07-30-2008, 07:28 AM
Soon I unlock the 32pt builds and so am gonna roll my alt. This character is going to be a bit of a flavour character, but I still want him to be effective. I will post the build for analysis later, but at the moment would like some advice regarding some specific questions.
Essentially I am planning to build a Halfling high AC, high intimidate, tactics fighter -a tank, would like OK dps. I realise halfling's get -4 to intimidate, but am planning to max intimidate every way I can, and am willing to sacrifice a small amount of effectiveness (such as 70% landing vs 90% etc) for rp purposes.
My questions:
1) What benefit do I get for each of 3 possible paladin levels that I throw in? Do I need to use feats to get these benefits? or enhancements? Do I need to take the paladin/fighter levels in any particular order to get maximum advantage (I don't care if it all evens out in the end)? If you take force of personality, do you really need Paladin?
2) Trip/Stunning Blow: Do halflings get any disadvantage to this? I know in DnD they do, but suspect in DDO it hasn't been implemented. Do you need different kind of weapons for each, i.e. a slashing weapon for trip and a bludgeoning weapon for stunning blow? Does strength affect the DC of these? I do realise the viability of tactics might be limited, so will swap out the relevant feats at cap if I need to (or the rules change).
3) 3 Skills for 13 int - Jump, Intimidate, Balance or UMD? I guess if I have ahigh str I won't be knocked down as much anyway?
4) I was thinking of taking healing dragonmarks, or should I focus on raising will saves first? Do I really need to worry about the other saves?
5) AC - a bit confused here. Is 16 base dex what I should be gunning for - and make use of 3 armour masteries and three tower shield masteries? Or more masteries with more dex to gain max AC - I am unsure of the exact numbers in this relationship?
6) Str - I was thinking of starting with 16, although I could go with 18 (+2 tome), but I don't see much sacrifice with 16 and I can build a more rounded character - I lose 1 pt of damage (halflings get +1 to attack) and maybe one of trip/stunning DC?
7) Just an off the wall idea - is a finesse build viable? Still sword and board, but focus all pts into dex, and use vorpals, banes, etc for damage? I thought I could screw myself with this if dps become vital as the game expands.
8) Is precision viable? To mitigate fighting in CE?
I know that's a lot of questions, and I know dwarves are better, but any advice on the above would be awesome.
Thank you!
p.s. I'll probably bombard you with some more questions as I think of 'em ;p
Soon I unlock the 32pt builds and so am gonna roll my alt. This character is going to be a bit of a flavour character, but I still want him to be effective. I will post the build for analysis later, but at the moment would like some advice regarding some specific questions.
Essentially I am planning to build a Halfling high AC, high intimidate, tactics fighter -a tank, would like OK dps. I realise halfling's get -4 to intimidate, but am planning to max intimidate every way I can, and am willing to sacrifice a small amount of effectiveness (such as 70% landing vs 90% etc) for rp purposes.
My questions:
1) What benefit do I get for each of 3 possible paladin levels that I throw in? Do I need to use feats to get these benefits? or enhancements? Do I need to take the paladin/fighter levels in any particular order to get maximum advantage (I don't care if it all evens out in the end)? If you take force of personality, do you really need Paladin?
2) Trip/Stunning Blow: Do halflings get any disadvantage to this? I know in DnD they do, but suspect in DDO it hasn't been implemented. Do you need different kind of weapons for each, i.e. a slashing weapon for trip and a bludgeoning weapon for stunning blow? Does strength affect the DC of these? I do realise the viability of tactics might be limited, so will swap out the relevant feats at cap if I need to (or the rules change).
3) 3 Skills for 13 int - Jump, Intimidate, Balance or UMD? I guess if I have ahigh str I won't be knocked down as much anyway?
4) I was thinking of taking healing dragonmarks, or should I focus on raising will saves first? Do I really need to worry about the other saves?
5) AC - a bit confused here. Is 16 base dex what I should be gunning for - and make use of 3 armour masteries and three tower shield masteries? Or more masteries with more dex to gain max AC - I am unsure of the exact numbers in this relationship?
6) Str - I was thinking of starting with 16, although I could go with 18 (+2 tome), but I don't see much sacrifice with 16 and I can build a more rounded character - I lose 1 pt of damage (halflings get +1 to attack) and maybe one of trip/stunning DC?
7) Just an off the wall idea - is a finesse build viable? Still sword and board, but focus all pts into dex, and use vorpals, banes, etc for damage? I thought I could screw myself with this if dps become vital as the game expands.
8) Is precision viable? To mitigate fighting in CE?
I know that's a lot of questions, and I know dwarves are better, but any advice on the above would be awesome.
Thank you!
p.s. I'll probably bombard you with some more questions as I think of 'em ;p