will get even richer.

09-04-2008, 09:26 AM
DDO has an economic problem caused by lack of foresight and too-stringent adherence to a few D&D rules: characters who've been playing on a continual basis since the release of the game have by now earned well more money than the game software can allow them to hold.

Flawed assumption.

Played since Beta - total plat on all chars combined=400k

09-04-2008, 09:28 AM
Played since Beta - total plat on all chars combined=400k
You're funny!

09-04-2008, 09:29 AM
If this is simpler than just raising the plat cap limit - go for it. From my understanding of the plat cap limit, however, it is a result of the amount of copper 4.3milpp equals - if this is true adding a higher level of currency, still defaulting to copper in value, won't solve the programmers' problem - but just add to it since now they have to change the inventory screen set up also. Like the thought regardless.

09-04-2008, 09:33 AM
You're funny!apparently, you'd be surprised.

09-04-2008, 09:34 AM
You're funny!

Not everybody views virtual currency as a thing to be hoarded.

That being said, I would be in favor of this.

09-04-2008, 09:38 AM
Or, they could just make gems worth their face value (or 90% on sale), which is how D&D deals with in pre-4.0 and that probably wouldn't require much coding.

09-04-2008, 09:39 AM
Not everybody views virtual currency as a thing to be hoarded.

That being said, I would be in favor of this.

Or has the time to grind their way up to those obscene amounts. I've been playing since Dec 2006 and while I'm not poor, I'm not even close to plat capped even if I put all the cash from all my chars together one one of them.

09-04-2008, 09:51 AM
Toss me in the boat with the other poor beta folks. If I have money, I spend it! hehe

I honestly can't image having that kind of money...

And the cap is limited due to a technology limitation versus a flaw. Though your idea could help out I think converting to yet another higher level currency.

09-04-2008, 09:55 AM
Economic problem? yeah I have one.... PermaBroke.

Although practical...the implementation of Astral Diamonds or whatever you do will be a massively inflationary force....and you think things are costly now?

09-04-2008, 10:13 AM
We already have a higher form of currency, its called large ingredients! That's all people really want for over 90% of the trades, especially large ingredients if you have sooooooo much $$$$ you can't hold it, go buy some extra ingredients, like large devil scales or the like, and horde them....then make people pay more to get them! supply and demand! Incidentally i been playing for three years. Recently liquidated all my toons on argo and moved to sarlona, had 500k....ran a barbie up to 16, had to borrow 16k for an intimidate ring the other day, and couldnt aford a repair after the run, cause i only had 77 plat to my name....so...seriously.. if you have that much money you obviously have nothing you really wish to buy..but i bet you sometimes complain about undergeared characters.. why not give em a donation or something if you like them, but they could use some help in the cash flow department? Back when i played EQ around PoP edition, i had well over 50k plat <which at that time was insane money> plus 3 mana orbs I'd start making riddle competitions and rewarding winners with some money or items i came across my travels, it made everyone happier and got me a great reputation.. though few people remember the name of Evilserran Doomangel (or any of the doomangel's by now) since most of the hardcore vallon zek quit after merge, and more quit with the ridiculous influx of new expansions...

09-04-2008, 10:34 AM
Flawed assumption.

Played since Beta - total plat on all chars combined=400k

hehe, same and youre richer than me.:) Too busy enjoying the game to make plat I guess.

09-04-2008, 10:37 AM
I hate all you guys with so much money you're demanding a new currency standard.

09-04-2008, 10:38 AM
hehe, same and youre richer than me.:) Too busy enjoying the game to make plat I guess.

I often found myself strapped for cash...until I got some nice loot drops, which went on the AH and went from 100k PP to 2.3 mil PP over night (more like in two days)...

Now all my toons are struggling again, but at least I bought myself some nice gear off the AH :D

Oh, and I still get to enjoy the game...even more so with what I bought off the AH !

09-04-2008, 10:50 AM
I have yet to break the quarter-million plat mark, even if I combined the plat from all of my characters, and I've been playing for nearly two years now. Of course, I have four Clerics, too... that *may* have something to do with it... Still, it's a heck of an assumption about who has how much cash...

09-04-2008, 10:53 AM
The proposition of raising an already far too high plat cap is flat out ridiculous, as it would completely destroy what little is left of an economy in DDO.

