View Full Version : What Main Hand Green Steel?

08-08-2008, 01:12 PM
OK, I COmpleted my Radiance Kukri for my DPS Rogues' off last night.. That Gives me Radiance Guard and a Radiance weapon...

Originally, I figured I'd make a Radiance Scimmy.. But I'm pretty happy with the amount of Blindings I'm seeing with the current configuration.

So I think I want more DPS...

Shes a STR based Two Weapon FIghter and a Dwarf so I'm thinking a Pick might be fun.... Everyone talks up the Mineral II Pick.... Is that the SIngle Highest DPS SIngle Hander I can make? Do the acid effects really do enough damage against enough End game mobs? I have +5 Transmuters of Maiming already... ALthough not Green steel... A Battle Axe and a Handaxe.... and I'm pretty happy dual Weiling those when I need to get through DR...

Other options would be a Triple Frost (Fire eles wold be sure to hate that), Triple Air (No DOubt the bane of Devils as well as most other mobs since Lightning resist is pretty rare end game)

08-08-2008, 01:15 PM
Theres always lightning II and the disentigrate weapon...though negative is kinda a weak first tier.

08-08-2008, 01:33 PM
Shes a STR based Two Weapon FIghter and a Dwarf so I'm thinking a Pick might be fun.... Everyone talks up the Mineral II Pick.... Is that the SIngle Highest DPS SIngle Hander I can make?
Against creatures with high DR it is. Note that if the monster has DR 15 and acid resistance, then Mineral II and Lightning Strike do virtually the same DPS.

If the enemy has more than 15 DR or is vulnerable to acid, then Mineral becomes better.

Do the acid effects really do enough damage against enough End game mobs? I have +5 Transmuters of Maiming already...
Just compare the weapon descriptions side by side:
+5 Transmuting Battleaxe of Maiming, 1d8 base, and 2d6 maim on crits.
+5 Holy Acid Burst Keen Transmuting Dwarven Axe of Slicing. 2d8 base + 2d6 holy + 1d6 acid + 1d4 slice, and 2d10 acid on crits

Obviously that adds up to 1d8+3d6+1d4 = 17.5 more damage on each non-critical hit. Ask yourself if it's worth it to get +17 damage. And then to cap it off, remember that you can get another effect on tier 3 like +4 AC (if your radiance doesn't have it) or Acid Blast. (You could also get +2 con on tier 3, which would help you stand up against raid bosses, but it can lead to embarassing and funny situations where you suicide by switching weapons)

Triple Air (No DOubt the bane of Devils as well as most other mobs since Lightning resist is pretty rare end game)
If you wanted that kind of thing, triple Good would beat triple Air, as not only does it have 2d6 instead of 1d6 on tier 1, but also it actually bypasses devil DR.

08-08-2008, 01:36 PM
Lightnign strike definatly is appealing as well.. But I have one of those on my Tank and well.. Looking to do something differnet...

Is Corrosive Salt a Acid based damage? THat looks interesting as well, but if its acid, thenthat hursts its value even though its a single shard upgrade

08-08-2008, 01:41 PM
I think i'd prefer a mineral II D-axe to the pick, just because many mobs that you'd want to hit with a transmuter are also partially or totally immune to critical hits, like undead or constructs, and the d-axe has a much higher base damage, not to mention your character could benefit from dwarven axe damage enhancements.

08-08-2008, 01:46 PM
I think i'd prefer a mineral II D-axe to the pick

As far as I know, except for maybe a barbarian, a Dwarven Axe will do more damage than a pick.

08-08-2008, 01:50 PM
Is Corrosive Salt a Acid based damage? THat looks interesting as well, but if its acid, thenthat hursts its value even though its a single shard upgrade
Regardless, Salt is a weak upgrade because it comes from negative. Any Salt weapon will have painfully reduced damage against evil enemies, because they'll be immune to some of the first tier damage dice.

All four of the shroud negative effects have that problem (salt, dust, ash, and vacuum)

08-08-2008, 01:50 PM
I'm working on a radiance SS for my rogue's offhand as well .. for the main hand, I decided to go earth-earth-earth - Sure its not going to be great against devils, but i'd probably be vorpalling or puncturing those anyway..

