View Full Version : Drow monk sr

08-09-2008, 03:09 AM
I have a drow monk who is level 13 and i am having an issue with diamond soul not having any effect.

I understand that giving drow both diamond soul bonus as well as improved would be a little over the top but why not add monk level on it and instead of 10 it goes off what ever your base is either with improved sr or the feat... or is monk considered a caster class and it is added to sr already.

here are the diffrent ways i figure a drow sr could work

drow with improved spell resistance 1-4 (4)
20+monk level (this would be how it might work out) atm this would make the total sr 36....

Drow but monk overides feat given sr

10 + monk level (as per diamond soul feat) 26 sr

Drow over power type monk and drow sr both stack

20 sr from imp sr and 10+ monk level total 46 sr

Alternate idea

drow sr of 11 +monk level = 27 sr enhancements imp spell resist turned off if the presence of diamond soul is in the feat list...

08-10-2008, 02:47 PM
SR never stacks, only the highest applies.

There's a known issue where Diamond Soul isn't displaying the SR on your character sheet. However, it is said to be working nonetheless.