View Full Version : so NO REAL fixes today....figures

08-20-2008, 10:00 AM
another words they fixed a bunch of more or less non important issues.....

the greensteel Axes still dont shine or drop acid :(

and the teleporting Devils and Orthons still cause Horrible Lag :mad:

when point 2 gets fixed I will say your Dev team is focused ....but hey they did fix POP and DQ girl.... brutal


08-20-2008, 10:02 AM
Seeing as lag is probably a performance issue and not a "bug" fix, and these appear to be bug fixes, I think this complaint may be a bit misplaced (and early).

I, for one, am very happy they touched up the issues with the last Mod.

08-20-2008, 10:04 AM
Seeing as lag is probably a performance issue and not a "bug" fix, and these appear to be bug fixes, I think this complaint may be a bit misplaced (and early).

I, for one, am very happy they touched up the issues with the last Mod.

performance of what?

the teleporting AI is horrible it causes the lag, it needs to be slowed down by at least 75%... its unplayable,,,if unplayable in the subterain is OK then OK, but come on its NOT fixed


08-20-2008, 10:07 AM
the greensteel Axes still dont shine or drop acid :(
and the teleporting Devils and Orthons still cause Horrible Lag :mad:

These are more or less non-important issues.

Turbine fixed the actual important ones - Handwraps.

08-20-2008, 10:07 AM
performance of what?

the teleporting AI is horrible it causes the lag, it needs to be slowed down by at least 75%... its unplayable,,,if unplayable in the subterain is OK then OK, but come on its NOT fixed


I didn't say it was fixed, I just think the complaint is a bit misplaced.

Sure, the lag sucks. However, it seems the teleporting rate is WAI, the devs need to smooth it out a bit and perhaps limit teleport distances or something like that.

Beggars can't be choosers, honestly. I am extremely happy to see the major bugs fixed.

08-20-2008, 10:09 AM
And I, for one, like that the GS axes don't show the elemental effects. The ele effects always looked a bit cheesy to me, so just a wicked looking axe I'm a fan of.

08-20-2008, 10:15 AM
Monk Handwraps not bypassing DR was nothing important?! Have to disagree. Very good fix.

08-20-2008, 10:18 AM
well sure its nice for the 2% of the poplulations running that class

how about the 100% population running the entire lvl 14+++ raids and quests that are sick and tired of the teleporting AI issue causing lag

I would say that is 1000% more important than the Theatre in house P


08-20-2008, 10:19 AM
Fixing alchemical ac bonuses are a big deal too.. do you have any idea how long it takes to farm that stuff :)

08-20-2008, 10:22 AM
Nice little bug fixes, provided they ARE fixed. Has anyone tested the handwraps yet?;)

08-20-2008, 10:29 AM
I didn't say it was fixed, I just think the complaint is a bit misplaced.

Sure, the lag sucks. However, it seems the teleporting rate is WAI, the devs need to smooth it out a bit and perhaps limit teleport distances or something like that.

Beggars can't be choosers, honestly. I am extremely happy to see the major bugs fixed.

Who's begging? Last I checked we're all *paying* to play this game

08-20-2008, 10:30 AM
Who's begging? Last I checked we're all *paying* to play this game

Yeah, you pay to access Turbine's servers so you can enjoy the game we call DDO.

You don't pay to pick and choose which problems are fixed and when.

08-20-2008, 10:30 AM
everyone has their little pet bug that they consider the most important issue of the day.
...fortunately, mine is being fixed this time around. How can you say there were no "real" fixes when they fixed an entire raid?

Besides, odds are they're never going to claim to eliminate lag from any source.
They probably DID work on it, but they have a habit of not announcing fixes that may not be complete (for good reason).

Effects on GS Axes are a "real fix"? you have to be kidding.

08-20-2008, 10:35 AM
Yeah, you pay to access Turbine's servers so you can enjoy the game we call DDO.

You don't pay to pick and choose which problems are fixed and when.

No, but paying for the game does give one the right to voice their opinions on what they think needs fixing. Personally I dont care about the whole greensteel issue, and lag is annoying but not game breaking.

08-20-2008, 10:35 AM
Hmmmm Wraps Functioning, Eldritch Device crafting, 2 Raids Fixed and a wee bit of Balancing the game by Greater Rage Penalty.....all of this (and other stuff I don´t recall just now) VERSUS the oh so important Acid Dripping on our GS GAxes......

I´ll have to get back to you. :rolleyes:

08-20-2008, 10:41 AM
I love down time. It brings out the best in people... :rolleyes:

08-20-2008, 11:05 AM
I love down time. It brings out the best in people... :rolleyes:

Actually I believe it brings out the Whining and Selfish "I want my <insert irrational xyz request here>" complaining.

Boredom is the mother of stupidity, downtime just makes it more available. :D

08-20-2008, 11:08 AM
Actually I believe it brings out the Whining and Selfish "I want my <insert irrational xyz request here>" complaining.

Boredom is the mother of stupidity, downtime just makes it more available. :D

JR is a cool guy and good player,but then again,most issues seen here and everywhere would need some fixing...That one is more annoying to him being that he is capped and in the subterranean pretty much everyday...I can understand that,the same as when the shroud came out there was some major uproar with lag...Everyone agreed then as that's all that was new to run and everyone did it...I dunno

08-20-2008, 11:09 AM
Actually I believe it brings out the Whining and Selfish "I want my <insert irrational xyz request here>" complaining.

