View Full Version : lifetime subscriptions

07-25-2008, 01:52 PM
it is time to offer these for this game

LOTRO currently offers one for approx. $200.00

i recently took advantage of the 6-month offer at $9.99 earlier this year

i think that offering a lifetime subscription would encourage people to maintain their subscriptions & could also help increase the population if offered in conjunction with a longer free-trial period

07-25-2008, 01:55 PM
Didn't they offer one at start-up? :confused:

It would only make sense if the numbers support it. They would get a 1 time cash infusion and then ... nothing. The revenue stream is what matters. Although the same company, DDO and LoTR are different economic forces and are surely accounted for differently as different divisions of the company.

07-25-2008, 01:57 PM
if they do not do something, there will eventually be another server merge

they already took a hit by offering 6-month subscriptions, it is time for them to up the ante, if they want their playerbase to have faith in their development of this game

07-25-2008, 01:57 PM
Didn't they offer one at start-up? :confused:

It would only make sense if the numbers support it. They would get a1 time shot of cash infusion and then ... nothing. The revenue stream is what matters. Although the same company, DDO and LoTR are different economic forces and are surely accounted for differently as different divisions of the company.

The whole lifetime sub wasn't really a prevalent sales feature at the time DDO came out. As a matter of fact, I don't think any MMO was offering one at the time.

07-25-2008, 01:57 PM
DDO never had a lifetime subscription offer.
If it did I would of sign up for it long ago.

07-25-2008, 02:08 PM
It's not a bad idea. I'd like the option. If revenue becomes a problem sometime in the future they could always bring out a new boxed 'expansion'.

07-25-2008, 02:17 PM
It's not a bad idea. I'd like the option. If revenue becomes a problem sometime in the future they could always bring out a new boxed 'expansion'.if revenue is a problem, any expansion we'd get would take work away from free updates.
afterall: code doesn't just pop up outta nowhere, and a game with revenue problems isn't likely to add more devs.
what do i know though? maybe a dramatic attempt to re-release DDO is in the cards.

honestly, "life long subscriptions" just look like a bad business model to me, especially on a game that's already established.
i'd love to have one though...

07-25-2008, 02:27 PM
any expansion we'd get would take work away from free updates.
afterall: code doesn't just pop up outta nowhere, and a game with revenue problems isn't likely to add more devs.
what do i know though? maybe a dramatic attempt to re-release DDO is in the cards.

I won't completely argue your point, but I wonder if you've ever looked outside the world of DDO. What I stated is the norm. DDO's free updates are not the norm (COH/COV being the only other one that comes to mind). Specifically look at EQ2. They provide both free and for-a-fee expansions. Not as often as they promised originally, but it does happen.

07-25-2008, 02:34 PM
I won't completely argue your point, but I wonder if you've ever looked outside the world of DDO. What I stated is the norm. DDO's free updates are not the norm (COH/COV being the only other one that comes to mind). Specifically look at EQ2. They provide both free and for-a-fee expansions. Not as often as they promised originally, but it does happen.i love DDO... i really do.
i refuse, however, to pay $10+ a month for server access.
in my opinion, i am currently paying for what amounts to a new game every 6-8 months (mod7 fell short though).
when games start focusing on expansions, it comes time for me to reconsider my investment.

so what if free updates are not the norm?
they're one of the primary reasons i'm still here.

if they offer a lifetime subscription + expansions... then, maybe. big maybe. That's just me though.