View Full Version : Invite A Friend... Buddy Invite

07-17-2008, 12:49 PM
I've tried sending these out 3 times now to 3 different people/email accounts. They never get the the invite. Then I resend w/ the same results. What gives?

07-17-2008, 04:49 PM
Finally got it to work

07-17-2008, 04:51 PM
Finally got it to work

What gave?

07-18-2008, 12:25 PM
What gave?

About the 6th time I hit resend he finally got it.

As a side note. IMO it would help increase the population of the this game if the client download didn't take so freaking long. The guy I sent the invitation too almost didn't play at all because of an 8 hour download. He was very discouraged, and I had to keep reassuring him that this game was worth the wait.

I've been a gamer since we had to have boot disk to load our games. I started playing Ulitma Online almost from day 1. And, I have played many, many games since. MMO's, ARPG's, FPS's. And, there is nothing more frustrating than setting down to game and having to wait on a slow download or slow patch. DDO offers the best of both worlds. A slow download and a slow patch! I'm sure lots of people have just canceled the client download and moved on to something they could play right away. A retail DDO CD/DVD isn't even available in stores anymore. My "buddy" that I sent the invite to, went to 5 different retail stores trying to find a copy of the game so that he wouldn't have to wait on the download. He finally found one at a book store; and, the salesman there told him the Game was out of production on CD/DVD. After he installed from the CD, he then had almost 4 hours of patching to wait on.(luckily I had warned him of this). Anyway, I'm just trying to point out the client download is to slow and so is the patching. Turbine should really work on this if they want to keep selling new subscriptions.