And between the blinding and earth-grab effects, mobs shouldn't last too long in general.
Fire/goodblast/+4insight for the Radiance SS
Acid/AcidBurst/AcidBlast for the Earth Rapier

08-08-2008, 01:54 PM
I'm working on a radiance SS for my rogue's offhand as well
Be warned that radiance is a lot more fun on 18-20 weapons than 19-20. It's literally 150% of the blindness. You should consider switching the radiance to be on the rapier if at all possible.

08-08-2008, 01:58 PM
I think i'd prefer a mineral II D-axe to the pick, just because many mobs that you'd want to hit with a transmuter are also partially or totally immune to critical hits, like undead or constructs, and the d-axe has a much higher base damage, not to mention your character could benefit from dwarven axe damage enhancements.

Is there a Damage Calculator that Figures in al the Burst/Blast effects for Shroud Weapons?

If I'm going transmuting, Might as well go Pick since the DR goes out the window and its auto-Keen.... But does the Burst/Blast/Crit damage make up the difference?

I dont use the Dwarven Axe Enhancments due to the fact shes specked for Scimmys and Kukris

08-08-2008, 01:59 PM
Be warned that radiance is a lot more fun on 18-20 weapons than 19-20. It's literally 150% of the blindness. You should consider switching the radiance to be on the rapier if at all possible.

The shortsword was built to Tier II before we had rapiers available, or that's what I'd be doing :(

I don't collect ingredients fast enough to start all over with both weapons -- and I'm just starting to collect larges again after getting Mineral II and Earth rapiers for my barbarian completed.

08-08-2008, 02:00 PM
As far as I know, except for maybe a barbarian, a Dwarven Axe will do more damage than a pick.

But keep inmind Pokah has near barbarian burst Strength..... Rage, Madstones, Choker, Str Build.... Sreenshotted her STR/CON last night at 42 ;P

08-08-2008, 02:02 PM
But keep inmind Pokah has near barbarian burst Strength..... Rage, Madstones, Choker, Str Build.... Sreenshotted her STR/CON last night at 42 ;P

He's talking about the Critical Rage enhancements that give you crits often enough to justify using a 20/x4 weapon.. :)

08-08-2008, 02:03 PM
I would hit lightning. I have seen that do insane dam!

08-08-2008, 02:07 PM
But keep inmind Pokah has near barbarian burst Strength..... Rage, Madstones, Choker, Str Build.... Sreenshotted her STR/CON last night at 42 ;P

What he said:

He's talking about the Critical Rage enhancements that give you crits often enough to justify using a 20/x4 weapon.. :)
That's the only thing that makes the pick better for a barbarian. Both the greensteel dwarven axe and greataxe are really, really powrful weapons for their very high base damage.

08-08-2008, 02:10 PM
I would hit lightning. I have seen that do insane dam!

The problem with lightning (and disintigrate and others in the same vein) is that you can't control that burst DPS .. making it particularly bad for prepping a mob. Granted, at this time, this is mostly only a Shroud pt2/5 issue at this time, but who's to say the Devs aren't going to put more things like this in at some point in the future..

08-08-2008, 02:16 PM
Shes a STR based Two Weapon FIghter and a Dwarf so I'm thinking a Pick might be fun.... Everyone talks up the Mineral II Pick.... Is that the SIngle Highest DPS SIngle Hander I can make? Do the acid effects really do enough damage against enough End game mobs? I have +5 Transmuters of Maiming already... ALthough not Green steel... A Battle Axe and a Handaxe.... and I'm pretty happy dual Weiling those when I need to get through DR...

Since you don't have barbarian crit rage, both khopeshes and dwarven axes would do more damage for you than a pick.

Think of it like this:

A pick gets two crits at x4 damage, so in a 20-swing sequence, you do 25x base damage.
A khopesh gets four crits at x3 damage, so in a 20-swing sequence, you do 27x base damage.

Note that the damage gap will increase as your base damage increases, so Pokah's "barbarian-like strength bursts" actually favor the khopesh.

