View Full Version : Thanks and update to shroud 1-completion...errr part3 yesterday

08-18-2008, 01:01 PM
Being in the same guild as the group leader of a PUG shroud run, as we were about to jump into part 3 both he and another guildie DC'd never to come back. I first want to give an update that the leader and son (other guildie in group) had a power outage and therefore the drop of both at the same time.
Secondly, and most importantly, I want to thank the several people that stuck it out!! Man I haven't seen a shroud go from super smooth to devastating and painful that quick in my life! So I will not mention everyone in group's name because I know that I will forget some peeps. You know who you were if you ran with Bommin (sorc) yesterday in the shroud and only made it to end of part 3.

You guys are the players that keep me interested in this game time and again, when it would have been real easy to drop from group (ahem, like we had one do :rolleyes:) you stuck it out even though there were some first-timers in there. I know if it had been my first time in there and we got through it like we did I would have been even more psyched that we toughed it out.
Much thanks again to you all!

ps- I asked him if when he reconnected several hours later did he get his chests? He said "it was really weird, for some reason I started off in the wavecrest tavern" lol:D