View Full Version : A few Questions

08-20-2008, 10:02 AM
Is it possible to respec my skill points. I took diplomacy as a paladin based on my D&D knowledge not knowing how it worked in DDO =(

What is the best dragon mark to take as a Human paladin. I solo mostly but im speccing towards a tankish build

What does STK mean.... I know noob but help me here

Thx for your time anyone who replies. Ive been out of MMO gaming for about 8 months and just wanted somthing with more of a D&D feel and less people to manage group wise. After years of EQ, City of heros and WOW (Hearing WOW makes my wife Cringe) Top raiding guild leader 70 pally tier 4/5 when I stopped

08-20-2008, 10:21 AM
Is it possible to respec my skill points. I took diplomacy as a paladin based on my D&D knowledge not knowing how it worked in DDO =(

What is the best dragon mark to take as a Human paladin. I solo mostly but im speccing towards a tankish build

What does STK mean.... I know noob but help me here

Thx for your time anyone who replies. Ive been out of MMO gaming for about 8 months and just wanted somthing with more of a D&D feel and less people to manage group wise. After years of EQ, City of heros and WOW (Hearing WOW makes my wife Cringe) Top raiding guild leader 70 pally tier 4/5 when I stopped

So far, no known (at least to me) way to respec skills... why? I dunno!!

Dunno. (Don't play sallies... er.. pallies. LOL... )

STK means "Shan-to-Kor" - refers to the quest "The Seal of Shan To Kor" in the Marketplace around the corner from the Rusty Nail tavern. Its where you can pull the Ring of Feathers.

08-20-2008, 10:26 AM
What is the best dragon mark to take as a Human paladin. I solo mostly but im speccing towards a tankish build

I wouldn't suggest any of the dragonmarks for a straight up paladin. They get so few feats to begin with that you should just concentrate on DPS and HP feats and forget the dragonmarks altogether.

08-21-2008, 08:39 AM
I wouldn't suggest any of the dragonmarks for a straight up paladin. They get so few feats to begin with that you should just concentrate on DPS and HP feats and forget the dragonmarks altogether.

This is likely the best advice. However, if you want to know which dragonmarks are available, they are:

Sentinel (shield of faith, globe of invulnerability, and....something else, i forget) - might be ok to take the first rank of if you don't travel with a cleric who casts Shield of Faith; it would last longer than the potions and eventually give a higher bonus.

Making (repair light, repair ...um...moderate? or serious, I forget, and Reconstruct) - only useful if you have a warforged friend you group with regularly, and even then, Lay on Hands is usually better, and doesn't cost any feats.

Passage (Expeditious Retreat, Dimension Door & Teleport) - this one can be handy, but it might not be worth spending feats on abilities that are mostly for convenience rather than helping you finish quests. Expeditious Retreat just lets you run faster, so haste is superior, and most people who want to run fast and can't cast haste get striding boots instead. Dimension Door can be very useful in specific situations, but if one person in the group can do it, anyone else doing it would be redundant. Most wizards and sorcerors can cast this by 7th-8th level. Teleport is solely a convenience spell, as it can only take you to a few specific locations in town.