Dwarven axe gets two crits at x3 damage, so in a 20-swing sequence, you do 23x base damage, but:
Dwarven axe does 2d8 damage rather than 1d8 for pick, and dwarven axe does 2 more damage per swing from you being a dwarf, so the axe does 6.5 extra damage per hit. In order for the pick to out-damage it, [BASE DAMAGE] * 25 > [BASE DAMAGE + 6.5] * 23.

Solving that, BASE DAMAGE must equal about 74.75 per swing (non-crit). No matter what your strength can get to in bursts, that simply isn't going to happen, especially with a one-hander.

08-08-2008, 02:21 PM
Yeah, wasnt thinking about Crit Rage.....

So Maybe Mineral 2 with +2 Con, Holy and Acid Burst?

My Kukri is Radience, +8 INT, GOod Burst (FOr Assasin DC's)

08-08-2008, 02:24 PM
Has anyone had any experience with steam? I know it's not much damage, but it's ~20% of the time, and untyped.

08-08-2008, 02:24 PM
Math added to above post.

08-08-2008, 02:25 PM
3x pos holy good burs good blast is the highest dps shroud item available. Bar none.

There aer VERY few mosters that are immune to it. And it bypasses devils dr, but not reaver types.

Elementals, Mephits, Animals, Slimes = Immune to add on damage.

A heavy pick is nice but the crit range is weak, id look at doing a rapier... 3d6 per hit and the burst + blast effects are additional 4d6 + 4d6 + 4d6(on 20) by themselves. So 11d6 25% of the time + 5% chance for another 4d6. Your auto sneak attack from the blidning ... just sick. Plus you get the fun greater disruption... which is essentially a vorpal for undead. No save 5% chance vs death. AND a true resurection clicky.

This is mas better than a 2% chance and a fun neato lightning strike.

08-08-2008, 02:26 PM
Has anyone had any experience with steam? I know it's not much damage, but it's ~20% of the time, and untyped.

jkm has a steam khopesh on his rogue I think. I'll ask him if I see him in-game.

08-08-2008, 02:26 PM
What abut this?: Acid, then Good burst. Holy only affects evil creatures, while the good burst affects all non-good alignments..i.e. Lawful Neutral, Neutral, and Chaotic Neutral, as well as all evil. Yes the holy does more than acid, but the good burst does more than the acid burst as well.

Both of my d-axes are in the process of this Mineral II upgrade.

08-08-2008, 02:28 PM
3x pos holy good burs good blast is the highest dps shroud item available. Bar none.

There aer VERY few mosters that are immune to it. And it bypasses devils dr, but not reaver types.

Elementals, Mephits, Animals, Slimes = Immune to add on damage.

It is, but not against Arraetrikos or Suulomades.

A heavy pick is nice but the crit range is weak, id look at doing a rapier... 3d6 per hit and the burst + blast effects are additional 4d6 + 4d6 + 4d6(on 20) by themselves. So 11d6 25% of the time + 5% chance for another 4d6. Your auto sneak attack from the blidning ... just sick.

That is another good point--the rapier becomes very nice if you plan on doing the blast effects because of its greater crit range.

08-08-2008, 02:29 PM
Mineral 2 is a waste IMHO. It is not THAT much better than a +5 transmuting Righteous item. Not 24 larges better... and most mobs are immune to one part or another most of the time.

08-08-2008, 02:29 PM
What abut this?: Acid, then Good burst. Holy only affects evil creatures, while the good burst affects all non-good alignments..i.e. Lawful Neutral, Neutral, and Chaotic Neutral, as well as all evil. Yes the holy does more than acid, but the good burst does more than the acid burst as well.

Both of my d-axes are in the process of this Mineral II upgrade.

99% of end-game mobs are evil. 100% of mobs that are tough to kill are evil.

Personally, I'll take 3.5 extra damage per swing any day of the week.

08-08-2008, 02:33 PM
Mineral 2 is a waste IMHO. It is not THAT much better than a +5 transmuting Righteous item. Not 24 larges better... and most mobs are immune to one part or another most of the time.

The nice thing about mineral is that you can simply use it on everything... you don't need to worry about switching weapons around much.

