View Full Version : Shroud Item for a Sorc (goggles)

08-05-2008, 12:58 PM
I have goggles I made eons ago...

Thinking about finally crafting my item...

I'm pondering this:
http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~delallea/ddo/shroud/cgi-bin/shroud.cgi?forced=&craft=0&effects=wiz6_1_int,esp_2_cha,esp_3_cha,concordant_ opposition_&item=goggles&altar=3&weapon=weapon

Neg, Pos, Pos/Neg

In order to get:
+1 int skills (trash) wiz6
+2 Cha Skills w/50 sp
+3 Cha Skills w/100 sp
+6 Wis (+10 diplo and haggle)
And Concordant Opposition

True res just doesnt excite me. Concordant Opp sounds nice but have read some bad reviews on it...

Anyone's Thoughts?

08-05-2008, 01:15 PM
True res just doesnt excite me. Concordant Opp sounds nice but have read some bad reviews on it...
Anyone's Thoughts?
The wisdom 6 is a good choice unless you were thinking about the Force of Personality feat in the future, which makes wisdom to your will save irrelevant.

Concordant Opposition is weak in general and more weak for mages, because ask yourself seriously: How often do I let a monster hit me? If you were some battle-cleric with a greataxe and no shield the answer would be different. But having a 1% chance for a small amount of mana can almost never be worth the large ingredients it would cost. You'd get more benefit trading those ingredients or making yourself a +9 cha stick or something.

Another thing to consider, but which I don't recommend, is skipping spellpoints from tier 1 of your item and instead getting another bonus (like +5 saving throw or +10 hitpoints). In that case you'd wear a +200 spellpoint item such as the VOD bracers, leading you to a higher total, but making your gear selection more constrained in the future.

08-05-2008, 01:18 PM
thanks for the advice...

concordant opp work on ranged?

08-05-2008, 01:22 PM
Another thing to consider, but which I don't recommend, is skipping spellpoints from tier 1 of your item and instead getting another bonus (like +5 saving throw or +10 hitpoints). In that case you'd wear a +200 spellpoint item such as the VOD bracers, leading you to a higher total, but making your gear selection more constrained in the future.

I am about to make a set of goggles for my sorc and have debated this very topic. The problem with going w/o the wiz 6 is that you lose +1 umd also? At work and don't have time to look that up but I am pretty sure you lose the +1 to umd. So it is basically a choice between 10 hps or +1 umd. The wizadry 6 is useless to me since I wear the hound ring and eventually the vision bracers.

08-05-2008, 01:31 PM
Neg, Pos, Pos/Neg

In order to get:
+1 int skills (trash) wiz6
+2 Cha Skills w/50 sp
+3 Cha Skills w/100 sp
+6 Wis (+10 diplo and haggle)
And Concordant Opposition

Why waste the 12 ingredients for the tier III special effect that is weaksauce. Just go Neg, Pos, Pos

and get:

Whatever from neg (+1 int skills (trash) wiz6, Fortitude Save +5, Blindness Ward and Disease Immunity)
+2 Cha Skills w/50 sp
+3 Cha Skills w/100 sp
+6 Wis (+10 diplo and haggle)

08-05-2008, 01:43 PM
or If I did not want the Wiz VI, I would go pos, neg, pos and get

Will Save +5
+2 Int Skills, Spell Power
+3 Cha Skills, Greater Spell Power
Existential Stalemate: +10 Diplomacy/Haggle, +6 Wisdom

This would also remove the need for Force of Personallity

08-05-2008, 01:52 PM
those +5 bonus resistance save you both mentioned doesnt stack with a kardin's eye/boots etc.