To be frank, I still advocate that the Plat Cap needs to be lowered to 500,000.

09-04-2008, 11:01 AM
The proposition of raising an already far too high plat cap is flat out ridiculous, as it would completely destroy what little is left of an economy in DDO.

Because the plat cap forces more money into circulation?

09-04-2008, 11:05 AM
To be frank, I still advocate that the Plat Cap needs to be lowered to 500,000.

What good repercussions do you think that would have?

09-04-2008, 11:08 AM
What good repercussions do you think that would have?

People would actually begin donating to clerics instead of hoarding, newbies would get doted upon by those that had far too much in their banks, and the overall party makeup would include more healing types in general, as those with capped plat would be more inclined to share rather than let it get destroyed.

Further, the Auction would not have nearly so obscene totals in it, new players would actually be able to get gear from it... and Plat Farming would be a thing of the past.

For those of us who panic to buy stacks of Scrolls and Potions when one of our characters hit 100k plat, with the interest of keeping the healing population equipped and stress-free, we would still maintain the same process of selling weapons with our Haggle character, and/or toss said plat to said Haggle character to buy restoratives for lowbies, newbies, and healers. DDO would not change much for some of us.

09-04-2008, 11:33 AM
People would actually begin donating to clerics instead of hoarding, newbies would get doted upon by those that had far too much in their banks, and the overall party makeup would include more healing types in general, as those with capped plat would be more inclined to share rather than let it get destroyed.

Further, the Auction would not have nearly so obscene totals in it, new players would actually be able to get gear from it... and Plat Farming would be a thing of the past.

It's almost like a tax bracket that forces the wealthy the spend.

My biggest concern with your idea is whether it makes the game less fun for the upper echelon players. Not that I am or will ever be one.

09-04-2008, 11:36 AM
I often found myself strapped for cash...until I got some nice loot drops, which went on the AH and went from 100k PP to 2.3 mil PP over night (more like in two days)...

Now all my toons are struggling again, but at least I bought myself some nice gear off the AH :D

Oh, and I still get to enjoy the game...even more so with what I bought off the AH !

Yeah, Im much the same way, though if I get something obscenely sweet it too often sits in the bank waiting for a character to be made to use it. I suppose im only plat poor.:)

09-04-2008, 11:36 AM
I would wager that implementing what the OP suggests would be either:

kludgy (ie trade "vast and mysterious gems" with a NPC) which would probably take up inventory space
kludgy talk to npc at bank and store coin there
a mammoth change going from a 32bit integer to a 64bit integer
Max coin is currently 1cp * (2^32-1) = 4,294,967,295 (That's 4,294,967.295 pp currently)
Next increase would be 1cp * (2^64-1) = 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (That's 18,446,744,073,709,551.615 pp proposed)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_(computer_science)#Common_integral_data_ty pes

I dont personally see a need for it.

09-04-2008, 11:54 AM
THe Value of the CUrrency has nothing to do with the Hard Limit.

Adding a hugher value item of currency simply changes the limit from 4mil Plat to 400k AD. No Differenced.

The currency is currenly bgased on a 32 Bit unsigned integer.... 4,294,967,295 Values. based on COPPER pieces. the lowest common denomonator in DDO Currency.

Turbine would have to eliminate Coppers entirely, or raise the integer to a 64bit field. Over 18 Quintrillion.

THis limit aint changin folks. Deal with it.

7 Capped characters and I havent hit Plat limit on ANY of them in over 2 years of play.

09-04-2008, 11:59 AM
People would actually begin donating to clerics instead of hoarding, newbies would get doted upon by those that had far too much in their banks, and the overall party makeup would include more healing types in general, as those with capped plat would be more inclined to share rather than let it get destroyed.

The only reason clerics want more money is to buy on the AH. I doubt running their clerics is more costy than questing will gain you* to most players.

*Excluding figuring out quests like Vision and horrible PuGs.

Further, the Auction would not have nearly so obscene totals in it, new players would actually be able to get gear from it... and Plat Farming would be a thing of the past.

False. Money would simply loose all value for player to player trade. That's all.