And even against a monster that's immune to acid and slicing, it still does 5 more damage per swing, which may not be a ton, but it adds up pretty quick with 2+ attacks per second. It's almost like getting a lightning strike every 120 swings.

08-08-2008, 02:34 PM
It is not THAT much better than a +5 transmuting Righteous item.

That's totally false for a greataxe or a dwarven axe.

08-08-2008, 02:35 PM
It is, but not against Arraetrikos or Suulomades.

That is another good point--the rapier becomes very nice if you plan on doing the blast effects because of its greater crit range.

Wel, I'd do a Scimmy if I went that route.. and for the record, Rapiers and Scimmys are X2 Crits so the Blast/Burst are just 3d6 (20 is still 4d6)

08-08-2008, 02:38 PM
Wel, I'd do a Scimmy if I went that route.. and for the record, Rapiers and Scimmys are X2 Crits so the Blast/Burst are just 3d6 (20 is still 4d6)

I thought the holy one was always 3d6 and the elemental ones varied with crit multiplier... but then my tier 3s don't have blast on them so I could be completely wrong.

08-08-2008, 02:38 PM
It is, but not against Arraetrikos or Suulomades.

True BUT... I wouldn't build a weapon to strike one enemy. Just get a nice strong set of transmuters for when situations call for them.

I have 3 main sets I carry and they cover 99% the bases.

1 set 3x positive Peshs (1 blast 1 +4 ac)
1 set 3x earth Peshs (1 blast 1 +4 ac)
1 set transmuters (+4 transmuting maiming and +5 transmuting shattermantle)

Specialty sets which are just icing on the cake.

1 set weakening enfeebling scim
1 set wounders
1 set greater ele banes
1 set smiting scims
1 set vorpals
1 set everbright peshs
1 ser chaos blades

08-08-2008, 02:41 PM
It is not THAT much better than a +5 transmuting Righteous item.

Oh, and you know a lot of Transmuter that gives +4 AC?;)

PS: I know Pokah doesn't need AC, but I'm talking overall.

08-08-2008, 02:41 PM
Wel, I'd do a Scimmy if I went that route.. and for the record, Rapiers and Scimmys are X2 Crits so the Blast/Burst are just 3d6 (20 is still 4d6)

Are you shure? I says nothing about multipliers in the descriptions, not like normal burst effects (non shroud) Just like they have no alignment restrictions.

08-08-2008, 02:47 PM
Oh, and you know a lot of Transmuter that gives +4 AC?;)

LOL she wants dps... Stick to the topic at hand... <shaking fists> :D

Yes a dwarven ax mineral 2 does more than a +5 trans righteous. 2d6 + 1d8 - 2 per swing.
That is VS Harry and Sally. The +5 transmuter has a +2 better to hit tho.

08-08-2008, 02:47 PM
I dont have a Good effect weapon yet either, but my planner says they are 3d6 for Burst and Blast....

However... Lets add this up.....

1d8 Base Damage
2d6 Holy
1d6 Good Burst

On Crit
3d6 Burst Effect
3d6 Blast Effect

On 20
4d6 Blast Effect

so thats
1d8+9d6 On a Crit and
1d8 + 13d6 On a Confirmed 20..........

Thats a Lot of Damage on a High Crit range weapon isnt it?

and its a Decent Undead Beater to boot........

and its Cheap to make

If only Blindness was AUto Crit as well as Auto Sneak... WOwzers......

Pokah wont waste ANY ingrediants on + AC... why would I want to stop getting hit? She wears Radance Guard and a Scorge Choker......

08-08-2008, 02:49 PM
Are you shure? I says nothing about multipliers in the descriptions, not like normal burst effects (non shroud) Just like they have no alignment restrictions.

It does in this one.....

But Like I said, that smy only source of info.. No In-Game exp yet.

08-08-2008, 02:53 PM
Good Burst is 3d6 for X2...4d6 for X3...5d6 for X4 critical multiplier. Acid burst is 1d10 for x2..2d10 for x3 and 3d10 for x4 critical multiplier


08-08-2008, 02:56 PM
Pokah wont waste ANY ingrediants on + AC... why would I want to stop getting hit? She wears Radance Guard and a Scorge Choker......
Why in the world would you use a Scourge Choker?

