View Full Version : Guildlife State of the Guild for DDO Survey

08-04-2008, 01:04 PM
Hello All.

As mentioned in my Guildlife Episode #9 on Jerry Snook's DDOCast, I am trying to get a pulse on the Guilds in DDO. What I would like to do is have everyone (in or out of a guild) answer the following questionnaire and send it back to me in any of the following ways;

1) E-Mail: You can E-mail me your responses at: guildlife@gmail.com
2) PM. You can PM me your responses via DDO's Forum Private Message Feature
3) Direct Responses to this Thread.

All Replies are confidential and I will keep any and all replies under the strictest of confidence. I hope in a couple of weeks I will have enough feedback to generate a report of Guilds in DDO and broken down by server.

So get your pencils out and participate! Lets all learn about the state of Guilds in DDO.

Thanks All

Section A: General

How Long Have You Been Playing DDO ?
What Server do you play on?
Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character?
On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO?
What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild?
Do you join all your characters to 1 guild? Or spread them about as suits your needs?
If you do not belong to a guild, how long have you been “un-guilded”
Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance.

New Friends\Community
Quest Expertise
Availability of Loot\Gear
Web Site
Other: (Please Specify)

What is the Worst thing about being in a guild, please rate from worst to least worst

New Friends\Community
Quest Expertise
Availability of Loot\Gear
Web Site
Other: (Please Specify)

What is your Age?


What is your Profession?

Blue Collar
Self Employed

What is your current Membership of unique players in your guild?


How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? (Players, not Characters)
Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? If so, please specify how many.
Are you a Guild Officer? If You Answered “yes”, please proceed to Section B: Guild Officer Questionnaire
Are you a Guild Leader? If you answered “yes”, please proceed to Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire

Section B: Officer Questionnaire

How long have you been an officer in your present Guild?
Have you been an officer before in any other MMO Game?
How long were you a member of the guild (In Weeks) before you became an officer?
How many hours per week do you give to officer tasks outside the game? i.e Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, etc
How many hours per week do you give in game performing your officer duties?
Please rate the following list from most important to least important

Leading by example
Upholding Guild Values
Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives
Respect of Peers
Other: (Please Specify)

How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild?
Briefly describe the best thing about being an officer for you
Briefly describe the worst thing about being an officer for you

Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire

How long have you been The Leader for your Guild?
Did you succeed your last leader or are you the original Leader?
Have you been a Guild Leader before in any other MMO Game?
How long has your guild been in existence?
How many hours per week do you give to Guild Leader tasks outside the game? i.e. Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, event planning, etc
How many hours per week do you give in game to the running of your guild?
Please rate the following list from most important to least important

Leading by example
Upholding Guild Values
Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives
Respect of Peers
Other: (Please Specify)

Briefly describe the best thing about being a Guild Leader for you
Briefly describe the worst thing about being a Guild Leader for you

08-04-2008, 06:50 PM
Thanks very much Buzzsaw. If I have not said it before, I am really enjoying the Guild Life segments on the cast! Keep up the good work! :D:D:D

08-05-2008, 02:46 AM
PM sent.

08-08-2008, 09:11 AM
Hey Hey All...

Thanks for all the awesome feedback so far. I will be compiling and looking at everything more closely after I get back from the gencon. So keep those responses coming !!!

Guildies! Don't think I just want to hear from Officers and Leaders, your opinions and thoughts count too!
Leaders of Small Guilds! You have just as much to say as the big boys! Let's hear from you!

Thanks All, and keep up the awesome work!

08-13-2008, 11:24 PM
Section A: General

How Long Have You Been Playing DDO ?
Launch, March 2006

What Server do you play on?

Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character?

On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO?

What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild?
14 months. My guilds have been eaten 2 different times now. I don't see that happening again this time though. The one I'm in now is bigger than the other 2 combined.

Do you join all your characters to 1 guild? Or spread them about as suits your needs?
Yes, all are in the same guild.

Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance.

1-New Friends\Community
3-Quest Expertise
4-Availability of Loot\Gear
6-Web Site
2-Other: (Please Specify) ease in making a party, ease in getting specific quests done, availibility of information, help in building alt's, and all that other good stuff.

What is the Worst thing about being in a guild?

It's always nice to run with a pretty stable group of people, but it does keep you from meeting some new players now and again. That is usually fun too.

What is your Age?


What is your Profession?

Retail Manager

What is your current Membership of unique players in your guild?


ON THE ROLL (taking a month or so off)

How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? (Players, not Characters)
8-12 different people with Characters in the high level range, but also with a lowbie or 2.

Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? If so, please specify how many.
I do not know

Are you a Guild Officer?

Are you a Guild Leader?