09-04-2008, 12:00 PM
7 Capped characters and I havent hit Plat limit on ANY of them in over 2 years of play.you say that as if having more characters means you are more likely to hit the limit, but the opposite is true.

the fewer characters you have, the less divided your plat is.
the fewer characters you have, the less loot you need to keep: including high-end items. This means more loot for trading or selling.

I believe A_D's is right that casual players subscribed since beta can easily hit the plat cap... if they don't field many different characters. Each character increases the likelyhood that you'll spend money.

09-04-2008, 12:04 PM
I believe A_D's is right that casual players subscribed since beta can easily hit the plat cap... if they don't field many different characters. Each character increases the likelyhood that you'll spend money.

/start timer
/wait for Bran to brag about not having a cap toon or ran a raid yet


09-04-2008, 12:06 PM
i dun understand the suggestion...... a gem for 100 pp value? dun we have the 500 pp and 100 pp gems already? why not just expand on that :confused:

09-04-2008, 12:07 PM
/start timer
/wait for Bran to brag about not having a cap toon or ran a raid yet


lmao you beat me to it Borr.

09-04-2008, 12:07 PM
Add me to the poor beta players list please

IMO: There's really only a very small percentage of players that have enough plat to be worried about the limit... however those are the players that spend alot of time in game and on the forums... and are more vocal on the forums I think (in many cases)

09-04-2008, 12:08 PM
you say that as if having more characters means you are more likely to hit the limit, but the opposite is true.

the fewer characters you have, the less divided your plat is.
the fewer characters you have, the less loot you need to keep: including high-end items. This means more loot for trading or selling.

I believe A_D's is right that casual players subscribed since beta can easily hit the plat cap... if they don't field many different characters. Each character increases the likelyhood that you'll spend money.

I could add up all my plat and put it all on one character and I wouldnt hit the cap... Thats what I meant. I'm no casual Gamer. Running 4 clerics may have something todo with my incredibly samall bank account I supose. But I'm quite comfortable with the ~2mil I have I suppose.

09-04-2008, 12:08 PM
The only reason clerics want more money is to buy on the AH. I doubt running their clerics is more costy than questing will gain you* to most players.

*Excluding figuring out quests like Vision and horrible PuGs.

False. Money would simply loose all value for player to player trade. That's all.

Wait plat still is used in trades? Since when?

09-04-2008, 12:09 PM
I say give currency weight, problem solved with hoarding :D Allow people to store their money in the banks along with their items. Allow people to buy trade notes to reduce the weight of currency ala Ascherons Call.

I am in with the poor people, I think I maybe have 250k plat combined wealth.

09-04-2008, 12:11 PM
THe Value of the CUrrency has nothing to do with the Hard Limit.

Adding a hugher value item of currency simply changes the limit from 4mil Plat to 400k AD. No Differenced.

The currency is currenly bgased on a 32 Bit unsigned integer.... 4,294,967,295 Values. based on COPPER pieces. the lowest common denomonator in DDO Currency.

Turbine would have to eliminate Coppers entirely, or raise the integer to a 64bit field. Over 18 Quintrillion.

THis limit aint changin folks. Deal with it.

7 Capped characters and I havent hit Plat limit on ANY of them in over 2 years of play.

This is true, but if the Astral Diamonds were some type of gem only purchaseable with, say, 100k pp, and one could carry them in stacks of 100, then the devs could bypass the integer maximum.

09-04-2008, 12:13 PM
Wait plat still is used in trades? Since when?

I believe there is a thing called Auction House in this game, but it could be wrong. Didn't log on in a week, so they might have nuked it since then. ;)

09-04-2008, 12:19 PM
People would actually begin donating to clerics instead of hoarding, newbies would get doted upon by those that had far too much in their banks, and the overall party makeup would include more healing types in general, as those with capped plat would be more inclined to share rather than let it get destroyed.

Further, the Auction would not have nearly so obscene totals in it, new players would actually be able to get gear from it... and Plat Farming would be a thing of the past.

For those of us who panic to buy stacks of Scrolls and Potions when one of our characters hit 100k plat, with the interest of keeping the healing population equipped and stress-free, we would still maintain the same process of selling weapons with our Haggle character, and/or toss said plat to said Haggle character to buy restoratives for lowbies, newbies, and healers. DDO would not change much for some of us.