08-08-2008, 02:59 PM
Why in the world would you use a Scourge Choker?

Why wouldnt I?

Fighting the Pit Fiend I rarely Fall down to the 12 second slow effect, and when I do its not so bad.... SLower attacks= less aggro generated... which gets me more sneak attacks...

Pokah is IMO the PERFECT build for a Choker.....

08-08-2008, 02:59 PM
Yes a dwarven ax mineral 2 does more than a +5 trans righteous. 2d6 + 1d8 - 2 per swing.

Transmuting of Right is 1d10+7. So, 12.5 average
Mineral II is 2d8+1d4+5+2d6. So, 23.5 damage.

So, not that much better? Sure?

That is VS Harry and Sally. The +5 transmuter has a +2 better to hit tho.

You have trouble hitting 39 AC?

08-08-2008, 03:01 PM
It does in this one.....

But Like I said, that smy only source of info.. No In-Game exp yet.

Fair enough only have kopeshs :) so nix 2d6 per crit off my total.. and its a HUGE ammount of damage.

Mainhand ill see numbers like 136 + 9 + 5 + 21 + 18 + 1 + 8 = 193 pt crit and i see them a lot for between 160-220 pt totals Just silly. It would obviosuly be less on a scim but still.

08-08-2008, 03:03 PM
Fighting the Pit Fiend I rarely Fall down to the 12 second slow effect, and when I do its not so bad....
In my testing with 20-AC characters fighting Arraetrikos with Scourge Choker I got slowed occasionally, and if it happens even once that more than outweighs all the benefit the item had given me in strength.

SLower attacks= less aggro generated... which gets me more sneak attacks...
In a raid situation with a large number of other attackers, you'd hardly ever lose sneak attacks because you have aggro.

Pokah is IMO the PERFECT build for a Choker.....
No, the good characters to wear Scourge Choker are those who never make a weapon attack, but who need extra con when they get aggro. You know, sorcerers.

08-08-2008, 03:05 PM
In my testing with 20-AC characters fighting Arraetrikos with Scourge Choker I got slowed occasionally, and if it happens even once that more than outweighs all the benefit the item had given me in strength.

In a raid situation with a large number of other attackers, you'd hardly ever lose sneak attacks because you have aggro.

No, the good characters to wear Scourge Choker are those who never make a weapon attack, but who need extra con when they get aggro. You know, sorcerers.

Perhaps you dont do as much dmage as me then, cause I lose sneak attak a LOT on pokah....


that was Pre-Choker... GOt a SS last night at 42/42

08-08-2008, 03:07 PM
Perhaps you dont do as much dmage as me then, cause I lose sneak attak a LOT on pokah....
Gah! It's called "Fortification"

Plus, if you think pulling aggro is costing you sneak damage, you could activate Subtle Backstabber.

08-08-2008, 03:10 PM
I would do lightning because its more fun, mineral II is kinda lame you can just get a nice transmuter for the fiends anyway. The tier II and III are wasted they dont take acid dmg.

Oh yeah and hop into PvP blind someones ass then lightning strike them its priceless.

08-08-2008, 03:22 PM
In a raid situation with a large number of other attackers, you'd hardly ever lose sneak attacks because you have aggro.

That may be true for Arraetrikos because he switches aggro almost at random, but Suulomades has a very strict aggro mechanic--he goes to whoever has done the most damage. I too have experienced the joys of taking aggro while on my rogue.

No, the good characters to wear Scourge Choker are those who never make a weapon attack, but who need extra con when they get aggro. You know, sorcerers.

Honestly, A_D, I don't know if you've made a more incorrect assertion in your life. A sorceror is the last person who wants a scourge choker--the worst possible thing that could happen to a sorceror is to be slowed when he grabs aggro.

08-08-2008, 03:26 PM
Honestly, A_D, I don't know if you've made a more incorrect assertion in your life. A sorceror is the last person who wants a scourge choker--the worst possible thing that could happen to a sorceror is to be slowed when he grabs aggro.
You are completely wrong, and obviously have no knowledge of this subject.

