View Full Version : Add a respawn timer on Cylinders in Gwylans Stand

07-22-2008, 02:28 PM
On more than one occasion i have had unpleasant situations resulting from cylindrs not being able to respawn and the cylinders being able to be destroyed. Please add a respawn timer on cylinders.

Also please take away the function of Destroy Quest Items.

07-22-2008, 02:42 PM
Also please take away the function of Destroy Quest Items.
That's a good point. When a player does an action that would destroy a quest item, it should instead drop to the ground.

07-22-2008, 02:47 PM
You could not destroy the quest items.. that seems pretty easy.

07-22-2008, 02:56 PM
You could not destroy the quest items.. that seems pretty easy.
But you should be able to get them out of your inventory somehow. That's especially important in Gwylan's Stand, where a player who quickly clicks on a couple cylinders could find himself loaded down under 600 lbs and unable to walk. He should have some way to put it back and get it later. (Whether the dropped object goes on the group next to him or returns to it's spawnpoint is debatable)

07-22-2008, 03:12 PM
THey are Tradeable though right?

I wonder... If you recall out and go to a vendor do they appear in your "Buy back" tab?

07-22-2008, 03:26 PM
THey are Tradeable though right?
No, I don't think they are.

07-22-2008, 03:31 PM
Almost all quest items are tradeable....exceptions being the colored palm crystals from the titan, possibly the DD mirror from the shadow series, and maybe 1 or 2 others that aren't coming to my mind right away.

07-22-2008, 03:46 PM
The only solution is to recall out. All quest items will fall to the ground. You will take a hit on XP but you will drop the items without destroying them.

07-22-2008, 03:52 PM
Almost all quest items are tradeable....exceptions being the colored palm crystals from the titan, possibly the DD mirror from the shadow series, and maybe 1 or 2 others that aren't coming to my mind right away.
I am pretty darn sure the things in Gwylan's are not tradeable. We had the situation described in an earlier post: someone was carrying several, got hit with something that zapped his STR, couldn't move, tried to trade, couldn't do it (someone had to keep casting Bull's Strength, because we had nothing better, on him until he could unload them). I suppose it's possible we had a group spazz attack, but I don't think so.

Most lowbie quest items that spring to my mind are bound (Goodblade stuff for sure, possibly the lighthouse tome, Garrison's pack and Guard Jung's badge), so you may be misremembering, or getting confused about what exactly is a "quest item". Either that or for whatever reason, quest items are not bound in mid- to -high-level quests as they are in low-level quests.

07-23-2008, 12:10 PM
I think they are tradable, but may not appear in the trade window (visual bug only).

07-24-2008, 10:16 AM
I think they are tradable, but may not appear in the trade window (visual bug only).
To solve this, we need someone to run Gwylan's and report back.

07-24-2008, 10:24 AM
A faster solution for the devs would be to just add a couple of extra cylinders. Maybe near the acid trap chest. Then if you have someone destroy one you can go get the extras and finish.

On a simple run, everyone can just ignore the extras.

07-24-2008, 11:44 AM
That's a good point. When a player does an action that would destroy a quest item, it should instead drop to the ground.

Oh, but it was priceless, the time our former guild leader destroyed the Vorpal Greataxe that you have to turn in at the end of VoN 1. It's from events like that that legends are born. :-D

07-24-2008, 06:17 PM
A faster solution for the devs would be to just add a couple of extra cylinders. Maybe near the acid trap chest. Then if you have someone destroy one you can go get the extras and finish.

On a simple run, everyone can just ignore the extras.

Or you could just not click and drag them out of your inventory and then not click the confirmation box asking if you wish to destroy them.
Keeping these items is part of the quest just as much as keep Coyle alive or not letting any hobgobs into the keep in Archers Point.

You might as well ask for Coyle to have a soul stone or be able to cast raise dead/ressurect on him.

07-24-2008, 06:47 PM
Or you could just not click and drag them out of your inventory and then not click the confirmation box asking if you wish to destroy them.
Keeping these items is part of the quest just as much as keep Coyle alive or not letting any hobgobs into the keep in Archers Point.
Wrong. In the case under discussion, moving the items to their eventual destination in the crates is part of the quest. To put it down and pick it up again later would not in any way be shirking the goals established as the scenario.

07-24-2008, 06:59 PM
Wrong. In the case under discussion, moving the items to their eventual destination in the crates is part of the quest. To put it down and pick it up again later would not in any way be shirking the goals established as the scenario.


Do not destroy in the first place.

07-24-2008, 07:11 PM
No, I don't think they are.

We could not trade them, last night. Stupid strength-is-a-dump-stat caster hogging all the cylinders.