Good players of all monitary levels do donate to healers when they feel the healer is being stressed for resouces or has done an amazing job.

Many players have and still continue to hand off nice things to low level players for no other reason then its fun or that they could use it better.

Party makeup doesnt really depend on the cash flow that players have. In most quests a dedicated healer is not needed let alone multiple dedicated healers unless you get into some elite and raid content.

People just wouldn't use the AH or even coin as currency anymore if the plat cap came down (remember what the game was like prior to the AH). In many cases rare and good items are used as currency for the purchase of items from other players. New players would still have to work hard to earn items of monitary value (either plat or items) in order to buy things from other players and prices may change dramatically because players can't see the going or supposed going rate for things and simply assign value to the item based on their idea of its worth. Plat Farming is impossible to eliminate, it can only be limited by actively banning accounts that bother other players with spam otherwise you run the risk of banning ligitimate players for simply meeting the profile.

09-04-2008, 12:21 PM
I believe there is a thing called Auction House in this game, but it could be wrong. Didn't log on in a week, so they might have nuked it since then. ;)

*shakes fist* You win again Mr Canada

But you know what I ment.

09-04-2008, 12:22 PM
*shakes fist* You win again.

:cool: But yes, I see your point.

09-04-2008, 12:28 PM
This is true, but if the Astral Diamonds were some type of gem only purchaseable with, say, 100k pp, and one could carry them in stacks of 100, then the devs could bypass the integer maximum.

You can do that now.... Buy Tor Scales onthe AH... Their value has stayed consistant.... Large Ingrediants.... Planar Girds... Theres LOTS of stuff that maintain a consistant value inthe game.

09-04-2008, 12:35 PM
Buy Tor Scales onthe AH... Their value has stayed consistant.... Large Ingrediants.... Planar Girds... Theres LOTS of stuff that maintain a consistant value inthe game.
That's not totally true. The value of items you listed will vary with time and releases.

09-04-2008, 12:51 PM
Look, the issue here isn't that difficult...how many people from beta have more plat than they can spend?

How many people, beta or not, have so much plat, that they can't store that money on multiple toons on a particular account?

How many people deal in such massive amounts of money that the point is even worth bothering with?

All the "Well, I was in the Beta, and I don't have that much if I combine all my characters" people seem to be the majority, not the minority, in the posting in this thread.

I've played a lot of games, and they all have 'plat farmers' in them...some are more of an immediate hassle than others (such as the gil farmers in FFXI, who would, in DDO terms, block out dragon raids and such, so -they- could get the hot loot which isn't bound, which they would turn around and sell at massively inflated prices to people who could usually only afford the items if they -bought- money online).

The only people, in general, that have so much money they would -need- the cash cap raised, are the people who's -job- it is to keep lots of cash around at all times...and from my FFXI days, I remember when they -finally- started attacking the bank-mules the massive transfers were coming from, banning not just the names doing the 'dragon stealing' but the names the moneys they were buying came from.

Tens of Billions in currency were removed from the games, by removing via deletion, the accounts that were holding all that cash.

Yes, it is possible, that someone has found all the really hot drops they wanted, gotten gifts from friends, and so forth, and never had to spend more than a few coppers in their lives, and thus, built up truly insane amounts of plat to the point that their one account is incapable of holding it all, if they use every character slot for cash holding.

Possible, but not very likely.

The issue is a non-issue...let the people that have so much money buy Large Ingredients (scales especially) and hold their cash that way...while the rest of us go about our lives with a perfectly functional cash cap...while the plat farmers have to get more and more non-trial accounts to store their plat, and hopefully, Turbine will buy a clue from an online website, and go buy a little plat, and start deleting the mule accounts.

Because if they don't have quintillions of plat to sell, they won't be able to charge prices based on "I'm gonna sell you the plat to buy this item from my farming people, so the money moves in a circle and I get real world cash out of the deal"...this will remove the recycling of black market currency, thus causing prices to drop.

As for why it will cause prices to drop, it takes -time- to build up that much cash...if the plat farmers loose it, then when people put stuff up for the 'fast sale' amounts, the plat farmers won't be able to buy the item and put it back up for the over-price they -want- it at...eventually, prices will come down to an amount the 'current' in-game currency totals can support, and plat farmers will be scrambling to recreate the wealth -they- have been building (via farming actual cash from vendor trash, and recirculating over-priced goods bought with the plat they sold on a website to someone) since the game went live.