Insulting people based on a position of total ignorance is just a way to make yourself look bad. It's a simple rule of thumb: if you're talking about something beyond your experience, moderate your comments so that when it turns out you were totally wrong, you only appear inexperienced, instead of idiotic.

08-08-2008, 03:28 PM
Honestly, A_D, I don't know if you've made a more incorrect assertion in your life. A sorceror is the last person who wants a scourge choker--the worst possible thing that could happen to a sorceror is to be slowed when he grabs aggro.

Sorry Kadish, but you're the incorrect one here.

Scourge Chocker only slows your melee attack, not your movement speed. For this reason, a caster is the one gaining the most out of the Chocker. He gains the benefits, but never tastes the drawbacks!! The best use of a Chocker is on a wizard or sorcerer. That's for sure.

08-08-2008, 03:36 PM
Sorry Kadish, but you're the incorrect one here.

Scourge Chocker only slows your melee attack, not your movement speed. For this reason, a caster is the one gaining the most out of the Chocker. He gains the benefits, but never tastes the drawbacks!! The best use of a Chocker is on a wizard or sorcerer. That's for sure.

I stand corrected.

You are completely wrong, and obviously have no knowledge of this subject.

You have my apologies.

08-08-2008, 03:38 PM
Transmuting of Right is 1d10+7. So, 12.5 average
Mineral II is 2d8+1d4+5+2d6. So, 23.5 damage.

So, not that much better? Sure?

I use kopeshs so leme demonstrate.

11.5 vs 20 Min II wins vs harry/sally

Look at the mineral II Kpesh vs 3x positive Kpesh against say a red named orthon in VOD.
20 vs 21 3x pos wins

Crits its even more dramatic

30 vs 55.5 3x pos wins

So for all around use... in the content that exists the 3x positive is higher dps vs Mineral II.

So why make a 24 large 2x shard shroud item to be 57&#37; better vs two raid bosses (mineral II vs transmuter) and 5-54% worse on the rest of the game (orthons and devils trogs scorps gnolls trolls etc etc etc.) (mineral II vs 3x pos)

Why is this better then just using 3x pos and a set of transmuters when situations call for it?

08-08-2008, 03:42 PM
Oh and ps.. .thank god a good debate came up my friday was boring.

Since you feel like doing math BorroO figure out which is better .

A 3x pos pesh vs a +5 transmuting pesh vs harry/sally on normal for me :).

08-08-2008, 03:52 PM
A 3x pos pesh vs a +5 transmuting pesh vs harry/sally on normal for me :).

They're both +5 khopeshes, so I'll work from there:

The transmuter does 15 more damage per hit from transmuting. In 20 swings (rolls 1 through 20), that's 285 damage.

The GS khopesh does:
1 extra damage per swing base damage.
7 extra per swing from holy.
3.5 extra per swing from good burst (on-hit).
That's 218.5 damage in a 20-swing sequence.

On crits:
14 extra damage (good burst).
11 extra damage (good blast).

That's 100 extra damage

Plus 14 on a 20, for a grand total of 332.5 extra damage.

Your pos x3 do more damage.

08-08-2008, 03:56 PM
An AC +4 posx3 khopesh does about the same as a +5 transmuter on normal (but slightly less):

332.5 - 44 - 14 = 274 extra damage.

08-08-2008, 04:09 PM
What about the dr.. thats where I fell apart since I dont know it.

the 3x pos (burst + blast) doesnt bypass harry/sally dr

the transmuter does.

08-08-2008, 04:12 PM
They're both +5 khopeshes, so I'll work from there:

The transmuter does 15 more damage per hit from transmuting. In 20 swings (rolls 1 through 20), that's 285 damage.

Plus 14 on a 20, for a grand total of 332.5 extra damage.

332.5 extra damage. - 285 (the dr difference) = 50 and some change? for the blast.... +20 more for force per hit ritual on the ac one.

And is the 332.5 taking into accound imp crit slash?

Either way.. on normal looks like im stashing the transmuters.

Espiecially since im hitting 18 swings a round vs big ugly.

08-08-2008, 04:13 PM
Why is this better then just using 3x pos and a set of transmuters when situations call for it?
A mountain is as hard as its steepest cliff.

