View Full Version : More character slots, please
08-18-2008, 09:02 AM
You guys REALLY REALLY should have given us all another character slot when the monks came out...
Can you please not make the same mistake when Mod 8 comes out, geared for new characters??
Thank you...
08-18-2008, 09:47 AM
Will, as always, agree with this request.
08-18-2008, 12:14 PM
I don't really understand why Turbine didn't give us more character slots in the first place.
08-18-2008, 12:40 PM
I hear ya. /signed, even.
But what you can do in the mean time is move one of your crappier older capped toons (that you don't want to ever delete because of the tons of useless raid loot on them...we all have 'em) over to a different server that you haven't been to. This'll open up a fresh spot on your current server and give you a bunch of new spots on the server of your choice.
If moving a toon won't give you a new spot because you have too many toons to begin with, than you play too much. Go spend some time with your family.
08-18-2008, 12:43 PM
I hate destroying good characters in order to experiment with new ones.
If Turbine is only going to give us a smattering of new content twice a year, we should at the very least have this!
08-18-2008, 12:49 PM
I agree. Please make new slots available. New player experience without new character slots = Sad Panda.
08-18-2008, 12:53 PM
I hear ya. /signed, even.
But what you can do in the mean time is move one of your crappier older capped toons (that you don't want to ever delete because of the tons of useless raid loot on them...we all have 'em) over to a different server that you haven't been to. This'll open up a fresh spot on your current server and give you a bunch of new spots on the server of your choice.
If moving a toon won't give you a new spot because you have too many toons to begin with, than you play too much. Go spend some time with your family.
are you...are you talking to cord? =)
08-18-2008, 12:54 PM
They really should have added another character slot with the Monk. That didn't happen, so I strongly insist they do add a character slot with Mod 8. They're making a brand new starting experience, they really should make it easy for everyone to try it out.
08-18-2008, 12:55 PM
They really should have added another character slot with the Monk. That didn't happen, so I strongly insist they do add a character slot with Mod 8. They're making a brand new starting experience, they really should make it easy for everyone to try it out.
Well since you insist...
08-18-2008, 12:57 PM
i'd pay for more, i don't htink we should insist they should be given for free tho...
08-18-2008, 01:02 PM
Well since you insist...
Well, that's just mean. It's a good thing you aren't a Turbine employee. :)
I wouldn't have much a problem with paying a small fee for another character slot. Maybe $5-10. But I do kinda think whenever they add a new race/class, the slot limit should go up.
08-18-2008, 01:07 PM
jrp will never see the snow unless they add at least 1 new characters lot
08-18-2008, 04:13 PM
before mentioning the additional slots removing player boredom to some extent in the "I want a grind for my capped character that everyone can join in" thread.
08-18-2008, 04:38 PM
Certainly makes sense to allow people with all capped or high level toons an extra spot to experience the low level content... and maybe even the opportunity to help out the new folks /chuckles
08-18-2008, 04:39 PM
/signed i have spot left but those who need them should be given a chance to have them favor or what ever.
08-18-2008, 05:23 PM
They are just going to wipe the slate clean (ala Diablo) and make everyone start fresh.... :eek:
08-18-2008, 05:23 PM
This argument is really getting old:(
08-18-2008, 05:28 PM
This argument is really getting old:(
It's all old, and it's a long time until November when we get any new content. :(
08-18-2008, 05:34 PM
It's all old, and it's a long time until November when we get any new content. :(
Asking for more character slots is...old. I'm still having fun playing with the current content.
Why not just roll your 'experimental ' builds on a different server?
08-18-2008, 05:46 PM
Why not just roll your 'experimental ' builds on a different server?
If twinking were the hold up, I can just transfer a 1750 favor character to another server. What I can't transfer is all of my guild and friends.
08-18-2008, 05:46 PM
Why not just roll your 'experimental ' builds on a different server?
No, it's more OMG My friends and my Guild aren't on that server.
If I wanted to play on that server, I wouldn't currently be on my Server.
Ah heck.
I forgot other people make friends and join guilds :(
I retract my previous statement. :o
08-18-2008, 06:43 PM
I am indifferent to this request. You have 40+ slots between all the servers. No human being can play all 9 at any given time. And if you have 9 maxxed on one server, let alone more than that on others, you need to re-discover daylight, fresh air, and real people. :p
If twinking were the hold up, I can just transfer a 1750 favor character to another server. What I can't transfer is all of my guild and friends.
