View Full Version : We need Customized Class Icons!
08-19-2008, 07:09 PM
I shouldnt post this so late, but its come up before and Just wanted to bring it back to attention so maybe a dev would see it and do something...
People dont hate Battle Clerics (Well Maybe they do) they hate getting a battle cleric when they thought they were getting a healbot.....
Custom Class Icons would go a LONG way to help solve this problem....
Simple SOlution? Let us Select our Icon From ANY class we have inthe build...
Slightly Harder: Let us select ANY icon thats Inthe game
Slightly harder still: Add a few extra icons to the existing list.... a Melee looking Icon for Rangers... A Battle looking ICon for Clerics... A Defender looking Icon for Paladins.... maybe 10-15 more than we have right now total. TO select what icon we want to use, we simply Click onthe icon in our character sheet and it gives us a drop down....
Very hard, but worth it IMO... allow User Created Icons. We would upload them to a Turbine specified location where they could be Reviewed (How long would it take toreview a 25x25 pixel Icon?) and then imported into their database for selection.
08-19-2008, 07:11 PM
I shouldnt post this so late, but its come up before and Just wanted to bring it back to attention so maybe a dev would see it and do something...
People dont hate Battle Clerics (Well Maybe they do) they hate getting a battle cleric when they thought they were getting a healbot.....
Custom Class Icons would go a LONG way to help solve this problem....
Simple SOlution? Let us Select our Icon From ANY class we have inthe build...
Slightly Harder: Let us select ANY icon thats Inthe game
Slightly harder still: Add a few extra icons to the existing list.... a Melee looking Icon for Rangers... A Battle looking ICon for Clerics... A Defender looking Icon for Paladins.... maybe 10-15 more than we have right now total. TO select what icon we want to use, we simply Click onthe icon in our character sheet and it gives us a drop down....
Very hard, but worth it IMO... allow User Created Icons. We would upload them to a Turbine specified location where they could be Reviewed (How long would it take toreview a 25x25 pixel Icon?) and then imported into their database for selection.
Not that much work to make one or two static images. Hopefully they take your advice. The battle cleric and twf ranger options would be so helpful.
Just curious - How many Battle Clerics would choose the Fighter or Battle Cleric Icon instead of the Cleric icon knowing that it would seriously diminish the number of groups willing to take them?
08-19-2008, 07:19 PM
Just curious - How many Battle Clerics would choose the Fighter or Battle Cleric Icon instead of the Cleric icon knowing that it would seriously diminish the number of groups willing to take them?
I'd rather know up front that the leader has Clerical Tunnel Vision.
As long as they make the Fighter Icon a man on crutches... as in GIMP... I am all for it.
08-19-2008, 08:44 PM
As long as they make the Fighter Icon a man on crutches... as in GIMP... I am all for it.
Hehe, thats a pretty good joke. I may not be uber, but I contribute to my groups and guild significantly with my 9Clr/4Ftr/3Pal, and have a blast while doing so. AT THE VERY LEAST I'm as good in combat as your average Joe-Shmoe Fighter, although since I have 9 levels of Cleric and keep my party perpetually Prayer'd/Recitated, on top of item-free rezzing, I think I add more than your average mindless tank.
People who come over from other games(namely WoW) think if you have the ability to cast healing spells naturally as a spell, that you are strictly a healer. As Penn & Teller might say, "That's Bull____!"
People who have played Real DnD know the truth.
08-19-2008, 08:50 PM
when we get customized icons (IF we get it that is), i'm sure we'll have a new class represented by the icon
i'm sure it's gonna be something along the line of "Drunk" =P and the icon shall be a keg of ale!
08-19-2008, 09:03 PM
I'm for the idea, although, not too sure about user created icons.
My preference would be to take the standard icons and modify them to suit the build.
For example when you create the character, you choose your icon. When you level up,
You have an opportunity to change/modify your icon.
The Icons would be the standard ones however, if you're a "battlecleric" you should be able
to select the cleric icon with crossed maces (or swords) superimposed over the cleric icon.
Same thing with all "battle" builds. For evasion builds, how bout just having the border be the
rogue's color. For trap multi-classes, have a skeleton key superimposed.
Anyway, I think it's a good idea.
08-20-2008, 06:40 AM
I really agree with the OP on all thig, besides User Created Icons.
Thats too much of a hassle, some "funny" 14 year old would start posting obscene pictures which had to be screened before being allowed in-game.--> Upkeep-work for the devs --> they wont be doing that.
I think in such a game as DDO being able to choose which icon is presented to your group is important, as charcters in DDO, unlike all the other MMORPGs, are not defined by the class they choose, but by the role they were build to fulfill.
On a sidenot, i personally erased 2 charcters, because i got sick and tired of having to explain to every PUG i joined what my charcter can and cant do.
08-20-2008, 06:44 AM
/signed a millions times already why not add one more.
08-20-2008, 06:44 AM
I have long been an advocate of the option of choosing which of the class icons that you would like displayed (of the classes that your character has trained)..
08-20-2008, 08:50 AM
I agree with choosing an icon representing one of the character's classes.
08-20-2008, 09:21 AM
Why not take it a step further?
A dollar sign for a plat farmer.
An icon with Kermit the Frog for a self-admitted muppet.
An icon with a character doing the /shrug icon for rogues who haven't run every quest yet and don't know already know where all the trap boxes are (I'd use that one!).
A diaper icon for whiners.
A World of Warcraft icon for zergers ;)
A yellow bus icon for group leaders interested in telling all other group members how to play their class.
08-20-2008, 09:56 AM
I like it a lot.
Your party members do the choosing and they have the full range of spell icons too, like, touch of idiocy for example. :P
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