Boredom is the mother of stupidity, downtime just makes it more available. :D

You forgot the....."because i pay my 15$ a month and that entitles my opinion and what i want to be more important than anyone else's" part that goes at the end of the afore mentioned complaining :)

08-20-2008, 11:15 AM
JR is a cool guy and good player,but then again,most issues seen here and everywhere would need some fixing...That one is more annoying to him being that he is capped and in the subterranean pretty much everyday...I can understand that,the same as when the shroud came out there was some major uproar with lag...Everyone agreed then as that's all that was new to run and everyone did it...I dunno

A few notes:

* I didn´t question JR´s coolness factor, Actually the response I quoted was in general terms, and although it applies to this thread it was a response to a specific comment.
* Being capped and a daily sub-dweller doesn´t mean you should lose focus of what is important to the game and not think out your post....unless I´m missing something here...
* If "you dunno" well thats ok.

08-20-2008, 11:18 AM
You forgot the....."because i pay my 15$ a month and that entitles my opinion and what i want to be more important than anyone else's" part that goes at the end of the afore mentioned complaining :)

Touché! (I disregarded the allmighty Cash-Given-Rights factor)

08-20-2008, 11:29 AM
fixing a raid like DQ2 which has been a joke now for 6-12 months as she didnt even fight ...Way over due, I mean Way over due.. 0 points for taking this long to fix.....

NOT fixing the biggest problem in the Game -100 points LAG created by the teleporting crazyness of 2 creatures

the little bug fixes congrats....expected and not exciting

I mean you would think something bigtime would have been fixed, as the release notes "were so secret"


08-20-2008, 11:32 AM
JR is a cool guy and good player,but then again,most issues seen here and everywhere would need some fixing...That one is more annoying to him being that he is capped and in the subterranean pretty much everyday...I can understand that,the same as when the shroud came out there was some major uproar with lag...Everyone agreed then as that's all that was new to run and everyone did it...I dunno

True. But you gotta admit his post lost credibility when he listed graphical effects on a green steel axe as more important than alchemical bonuses, spawns in firewalls, phasing in firewalls, handwraps working, DQ being invulnerable, quests being completable, ....

If he had stuck with the teleport lag issue he might have got a chorus of amens instead of laughs and derision.

08-20-2008, 11:34 AM
True. But you gotta admit his post lost credibility when he listed graphical effects on a green steel axe as more important than alchemical bonuses, spawns in firewalls, phasing in firewalls, handwraps working, DQ being invulnerable, quests being completable, ....

If he had stuck with the teleport lag issue he might have got a chorus of amens instead of laughs and derision.

dude the greenstell was "tongue in cheek" I dont even have a greenstell Axe, but at the end of the day its a bug just like all the others has to be the simplest of fixes, sorry you and others didnt get it


08-20-2008, 11:35 AM
Yeah, you pay to access Turbine's servers so you can enjoy the game we call DDO.

You don't pay to pick and choose which problems are fixed and when.

Aspener that's absurd. And given you generally show intelligence, I'd guess deliberately fanboish. I might not pay for it this month, but if our opinions aren't heard and catered to enough, I might not pay for it next month-- it being that game called DDO that continues to neglect our biggest wants.

I'm not saying I feel that way myself, but it is perfectly legitimate if someone does.

08-20-2008, 11:38 AM
well sure its nice for the 2% of the poplulations running that class

how about the 100% population running the entire lvl 14+++ raids and quests that are sick and tired of the teleporting AI issue causing lag

I would say that is 1000% more important than the Theatre in house P


Hmm not sure, havnt run those raids yet.;) Perspective.

08-20-2008, 11:38 AM
Aspener that's absurd. I might not pay for it this month, but if our opinions aren't heard and catered to enough, I might not pay for it next month-- it being that game called DDO that continues to neglect our biggest wants.

I'm not saying I feel that way myself, but it is perfectly legitimate if someone does.

It's not absurd at all.

Like them or not like them, you are paying to connect to the servers. You are not paying to make their design choices.

08-20-2008, 11:42 AM
It's absurd from about 100 angles, but if that is a point you want to stand up and be counted on so be it from me to prevent such an act.

I stand on it being absurd.

08-20-2008, 11:45 AM
It's not absurd at all.

Like them or not like them, you are paying to connect to the servers. You are not paying to make their design choices.why one pays for a service is a matter of perspective really.

personally, i feel that paying for server access is silly given the current videogame market.
i justify my DDO subscription by considering my money as a down-payment toward future content.

we pay for "design choices" in much the same way our taxes pay for our right to participate in governing choices. One vote only goes so far.

08-20-2008, 12:18 PM
edited: change my mind

08-20-2008, 12:25 PM
Hmmmm Wraps Functioning, Eldritch Device crafting, 2 Raids Fixed and a wee bit of Balancing the game by Greater Rage Penalty......

Wow - thats an AWESOME three months of work - gold stars all around :rolleyes:

At that rate the inital release of DDO would have taken - what - 10,000 years?

08-20-2008, 12:36 PM
It's absurd from about 100 angles, but if that is a point you want to stand up and be counted on so be it from me to prevent such an act.

I stand on it being absurd.

Last I saw both WOW and Everquest had same monthly fees we do AND they have to buy their expansions packs in order to play new content. In fact ... last I saw most of the compairable MMO's do. Look at it anyway you want but ya that is what your sub fee is doing ... Allowing you to have access to their servers in order to play the game. Any other way you choose to look at it is you justifying the decision to do that.


