View Full Version : a plea to the dev team about Shroud weapons

08-25-2008, 09:31 AM
I know that a fair amount of talk goes on about the shroud crafting....some think way too powerfull, many think too much of a grind..... well I love the shroud ...I really do (currently dragging 10 diffent toons through it) and I like the crafting system (although getting lg scales is a pain for me as well) there is 1 thing I wish you could improve/fix about the shroud craftable weapons...... Effects graphics

the lighting strike is iconic....you can see it hear it, I don't think I've been in a party well it's gone off and no one comments about it.... it's a awesome effect and great job on who ever put that all together...... but what about the rest??????

the lighting strike is the only one that has a really nice effect upon going off....now these tier III items are tough to get please tweak this a bit I mean really all the other effects are lacking the same pay off that the lighting strike gives...

a few suggestions

for raidence (which looks like the pally attack or some cleric spell right now) something like the shot that took the tent away...you should have that graphic around and it would be a great becon for all those rogues around (hey get your backstab here)

for the void strike a big green ray (also from above would be nice) it should be better than it currently is, honestly it should

now I know graphics are a money issue ... but these are end game items that I think will be will our toons for a bit let's make them all as iconic (form a graphics point of view) as the lighting strike....

and btw I would the graphic on the great axe's and d axes's also like that they don't change nice look and it always sparks party chat

08-25-2008, 10:51 AM
smoke items should give off smoke

ash items should look ashen and drop particles

radiance items should radiate...

mineral should look crystalline.

Wouldn't this be fantastic to see?

These cosmetic visuals are expected by players of other games. Turbine's LOTRO has much better looking weapon particle animations for their high level weapons, and middle earth is a "No/low magic" kind of world. I was really disappointed when I learned that Turbine DDO did not utilize their artists for this, and seem to have no plans to. We have had the nice flaming effects and others since the game launched. Couldn't Turbine add some more for something as player-time consuming as greensteel crafting?

The gianthold tor weapons got special artwork, but the Shroud and later quests, nothing? Shame on Turbine!

08-25-2008, 11:00 AM
Yeah, lightning strike is AWESOME. Others I have are... bleh.

No animation at all for Corrosive Salt.

Animation for crushing wave is just a small splash animation and water sound - wish a big wave hit them.

Radiance is ok, but not spectacular.

Wish they had the big epic effect graphics like lightning strike though, that would be awesome!

08-25-2008, 01:15 PM
it's almost like they blew their wad on the lighting strike effect.... they have change weapon effects before in game anyone remember what archic burst burst use to look like? .... anyway I hope they give this some rework....these other effects need some touch up...none of them feel big enough

08-26-2008, 01:38 AM
Don't forget to tone the items down either! They are just too much, I mean really. So much for that +4 flaming burst of pure good I got sitting in my bank... Completely ridiculous. Why even bother with something like a +5 holy burst of pg when you can get just as good/better with tier 2 green steel...and astronomical with tier 3...:confused:

make the components easier to get(especially larges), decrease the damage done by tier 1 and 2 efects, and I think we'll be back in line...

No way should half a piece of raid loot(that you can make specifically by doing a few shroud runs(just 1-3 about 10 times can be a nights work and you got it) be better than an extremely rare +5 holy burst pg item...

more ranting etc...

ya...thats what I think about green steel, it's horrid.

08-26-2008, 01:55 AM
it's almost like they blew their wad on the lighting strike effect.... they have change weapon effects before in game anyone remember what archic burst burst use to look like? .... anyway I hope they give this some rework....these other effects need some touch up...none of them feel big enough

yeah, I like the old way of archic burst too, big red dot.

08-26-2008, 02:01 AM
it's almost like they blew their wad on the lighting strike effect.... they have change weapon effects before in game anyone remember what archic burst burst use to look like? .... anyway I hope they give this some rework....these other effects need some touch up...none of them feel big enough

Just admit it. You want us to scream Radiance!! also.;)

08-26-2008, 08:37 AM
Don't forget to tone the items down either! They are just too much, I mean really. So much for that +4 flaming burst of pure good I got sitting in my bank... Completely ridiculous. Why even bother with something like a +5 holy burst of pg when you can get just as good/better with tier 2 green steel...and astronomical with tier 3...:confused:

make the components easier to get(especially larges), decrease the damage done by tier 1 and 2 efects, and I think we'll be back in line...

No way should half a piece of raid loot(that you can make specifically by doing a few shroud runs(just 1-3 about 10 times can be a nights work and you got it) be better than an extremely rare +5 holy burst pg item...

more ranting etc...

ya...thats what I think about green steel, it's horrid.

/not signed here.

It takes waaaay to much work to make a Tier III. It had better do some sick damage, if they toned down the effects why would people farm this raid? I would hardly call running a raid 20-30 times or so (to make a Tier III) a "half of a raid"

08-26-2008, 12:33 PM
/not signed here.

It takes waaaay to much work to make a Tier III. It had better do some sick damage, if they toned down the effects why would people farm this raid?
I would hardly call running a raid 20-30 times or so (to make a Tier III) a "half of a raid"

Because the tier 3 effect is really good... I'm not saying tone them down a lot...but make it so things are doing d3/d4 instead of d6...etc...
There is absolutely no reason at all to look for any dps weapon other than a green steel when your lvl 12+...the green steel weapons ruined the economy for high lvl dps weapons...woot, 2 tiers of a green steel and you have something better than you can possibly find in the game...and you can still add the third tier to it...I never said tone that down

say it with me

Seriously, is it so hard to agree that the green steel weapons are overpowered?

