View Full Version : 1750 Solo-Only

08-26-2008, 12:39 PM
To reach 1750 favor solo-only has been my personal DDO goal for quite a few months now and I am pleased to report that I have finally accomplished this task, reaching 1752 on Aug 23rd having 15 levels and 1 rank.

I set a few guidelines around twinking, quest repetition etc. but nothing hardcore. I chose rules I thought would be doable and fun, yet still challenging.

This was not an exercise in setting speed records. I am a conservative player by nature, and a lot of quests over level 10 I had only run once or twice before (or in the case of Mod 5, not at all), so I had some learning to do. I also spent quite a bit of time recording enemy statistics for the DDO Catalog.

I think just about any experienced player could do this as long as they had the patience.

To MrCow for the inspiration and the DDO Catalog, to all the folks who created quest guides and maps, and to Papi for helping me with some quest strategies and cheering me on.

For more details, including build and quest log, please click here (http://seanjorden.web.aplus.net/ddo/1750/).


P.S. This was done with a 32-point build, but I don't think a 28-point build would have made much difference.

08-26-2008, 12:45 PM
Well done. I was wondering when you would actually finish this goal. :D

08-26-2008, 12:49 PM
Congrats! That is some accomplishment! Solo'ing thru elite probably just about every quest shy of level 13 content........then doing some higher solo stuff on normal to get to the 1750 im guessing. I bet there were some tough days in there. Had to be a cleric or caster right? None the less, tremendous effort!

Just went thru your log book.........few changes from my expectations, but interesting read!

08-26-2008, 12:54 PM
Had to be a cleric or caster right?

He used a Warforged Sorcerer, of course. ;)

08-26-2008, 01:08 PM
Of course he was a wf sorc! Lol...........I must admit.........I can see doing something like this, with a like build. But I have a hard time seeing myself this skilled/lucky/patient? All those runs and only 7 reenteries and a total of 3 mana pots used? I cant picture running all this content and not dieing to far from a shrine more often than that. Well done, dont take my suprize as doubt, I belive you and your imaculate records........I just cant picture doing this nearly as cleanly and have thought of myself as a pretty good player. Well done!

08-26-2008, 01:49 PM
Well done... a few surprises on the list.

Faithful Departed...:eek: and Spawn of Whisperdoom....nice.

I know I would be so tempted to have someone just flip a switch in Delara's 2 a few times....sigh

08-26-2008, 02:03 PM

The Pit...Normal...4 hours...mad patience and perseverance.

08-26-2008, 02:18 PM

The Pit...Normal...4 hours...mad patience and perseverance.

essential traits of any dedicated solo'er....:):)

08-26-2008, 02:23 PM
Grats, GD. Very nice. What now? Are you going to continue and keep the character solo?

08-26-2008, 02:51 PM
Of course he was a wf sorc! Lol...........I must admit.........I can see doing something like this, with a like build. But I have a hard time seeing myself this skilled/lucky/patient? All those runs and only 7 reenteries and a total of 3 mana pots used? I cant picture running all this content and not dieing to far from a shrine more often than that. Well done, dont take my suprize as doubt, I belive you and your imaculate records........I just cant picture doing this nearly as cleanly and have thought of myself as a pretty good player. Well done!

After a while, I got in the habit of restarting from scratch if I bit the dust and couldn't make it to a shrine. So some of those quests I had a few restarts due to meltdowns. Of course, some you can't really re-enter in time (most Desert quests) so it ended up being good practise. That's another thing I should have tracked - number of re-tries .. except the number of times I re-tried Offering of Blood would make me look bad .. :eek: :D

He used a Warforged Sorcerer, of course.

Yep, Cowtech was most definitely the template for this run!


Grats, GD. Very nice. What now? Are you going to continue and keep the character solo?

I need a break I think, but yeah I'll probably keep on going, and actually see how much favor I can get just solo. I'm hoping there aren't too many more artificial barriers with simultaneous levers and such.

08-26-2008, 02:58 PM
Congrats on the goal, GD! My hat is off to you. Seriously, having been on a similar quest for some time now, I know the hardship firsthand, and that is quite the accomplishment. Totally jealous. I love your log format too, I may have to steal that for my next attempt :)

08-26-2008, 06:49 PM
No doubt inspiring. If I wasn't so into PD, I'd try it too.

08-26-2008, 06:59 PM
I need a break I think, but yeah I'll probably keep on going, and actually see how much favor I can get just solo. I'm hoping there aren't too many more artificial barriers with simultaneous levers and such.

Maybe use henchman for levers and such when they arrive. They're supposed to be able to open doors and levers and stuff upon direction.

08-26-2008, 08:15 PM
Maybe use henchman for levers and such when they arrive. They're supposed to be able to open doors and levers and stuff upon direction.

Well, that's an interesting question: do henchmen count as soloing? I've always been kind of strict in the definition that you can't be in a party, but I'm on the fence with this one.

Congrats on the goal, GD! My hat is off to you. Seriously, having been on a similar quest for some time now, I know the hardship firsthand, and that is quite the accomplishment. Totally jealous. I love your log format too, I may have to steal that for my next attempt

Nothing to be jealous about Ron, you are more hardcore than I will ever be! Continued good luck with your questing! (and thanks)

No doubt inspiring. If I wasn't so into PD, I'd try it too.

Hmm .. PD solo .. not for the faint of heart!

08-26-2008, 08:26 PM
Hmm .. PD solo .. not for the faint of heart!

Sounds like your next challenge awaits GD...

08-26-2008, 09:16 PM
Well, that's an interesting question: do henchmen count as soloing? I've always been kind of strict in the definition that you can't be in a party, but I'm on the fence with this one.

My take on the henchmen is I intend to use them for levers and such, but otherwise not. I'm hoping we can stick them in our backpack and call them out at a particular time (like, say, right in front of the lever in Delara's II). Otherwise they might not be so useful for soloing (at least not how I play it).

Solong to 1750 in PD. Eeks :)

08-26-2008, 09:28 PM
Congrats on this accomplishment. I used to solo with Saal, but only made it up to Delera's series before I gave up. Of course this was soon after beta, so some quests were elite that are no longer, and some weren't even invented yet. :)

Again GRATS!! :)

Saal :)

08-26-2008, 09:33 PM
the number of times I re-tried Offering of Blood would make me look bad

I took me about 12 wipes to get this one down to solo. I'm sure you weren't much further off. ;)

08-27-2008, 11:21 AM
Excellent job sir! I remeber leveling my Melee cleric Eyem almost exclusively Solo for a while.. But did group him often once i hit level 10 or so.... THis is quite the accomplishment...

ANd Papi says congrats and she admires your patience and skill! Her account is a bit expired at the moment or she would be here personally to offer her congrats.

09-09-2008, 11:25 AM
I soloed my BC up to about 1520 or 1530 Favor pretty easily. To do some of the ones u ran is downright awesome...

09-13-2008, 09:05 PM
hey! thanks for your help yesterday. your thread is much appreciated. made it to L3 on my solo ranger lol