08-20-2008, 12:38 PM
Wow - thats an AWESOME three months of work - gold stars all around :rolleyes:

At that rate the inital release of DDO would have taken - what - 10,000 years?

LMAO Ya as if that was all they where working on. :rolleyes:


08-20-2008, 12:44 PM
Wow - thats an AWESOME three months of work - gold stars all around :rolleyes:

At that rate the inital release of DDO would have taken - what - 10,000 years?

What I mean is that the point I was making (obviously not too apparent) in my post was to compare the OP's elements for his complaints...no more no less.

Other than that....although sarcasm when used in context and properly is something I enjoy and use..... I must point out that your comment is a derailer by choice or inability to see the previously mentioned context.

08-20-2008, 12:55 PM
LMAO Ya as if that was all they where working on. :rolleyes:Milolyen

Laugh all you want but if fixing a handful of handwraps, +1/+2 to AC, re-unbreaking the Queen, and changing a description are enough to keep players like you happy for six months - fine - some of us seriously disagree.

To JRs point - teleporting devils ARE broken - it is clearly a bug that a devil should be able to teleport multiple times and take action while we are unble to respond. The claim that the devils are WAI is rediculous as devils may be WAI but their effect of breaking the game cannot be.

I guess this crowd gives huge props for finally flipping the coin flag as well?

08-20-2008, 12:57 PM
Laugh all you want but if fixing a handful of handwraps, +1/+2 to AC, re-unbreaking the Queen, and changing a description are enough to keep players like you happy for six months - fine - some of us seriously disagree.

where did you get this 6 months from?

missing all the Mod 8 and 9 GenCon info Stock???

We're supposed to see Mod 8 in October, less than 2 months away.

08-20-2008, 12:59 PM
Laugh all you want but if fixing a handful of handwraps, +1/+2 to AC, re-unbreaking the Queen, and changing a description are enough to keep players like you happy for six months - fine - some of us seriously disagree.
if they stay true to the mod8 and mod9 release dates & announced features, i'll consider this year a passible success... raising the cap 4 levels hints at quite a few quests.

08-20-2008, 12:59 PM
Laugh all you want but if fixing a handful of handwraps, +1/+2 to AC, re-unbreaking the Queen, and changing a description are enough to keep players like you happy for six months - fine - some of us seriously disagree.

Since Mod 7, Patch 1, the Turbine developers have worked on:
- this patch (Patch 7.0.2)
- Module 8 (Hirelings, NPE, Reaver 2.0)
- Module 9 (Shavarath, Level cap to 20)
- Crafting (the real deal, not the shroud/binding ritual stuff)
- as-of-yet unscheduled things (Mod 10 and beyond)

Please learn what you're talking about before you post this kind of thing.

08-20-2008, 01:06 PM
Laugh all you want but if fixing a handful of handwraps, +1/+2 to AC, re-unbreaking the Queen, and changing a description are enough to keep players like you happy for six months - fine - some of us seriously disagree.

To JRs point - teleporting devils ARE broken - it is clearly a bug that a devil should be able to teleport multiple times and take action while we are unble to respond. The claim that the devils are WAI is rediculous as devils may be WAI but their effect of breaking the game cannot be.

I guess this crowd gives huge props for finally flipping the coin flag as well?

Was going to make some more comments to the extent of "LMAO did you think this was mod 8 and not hear about mod 9 comeing around new year and ACTUALLY THINK that there was nothing else coming for 6 months?"

But seeing as others have made comments I will leave it at that. :)


08-20-2008, 01:11 PM
No, but paying for the game does give one the right to voice their opinions on what they think needs fixing. Personally I dont care about the whole greensteel issue, and lag is annoying but not game breaking.

YES, LAG *IS* GAME BREAKING. When you have a party wipe because you can't cast heals or swing at mobs, especially while in a closed raid and not the sub-terrain, YES, that IS game breaking!!

How many months (years?) will it take to fix this game breaking "feature"?

08-20-2008, 01:12 PM
ya thats great....we have all our toons capped and they are rolling out mod 8 ....great,,, we have no character slots to even enjoy the snow...will they give us a slot? who knows, but really fix what ya got, 99.9&#37; of the people I quest with want high end product fixed, shroud, Vod and Dog are sloppy and choppy with Devil and orthon AI teleporting activities, devils In walls just to name a few,,, not level 1 stuff that we roll out of in 25 minutes.....before reinvesting time in building a snowy harbor..who cares about that....


08-20-2008, 01:12 PM
YES, LAG *IS* GAME BREAKING. When you have a party wipe because you can't cast heals or swing at mobs, especially while in a closed raid and not the sub-terrain, YES, that IS game breaking!!

How many months (years?) will it take to fix this game breaking "feature"?

What lag?

There is no lag in VoD or Hound or any other raid that I'm aware of.

Go buy a better PC/video card.

08-20-2008, 01:14 PM
What lag?

There is no lag in VoD or Hound or any other raid that I'm aware of.

Go buy a better PC/video card.

punt so WRONG on so many levels, try getting there, try shroud, casting a simple area of effect spell like dancing ball its a JOKE


08-20-2008, 01:16 PM
ya thats great....we have all our toons capped and they are rolling out mod 8 ....great,,, we have no character slots to even enjoy the snow...will they give us a slot? who knows, but really fix what ya got, 99.9% of the people I quest with want high end product fixed not level 1 stuff that we roll out of in 25 minutes.....before reinvesting time in building a snowy harbor..who cares about that....
While I agree with new slots, who cares whether you care about who cares about new lowbie stuff? If you want to just kill stuff, can't you just play DM or CTF in an FPS or something?