And about it being half a raid... If you would take your time to read instead of rant about your oh-so glorious overpowered weapons...I mean green steel weapons, you might find that I said that the tier 2 of green steel was half a peice of raid loot, the full piece being the tier 3....

08-26-2008, 02:23 PM
Because the tier 3 effect is really good... I'm not saying tone them down a lot...but make it so things are doing d3/d4 instead of d6...etc...
There is absolutely no reason at all to look for any dps weapon other than a green steel when your lvl 12+...the green steel weapons ruined the economy for high lvl dps weapons...woot, 2 tiers of a green steel and you have something better than you can possibly find in the game...and you can still add the third tier to it...I never said tone that down

say it with me

Seriously, is it so hard to agree that the green steel weapons are overpowered?

And about it being half a raid... If you would take your time to read instead of rant about your oh-so glorious overpowered weapons...I mean green steel weapons, you might find that I said that the tier 2 of green steel was half a peice of raid loot, the full piece being the tier 3....

Sort of the same thing as why look for another 2-Handed weapon back in Mod 1-5 days because of the SOS huh? So what if your collection of weapons has devalued. Go build a better weapon. The next round of crafting may make these Shroud weapons look lame. That is how a MMO works, the new stuff is always better than the old stuff.

As far as weapons in chests go, there are still worthwhile pulls you can't build out of the chests. Vorpals, Banishers, Smiters, Puncturers (which blow GS weapons out of the water, by the way), XXX burst silver of pure good etc...

Can you totally overvalue and sell your burst weapons anymore... Nope. So if you are looking to sell things, sell the crafting materials. ;)

Also, in order to dual wield these uber GS weapons you have to had run the raid 20 times. So, I stand by my original "rant without reading", of running a raid at LEAST 20 times is NOT half a raid. ;)

08-27-2008, 08:48 PM
Our weaponry uses Integers. Integers do happen to go above 5.

I expect +10 weapons to start popping up soon with Min Lvl 16.

Enough about "zomg, it's more than I know about, so I am going to whine until my ignorance is cured".

Further, Good Blast and such were added to Raid Items as it stands, and are craftable for the sake of the newbies that don't have 5 of every type of Greater Bane on their favorite weapon type. I would expect silly things like Holy Explosion(4d6 on hit to Evil, +6d6 on x2 multipler, 8d6 on a x3, etc) in the future.

So much talk of things that people only vaguely understand....

08-27-2008, 09:02 PM
Our weaponry uses Integers. Integers do happen to go above 5.

I expect +10 weapons to start popping up soon with Min Lvl 16.

Enough about "zomg, it's more than I know about, so I am going to whine until my ignorance is cured".

Further, Good Blast and such were added to Raid Items as it stands, and are craftable for the sake of the newbies that don't have 5 of every type of Greater Bane on their favorite weapon type. I would expect silly things like Holy Explosion(4d6 on hit to Evil, +6d6 on x2 multipler, 8d6 on a x3, etc) in the future.

So much talk of things that people only vaguely understand....

Vaguely understand? No, they understand much better than you think. +5 weapons, holy burst, and so forth, as they exist on current randomly spawned weapons, are the most powerful effects available in pnp short of epic levels. Turbine has broken the rule on better damage effects, but only on raid items. I do not think they are in a hurry to add massively better damage effects on random weapons--these are raid-only type effects. Also, turbine has never broken the pnp limit of +5 enhancement bonus on non-epic weapons. Don't bet on anything much better than +5 or much better than holy burst until we get level 21 and above in game.

08-27-2008, 09:08 PM
The forum page is broken for some reason or I would quote the line "Most powerful... in PnP..."

Yes, they are the most powerful effects short of Epic in some games... games like Baldur's Gate on PS2, Neverwinter Nights... but do you honestly expect that with our current weapon power scale that we would be restricted to a +5 Masterwork Dagger for level 18?

I'd prefer at this point to simply sit back and watch the sparks fly, but am tired of seeing certain things in this game... and so I will. I am tired, however, of powergamers crying because casual gamers catch up to their "Üb3r leEt g34rz"

08-28-2008, 08:09 PM
For the record, I am happy with the 3d tier special effect for Water II. Big splash of water with a satisfying splash sound. Dual wielding, It kind of looks like you are spitting on the mobs.

08-28-2008, 11:28 PM
/not signed here.

It takes waaaay to much work to make a Tier III. It had better do some sick damage, if they toned down the effects why would people farm this raid? I would hardly call running a raid 20-30 times or so (to make a Tier III) a "half of a raid"

Why should adventuring heros be encouraged to be farmers anyway?

08-28-2008, 11:50 PM
Just admit it. You want us to scream Radiance!! also.;)


my point was that I wished teh other weapons effects had the same "epic" feel that the lighting strike does...currently they don;t

08-28-2008, 11:59 PM

my point was that I wished teh other weapons effects had the same "epic" feel that the lighting strike does...currently they don;t
I know, just teasing you bro.