No, it's more OMG My friends and my Guild aren't on that server.
If I wanted to play on that server, I wouldn't currently be on my Server.
If the real issue is being with your friends, then just delete a character and make a new one. If you don't want to lose the character transfer it and start the new character with your friends.
Hey, golly darn, you could even make friends on a new server! :eek:
08-18-2008, 11:56 PM
Why not just roll your 'experimental ' builds on a different server?
I don't twink my new builds, but if you wanted to you would just move a banker char over to that new server so you aren't as smart as you seem to think you are.
The reason that doesn't work is because my friends are on the server I play on...As the game gets a bit long in the tooth, it isn't worth playing it without them...
For all the good it will do I agree, more slots a nice even dozen would be a start
08-19-2008, 12:27 AM
I was really surprised we didn't got a new character slot once mod7 with the Monks came out, because it was something a dev promised us long ago when Drows came out. I can't find the post, but it was something like: "every time we will introduce a new class or race, we'll give you a new character slot".
So, I definitely /sign on this.
08-19-2008, 12:46 AM
Not sure how much resources it would cost Turbine if any to add more slots. Also not sure if this would do anything to attract new players, but it would be a nice gesture to the loyal players who love tinkering with new builds, but dont want to leave the familiar environment of their server. In the long run, it will keep them playing and PAYING.
08-19-2008, 12:46 AM
If we do not get new character slots added, we are facing TWO MODS IN A ROW with a) no level cap increase and b) limited high end content. The simple fact is there are many people that want more slots, I'm not going to hazard a guess at the number, but let's think about this from outside the box a second. How much does it really cost to add this feature? Apparently a decent bit, or else I think they would have added it with monks, but coming into a second MOD in a row with, as stated, now level cap increase and limited high end content - this has got to be a priority.
Counterarguments for those that might rationally read this post instead of kneejerk reacting to it:
1) Play on another server? sorry, my RL friends that I have been trying to get interested in playing this game are not on another server, I'm going to stay with them.
2) Delete a character? hell no, I love my characters, and regret the ones I have deleted in the past when I found myself in this same scenario.
3) Get a life? sorry, I work 40 hrs a week and am out drinking another 20 - and still can cap a character in a month if I like the build enough to just play it. Considering that I have been playing this game for over 2 yrs, a full account is not even close to unrealistic for those of us with a life. Try a new argument.
4) Transfer characters around? Have actually toyed with this idea, but as one of my in game buddies reminded me, do I really want to skip a bar night to pay for this? I think I'll just spend more time playing CIV...
5) This is too old of an argument? Darn-tooting it is - and it's not going to stop coming up - because there are many people like myself that feel that strong about it.
I withold the right to add to this, but the simple fact of the matter is, there are IMO TWO major reasons people prefer DDO and it has survived this long. 1) The interactive and fast-paced combat system and 2) The endless variety of gimped but fun character builds that someone like me can enjoy fooling with. If we are going to have two MODs in a row that, barring the addition of new character slots, are completely worthless for me - then what's the point??
PS I try to avoid doomish sounding posts for the most part, but this issue is pretty much a continuous kick in the junk for those of us that - so far - have played this game continuously without cancelling and reupping every new MOD or two like most my game-only friends do.
08-19-2008, 12:53 AM
If the real issue is being with your friends, then just delete a character and make a new one. If you don't want to lose the character transfer it and start the new character with your friends.
Hey, golly darn, you could even make friends on a new server! :eek:
Actually, I have deleted and remade quite a few characters. Friends are less disposable.
Hey, golly darn! I could even make friends in a different MMO!
Maybe we should petition Turbine to make global communication between servers work in guild chat and the friends list.... if that should ever function again.
08-19-2008, 12:58 AM
You guys REALLY REALLY should have given us all another character slot when the monks came out...
Can you please not make the same mistake when Mod 8 comes out, geared for new characters??
Thank you...
Amen! Where do I sign?
/abso-freakin-lutely signed
08-19-2008, 01:07 AM
Asking for more character slots is...old. I'm still having fun playing with the current content.
So am I, but if I had a new slot to roll up a newbie I'd make alot more use of some of the more recent additions (3BC anyone?). We don't want another slot because we are bored. We want another slot because we want to try more things. No new slot doen't mean boredom on a full stable of characters. It means that we have run out of room to create new ones and keep the fun rolling along. :D
08-19-2008, 02:01 AM
Confirmed: Mod 8, +1 Character Slot.