08-20-2008, 01:16 PM
Please learn what you're talking about before you post this kind of thing

where did you get this 6 months from?

I can count from Mod7 to Mod8 - try it - you'll need both hands.

ACTUALLY THINK that there was nothing else coming for 6 months?"

Reading Comprehension FTW - show me where I said any such thing?

Seriously: Do you guys even play this game - I am starting to think your $15/month is primarily to buy Forum access.

08-20-2008, 01:24 PM
I can count from Mod7 to Mod8 - try it - you'll need both hands.

Are you missing a finger on your counting hand? Mod 7 got released at the end of May, so if they release Mod 8 at the end of October, that would be 5 months.

08-20-2008, 01:28 PM
ya thats great....we have all our toons capped and they are rolling out mod 8 ....great,,, we have no character slots to even enjoy the snow...will they give us a slot? who knows, but really fix what ya got, 99.9% of the people I quest with want high end product fixed, shroud, Vod and Dog are sloppy and choppy with Devil and orthon AI teleporting activities, devils In walls just to name a few,,, not level 1 stuff that we roll out of in 25 minutes.....before reinvesting time in building a snowy harbor..who cares about that....


Dude have you even read Tot's thread about the NPE. You have to remember that you and the crew you run with are not the only ones that play the game. Also need to remember that there ARE in fact new players trying to give the game a shot. One of their biggest complaints is how it is harder to jump in and learn this game compaired to other games and that there is a lack of awe in the lower lvls. They are trying to correct this with the new NPE and I like that. May also get me to lvl another char. Also they are going to be releaseing more high lvl content to help tide us over for the 3 - 4 months till mod 9 which is supposed to be once again all about end game which rumor has it will take us to lvl 20 as lvl cap.

Would I personally rather have high lvl content ... yup you bet. Will I get a lot of use out of the NPE comeing out in mod 8 ... prolly not. Do I think it is good for the game ... you bet. But then I am able to see past my own needs and wants and understand what is good for the game I really enjoy playing.

It astounds me how much this game has improved from lvl 1 - lvl 16 over the past 2 + years and if the NPE being added in mod 8 is good, I think we can expect to see a lot of new players enjoying this game which WILL beneift both you and I. Some times you need to give up what you want now for the possibility of a better future.


08-20-2008, 01:41 PM
What lag?

There is no lag in VoD or Hound or any other raid that I'm aware of.

Go buy a better PC/video card.

I build custom PCs for a hobby. Thanks for your thoughtful insight to "buy a better PC/video card". lmao. trolling n00b...

08-20-2008, 01:46 PM
I can count from Mod7 to Mod8 - try it - you'll need both hands.

Reading Comprehension FTW - show me where I said any such thing?

Seriously: Do you guys even play this game - I am starting to think your $15/month is primarily to buy Forum access.

Okay ... mod 7 released in JUNE so finger 1 july, finger 2 august, finger 3 Sept, finger 4 Oct ... then rumor says oct/nov as release so I guess you culd go finger 5 nov. Hmmm ... I guess you could be right if you only had 3 fingers on each hand.

Ummm you said "are enough to keep players like you happy for six months" reading that as stated means that will be all we get for 6 months. Mod 7 was released in early June, we had a Mod 7.0.1 in early July and this is Mod 7.0.2. Mod 7 was 2 and a half months ago and mod 7's first update was a month and a half ago ... where are you getting that 6 month time frame if you don't include the future? Again mod 8 is about 2 months away. I am reading I just don't understand the thought process behind what you are typing.

P.S. Sorry I just don't like it when people try and twist the truth or make false statements as if they where facts.

08-20-2008, 01:50 PM
punt so WRONG on so many levels, try getting there, try shroud, casting a simple area of effect spell like dancing ball its a JOKE

I run shroud, vision, hound, and reaver constantly - 0 lag.


08-20-2008, 01:51 PM
I build custom PCs for a hobby. Thanks for your thoughtful insight to "buy a better PC/video card". lmao. trolling n00b...

Yet, I run every raid in DDO with 0 lag, and you have lag.


08-20-2008, 01:56 PM
I love down time. It brings out the beast in people... :rolleyes:

Fixed that for you, LOL

08-20-2008, 01:57 PM
Yet, I run every raid in DDO with 0 lag, and you have lag.


I don't get any lag either, so your not alone, but a lot of people do.

Because lag is not universal in the game, I doubt there is an easy fix.

08-20-2008, 01:58 PM
And I, for one, like that the GS axes don't show the elemental effects. The ele effects always looked a bit cheesy to me, so just a wicked looking axe I'm a fan of.

Right on. I'll be sad if the effects ever get added.

08-20-2008, 02:02 PM
we had a Mod 7.0.1 in early July and this is Mod 7.0.2.
You're counting patch releases as "mods?" If "mod" is short for "modification," OK. If it's short for "module," no way.

