View Full Version : Dual Sharding Help

07-24-2008, 12:37 AM
Need some insight on this matter. I crafted a T3 dual-shard helm (using the crafting guide http://perfectweb.org/ddo/crafting/base_crafting.php) with the following :

T1: Positive/Escalation/Ethereal
T2: Negative/Escalation/Ethereal
T3: Positive/Dominion/Material - Good Guard
Negative/Dominion/Material - Evil Guard

But I noticed only my Good Guard is present and working. What happen to the Evil Guard effect from the 2nd T3 shard? It is not listed in the item desc nor issit working in combat. Bugged?


07-24-2008, 01:02 AM
But I noticed only my Good Guard is present and working. What happen to the Evil Guard effect from the 2nd T3 shard? It is not listed in the item desc nor issit working in combat. Bugged?
That is perfectly correct. As explained in the numerous crafting guides, only one of the Shards of Supreme Power will have it's main effect. The other one is only used to qualify for a combo bonus like Mineral 2 or Radiance 2.

07-24-2008, 01:27 AM
Ahhh ICIC. misinterpreted the crafting planner! darnnit... waste of the additional ingredients then... oh well! thanks.

07-24-2008, 01:51 AM
Ahhh ICIC. misinterpreted the crafting planner! darnnit... waste of the additional ingredients then
Didn't you at least get Concordant Opposition out of it? Or are you calling that a waste too? (which I can't really dispute)

07-24-2008, 05:21 AM
Oh, I did get Concordant Opposition. But that only required 1 T3 shard to get. The waste I was refering to is the ingredients that went into the 2nd optional shard.

In all I used 2 Imbued Supreme Shards, thinking I was going to be able to get both Good Guard & Evil Guard as T3 bonuses on top of Concordant Opposition :)

Oh well...

07-24-2008, 05:31 AM
Oh, I did get Concordant Opposition. But that only required 1 T3 shard to get. The waste I was refering to is the ingredients that went into the 2nd optional shard.

In all I used 2 Imbued Supreme Shards, thinking I was going to be able to get both Good Guard & Evil Guard as T3 bonuses on top of Concordant Opposition :)

Oh well...

Be thankful that you did use both shards and combine them for the third tier. If you did just use 1 tier 3 imbued shard, you would have really messed up the item. You would not have gotten the Concordant Opposition which I would assume was the reason for doing the "Stalemate" (pos+neg) in the first place.

Anytime you make a Para/Quasi Aspect, you have to combine 2 shards at the third tier. Now you will only get the 3rd tier bonus from the dominent focus,(air/pos/earth/ect....) but you also get the Enhancement II of the Aspect Property.

07-24-2008, 07:17 AM
Interesting... So I DID needed both T3 shards to acquire the C/O bonus effect? Well, I feel much better now... :D Heh, do pardon my crafting n00bness!!!

Not all need a 2nd T3 shard though right? Im looking at a Holy / Good Burst / Good Blast weapon next with the Greater Disruption T3 bonus effect. That's a straight T1,T2 & T3 all = Positive/Dominion/Material only right?

Much appreciated!

07-24-2008, 07:36 AM
Here are a couple of other questions along the same lines:

1. When you do a duel shard for tier 3, does one of the two shards have to be related to your first two upgrades, or can it be totally seperate (e.g. can I do air for tiers 1 and 2 and then, say, a positive mineral duel shard for tier 3)?

2. Is it possible to duel shard at the tier 2 upgrade as well as the tier 3? Can I do positive for tier 1 and then a duel positive negative shard for tier 2 (in order to get tiers 1 and 2 with positive updgrades and a poisitive/negative tier 2 bonus)?

07-24-2008, 07:41 AM
Here are a couple of other questions along the same lines:

1. When you do a duel shard for tier 3, does one of the two shards have to be related to your first two upgrades, or can it be totally seperate (e.g. can I do air for tiers 1 and 2 and then, say, a positive mineral duel shard for tier 3)?

You will only get the tier 3 special effect (e.g. Mineral II, transmuting, slicing, keen) if you combine the correct elemental combination at tier 3 with the existing elements you added at tiers 1 and 2. You will always get the tier 3 effect though regardless of what elements you use, as determined by the gem/essence combination and the elemental dominance. E.g. if you add a dual shard positive/earth at tier 3 then you will get the earth based tier 3 effect, but only manifest Mineral II if you have already added earth and positive at tiers 1 and 2. If you use a different elemental combination at tier 3 (e.g. the example you specify above) you will gain a tier 3 effect, but not manifest any tier 3 special effect (i.e. it would be a waste)

2. Is it possible to duel shard at the tier 2 upgrade as well as the tier 3? Can I do positive for tier 1 and then a duel positive negative shard for tier 2 (in order to get tiers 1 and 2 with positive updgrades and a poisitive/negative tier 2 bonus)?

