View Full Version : New to this crafting stuff

08-27-2008, 11:11 AM
If I build a weapon with the Holy, Good Burst, and Good Blast enhancements will they all stack together?


08-27-2008, 11:13 AM
Yes they will all stack. You will also get a true res clickie and Greater Disruption (fires ~2%)

08-27-2008, 03:03 PM

09-25-2008, 08:53 AM
I have a related question as the scepter I'm making will probably be the same as this, aka - holy, good burst, good blast...

Is there anything cool I can get from dual sharding at tier 3?

09-25-2008, 10:21 AM
I have a related question as the scepter I'm making will probably be the same as this, aka - holy, good burst, good blast...

Is there anything cool I can get from dual sharding at tier 3?
Dual sharding only makes sense if you used two different foci at tiers 1 & 2. Otherwise you're just wasting your ingredients.

09-25-2008, 10:57 AM
I have a related question as the scepter I'm making will probably be the same as this, aka - holy, good burst, good blast...

Is there anything cool I can get from dual sharding at tier 3?

You can not get good blast with a dual shard as the elemental effect is dominant in a dual shard. If you do want to go dual shard for DPS(I am assuming that is why you want 3 tier of damage effect) Then I would recommend Lightning or Mineral

Lightning - Tier 1 (Positive)Holy, Tier 2 (Air) shocking burst gives Lightning I (Chain Lightning clicky)
Tier 3 dual shard (Positive and Air) shocking blast gives Lightning II ~2% chance of a 600point lightning strike

Mineral - Tier 1 (Positive)Holy, Tier 2 (Earth) acid burst gives Mineral I (Stone Skin clicky)
Tier 3 dual shard (Positive and Earth) acid blast gives Mineral II transmuting, keen, slicing