08-20-2008, 02:02 PM
Yet, I run every raid in DDO with 0 lag, and you have lag.


then you are the ONLY 1....IT is not client side lag.....IT is the monster LAG from spells and teleportation, when they put in a patch what 3 months ago, to stop the cheats...and its been horrible ever since

And YES I understand building the harbor is great ....i dont need it spelled out for me.........JUST fix What you screwed up with the delivery of patch THAT failed months ago it has mad the game brutally laggy, I had 0 lag till that Patch for 2 years...they messed it up and cant fix it


08-20-2008, 02:04 PM
then you are the ONLY 1....IT is not client side lag.....IT is the monster LAG from spells and teleportation, when they put in a patch what 3 months ago, to stop the cheats...and its been horrible ever since

And YES I understand building the harbor is great ....i dont need it spelled out for me.........JUST fix What you screwed up with the delivery of patch THAT failed months ago it has mad the game brutally laggy, I had 0 lag till that Patch for 2 years...they messed it up and cant fix it


I don't experience any lag either :) he is not alone.

08-20-2008, 02:04 PM
well sure its nice for the 2% of the poplulations running that class

how about the 100% population running the entire lvl 14+++ raids and quests that are sick and tired of the teleporting AI issue causing lag

I would say that is 1000% more important than the Theatre in house P


I must not be part of the 100% of people who play this game. :(

08-20-2008, 02:07 PM
I must not be part of the 100&#37; of people who play this game. :(

no you just dont read,,,, well,,,, its says the 100% that play lvl 14+ quests who are sick of the teleporting devils and orthon lag monster created during the patch they installed to fix the cheats in the Shroud

if you have lowbies great,,, your not in the 100% cause your not there yet,, you will be soon enough


08-20-2008, 02:09 PM
no you just dont read,,,, well,,,, its says the 100% that play lvl 14+ quests who are sick of the teleporting devils and orthon lag monster created during the patch they installed to fix the cheats in the Shroud

No such thing.

Which is, I would guess, why they haven't "fixed it" yet....


08-20-2008, 02:12 PM
I must not be part of the 100% of people who play this game. :(

Don't beat yourself up to much there are many of us not part of that 100% cause the only time I consistantly have horrible lag is in the subterrenne if there are to many devils constantly porting around.

Some people feel the need to make broad generalizations that are based on nothing but their own and a few others experience.


08-20-2008, 02:12 PM
Ooo!! Is this the update where they make /chair a viable emote?
*Note: This is an attempt at humor. All accusations of poster attempting to derail existing thread may be routed through my customer service representative, Ms. Waite. I'll be sure and remind Helen to expect your tells.

08-20-2008, 02:14 PM
Don't beat yourself up to much there are many of us not part of that 100% cause the only time I consistantly have horrible lag is in the subterrenne if there are to many devils constantly porting around.

Some people feel the need to make broad generalizations that are based on nothing but their own and a few others experience.


**** ding ding ding we have a winner******

arent the devils always constantly porting around ,,,,,thats what we are talking about!!!!!


08-20-2008, 02:59 PM
**** ding ding ding we have a winner******

arent the devils always constantly porting around ,,,,,thats what we are talking about!!!!!

Yes, but that doesn't cause any lag. If it did, I would see lag, and I don't. Neither do a few other people that posted on this thread.

Given that not all DDO players read this board, and given that not all players that read this board have read this thread, and given that not all players that have read this thread have replied to it, it should be clear that there is no "universal" lag issue with Devil/Orthon porting.

Hence, since there is no universal lag issue with porting devils, there is no fix for this non-existent issue.

Yet, you saw fit to complain about the non-fix for an issue that we can't even all agree on even exists.

08-20-2008, 03:03 PM
Yet, you saw fit to complain about the non-fix for an issue that we can't even all agree on even exists.

There is no spoon.

08-20-2008, 03:37 PM
people stop coming here because people are irrational and get responses like yours..do you even play the same game as me? I run those quests 3-6 times a night everynight wether in guild or pug and its all you see and all you here....across the entire Thelanis server

if you park your life in Water Works please move on and enjoy the lower level lag free enviornment...especially mod 8 which we were told would be high end and the continuation of the shroud...again misdirection and ......that is now mod 9 and crafting pushed back as well


08-20-2008, 03:47 PM
omg... there are people didn't lag out because of the stupid devil's teleporting?

How's that possible?

Hmm it must be a new PhD research topic!

Must dig it, dig it, try to figure it out, now!

08-20-2008, 04:03 PM
**** ding ding ding we have a winner******

arent the devils always constantly porting around ,,,,,thats what we are talking about!!!!!


I saw another person post about haveing insane lag inside VoD and Hound and was thinking it was you that posted about that in conjunction with the other statement about 100% of the people haveing lag the same as you. No I do know there is a lot of lag in the subterrenne if you rush it and it is a pain in the arse. However if you take it slow you can clear it pretty easily without hardly any lag. I have both seen and been part of 3 man cleaning crews in there that have had an easier time making it to VoD than most raids do. Tip - don't try to stay up top ... go through the bottom first so you do not have to make jumps and aggroe everything on those plat forms and some from below at same time.