Now yes, this will hurt those rare people that actually follow the 'Scrooge McDuck' philosophy of get as much as possible for as little as possible (if not for free) while hoarding all their cash in a bank -they- built just so they can swim in it and feel special...they will have to get additional accounts to hold all their cash, because their current Money Bin is overflowing, and they wouldn't want those poor street urchins to pick up the coppers that flow over the sides, because everyone knows that you have to keep hoarding cash on the off chance the opportunity arises to buy the world and make it your own or something.

What are they going to do though, when they are the only ones that have -any- money (because they have all of it) and thus, people switch to something else for their trading instead of the cash those super bargain hunters have built up?

Please, help your neighborhood plat farmer...help them take a dive into the nearest lava pool w/o benefit of Fire Resist/Protect...I'll bring Smores.

09-04-2008, 12:54 PM
You can do that now.... Buy Tor Scales onthe AH... Their value has stayed consistant.... Large Ingrediants.... Planar Girds... Theres LOTS of stuff that maintain a consistant value inthe game.

This is demonstrably false.

I'll use your first example, Tor scales. They have inflated in value. A full set of blues, which once cost me 400k PP on the AH, now goes for about 550k.

Large Ingredients - prices on all except scales and stones have dropped precipitously since their release

Planar Girds - fairly consistent in value on the AH, but not consistent in value across individual player opinions

09-04-2008, 12:56 PM
I d rather they just make gems a commodity item. Which would make them worth close to base price. That way the can be used like they can in PnP.... as portable wealth.

09-04-2008, 01:15 PM
I've been playing since a few months after release. I recently hit the 300k mark on my bard ( first time ever!) not due to farming or buying it but by running raids and using the AH. I don't put up outrageous buyouts. I try to make a bit more than the base value as I only get about 25% from the vendors and less from the barkeepers. I thoroughly enjoy running with new people to the game. Today, I ran some favor with some relative n00bs ( lvs 10 and 12). I gave the cleric a stack of heal scrolls, a fearsome hvy fort robe and fearsome magi robe because he wanted to try them. I pulled a +2 paralyzing bastard that I had on AH and gave it to the fighter we were with. At a MEASELY 300k pp I can't find anything else I want to buy on the AH. I dont mind running shround to get my ingredients. Im too cheap to pay 200k pp for a large devil scale when I can just quest, get vendor trash and pull one myself. As far as clerics only wanting plat to buy stuff on the AH, try playing one bro and healing that zerging meathhead that just wont stay with the party. I have a lvl 12. I'll drop 60k easily just to restock. And I don't think I've once bought anything on the AH for my cleric. Other than that fearsome magi robe. That I gladly gave away to a new player this morning. :) If you have too much money that you can't store anymore here is a suggestion: Try PLAYING the game, not BEATING the system. I SAY GOOD DAY TO YOU!!

09-04-2008, 01:27 PM
You're funny!

No he is richer then me though.

09-04-2008, 01:29 PM
The proposition of raising an already far too high plat cap is flat out ridiculous, as it would completely destroy what little is left of an economy in DDO.

To be frank, I still advocate that the Plat Cap needs to be lowered to 500,000.

I think I love you:D No serously I do think it should lowered by at least half.

09-04-2008, 02:24 PM
[...] What are they going to do though, when they are the only ones that have -any- money (because they have all of it) and thus, people switch to something else for their trading instead of the cash those super bargain hunters have built up?
Excellent post (all of it, not just the part I quoted).

09-04-2008, 02:38 PM
Been playing since Beta and I think the most I've ever had was 1000k plat. I usually hover around the 500k area.

09-04-2008, 03:27 PM
People would actually begin donating to clerics instead of hoarding, newbies would get doted upon by those that had far too much in their banks, and the overall party makeup would include more healing types in general, as those with capped plat would be more inclined to share rather than let it get destroyed.

Further, the Auction would not have nearly so obscene totals in it, new players would actually be able to get gear from it... and Plat Farming would be a thing of the past.

