View Full Version : Pick me a server...

07-25-2008, 05:22 PM
I've been a paying DDO subscriber since release, but WoW was very hard to stop playing. So only a few hours of playtime. I've just gone through a long, tedious move to a new house and haven't logged into WoW for 4 months. With many positive recent reviews and my current 'wall' at WoW, I'm going to give DDO another shot. A honest shot before I slide back into WoW.

So, my question to you is what server should I roll on? I play 2-3 times a week, usually Tues/Thurs. I play from about 9pm -12 midnight Pacific time. Not looking for a 'charity guild', so to speak, but it appears the biggest problem with DDO currently is finding a group. Especially in the mid-levels if you believe the reviews. Which servers would give me the best shot at the game before I get tired of "LFG".


07-25-2008, 07:30 PM
I would say you need to specify whether you're interested in RP or not (but if you're a WoWer, I would guess you're not).

If you are an RPer, Sarlona and Thelanis are still the unofficially official RP worlds.

07-25-2008, 08:07 PM
Argo has a large population and I never have had problems getting groups.

07-26-2008, 06:27 AM
Just to make the decision even less clear -

Khyber has a lively PUG population as well.

As for the issues with finding mid-level groups - it's true there are often no LFMs up for such groups (all the LFMs only wanting people under 7th level or over 12th), but I've found if you put up a LFM of your own for a mid-level quest, it will often fill pretty quickly (unless you're a WF ranger trying to do Tomb of the Shadow Lord on a weekday morning, but that's another matter entirely).

07-26-2008, 07:54 AM
Khyber is the only server with QwijyMart - a PC-operated consumable supplier.

Any server will do, but Khyber will save you money!

07-26-2008, 08:35 AM
I've been a paying DDO subscriber since release, but WoW was very hard to stop playing. So only a few hours of playtime. I've just gone through a long, tedious move to a new house and haven't logged into WoW for 4 months. With many positive recent reviews and my current 'wall' at WoW, I'm going to give DDO another shot. A honest shot before I slide back into WoW.

So, my question to you is what server should I roll on? I play 2-3 times a week, usually Tues/Thurs. I play from about 9pm -12 midnight Pacific time. Not looking for a 'charity guild', so to speak, but it appears the biggest problem with DDO currently is finding a group. Especially in the mid-levels if you believe the reviews. Which servers would give me the best shot at the game before I get tired of "LFG".


I'm not sure where you read that it shard finding groups, but since the Merge there has been no problem at all to LFG. Its still easier finding a group here than anywhere else. (Of course when AoC came out, it slowed down; however, they seem to be filtering back)

07-28-2008, 02:43 AM
T H E L A N I S!!!!!!!!!!

A little of everything on my server!! I do have some toons on Khyber, so that can be a runner up, but Thelanis has the uber pwnage elitests, the lively PuGs, extremely helpful people, and alot of casual players.

07-28-2008, 03:17 AM
I've been a paying DDO subscriber since release, but WoW was very hard to stop playing. So only a few hours of playtime. I've just gone through a long, tedious move to a new house and haven't logged into WoW for 4 months. With many positive recent reviews and my current 'wall' at WoW, I'm going to give DDO another shot. A honest shot before I slide back into WoW.

So, my question to you is what server should I roll on? I play 2-3 times a week, usually Tues/Thurs. I play from about 9pm -12 midnight Pacific time. Not looking for a 'charity guild', so to speak, but it appears the biggest problem with DDO currently is finding a group. Especially in the mid-levels if you believe the reviews. Which servers would give me the best shot at the game before I get tired of "LFG".


Lol. Everyone is going to want you to come to their server because we are having a bit of a population problem right now in this game... Groups are not always easy to put together. So there is a built in conflict of interest.

The truth is that the only way to get a good feel for which server might be best for you, would be to play on them all ofr a couple of months. Not enough people have done this to have a concensus. So it is luck of the draw. And, server personalities change over time. The best one today may be different in 3-4 months.

So just come to Sarlona and be done with it. :-)


07-28-2008, 10:24 AM
Lol. Everyone is going to want you to come to their server because we are having a bit of a population problem right now in this game...Speak for your own server. Khyber rarely has less than 10 LFMs when I'm on.

07-28-2008, 11:05 AM
Speak for your own server. Khyber rarely has less than 10 LFMs when I'm on.

What time of day... Ever try to get a group as a lvl 9 rogue during off hours? (and if your answer is "yes. no problem" then I say "Screenshot or it didn't happen.")

07-28-2008, 12:01 PM
What time of day... Ever try to get a group as a lvl 9 rogue during off hours? (and if your answer is "yes. no problem" then I say "Screenshot or it didn't happen.")7-12 PM every day of the week (Friday nights tend to be a bit slower).

