View Full Version : Thelanis Casual Guild 6-Man Shroud Completion

08-26-2008, 12:43 AM
Attacks the Darkness founding guild on Tharashk, now on Thelanis has Completed the Shroud with just 6.

Difficulty: Normal

Time: 95 min (no deaths)
Part 1: 20 min
Part 2: 15 min (orthon, earth, gnoll, orc)
Part 3: 5 min (all puzzles completed)
Part 4: 20 min (6 rounds)
Part 5: 25 min
Note: Estimated times with about 10 minutes of afk/bio/beverage refill time during entire quest.
2 Sorcerers (Boozer & Bunkinator)
1 Barbarian (Shyvir)
1 Cleric (Gin)
1 Fighter (Brizien)
1 Bard (Rinket)
Note: All pure builds except for Bard who has 1 lvl of fighter. 1 sorcerer and barbarian both WF

Resources Used:

80 Heal Scrolls
45 Reconstruct Scrolls
2.5 Cure Serious Wands
No Mana Pots

Thanks goes out to my fellow guildies for the hard work! /SALUTE

08-26-2008, 12:45 AM
Congrats! :)

As for Casual, I'd only say I remember a time where AtD wasn't as casual.;)

08-26-2008, 07:53 AM
nice job guys!

08-26-2008, 07:54 AM
Well done guys.

08-26-2008, 08:14 AM
Well done! congrats

08-26-2008, 08:19 AM
super grats...especially no mana pots used with 6 rounds on part 4...very nice! :D

08-26-2008, 09:45 AM
Great job guys !

08-26-2008, 10:09 AM
casual my AXX, 24 hours a day 7 days a week,,,, KICKed his butt, good jub ATD


08-26-2008, 10:12 AM
casual my AXX, 24 hours a day 7 days a week,,,, KICKed his butt, good jub ATD


When I say casual, I mean the guild as a whole. I guess when players talk about guilds on the server, our guild is usually left off lists here and there during conversation. Thus looked on as more casual less IE powergaming.

08-26-2008, 10:22 AM

08-26-2008, 10:31 AM
It was a lot of fun for sure, and I can't wait for the next one. Have to beat that time afterall. :D Thanks for those that came along.

And yeah JRP, we're casual as a guild. Can't help it if a couple of us are DDO junkies. :eek:

And Bunk, what's up with all the docents? Sorry, someone had to say it. :D

08-26-2008, 10:40 AM
And Bunk, what's up with all the docents? Sorry, someone had to say it.

I'd wager thats his hot-swap spot (for greater elemental resist, deathblock, and a couple useful clickies).

08-26-2008, 10:44 AM
I'd wager thats his hot-swap spot (for greater elemental resist, deathblock, and a couple useful clickies).

Nah, he only uses two docents. I'll wager he's still got +1 docents from level 1 on that bar. Guy never toss's out anything, a pack rat I tell ya, a pack rat. :p

08-26-2008, 10:48 AM
I'd wager thats his hot-swap spot (for greater elemental resist, deathblock, and a couple useful clickies).

You are correct MrCow. Though Shyv is also correct. I have a proper variety to cover all I need, but have become so lazy with my WF, it is Blue Dragon Docent or the all mighty Defience 99% of the time.

08-26-2008, 10:50 AM
Nah, he only uses two docents. I'll wager he's still got +1 docents from level 1 on that bar. Guy never toss's out anything, a pack rat I tell ya, a pack rat. :p

He heard there's a crafting rit coming in Mod 8 that'll let you turn +1 Docents of Underwater Action into W/P rapiers.

Grats on the run guys; though Shyv and Bunk are about as casual as I am a Shoggoth.

(And as for AtD being casual and left off lists and out of conversations; they're still one of 2 guilds other than my own I'll bring my cleric out for...take that for what you will...)

08-26-2008, 10:59 AM
He heard there's a crafting rit coming in Mod 8 that'll let you turn +1 Docents of Underwater Action into W/P rapiers.

Grats on the run guys; though Shyv and Bunk are about as casual as I am a Shoggoth.

(And as for AtD being casual and left off lists and out of conversations; they're still one of 2 guilds other than my own I'll bring my cleric out for...take that for what you will...)

I appreciate that DarkW.

08-26-2008, 11:09 AM
He heard there's a crafting rit coming in Mod 8 that'll let you turn +1 Docents of Underwater Action into W/P rapiers.

Grats on the run guys; though Shyv and Bunk are about as casual as I am a Shoggoth.

(And as for AtD being casual and left off lists and out of conversations; they're still one of 2 guilds other than my own I'll bring my cleric out for...take that for what you will...)

so who is the other?

again good job ATD


08-26-2008, 11:13 AM
so who is the other?

again good job ATD



08-26-2008, 11:18 AM
Grats on the run guys; though Shyv and Bunk are about as casual as I am a Shoggoth.

(And as for AtD being casual and left off lists and out of conversations; they're still one of 2 guilds other than my own I'll bring my cleric out for...take that for what you will...)

And we're always happy to have you along Dark.

But really, Bunk and I aside, AtD is mostly a casual guild. Take the two of us out of the equation and how many people know the other 4 in that group? Let alone the other 10 active members of AtD who weren't with us? Really people only know Bunk, myself, and a few others. Which is a shame because we've got some really outstanding players in our ranks, they just don't get out very often.

And that goes for a lot of the smaller casual guilds, who's players may get overlooked for that last PuG spot because they are from a "casual" guild that isn't large or may not have a large forum presence. Casual does not equate to bad or gimped, it just means we take it easy, relax, DRINK :D, and go with the flow for the most part. So don't dismiss the "casual" gamer/guild, they might just surprise you with what they can do. :)

08-26-2008, 11:20 AM
And we're always happy to have you along Dark.

But really, Bunk and I aside, AtD is mostly a casual guild. Take the two of us out of the equation and how many people know the other 4 in that group? Let alone the other 10 active members of AtD who weren't with us? Really people only know Bunk, myself, and a few others. Which is a shame because we've got some really outstanding players in our ranks, they just don't get out very often.

And that goes for a lot of the smaller casual guilds, who's players may get overlooked for that last PuG spot because they are from a "casual" guild that isn't large or may not have a large forum presence. Casual does not equate to bad or gimped, it just means we take it easy, relax, DRINK :D, and go with the flow for the most part. So don't dismiss the "casual" gamer/guild, they might just surprise you with what they can do. :)

Actually, I was very impressed with new cleric with ATD that shrouded 2 times last week with us, and hit a Vod Sunday... very good guy and top line cleric... ATD players get grabbed because they know what they are doing

dont remember name of top of my head, but its 3 letters and its great to have smooth runs

08-26-2008, 11:21 AM
Congrats!! Not an easy task.

08-26-2008, 11:22 AM
Actually, I was very impressed with new cleric with ATD that shrouded 2 times last week with us, and hit a Vod Sunday... very good guy and top line cleric... ATD players get grabbed because they know what they are doing

dont remember name of top of my head, but its 3 letters and its great to have smooth runs


08-26-2008, 11:49 AM

yep thats him,,top notch solid guy...keep em coming ATD


08-26-2008, 12:03 PM
Sweet Job Guys - Always Fun Running With You All :)


08-26-2008, 03:11 PM
Nice work!

08-26-2008, 07:07 PM
Thx all who responded. Now get out there and grab some Large Scales!

08-27-2008, 05:52 PM