For those of us who panic to buy stacks of Scrolls and Potions when one of our characters hit 100k plat, with the interest of keeping the healing population equipped and stress-free, we would still maintain the same process of selling weapons with our Haggle character, and/or toss said plat to said Haggle character to buy restoratives for lowbies, newbies, and healers. DDO would not change much for some of us.

The folks who don't donate to clerics now will continue to not donate to clerics even if it means they wind up with coins dribbling out of their pockets as they run around in dungeons. The ability to hoard wealth and the tendency to spread it around are unrelated.

I doubt it would even kill the plat farmers, it would just cause them to make twice as many accounts as they already do. Incidentally, if they could recover the server storage that is wasted on plat farmer accounts I'd bet they could seriously increase the character cap for the legitimate players...

Oh, and my lifetime high value in plat on a character is something in the neighborhood of 200k...if I got all the coin from my characters together the all time high would have been somewhere around 400k...but I doubt I've come anywhere near that more than a couple times, and usually just after cashing in from the week's reaver runs.

09-04-2008, 03:42 PM
You realize A_D only wants Astral Diamonds because it would match his initials right? ( ;) )

I'm also always broke...

But that's just me


09-04-2008, 03:58 PM
Economic problem? yeah I have one.... PermaBroke.

Is PermaBroke a new function of the new Poverty Guild on Argo, or a new ruleset to the PermaX Guilds as a whole? :D

The most-correct solution to the plat requirements to run elite & high-level content would be a rebalancing of the game where resurrection scrolls, heal scrolls, heal pots (in large quantities) healing wands & other similar goods were not so very much required to complete game content.

If anything, this has been the very reason why some charge more for rare loot on demand -- because they feel they need that much plat to justify its retrieval (and cover their costs for a good long time until the next big pull).

If this feature were corrected & plat were not a leg-up on the other guy that's PermaBroke, the economy should go down in value/cost aspects of player-sold items.

Crafting would also be a HUGE boon (especially if crafted items could match the viability and means to an end as just as the many-potion many-scroll many-wand means we have currently).

Imagine, a crafting system not so much unlike Asheron's Call to create some of the higher-end magical items. Yes, you collect the items required (no easy feat in itself, lots of running around for crypt moss and larvae I imagine, etc). Then, introduce success &#37; of the alchemical process & let it be 33% the most successful probability under the most favorable circumstances (ie Asheron's Call Magic-Embuement System).

Suddenly the guy who runs harbor quests and marketplace quests has possibly an Eternal Cure Critical Wounds Wand at a 33% chance of Luck and can choose to keep it OR broker it off. Suddenly the unlucky raider can be the businessman and crafter. Suddenly the whole world begins to not require nearly as much revolving plat to purchase goods in mass quantities.

It's just an idea for the permabroke. I hope something becomes available like this.

09-04-2008, 04:24 PM
As far as clerics only wanting plat to buy stuff on the AH, try playing one bro and healing that zerging meathhead that just wont stay with the party. I have a lvl 12. I'll drop 60k easily just to restock.

While I agree with most of what you said I would like to point out that it is your choice to heal that "zerging meathead". I have a capped cleric. I sent him 40kpp to start with. Out of that he got everything he needed to start and by lvl 10 he sent that 40kpp back to my main and has supplied himself ever since and has no problem makeing money for himself. That "zerging meathead" will continue to be a "zerging meathead" till his clerics teach him not to be, by going through your resources like that you are enableing him to play that way and just makes it harder on you, the next couple of clerics he groups with and the "zerging meathead" himself. because you healed him and kept him alive he will expect it from others, when they don't he will be confused as WHY they were not able to while you where and may come to the conclusion it is because he got a crappy cleric and not his play style.

I have never liked using consumables and rarely do. I actually get upset at guild clerics when I feel they use to much consumables when they buy it themselves.

Back to topic though. I think A_D is talking more about adding a Gem into the game that you can buy for set ammount (like 100kpp) that does not lose value and can be stored in the bank. However I don't see why this would be needed even at current cap ... WHAT THE HECK are you gonna do with over 4mpp that you need to raise the cap? With that much plat I take it you are not much of a roleplayer so sending some to alts is not an issue and I would be seriously worried for ya if you have all your alts at cap. Would not be as opposed to this idea if said gem lost 10&#37; - 20% value in process though.