No - you can only combine supreme shards, and they will only combine on the altar of devastation.


07-24-2008, 11:40 PM
Greensteel Necklace With +10 hp, +1 Dex Skills, +15 hp, +2 Dex Skills - Haste (3/day), +20 hp, +3 Dex Skills - Air Guard (On-Being-Hit chance, DC 35 Trip vs. attacker or 30-second haste)

Updated with Air all the way through.

I was wondering about this necklace. I already have an item with +6 dex, if i craft that necklace am I gonna get +3 bonus or they dont stack?

Thanks :)

07-24-2008, 11:53 PM
I was wondering about this necklace. I already have an item with +6 dex, if i craft that necklace am I gonna get +3 bonus or they dont stack?
Your existing item gives you +6 dex, which equates to +3 to dex skills. The necklace effect will give you +3 to dex skills on top of that.

Note that dex skills are things like Hide, Move Silently, Balance, and Open Locks, and few players care much about increasing those skills. They'd like to get their dexerity increased for more AC or attack rolls, but that won't happen with a green steel necklace.

07-25-2008, 12:11 AM
Greensteel Necklace With +10 hp, +1 Dex Skills, +15 hp, +2 Dex Skills - Haste (3/day), +20 hp, +3 Dex Skills - Air Guard (On-Being-Hit chance, DC 35 Trip vs. attacker or 30-second haste)

Updated with Air all the way through.

I was wondering about this necklace. I already have an item with +6 dex, if i craft that necklace am I gonna get +3 bonus or they dont stack?

Thanks :)

Not sure what exactly your asking here.. so I'll cover both answers for ya...

If you make another wearable item... i.e a belt that has any of the same attributes as your necklace... then you will only benefiet from one of the items. for instance... say both tier II's match on both items... you only get one tier II effect to work

Now if your talking about making an item that adds to your dex attribute score, that can only be done on a weapon. and the max you can get is a total of +9 DEX.


Tier I +5 Longsword of Dexterity +6, Tier II +1 Dex, Tier III +2 Dex=+9 Dex weapon
+6 Dex ring combined with the following shroud weaon Tier I +5 Acid Longsword, Tier II +1 Dex, Tier III +2 Dex, nets a +9 dex

Hope thats not to confusing for ya...


07-26-2008, 04:33 AM
Ok. Actually my question was: Is there a way that i can increase my dex using a greensteel item, since I already have a +6 dex?
In another words I already have a +6 dex ring (not greensteell) , I was thinking about crafting an item that can increase that dex for me.
Is there anyway I can do this?
thanks everyone

07-26-2008, 04:46 AM
Ok. Actually my question was: Is there a way that i can increase my dex using a greensteel item, since I already have a +6 dex?
In another words I already have a +6 dex ring (not greensteell) , I was thinking about crafting an item that can increase that dex for me.
Is there anyway I can do this?
thanks everyone

To increase your actual Dex attribute, you can only do that in crafting a GS Weapon. All Greensteel accessories add to Skills, while Greensteel Weapons add to attributes with a total +9 possible. +6 tier 1, +1 tier 2, +2 tier 3. If you alreayd have a +6 dex ring, then you can only add another +3 on top for a total of 9.

08-01-2008, 01:23 PM
Sorry for the partial thread hijack - I'm about to craft an identical item but I'm worried about getting the wrong dual shard effect

I want to go -

Tier I - Wiz VI & +1 Int skills
Tier II - SP & +2 Cha skills
Tier III - SP & +3 Cha skills & Concordant Opposition II

My question is - how do I combine the shards to ensure I get +3 Cha skills and not +3 Int skills at Tier III ?

08-02-2008, 05:16 PM
Hmmm - doing a little more research - at Tier III positive is always dominant over negative so it's impossible to accidentally get +3 Int skills instead of Cha, is that right?

08-15-2008, 01:56 AM
Ok, so if I have a belt that gives me +30HP, the same thing is gonna happen if I craft a goggle with:

Tier 1: + 10 HP
Tier 2: + 15 HP
Tier 3: + 20 HP
Total: 45 HP

Am I gonna get 15 HP? or more 45 HP along with 30 HP from the belt?

08-15-2008, 02:12 AM
Ok, so if I have a belt that gives me +30HP, the same thing is gonna happen if I craft a goggle with:
Unless the belt is Green Steel, then it has Greater False Life on it, which is separate from Shroud hp boosts and stacks with them.

08-15-2008, 02:28 AM
So, if I have a belt of Greater False life(+30HP) and that goggle with tier 3 on it(+45HP) I can actually get +75HP?

08-15-2008, 02:35 AM
So, if I have a belt of Greater False life(+30HP) and that goggle with tier 3 on it(+45HP) I can actually get +75HP?
And then more from Minos Legens.