Source: Dev at Gencon
08-19-2008, 02:18 AM
Personally, I feel that whenever there is a new class or a new race added to the game, there should be another character slot given. This gives people a chance to play around with that new class/race and see if they like it, what classes are good for that race or what race is good for that class.
08-19-2008, 02:43 AM
Would it be too much to ask for another slot to create a new toon really?
08-19-2008, 06:53 AM
For all the good it will do I agree, more slots a nice even dozen would be a start
Agreed with this as well. At this point, 1 extra slot just won't cut it.
I don't twink my new builds, but if you wanted to you would just move a banker char over to that new server so you aren't as smart as you seem to think you are.
The reason that doesn't work is because my friends are on the server I play on...As the game gets a bit long in the tooth, it isn't worth playing it without them...
Like someone said before... you can't make new friends? :confused:
Besides doesn't it cost to move characters between servers?
08-19-2008, 02:04 PM
I hear ya. /signed, even.
But what you can do in the mean time is move one of your crappier older capped toons (that you don't want to ever delete because of the tons of useless raid loot on them...we all have 'em) over to a different server that you haven't been to.
Isn't it something like 20 bucks a toon to move them?
08-19-2008, 02:26 PM
Isn't it something like 20 bucks a toon to move them?
$24.99 ... I moved an older character over to Sarlona (picked at random) to be able to make a monk.. I've since added a second account because at the rate that I make new characters and try things out, that extra $14.99 / mo seems cheaper than paying $24.99 every time the new-character bug bites me.. and it is a more palatable option than deleting characters that I'm actively working on and (more importantly) LIKE to play.
08-19-2008, 05:10 PM
Agreed with this as well. At this point, 1 extra slot just won't cut it.
One added slot will mean I still can't create a new character, unless some strange reversal of the creation bug happens, as I've got 10 characters on Thelanis already. That's down almost a dozen from the post-merge count, as I've removed quite a few experimental builds that I realized I wasn't going to continue playing.
I switch between characters frequently to keep things fresh - going from a caster mentality to a melee mentality to a CC/healbot mentality (etc.) is about the only way I've found to keep the gameplay fresh reliably. Guildies help a bit. PUGs are hit and miss...sometimes they add frustration and sometimes they're relaxing and fun, you rarely know which until you're knee-deep in it. Of my 10 characters, 8 get played at least a couple times each week and some are on almost every night. One's 1st level and in reserve - I probably won't start him until my 11th level paladin caps and the guildies start up a new group of alts together. One (a cleric) is only brought out occasionally as he's made to fill a certain niche role that isn't needed all the time, and I have another more general cleric of the same level who's more interesting to play.
If I ever get to the point where most of my current characters are at or near cap and only doing their every-three-days loot run (which, for me, is only about once a week) and I remain unable to make a new character, I have only these choices:
* Delete a cleric. That's right, a cleric will get it first. I have 4 clerics currently, not like *I* would miss one that much...ok, a little...but still. Every cleric less is a bad thing, overall. Note that with the current character slot cap I'd have to kill two clerics to make one new character. Don't think I haven't considered it.
* Go to a different server, where none of my friends are and (unless I choose to fork over a lot of money) none of my took-years-to-accrue-it gear is. The gear would make early levels a bit easier, but isn't a big deal. Discarding all my friends only to have to *find* folks worth playing with...not happening. I have two characters on another server at the moment, and it's just so dull to play them that I rarely do so. The merge brought my other-server characters at that time all together, just the way it happened, and spreading out again doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.
* Purchase a second subscription. Not happening because I am *one* person, and it's not like I'd be signed in on both accounts at once or anything...I don't have two heads and four arms. The burden of having something fresh to do shouldn't be on the player who's *trying* to keep playing, it should be on the folks receiving the subscription funds. Some new content to do or slots to try existing content a different way...but SOMETHING.
* Drop the subscription and go play something else. Unlikely, as I've tried this already and discovered there really wasn't anything else worth playing at this point, but it's an option for some.
I've got two, perhaps three more characters I'd like to make, and they'd probably get me through another year even if we don't see a big upswing of new one more slot that brings us up to 10? Bah...I'm already at 10...
Maybe Turbine is trying to get me to read more books or work on the back patio or watch more TV or something...
08-19-2008, 09:27 PM
Like someone said before... you can't make new friends? :confused:
Not really, no. I made these friends when I had a lot of free time and was playing 2hours+/night, more on weekends. I was one of the "regulars" who was always on in my guild, became a guild officer, and could be counted onto know everyone and know the quests.