09-04-2008, 04:28 PM
i am mainly playing a rogue right now

that character accumulates a lot of plat because of high haggle & rogue skill boost, i.e., i always have 200,000 or more plat on that character

the more characters that you have the more plat you spend on them & the more spread out the plat gets

you say that as if having more characters means you are more likely to hit the limit, but the opposite is true.

the fewer characters you have, the less divided your plat is.
the fewer characters you have, the less loot you need to keep: including high-end items. This means more loot for trading or selling.

I believe A_D's is right that casual players subscribed since beta can easily hit the plat cap... if they don't field many different characters. Each character increases the likelyhood that you'll spend money.

09-04-2008, 04:48 PM
THe Plat cap per account is close to 40 Million Plat. I'm sorry it may be inconvienient for a handful of players to have to move plat around when they want to buy those 10Milllion Plat W/P Rapiers. But it would be significantly more inconvienent for the devs to rewrite the way currency is handled in the game.

09-04-2008, 04:55 PM
You're funny!

Actually, I too have been playing since beta and my total plat count on all characters is less than 2 million, despite having completed several hundred raids.

However, I would support the idea, if there is a simple way to do it.

The problem is that all money is stored as copper pieces. Simply adding another type of currency wouldn't do a **** thing if it was coded the same way as plat is, because the cap would still be the same as it is now--(2^32) - 1 copper pieces. IYou could have it distributed between plat and ad, but you wouldn't be able to carry a single copper piece more than you already can.

The real issue is simply the way that money is coded and stored--in order to fix the cap, the dev's need to either use a 64 bit integer or stop storing all money as copper.

09-04-2008, 05:05 PM
I agree with the unsigned 64 bit field instead an unsigned 32 bit field for storing money. But my guess is they would have to change the lower level packet structures they blast over the network to implement this sort of fix. Which is an ugly thing to QA.

09-04-2008, 05:13 PM
I agree with the unsigned 64 bit field instead an unsigned 32 bit field for storing money. But my guess is they would have to change the lower level packet structures they blast over the network to implement this sort of fix. Which is an ugly thing to QA.

Yeah, thats just what we need.. Plat Farmers with 9 Characters X 18 Quintillion plat..... You think The Farmers are bad now? Same thing would happen if we were able to buy Gems that Were guarnateed never to lose value... THey would just sell the Gems... Or at least Use those to store all the play they want to sell to us.

Every action has a Reaction. Increasing plat limits to what is proposed here would be the worst thing for the game I can imagine.

09-04-2008, 06:33 PM
If your having problems by having to much cash your not running a cleric and obviously not contributing to the cleric fund. (thinks about how rich I would be if I dont buy the clerics there scrolls to keep me alive.) This is why hard to find clerics no funding anymore. I have been playing since Beta and I very rarely ever have more than 100k plat on all my toons combined unless i get a nice pull and sell it on the ah. Which in return goes straight to the clerics. I love them clerics. So if your having problems having to much money, learn to tithe to you local church official. I bet you would make alot of friends.

09-04-2008, 08:12 PM
hehe, same and youre richer than me.:) Too busy enjoying the game to make plat I guess.

you wanna see broke? try most PD characters, many dont last long enough to get a ton of money >> and litterally, thats what some of that would weigh if you tried to carry it all on you at the same itme.... its amazing how big those money bags are.... each coin grade must be its own portable hole or something >>

I think i have less than 10k PP on all my chars total, and thats including my non-PD level 12 or so drow Bard who has a really nice haggle skill.

Probably the easiest way compared to what you guys are talking about 32 and 64 bits is to just make sliver the base rather than copper, then you would get 10x the money storage.

09-05-2008, 02:54 PM
Just like pennies in the real world, copper pieces in DDO are only useful if you have a fountain with dead fish in the bottom that you need to cover up...

09-05-2008, 02:58 PM
Just like pennies in the real world, copper pieces in DDO are only useful if you have a fountain with dead fish in the bottom that you need to cover up...

hehe, yeah... in Canada pennies cost more than they are worth. But then, Harper is a Conservative and thus doesn't want to loose votes by removing it. -_-

09-05-2008, 04:28 PM
If they really feel this is a problem that needs to be addressed (though it sounds like it may not be), the easy way to do it is just raise the value of the existing currency. If all prices/rewards/bank accounts were divided by 10, say, copper would suddenly become the new silver. And the effective "cap" on your money would be multiplied by 10.

