View Full Version : warhammer opinion.

08-25-2008, 10:19 AM
This weekend was open betatest. I got to play some 20 hours of warhammer.

And............... I like it. There are alot of things sketchy about it, alot of things need work.

It is a PVP game with a PvE element in addition, as opposed to wow, which is the reverse. PvP was kinda fun though.

Is it going to make me quit DDO? no. Is it fun as hell, kinda, yes. Who will it draw most of the people from? WOW imo.

Its such a smooth transition from wow to war, and a not so smooth transition from DDO to war.

Somehow, I hope this gets turbine on the ball about getting us more content, since the competition is going to get it right someday, turbine should take this lull in mmo-land to bring in more users and not keep alienating more players.


08-25-2008, 10:25 AM
I agree the game is fun for the PVP aspect. I mean, technically, there is always a fight going on, so you always have something to do.

It's the PvE i find hard to do. Pull a mob. It comes straight to you and then auto-stick/face and performs his eternal attack loop animation. Add a second one, it will act exactly in the same way and in fact stand on top of the first one.

It is really boring compared to DDO mobs trying to flank you, backstab you, run away, jump backward, etc...

08-25-2008, 11:31 AM
Ya Warhammer without PvP would be like China without under-age Gymnists. :D That if any game should almost be totally PVP. Except against your own faction well with exceptions to dueling of course :D. I may give it a try I applied for the beta, I saw it at Gencon but didnt get a hands on.