Now I play just a night a week. I'm not as familiar with the newer quests, and half the reason on log on is to see all my old friends.
Besides doesn't it cost to move characters between servers?
08-19-2008, 10:39 PM
I switch between characters frequently to keep things fresh - going from a caster mentality to a melee mentality to a CC/healbot mentality (etc.) is about the only way I've found to keep the gameplay fresh reliably. Guildies help a bit. PUGs are hit and miss...sometimes they add frustration and sometimes they're relaxing and fun, you rarely know which until you're knee-deep in it. Of my 10 characters, 8 get played at least a couple times each week and some are on almost every night.
This is a very good point I forgot to bring up, TY Virie. Endless characters means that, yes, even though I'm running _____ for the 2034th time - it's still kind of new because today it is with this build...
Edit: Here's another good reason I thought of - lowbies are a plat sink. For any player that is twinking even moderately, they are going to spend more in potions and "for-a-day" weapons that they would normally spend in a week on a toon that is, for all intensive purposes, "finished" for end game - combined with looting chests that provide minimal plat and no chance at a high $$ item vs. looting Devils or the like. The difference is pretty significant. Save the economy one lowbie at a time!!
08-20-2008, 02:48 AM
And one more slot isn't enough...
i'd pay for more, i don't htink we should insist they should be given for free tho...
I think we should indeed insist, and keep insisting, until we gain back the slots we lost in the server merge... after that then we can talk about paying more for more slots beyond the original ones we had.
08-20-2008, 10:17 AM
And one more slot isn't enough...
I think we should indeed insist, and keep insisting, until we gain back the slots we lost in the server merge... after that then we can talk about paying more for more slots beyond the original ones we had.
Also an excellent point.
I would, however, be fine with "+1 slot because you should have gotten one for monks; + another 3 for 2500 favor" or the like. I am not even close, having given up on favor after my 3rd guy hit 1750 back when it was hard to do, but this would re-ignite my interest...
08-20-2008, 04:20 PM
How about they base it on account start date. For every six months your account has existed (since retail launch, say) it adds a +1 to what your slot count would otherwise be. Devs wouldn't need to add any with future mods that way, older players get rewarded for staying around, and every 6 months you can begin another experiment without losing something you've invested a lot of time into.
Yeah, yeah, I can hear the rebuttal now. Someone who's been here since launch would have +5 slots by now... funny how I don't have a problem with that. If someone's been playing since launch and is STILL INTERESTED IN PAYING MONEY, reward 'em with the slots! It's not like you're giving them a named parking slot in the Turbine Corporate HQ parking lot!
08-20-2008, 04:30 PM
Confirmed: Mod 8, +1 Character Slot.
Source: Dev at Gencon
Can anyone confirm this??
08-20-2008, 04:39 PM
Why should we have to pay for more character slots? Isn't DDO about creating different character builds? I don't understand the logic of introducing new classes to play without adding extra character slots.
I don't see why Turbine decided to burn us by removing extra character slots we earned. I say let us open a new character slot for every 1750 character we earn it with, like how it used to work. :mad:
08-20-2008, 07:45 PM
How about they base it on account start date. For every six months your account has existed (since retail launch, say) it adds a +1 to what your slot count would otherwise be. Devs wouldn't need to add any with future mods that way, older players get rewarded for staying around, and every 6 months you can begin another experiment without losing something you've invested a lot of time into.
Yeah, yeah, I can hear the rebuttal now. Someone who's been here since launch would have +5 slots by now... funny how I don't have a problem with that. If someone's been playing since launch and is STILL INTERESTED IN PAYING MONEY, reward 'em with the slots! It's not like you're giving them a named parking slot in the Turbine Corporate HQ parking lot!
This is a really interesting idea. This isn't really an infinite loop - and it gives people a reason to not continually cancel and re-up like many of them do. The only potential problem I could see is the coding - but thats why I went EE instead of CS :D
--Shagn "I don't see why Turbine decided to burn us by removing extra character slots we earned. I say let us open a new character slot for every 1750 character we earn it with, like how it used to work."
Shagn, while I agreed with you heavily at the time, someone pointed out this could create an "infinite loop" whereas someone could create characters to the point of seriously breaking something. I'm not a coding expert - but I do understand that this could happen and would not be pretty.
Most of us seem to agree that something can be done though :/ and at least we are getting some creative ideas on the subject!!
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