09-05-2008, 04:52 PM
Just like pennies in the real world, copper pieces in DDO are only useful if you have a fountain with dead fish in the bottom that you need to cover up...

Unless of course you scale back the inflation forcibly, making Coppers worth something again.

Of course that means dropping the cost of items and services globally, then dropping the Plat Cap.

09-06-2008, 02:02 AM
2 years of playing time and I probably have 100k across all my characters

would simply rather barter in items than plat, aside from using the AH for my lowbies, repairing, and buying potions, plat for me doesnt see much use. Any of the really nice items are easier to attain by trading other nice items

how often do you see a DoD, a choker, a w/p rapier, or archmagi item on the AH? its a rare fluke when it happens

the current currency is scales and stones and thats probably not going to change for awhile.

09-06-2008, 02:13 AM
I note that only those who have ridiculously huge sums of plat advocate that we keep raising the cap, whereas the rest of the userbase that barters(and has bartered since we started), and only uses plat for things like Wands, Potions and Scrolls, advocates that we do not further allow extortion of the userbase via Farmed Plat Sales, or hoarders who can't seem to spend it all.

In other words, those of us that would be helped by a lowered plat cap(and global item cost) are being harshly opposed by those who would take loss.

09-07-2008, 11:25 AM
I note that only those who have ridiculously huge sums of plat advocate that we keep raising the cap, whereas the rest of the userbase that barters(and has bartered since we started), and only uses plat for things like Wands, Potions and Scrolls, advocates that we do not further allow extortion of the userbase via Farmed Plat Sales, or hoarders who can't seem to spend it all.

In other words, those of us that would be helped by a lowered plat cap(and global item cost) are being harshly opposed by those who would take loss.

No, I only have ever had 600K plat and that didnt last that long. I would not mind if there was a way to raise the plat cap. Or as I said before make gems a commodity item that doesnt lose much value when bought or sold.

09-08-2008, 09:05 AM
You're funny!

Played since headstart. Total combined plat is 100k. I cannot seem to save it long enough. I also play a cleric, so that does cost some coin.

09-08-2008, 09:10 AM
Unless of course you scale back the inflation forcibly, making Coppers worth something again.

Of course that means dropping the cost of items and services globally, then dropping the Plat Cap.

To make copper worth something again would require a that no item is rare, and all items drop on a consistent basis.
The cap is fine, the auction house prices are outta control, but then again, does anyone force you to buy on Ebay? Buy or dont buy.

In any economy, there will be worthless coins.

09-08-2008, 09:34 AM
In any economy, there will be worthless coins.

Not true, smart countries eliminate worthless coins. When was the last time you saw a Half Penny in use?

09-08-2008, 11:56 AM
Not true, smart countries eliminate worthless coins. When was the last time you saw a Half Penny in use?
Darn it ... must ... agree ... with Lorien on ... this ... one.

09-08-2008, 11:58 AM
Not true, smart countries eliminate worthless coins. When was the last time you saw a Half Penny in use?

2 years ago when a guy was in the bank line infront of me with a huge jar of coins. The poor banker didn't even know what to do with the jar full of them.

09-08-2008, 01:25 PM
I always love reading A_D posts, only in his mind can a 40 million plat cap per account be considered a lack of of foresight on the dev's part:eek:

09-08-2008, 01:36 PM
haven't been here since beta... but i have played quite a bit and I believe i will never achieve "plat cap".

main expenses:
-mana pots and scrolls (both for myself and others)
-better gear for myself, or for someone who needs something and cant afford it

These two things alone will keep me relatively plat poor.. if you have too much plat, consider giving some of it away.

Alternatively, i think that major mana pots might make a secure investment as I believe they are unlikely to decrease in value anytime soon (unlike large ingredients which are already getting cheaper imo). You could also consider holding your money in lightning split soarwoods.

It's just like RL, when you get too much money its just not practical to hold a cash position anymore: you have to buy investments.