When people are assembling for a Shroud elite raid, nobody ever worries about "Will we have enough DPS to bring down Mitanu The Savage?". What you DO hear them ask is "Can we beat Arraetrikos in part 5 before all six of my rages wear off?"

08-08-2008, 04:27 PM
So I should build all my weapons to run 1 raid on elite? and ignore the rest of the game?

And when the orthons dont drop quick enough in vod or when you get the whole group wrecked because the devils are goin nuts and and eating up the clerics mana?

I realize its all a matter of opinion... but ill focus on the 99&#37; of the game that isnt Harry. And just make sure I can give him a really good beat down.

6 months from now when I have nothing else to build then ill worry about a set of mineral 2's

08-08-2008, 04:33 PM
So I should build all my weapons to run 1 raid on elite? and ignore the rest of the game?

Mineral II is there when it really matters. That was more his point.

08-08-2008, 04:36 PM
For all around use they fall very short. For killing a raid boss... shure.

I think the problem is we are all right...


But for the OP... for your dps weapon for your main hand... go 3x pos. You will apparently destroy everything in the game save for Harry on hard and elite.

08-08-2008, 04:42 PM
if you go mineral, remember that its keen, so you don't need IC, meaning even if your slash specced, grab the rapier or heavy pick.

Dwarven axe isnt worth making mineral unless you got all the dwarven enhancments.

08-08-2008, 04:55 PM
if you go mineral, remember that its keen, so you don't need IC, meaning even if your slash specced, grab the rapier or heavy pick.

First, what makes the rapier better than a scimitar?

Dwarven axe isnt worth making mineral unless you got all the dwarven enhancments.

That's totally false for a Mineral II.

08-08-2008, 05:09 PM
First, what makes the rapier better than a scimitar?

That's totally false for a Mineral II.

of course its true,,,that dude said it..lol

but noone should make a DAXE....day dont shine.... WHEN THEY GONNA FIX THE AXES I WANTA see min II drip ACID


08-08-2008, 05:18 PM
THere is Zero difference between a Mineral II Scimmy and Rapier... 1d8 Base on both of em, 18-20 x2.

I actually dontmind that the Dwarven Axes for have any elemental Grapics on em... Adds some Mystery.... :) I wish al the green steel was that way actually.

08-08-2008, 05:21 PM

Bah, you won't see the acid drip on your axes because the axes must consume the particle effects to bolster up the amazing base damage they have. :p

08-08-2008, 05:50 PM
First, what makes the rapier better than a scimitar?

That's totally false for a Mineral II.

ah, they made them 2d8 instead of 1d12 or 2d6? lmao talk about more dwarf love. Probably about equal then, considering the dwarven does an extra 3-10 on a normal swing, but the pick gets a few extra dice on a crit. Pick would still win out with higher modifiers.

as for the difference between scim and rapier, none.

Lightning is nice because of the lack of mobs resistant to it at higher levels and the large burst damage, but you gotta consider that it works out to about an extra 1d6 a hit from what has been said about its proc chance.

08-08-2008, 06:06 PM
Lightning is nice because of the lack of mobs resistant to it at higher levels and the large burst damage, but you gotta consider that it works out to about an extra 1d6 a hit from what has been said about its proc chance.
It comes to over 3d6 per hit. You've got a 2&#37; chance of 100d10 lightning damage. 0.02 * 550 = 11

Even if trigger rate was as low as 1% you'd still get the equivalent of 2d6 per hit. (Of course, it's not really as good as +11 per hit unless the enemy's hitpoints are huge, because frequently a lot of your 550 damage will be wasted bringing the monster down to -300)

08-08-2008, 06:12 PM
bah go Vacuum II ... just for the halibut

It was April the 41st, being a quadruple leap year
I was driving in downtown Atlantis
My Barracuda was in the shop, so I was in a rented Stingray, and it was
So I pulled into a Shell station
They said I'd blown a seal
I said, "Fix the **** thing and leave my private life out of it, okay

While they were doing that I walked over to a place called the oyster
bar -- a real dive
But I knew the owner, he used to play for the Dolphins
I said, "Hi, Gil!!!"
You hafta yell, he's hard of herring

Think I had a wet dream
Cruisin' through the Gulf Stream
Wet dream...