08-20-2008, 04:06 PM
I saw another person post about haveing insane lag inside VoD and Hound and was thinking it was you that posted about that in conjunction with the other statement about 100&#37; of the people haveing lag the same as you. No I do know there is a lot of lag in the subterrenne if you rush it and it is a pain in the arse. However if you take it slow you can clear it pretty easily without hardly any lag. I have both seen and been part of 3 man cleaning crews in there that have had an easier time making it to VoD than most raids do. Tip - don't try to stay up top ... go through the bottom first so you do not have to make jumps and aggroe everything on those plat forms and some from below at same time.


its a result of "their patch" and they wont or dont know how to fix it

but hey there is no lag..its just my pc and my entire servers imagination


08-20-2008, 04:13 PM
I saw another person post about haveing insane lag inside VoD and Hound and was thinking it was you that posted about that in conjunction with the other statement about 100&#37; of the people haveing lag the same as you. No I do know there is a lot of lag in the subterrenne if you rush it and it is a pain in the arse. However if you take it slow you can clear it pretty easily without hardly any lag. I have both seen and been part of 3 man cleaning crews in there that have had an easier time making it to VoD than most raids do. Tip - don't try to stay up top ... go through the bottom first so you do not have to make jumps and aggroe everything on those plat forms and some from below at same time.


I agree with you, if you head to vod and take it slowly, and go by way of the far ramp (past the portal to hound), you'll get much less (if any) lag.

But that doesn't mean the game's ok, does it? I mean, it's not really a solution to have players slow to a crawl and pull basically 1 or 2 mobs at a time, b/c if they don't, every person's game in the raid stutters and slows immensely?

08-20-2008, 04:24 PM
and even though you don't visually 'see' lag,the 4-10 seconds for healing to get through is sometimes enough to cause serious problems.I've been there a few times as a cleric and it wasn't that cleric friendly...

08-20-2008, 05:26 PM
people stop coming here because people are irrational and get responses like yours..do you even play the same game as me? I run those quests 3-6 times a night everynight wether in guild or pug and its all you see and all you here....across the entire Thelanis server

if you park your life in Water Works please move on and enjoy the lower level lag free enviornment...especially mod 8 which we were told would be high end and the continuation of the shroud...again misdirection and ......that is now mod 9 and crafting pushed back as well


That's funny, because I run those quests 3-6 times a night every night on the Thelanis server.

No lag.

Funny that.

08-20-2008, 05:32 PM
people stop coming here because people are irrational and get responses like yours..do you even play the same game as me? I run those quests 3-6 times a night everynight wether in guild or pug and its all you see and all you here....across the entire Thelanis server

if you park your life in Water Works please move on and enjoy the lower level lag free enviornment...especially mod 8 which we were told would be high end and the continuation of the shroud...again misdirection and ......that is now mod 9 and crafting pushed back as well


Mod 8 does have high end content, 4 areas, and 4 quests lvl 17, and to be perfect y honest I am happy that we are switching back to reavers bane as killing devils was getting boring and the last thing we need was 3 back to back devil mods. Switching it up creates a whole new game, especially for casters who might find themselves back to nuking again etc. Mod 9 sounds like the right place to put the shavarath mod especially if the lvl cap is going to 20. I do agree in that I am disappointed about crafting as I was finally starting to enjoy the shroud crafting experience and was actually looking forward to it.

08-20-2008, 07:17 PM
We're supposed to see Mod 8 in October, less than 2 months away.

Almost every single thing is late - Mod 8 won't make October.

Guess making my monk/cleric's mana bar blue instead of yellow is a complicated fix so it might take a few more mods. Seems like the known issues is missing a lot of bugs. Just seems like a pretty short list of bug fixes for a major bug fix update.

08-21-2008, 03:32 AM
they fixed the ability to drop the hound and vod. which means thtere was no timer to rerun these quest someone kept that tidbit of knowledge under wraps.

08-21-2008, 06:15 AM
[QUOTE=Milolyen;1832984] ... then rumor says oct/nov as release so I guess you culd go finger 5 nov.
Ummm you said "are enough to keep players like you happy for six months" reading that as stated means that will be all we get for 6 months. Mod 7 was released in early June, we had a Mod 7.0.1 in early July and this is Mod 7.0.2. Mod 7 was 2 and a half months ago and mod 7's first update was a month and a half ago ... where are you getting that 6 month time frame if you don't include the future? Again mod 8 is about 2 months away. I am reading I just don't understand the thought process behind what you are typing. QUOTE]

I cant believe that i am actually going to agree with Stockwizard5 here and I will be immediately taking a bleach shower upon completion of this post, however,

First things first: PATCHES ARE NOT MOD's!!!!!111!!11

It hasnt been 6 months (yet!) but lets take a look at the real viability of options that will make MOD 8 come out in october... When was there ever a MOD that was released on schedule since the beginning of this game. They are always off a few months (last minute QA, bug fixes, live risia test etc).

Second, I am all for bringing in new blood in fact it is awesome and will lead to the longevity of this game that i love to play. However is this new material actually going to put boxes of the game on store shelves and advertisment in the target audience's eye? I highly doubt it... There has not been any advertisement (think WOW or even the LOTRO stuff that they do) other than the recent GENCON surprise that hit us all did you really expect that we the DDO faithful would ever be on top of "THE PRECIOUS?" I know i didnt... So what good does revamping the entire character creation and adding new low level environments do if your entire (ok 80%+) subscribers have no slots to enjoy it... Just means that the last time that it took to develop it is a waste cause a majority of the populace will never be able to play it until more slots are added or until we purchase more accounts...

