View Full Version : Shrieking Defender

08-06-2008, 02:05 PM
I was a little bored today, so I decided it would be a good time to bring up the Shrieking Defender.


Doesn't it look cool?

It's such a good design, and they have the nice ability of using soundburst to stun opponents. It's such a shame they're only in one quest, Foundation of Discord.

Anyway, these little guys would be a great addition to the Iron Companion family. It even does away with the annoying problem of greasing everything in sight.

I see the Shrieking Defender being available around level 15, with having the already planned Adamantine Defender as the pre-req.

Plus, they're already in the game at an appropriate CR in Foundation of Discord on Elite difficulty.


I don't think it's too game breaking to give a level 15 character a CR 16 pet, especially considering the monsters a level 15 will face and having to take all the other Iron Companions to qualify for this enhancement.

08-06-2008, 02:08 PM
As long as its not spewing Grease and satisfies Coldin's need for a four-legged friend, its all good for me. :)

Personally, I haven't had enhancement space for any of the defenders other than to try it out on Risia before they were released, but I can see the use if the defender is of an appropriate CR.

08-06-2008, 02:23 PM
Personally, I haven't had enhancement space for any of the defenders other than to try it out on Risia before they were released, but I can see the use if the defender is of an appropriate CR.

Well, the levels you can get access to them, they are of an appropriate CR. At level 1, you can get a CR 3 Iron Defender, which is great in the lowbie quests. At level 4, you can get a CR 6 Steel Defender, which is again pretty useful in the Marketplace and House quests. And then once you hit level 8, you get the CR 9 Mithral Defender.

Unfortunately, that's where the line currently ends, and the Mithral Defender just doesn't last very long out in the Orchard or Vale (and don't even think about the Subterrane) even with a bunch of buffs on it.

08-06-2008, 02:34 PM
As long as its not spewing Grease and satisfies Coldin's need for a four-legged friend, its all good for me. :)

Personally, I haven't had enhancement space for any of the defenders other than to try it out on Risia before they were released, but I can see the use if the defender is of an appropriate CR.

There is no reason not to let them grease everything... It just means that before you use them you need to have FoM cast on the party. When that's done you have an effective add on for your party that may even help land some of your foes on their asses.

08-06-2008, 02:37 PM
I suppose that's true, Lorien.. so the only real issue is the CR of them at higher levels..

08-06-2008, 02:48 PM
There is no reason not to let them grease everything... It just means that before you use them you need to have FoM cast on the party. When that's done you have an effective add on for your party that may even help land some of your foes on their asses.

That's true, except at lower levels that's not an option, and players are a bit more likely to fall on their butts from the grease since they don't have all the equipment capped players have access to. Plus, at higher levels, the grease DC doesn't scale up high enough to really prove to be a problem for the majority of monsters out there.

08-06-2008, 02:52 PM
That's true, except at lower levels that's not an option, and players are a bit more likely to fall on their butts from the grease since they don't have all the equipment capped players have access to. Plus, at higher levels, the grease DC doesn't scale up high enough to really prove to be a problem for the majority of monsters out there.

Well they were suggesting that this was a L15 companion, so by then its available...

As for scaling, you may be right, it might need a built in heighten...

08-06-2008, 02:56 PM
Well they were suggesting that this was a L15 companion, so by then its available...

As for scaling, you may be right, it might need a built in heighten...

Grease is unaffected by the Metamatic Feat: Heighten Spell.