View Full Version : DDOcast Episode 82!

08-24-2008, 12:10 AM
Hi everyone! Episode 82 of DDOcast is now ready. This week's show continues the look into news related to GenCon, update 7.0.2, Mod 8, Mod 9 and more! The show also features a new segment to DDOcast - Definitive Collectibles by Steiner-Davion! Awesome and thanks for being a part of the show. "Crunchy Bits" looks at skills and Lessah and Rheebus switch segments this week: Lessah has a "Top Ten" about GenCon and Rheebus talks permadeath on "Know Your Role".

You can find the episode HERE (http://www.cyberears.com/cybrss/3735.mp3) - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can also find the episode in the list to the right and on iTunes, Digg, the Zune Marketplace and many more podcast aggregators.

Thanks so much for listening!

08-24-2008, 12:43 AM
I'm still listening to it but I had to say that ad was awsome.

08-24-2008, 02:26 AM
OOPS!!!! I'm a total idiot. I got my dates mixed up and forgot that PAX was NEXT WEEKEND, NOT THIS WEEKEND! @%^#$! Oh well, can't get it right all the time...

Please ignore that bit of the podcast...


08-24-2008, 06:48 PM
I'm still listening to it but I had to say that ad was awsome.

Thanks a bunch for saying that! I had two or three ideas that I brought back from Gencon with me. This one, a wine commercial (you know... cause I'm such a lush... :p) and a music compilation ad.. "Morah's Greatest Hits" ... her debut album!

I chose the drug commercial idea because it was easy and fun! I have my better dwarven half helping me with some more (he likes doing the commercials because they are not so time consuming); that way Jerry's load will be a little lighter! Glad you enjoyed the ad! Thank you for the kudos!

I thought Rheebus' approach to the show was really clever and fun as well! I will own up to the fact that when he said that the highest level permadeathers in sublime were level two level 11's. One of them is my cleric.

I liked the new collectibles segment too! Steiner-Davion is off to a great start! I had no idea that those those mushroom collectors were brother and sister. (I should read more NPC text!) I can vouch for Lightening-Split Soarwood... it DOES exist!


08-24-2008, 07:17 PM
Taps foot....maybe i should good go search you out on your server...

08-24-2008, 09:05 PM

Large bags (gem, collectable, ingredient) can be gained by turning in 150 Planar Shards to Vagan Tanner <Artificer fo the Twelve>.
He can be found in the Marketplace crater, on the outside circle in the south east region.

Also the ingrediant large bags can also be gained by getting 100 The Twelve favor.

08-25-2008, 03:05 PM
"I went to that party and I HAD exactly three people say.... "Oh hi you are Lessah!" These were two of them! So I will bring back the whip and the cat growl. As I see it, I have a fan base of three, and by doing that I'll keep exactly 2/3rds of the fans happy!"

Great episode and a very good commercial!

However, 1/3 of Lessah's fans is disappointed. :-(

Keep up the great work everyone.

08-25-2008, 09:56 PM
"I went to that party and I HAD exactly three people say.... "Oh hi you are Lessah!" These were two of them! So I will bring back the whip and the cat growl. As I see it, I have a fan base of three, and by doing that I'll keep exactly 2/3rds of the fans happy!"

Great episode and a very good commercial!

However, 1/3 of Lessah's fans is disappointed. :-(

Keep up the great work everyone.

Please forgive me!

Only because I switched segments with the rogue! next week things will be different I swear!!!