07-24-2008, 07:19 PM

Do not destroy in the first place.
That is highly incorrect, as would be obvious by paying attention to the contents of this thread.

07-24-2008, 07:31 PM

Do not destroy in the first place.


My group spent 4 hours waiting for a GM one night after spending over an hour in gwylan's. Only two of us got the exp and I suffered a 20% penalty for having to reenter. We could have just rerun the quest if it weren't for the fact that, you know, timezones meant that several folks had to go to bed after staying up to finish it.

The reason being that dying with the cylinders causes them to be destroyed and our barbarian, as they often do, died. This is a past bug that has resurfaced several times and is a known issue.

In other words, cram your hardcore philosophy. The cylinders don't need to be as obnoxious as they are and there are many reasons to build in redundancies in this quest. Plus any time one person can grief the entire party it should not be permitted by the game system.

07-24-2008, 08:32 PM
Wrong. In the case under discussion, moving the items to their eventual destination in the crates is part of the quest. To put it down and pick it up again later would not in any way be shirking the goals established as the scenario.

Well how does destroying them on purpose fall into your scenario? Bit hard to move them to their destination then isn't it?

07-24-2008, 08:35 PM
Well how does destroying them on purpose fall into your scenario?
That question has already been completely answered above.

07-24-2008, 09:15 PM
That question has already been completely answered above.

I can't any post that gives a reason why after you click and drag and from you inventory and confrim that you want to destroy it, why it should be replaced. You chose to destroy it and hence make the quest impossible to complete. Reminds me of the people that got ham instead of of the wisdom bonus from their wish cake after they clicked through without reading. That was Turbines fault as well apperently.

I have no problem with them being tradeable or being replaced in genuine circumstances such as AFK griefing or accidently destroyed on death but if you choose to destroy them, you choose to fail.

07-24-2008, 09:27 PM
I can't any post that gives a reason why after you click and drag and from you inventory and confrim that you want to destroy it, why it should be replaced. You chose to destroy it and hence make the quest impossible to complete. Reminds me of the people that got ham instead of of the wisdom bonus from their wish cake after they clicked through without reading. That was Turbines fault as well apperently.

I have no problem with them being tradeable or being replaced in genuine circumstances such as AFK griefing or accidently destroyed on death but if you choose to destroy them, you choose to fail.
The point you are missing is that since there is no way to "put them down," "putting them down" should be simulated (so to speak) by allowing them to respawn, or by adding a few redundant ones.

Of course, if they were tradable, this would be less of an issue.

07-24-2008, 09:34 PM
A faster solution for the devs would be to just add a couple of extra cylinders. Maybe near the acid trap chest. Then if you have someone destroy one you can go get the extras and finish.

On a simple run, everyone can just ignore the extras.

Quite right. They have extra barrels of gun powder in Irestone Inlet. Why not extra cylinders in Gwylan's?

07-24-2008, 10:38 PM
The point you are missing is that since there is no way to "put them down," "putting them down" should be simulated (so to speak) by allowing them to respawn, or by adding a few redundant ones.

Of course, if they were tradable, this would be less of an issue.

Not at all, hence my previous post where I said they should be able to be traded or replaced under legit circumstances.

If you read the OP's other post about this matter, he pulled the items from inventory and confirmed he wanted them destroyed in which case they should not be replaced.

07-25-2008, 07:43 AM
Hi, any time one person can grief the entire party it should not be permitted by the game system.

Hello. Maybe you've hit on something with that.

07-25-2008, 07:47 AM
But you should be able to get them out of your inventory somehow. That's especially important in Gwylan's Stand, where a player who quickly clicks on a couple cylinders could find himself loaded down under 600 lbs and unable to walk. He should have some way to put it back and get it later. (Whether the dropped object goes on the group next to him or returns to it's spawnpoint is debatable)

uhh, trade?

07-25-2008, 07:50 AM
why bother

07-25-2008, 09:24 AM
A lot of people are failing their comprehension check. There are several quest items in the mid level quests that weight a LOT (about 50lbs) each and if you are not really looking at it you can end up with several and overloaded. These items are NO TRADE. You can NOT open a trade window and drag them over. You get an error message that they can not be traded. I know the supplies in Stormcleave fall into this category and I am sure there are others where a item required for completion of the quest can not be traded and only drops on recall and in some cases is just destroyed outright on recall.

Telling people to just trade the items shows you are not even looking at the posts and don't know the situations that they are trying to deal with.

07-25-2008, 11:55 AM
A lot of people are failing their comprehension check.
Some people are compelled to respond to what they think was said, or to what they will have an easier time responding to, rather than to what was actually said.

Why is there so much opposition to this idea (i.e., that of respawning quest stuff)?