Third back to the OP there are bigger problems than going back and fixing a raid that should have been fixed 2 yrs ago with a patch. did we celebrate when SC was fixed??? Oh wait there are still times that it bugs, Did we celebrate when the abbot was fixed, oh wait there are the bugs again (end chest encasement FTW). Get the picture? Fix the things in a timely manner and we will clap and scream and celebrate wait more than 6 months when the majority of the stuff is tossed to the wayside and the player base goes "ok great lets go run another VOD Hound or Shroud"

Which brings me to my final point... The Lag is horrible on the way to the new quests and the shroud itself... I have a BRAND new fully specc'd gamers PC. Ask my wife she nearly died when i showed her the bill. The lag is NOT on my end. I run 95% of quests with no loss and no lag but toss me in a subterrain fight with 15 devils and bam even i am seeing some choppiness. This does need to be addressed IMO.

any way that is all i have to say for now i might return later feel free to blast me with all the fanboish nonsense as you can because normally i am on your side but this post has made me look at how i handle that as some of the arguements literally are making me sick from the smoke that is being blown.


08-21-2008, 08:58 AM
Yes, but that doesn't cause any lag. If it did, I would see lag, and I don't. Neither do a few other people that posted on this thread.

Given that not all DDO players read this board, and given that not all players that read this board have read this thread, and given that not all players that have read this thread have replied to it, it should be clear that there is no "universal" lag issue with Devil/Orthon porting.

Hence, since there is no universal lag issue with porting devils, there is no fix for this non-existent issue.

Yet, you saw fit to complain about the non-fix for an issue that we can't even all agree on even exists.

There is terrible lag on the way to VoD. Are you saying there isn't? If you are saying that you do not experience horrible lag in the subterranean, than you might need to get your brain checked.

08-21-2008, 09:49 AM
I cant believe that i am actually going to agree with Stockwizard5 here and I will be immediately taking a bleach shower upon completion of this post, however,

First things first: PATCHES ARE NOT MOD's!!!!!111!!11

No Patches are not mods and I know this. Mod 7.0.1 and Mod 7.0.2 refer to the VERSION of the current game. Want to call it a patch fine then PATCH 1 came out in July and PATCH 2 was just released. Then the comment about "if this is all you are happy with getting in 6 months" refer us as getting something in this PATCH then it should also recoginze we got something with PATCH 1 which was only a month and a half ago. OR is he going 6 months after patch 1?

It hasnt been 6 months (yet!) but lets take a look at the real viability of options that will make MOD 8 come out in october... When was there ever a MOD that was released on schedule since the beginning of this game. They are always off a few months (last minute QA, bug fixes, live risia test etc).

Mod 5 don't know off hand because I was not visiting the forums back then but belive it came out on time.
Mod 6 projected to be released dec/jan released end of january (guess you could call it a month off but mostly due to problems with mod 5)
Mod 7 projected to be released in may released early in first week of June (sorry no more than a couple days on this one)
Mod 8 I belive they mentioned Oct is what they projected and the forum goers made it Oct/Nov

If a month late makes mod 8 out in nov ... Jun - July 1, July - Aug 2, Aug - Sep 3, and Sep - Oct 4 ... then if they are a month late Oct - Nov 5 ... still only one hand and not 6 months.

Second, I am all for bringing in new blood in fact it is awesome and will lead to the longevity of this game that i love to play. However is this new material actually going to put boxes of the game on store shelves and advertisment in the target audience's eye? I highly doubt it... There has not been any advertisement (think WOW or even the LOTRO stuff that they do) other than the recent GENCON surprise that hit us all did you really expect that we the DDO faithful would ever be on top of "THE PRECIOUS?" I know i didnt... So what good does revamping the entire character creation and adding new low level environments do if your entire (ok 80&#37;+) subscribers have no slots to enjoy it... Just means that the last time that it took to develop it is a waste cause a majority of the populace will never be able to play it until more slots are added or until we purchase more accounts...

Not really. It has been mentioned before that Atari is the company responsible for putting DDO on the shelves and advertising. I do not know all the legal details of what turbine can and can't do with any of its games. However I do see turbine makeing attempts to get the game out there and more well known. But it does not matter what they do if the new player experience does not hook them and most of the feedback from new players I have seen says that this just does not happen and for various reasons which this is attempting to fix.

Then where are you getting your information from that 80% + of current subscribers have all their char slots filled? I don't think even half the people I know have used all their char slots with char's they don't want to delete. Me I have 4 slots that I would not delete.

Third back to the OP there are bigger problems than going back and fixing a raid that should have been fixed 2 yrs ago with a patch. did we celebrate when SC was fixed??? Oh wait there are still times that it bugs, Did we celebrate when the abbot was fixed, oh wait there are the bugs again (end chest encasement FTW). Get the picture? Fix the things in a timely manner and we will clap and scream and celebrate wait more than 6 months when the majority of the stuff is tossed to the wayside and the player base goes "ok great lets go run another VOD Hound or Shroud"

In Programming, fixing stuff is not that hard usually. It is what breaks in the process of fixing what is broken. In DQ's case I am pretty sure it was just recently broken. By recently I mean within the last 6 months if I am not mistaken. So there was no fix to her that HAS been needing to be done for the past 2 years. Then even 6 months okay ... they prolly could have fixed her within a week or two and released the fix without testing. Then what happens if something they did not expect from the fix broke half a dozen other things but hey they fixed the DQ within a couple weeks /cheer. No they don't do that. They test it then when something unexpected happens that breaks a half dozen other things they have to go back again and find a different fix and if that breaks 3 things they have to go back and find a THIRD fix. A game like this has a lot of different moveing parts ... a small change here and a small change there can make a HUGE difference to something in a totally different and unexpected place.

