08-12-2008, 04:48 PM
Yes I have a monk and yes even I think this is a little greedy(but not much!), but please read the descriptions below first and then my bit...
D20 Source
Timeless Body (Ex): Upon attaining 17th level, a monk no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that she has already taken, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the monk still dies of old age when her time is up.
Timeless Body – Your body and soul are your own, and you do not create spawn effects should you fall in combat with the undead. NOTE: This is a level 17 feat, available to level 17 Monks and higher.
Okay, so looking at the two I can see how DDO translated, but then again not really. For a class feat it’s a bit weak. I mean evasion, twf line, uncanny dodge ect; seem to have a decent bonus. Is timeless body more in line with diehard and remove disease class feats? I'm thinking that a level 17 class granted feat should have a bit more bite.
How about deathward? Maybe make it an aura. Or warforged style level drain immunity?
Let me know what you think!
D20 Source
Timeless Body (Ex): Upon attaining 17th level, a monk no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that she has already taken, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the monk still dies of old age when her time is up.
Timeless Body – Your body and soul are your own, and you do not create spawn effects should you fall in combat with the undead. NOTE: This is a level 17 feat, available to level 17 Monks and higher.
Okay, so looking at the two I can see how DDO translated, but then again not really. For a class feat it’s a bit weak. I mean evasion, twf line, uncanny dodge ect; seem to have a decent bonus. Is timeless body more in line with diehard and remove disease class feats? I'm thinking that a level 17 class granted feat should have a bit more bite.
How about deathward? Maybe make it an aura. Or warforged style level drain immunity?
Let me know what you think!