View Full Version : 3.5 Character Build idea/questions/help

08-09-2008, 03:15 AM
Okay, so before I gave my 3.5 collection to a friend for his birthday, I came up with a character idea, but only had one chance to build it out, I know the build I came up with had more potential than what I did, but I was curious to see what others would think of. So here goes.

Books Allowed:
Basically any 3.5 allowed books, No online, no 9 swords, no psionics, no monster races.

Any PHB Race.

(desired, but not needed completley) levels

3 Swashbuckler
2 Fighter
5 Reaping Mauler
10 Justicar

Read the prestige classes and you will understand the general theme/build I was coming up with, I would like to keep it simple with a minimal amount of books (best I was able to come up with used PHB 1, PHB 2, Complete Warrior, Complete Scoundrel, and one other which I don't remember at the time.

Also read the entire prestige class, not just the abilities, even the flavor text, it brings this character concept to life IMHO

32 point buy, if a piece of equipment stands out and shines, post it, but mithril breastplate or something of that nature is sort expected.