Gil was also down on his luck
Fact is, he was barely keeping his head below water
I gullied up to the sandbar
He poured the usual
Rusty snail, hold the grunion, shaken, not stirred
With a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich on the side -- heavy on the
I slipped him a fin -- on porpoise
I was feeling good
I even dropped a sand dollar in the box for Jerry's Squids -- for the

Well, the place was crowded
We were packed in like sardines
They were all there to listen to the big band sounds of Tommy Dorsal --
what sole
Tommy was rockin' the place with a very popular tuna -- "Salmon Chanted
And the stage was surrounded by screaming groupers
Probably there to see the bass player

One of them was this cute little yellowtail
And she's giving ME the eye
So I figure, this is my chance for a little fun
You know -- a piece of Pisces

But she said things I just couldn't fathom
She was too deep, and seemed to be under a lot of pressure
Boy, could she drink
She drank like a... she drank A LOT...
I said, "What's your sign?"
She said, "Aquarium"
I said, "GREAT!!! Let's get tanked!"


I invited her up to my place for a little midnight bait
I said, "C'mon baby, it'll only take a few minnows"
She threw me that same old line
"Not tonight -- I got a haddock"

And she wasn't kiddin' either, 'cuz in came the biggest, meanest looking
haddock I'd ever seen come down the pike
He was covered with mussels
He came over to me, he said, "Listen shrimp -- don't you come trolling
around here"
What a crab
This guy was steamed -- I could see the anchor in his eyes

I turned to him, I said, "Abalone -- You're just being shellfish"
Well, I knew it was going to be trouble, and so did Gil, 'cuz he was
already on the phone to the cods
The haddock hits me with a sucker punch
I catch him with a left hook
He eels over
It was a fluke, but there he was, lying on the deck, flat as a mackerel

I said, "Forget the cods, Gil, this guy's gonna need a sturgeon"
Well, the yellowtail was impressed with the way I landed her boyfriend
She came over to me, she said, "Hey big boy, you're really a game fish"
"What's your name?"
I said, "Marlin"


Well from then on, we had a whale of a time
I took her to dinner
I took her to dance
I bought her a bouquet of flounders
And then I went home with her
And what did I get for my trouble?
A case of the clams


Sorry I'm feeling goofy today I think

08-08-2008, 07:53 PM
It comes to over 3d6 per hit. You've got a 2% chance of 100d10 lightning damage. 0.02 * 550 = 11

Even if trigger rate was as low as 1% you'd still get the equivalent of 2d6 per hit. (Of course, it's not really as good as +11 per hit unless the enemy's hitpoints are huge, because frequently a lot of your 550 damage will be wasted bringing the monster down to -300)

where are you getting the 2% and 100d10 lightning damage? Has it been posted by a dev or? I have to ask, considering if it was 100d10, we would have some reports of 100-200 damage and some of 900-1000. So far all ive seen are from 550-600.

08-09-2008, 09:45 AM
where are you getting the 2&#37; and 100d10 lightning damage? Has it been posted by a dev or? I have to ask, considering if it was 100d10, we would have some reports of 100-200 damage and some of 900-1000. So far all ive seen are from 550-600.

My Lightning II Heavy Repeater has had a Lightning Strike go off on a Beholder for 683 points of damage. That's the highest I've seen or heard of. The lowest I've ever seen was right around 550. The 2% proc rate seems about right.

08-09-2008, 10:24 AM
Depends what you wanna do.
For Boss, go Lighting, its hot.
For everyday fighting, Dust 2 (disentegrate) is great. It hit portals for huge dmg.
Vaccum is cool for trash mobs. When another weapon would strike a lighting bolt, you insta-kill.

Oh, and dont bother with all the "negative weapon are bad" comments. Use neg on the tier one for +6 intelligence. This way, it gives you that INT item you need for search and disable, and does not give the weapon any alignement. As for losing 1d6 dmg from tier 1 dmg upgrade... He's a freaking rogue with a Radiance Kukri, 1d6 is squat to him.