Which brings me to my final point... The Lag is horrible on the way to the new quests and the shroud itself... I have a BRAND new fully specc'd gamers PC. Ask my wife she nearly died when i showed her the bill. The lag is NOT on my end. I run 95% of quests with no loss and no lag but toss me in a subterrain fight with 15 devils and bam even i am seeing some choppiness. This does need to be addressed IMO.

Yes the devil porting and causeing lag is an issue and does frustrate me in the subterrain and I hope they do fix it soon. But I want it to be a good fix and not something that makes something else worse and in the mean time there are things YOU can do to cut down on it in there. As I posted in another thread (and did once again last night), take it slow, if you jump from one platform to the next you agroe not only all the devils on the platform but the ones down below also but if you drop down and then work your way up you only get a few at a time. *Edit* As a programmer given a list of things I need to fix I usually start with the high priority ones first (which the lag should be very near the top) and I work on it till it is finished or I hit a brick wall and if I hit a brick wall I move on. A lot of times when I am working on a different problem a way around the brick wall will present itself and I can go back and continue. Then if it is getting late in the day and I know I wont have time to get anywhere with a bigger problem I will do a quick fix on another one but doing this does not mean I do not know about nor that I don't care about the bigger one. Some times it is just about getting some things off your plate. */edit*

any way that is all i have to say for now i might return later feel free to blast me with all the fanboish nonsense as you can because normally i am on your side but this post has made me look at how i handle that as some of the arguements literally are making me sick from the smoke that is being blown.


Sorry, its just I am a programmer and I know how what it is like to have other people make requests that they don't fully understand or are otherwise just very unrealistic. So ya I do come off fanboish because I enjoy the game and feel they are doing their best.


08-21-2008, 09:50 AM

That's funny, because I run those quests 3-6 times a night every night on the Thelanis server.

No lag.

Funny that.

ya I see your on Thelanis??????...no toon names no guild tags No idea who you are, for all i know you still need to pay 20 gold to get to the marketplace, the lag was so bad last night in part 4 outta nowhere that 3 clerics couldnt get a mass heal off , my cleric was spinning around and jerking left and right....even afer the quest in meridia my toon was jerking around and spinning....

gunga and Dark know what they are talking about, when a cleric casts mass heals and it doesnt hit the party for 2-3 seconds Thats Lag, all 12 of us,,,, 4 pugs,,, just said forget this game tonight and we all logged, the previous run there was 0 lag


08-21-2008, 09:57 AM
Almost every single thing is late - Mod 8 won't make October.

Guess making my monk/cleric's mana bar blue instead of yellow is a complicated fix so it might take a few more mods. Seems like the known issues is missing a lot of bugs. Just seems like a pretty short list of bug fixes for a major bug fix update.

I feel really, really bad about your little yellow Monk bar. Really.

08-21-2008, 10:33 AM
well sure its nice for the 2% of the poplulations running that class

how about the 100% population running the entire lvl 14+++ raids and quests that are sick and tired of the teleporting AI issue causing lag

I would say that is 1000% more important than the Theatre in house P


Well said Jrp!

08-21-2008, 02:17 PM
We're supposed to see Mod 8 in October, less than 2 months away.

Please, hold your breath and see if that comes true.

Yah, that's what I thought.

08-21-2008, 04:22 PM
I feel really, really bad about your little yellow Monk bar. Really.

Actually surpisingly its a problem because a lot of people in various groups think it means I have more mana than I do a lot of the time. So they go more aggressively into fights than they would if they realized I was running on scrolls/pots.

But given I'm not a programmer - I'm guessing its a complicated fix :)

08-22-2008, 01:35 AM
performance of what?
your computer and internet connection
the teleporting AI is horrible it causes the lag, it needs to be slowed down by at least 75%... its unplayable,,,if unplayable in the subterain is OK then OK, but come on its NOT fixed

Hehe, well...people are playing through it, and you probably do have it a lot worse than others(thus the complaining, not that it's bad or anything)m which clearly means that it is, indeed, playable.

08-22-2008, 08:30 AM
Mod 5 don't know off hand because I was not visiting the forums back then but belive it came out on time.
Mod 6 projected to be released dec/jan released end of january (guess you could call it a month off but mostly due to problems with mod 5)
Mod 7 projected to be released in may released early in first week of June (sorry no more than a couple days on this one)
Mod 8 I belive they mentioned Oct is what they projected and the forum goers made it Oct/Nov

If a month late makes mod 8 out in nov ... Jun - July 1, July - Aug 2, Aug - Sep 3, and Sep - Oct 4 ... then if they are a month late Oct - Nov 5 ... still only one hand and not 6 months.


This is so far from any reality that ... well I don't even have a "that". Ok - this is so far from reality that it undermines anything you have to say on any issue. Look at that, I found a that.

08-22-2008, 08:37 PM
No, but paying for the game does give one the right to voice their opinions on what they think needs fixing. Personally I dont care about the whole greensteel issue, and lag is annoying but not game breaking.

No, it does not give you the "right" for anything. You are paying for the privilege of a service, and Turbine (following standard business models these days) is allowing you the privilege of posting your complaints on their forums.

Me, I'm just glad they fixed a MAJOR bug, and I'm not talking raid timers.

08-22-2008, 11:44 PM
If they posted an actual list of the fixs where can I find it?

08-23-2008, 12:22 AM
If they posted an actual list of the fixs where can I find it?


08-23-2008, 05:23 AM
Thanks, people were refering to the list but I did not see it on the forums and it was not listed in the announcements on the patcher or on the front page of the DDO website.