Note, however, that I said "...rarely has less than 10 LFMs", not "rarely has less than 10 LFMs looking for a level 9 rogue during off-hours". You're adding all sorts of variables that don't belong:

1) Being in the level 8-12 range is ALWAYS tough for any class
2) Off-peak is known as such for a reason. That said, when I play off-peak, I still see 10+ LFMs regularly.
3) You're a rogue! Too many rogues go the "trap monkey and nothing else" route, making themselves useless and giving other rogues a bad name.

Edit: ...your sig says you're from Salorna, what do you know of the Khyber LFM?

07-28-2008, 12:23 PM
Whether or not someone has trouble "getting groups" depends in large part on what kind of groups one is trying to get.

07-28-2008, 12:36 PM
I like Sarlona, I'm an RP~er. Thelanis is cool too. I've never gotten to the other servers. Perhaps I will when I run out of character slots on Sarlona and Thelanis. :)

07-28-2008, 01:02 PM
7-12 PM every day of the week (Friday nights tend to be a bit slower).

Note, however, that I said "...rarely has less than 10 LFMs", not "rarely has less than 10 LFMs looking for a level 9 rogue during off-hours". You're adding all sorts of variables that don't belong:

1) Being in the level 8-12 range is ALWAYS tough for any class
2) Off-peak is known as such for a reason. That said, when I play off-peak, I still see 10+ LFMs regularly.
3) You're a rogue! Too many rogues go the "trap monkey and nothing else" route, making themselves useless and giving other rogues a bad name.

Edit: ...your sig says you're from Salorna, what do you know of the Khyber LFM?

The point was that just because you can find a group whenever you want, it doesn't mean server population is wonderful. We have 10 or more LFMs during that time slot on Sarlona too. But if you have a mid level toon or can't play during prime time, then it can feel like a ghost town.

I'm not trying to turn this into a game bashing thread. I love the game and can work out these issues for myself. I just wanted to point out to the OP that every server would love to have him. So he shouldn't necessarily believe what any of us here are saying.

Aw... Nevermind. Just come to Sarlona... We have punch and pie!

07-28-2008, 01:37 PM
The point was that just because you can find a group whenever you want, it doesn't mean server population is wonderful. We have 10 or more LFMs during that time slot on Sarlona too. But if you have a mid level toon or can't play during prime time, then it can feel like a ghost town.

I'm not trying to turn this into a game bashing thread. I love the game and can work out these issues for myself. I just wanted to point out to the OP that every server would love to have him. So he shouldn't necessarily believe what any of us here are saying.

Aw... Nevermind. Just come to Sarlona... We have punch and pie!No QwijyMart, no dice. :D

I was indeed trying to imply that Khyber's population seems about right, and I stand by that assessment. I have very little trouble finding something to do with any of my characters.

I'd argue that a server that had 10+ LFMs all the time would be overpopulated, and would make peak times unbearable.

07-28-2008, 01:40 PM
come to ghallanda and get a free cookie.

07-28-2008, 01:46 PM
come to ghallanda and get a free cookie.

Someone say COOKIE!!!!!11!1111!!!!!!


Ghallanda.....nuff said.



07-28-2008, 01:48 PM
ghallanda is by far the friendliest server. lots of n00bitr0ns getting help. plenty of pug raids and favor runs. less class discrimination than other servers (i am talking to you argo!), and that will matter for your rogue. 9-12 PST is a busy timeslot on GH too.

sales pitch over.

07-28-2008, 01:51 PM
When I first started playing, I chose Argonnessen simply because it had the longest name :p

07-28-2008, 04:08 PM
Thanks for the replies.

I've rolled a ranger somewhere. Finished the first few solo quests over the weekend. Seems like they really increased the loot in the entry areas since release. I'll get the feel for the game then I'll most likely roll a few characters on different servers before choosing a 'main'.

How is class balance? I usually play rogues (holdout from PnP days), but I got a hankering for ranged DPS for a change. A cleric/ranger (allowed?) sounds like fun for a 2nd toon. First 'main' character will be a basic, single class, learn-to-play type of character.

07-28-2008, 04:40 PM
Thanks for the replies.

I've rolled a ranger somewhere. Finished the first few solo quests over the weekend. Seems like they really increased the loot in the entry areas since release. I'll get the feel for the game then I'll most likely roll a few characters on different servers before choosing a 'main'.

How is class balance? I usually play rogues (holdout from PnP days), but I got a hankering for ranged DPS for a change. A cleric/ranger (allowed?) sounds like fun for a 2nd toon. First 'main' character will be a basic, single class, learn-to-play type of character.

Rogues can do ranged DPS, as long as it's short range (for sneak attacks).
Cleric/ranger is indeed allowed, but probably not a very "efficient" combination unless you take just one ranger level (for bow strength). Ranger alone gives a few spells and use of those all-important cure wands from first level on, so adding cleric to it doesn't do much from a metagaming standpoint. On the other hand, if you want to roleplay a cleric/ranger, go right ahead, sounds like fun ;)

07-28-2008, 04:52 PM
A 6 Ranger\X cleric could end up being a very nice character. Welcome to the game.