View Full Version : petition: turn off shroud raid timer

07-16-2008, 01:09 PM
i should be able to complete the shroud everyday if i want to with my tempest ranger because leveling a monk is like eating stinky fish & there is not much else to do in this game other than loot

the other raids are not that important to me so i do not care about them

07-16-2008, 01:11 PM
the rest of the year sucks I want it to be christmas ALL year round because well the rest of the days just aren't important to me... sorry just thought this was funny.

07-16-2008, 01:13 PM
i actually love Thanksgiving the best

anyway, my post is part jest, part sadness & part seriousness

07-16-2008, 01:15 PM
i actually love Thanksgiving the best

anyway, my post is part jest, part sadness & part seriousness

I understand what yer saying...I almost broke into tears when I rolled a bard and took him into Goodblades..

07-16-2008, 01:16 PM
I disagree a lot the timers should not be turned off. Why not petition for a button option when you enter any quest when you push it the quest is completed and you get all the benefits for it. That way you don't have to bother with actually having to run through the quest.

07-16-2008, 01:16 PM
Actually, they should kill the timer for all the raids; what's the point, anyway?

07-16-2008, 01:17 PM
i solo my new halfing rogue when i can because trying to play with the summer/school's out kids in the harbor makes me cry as well

I understand what yer saying...I almost broke into tears when I rolled a bard and took him into Goodblades..

07-16-2008, 01:17 PM
Actually, they should kill the timer for all the raids; what's the point, anyway?

So that powergames don't run the raids 10 times a day and get all the best loot in a week is how I look at it.

07-16-2008, 01:19 PM
Turbine, if you keep us capped for months and almost a year sometimes, you should let us raid as much as we want

Actually, they should kill the timer for all the raids; what's the point, anyway?

07-16-2008, 01:20 PM
they all got 6 or more capped & some have 2 accounts, they raiding every raid constantly anyway

i just want to spend an hour in the shroud every day, it is how i relax from working for the man

So that powergames don't run the raids 10 times a day and get all the best loot in a week is how I look at it.

07-16-2008, 01:21 PM
timers don't make any sense anyway, if you wanna grind a quest 100 times back to back so be it

the only reason they'd ever be in there would be exploits or something, and even then ransacked on chests would kill the shroud until your timer was up

it's all kinds of ridiculous

07-16-2008, 01:22 PM
i'd actually agree on the shroud timer tho. People with a dozen capped characters, can pull old ones out of retirement for ingredients, with no intention of crafting for that character. But farming for their other ones. Nonpower gamers are handicapped by the timer, not the other way around. Its all a matter of how many runs you do, atm, more characters = more runs. Some people can craft one item a week, if you only have 1 character tho, you can only craft 1 item a month at best.

07-16-2008, 01:24 PM
due to metagaming & uberloot, we already got the easy button in this game

as totmacher stated, timers make no sense at this point

I disagree a lot the timers should not be turned off. Why not petition for a button option when you enter any quest when you push it the quest is completed and you get all the benefits for it. That way you don't have to bother with actually having to run through the quest.

07-16-2008, 01:29 PM
I agree. Won't happen though, they need the timers to keep you around longer.

07-16-2008, 01:32 PM
I see reasons for both timer and no timer, but regardless I think that the 3 day wait is too much. Maybe reduce the timer to 24 hours as a compromise?

07-16-2008, 01:39 PM
i'd actually agree on the shroud timer tho. People with a dozen capped characters, can pull old ones out of retirement for ingredients, with no intention of crafting for that character. But farming for their other ones. Nonpower gamers are handicapped by the timer, not the other way around. Its all a matter of how many runs you do, atm, more characters = more runs. Some people can craft one item a week, if you only have 1 character tho, you can only craft 1 item a month at best.

But you see, chances are, the casual players wouldn't be able to run every raid more than once every few days, so it doesn't really hurt them/us (I consider myself a semi-casual player ).

Then again if the best stuff in the raids do not bind on pick up, makes little sense to have timers on them. I was looking at it from a WoW perspective. I have only run one raid (TS) so far in DDO and that was only once, so I'm not sure what goodies one gets from raiding here.

07-16-2008, 01:48 PM
I get only a little time to play - maybe more than some, but not as much time as "power gamers"

Whoever says you can craft an item in two weeks - or even a month - I have to call BS on. Maybe YOU can, but average players (such as myself) are not going to be able to collect the exact 24 large ingredients in a month of playing. For a one-character player, it would take ... 72 days, given that you run every time your timer runs out and that you get the exact 24 ingredients you want to get to craft. You get one duplicate, your time goes up by three days. You get zero ingredients, three more days added on. You MAY get two or even three ingredients sometimes, but not regularly enough to count. Even getting a guaranteed 2 Large ingredients (that you need) each run, it would be 36 days - a little over a month.

It took me until Last week to do one Tier III item - single shard. Now I'm grinding for my dual shard weapon. :D Missing out on the "New" raids because I'm focused on crafting and running three characters through as fast as I can. ( Also leveling three others... )

07-16-2008, 01:56 PM
I disagree a lot the timers should not be turned off. Why not petition for a button option when you enter any quest when you push it the quest is completed and you get all the benefits for it. That way you don't have to bother with actually having to run through the quest.


07-16-2008, 02:12 PM
If you only have one character, recall out of the raid before completion. You can run it again and again, each time getting a chance at another large. This is what you do with only one or two characters. Each run should take less than an hour. Let's say 3 hours a night (two attempts), 4 nights a week. It should take right about 2 weeks to craft a pure tier3 item (12 larges) - much less if you are only looking for a tier2 upgrade...

I could really care less if there is a timer. It's a grind either way - timer or no timer. More incentive to buy ingredients from plat farmers from the Auction House if you don't want to wait. Thanks to Turbine. :rolleyes:

07-16-2008, 02:16 PM
they all got 6 or more capped & some have 2 accounts, they raiding every raid constantly anyway

i just want to spend an hour in the shroud every day, it is how i relax from working for the man

Then DON'T complete...just Ddoor out and you can run it every day if you want...

07-16-2008, 02:19 PM
But you see, chances are, the casual players wouldn't be able to run every raid more than once every few days, so it doesn't really hurt them/us (I consider myself a semi-casual player ).

Then again if the best stuff in the raids do not bind on pick up, makes little sense to have timers on them. I was looking at it from a WoW perspective. I have only run one raid (TS) so far in DDO and that was only once, so I'm not sure what goodies one gets from raiding here.

Yeah...go ahead and NOT do that...this is not WoW, nor was it ever intended to be...if you're all that concern...work a little harder and get multiple toons flagged so you can run every day. It's what I did. I do a Reaver raid once a day with my guild. Could really care less about the loot...it's more about hanging out with my guildies and goofing off :D:D

07-16-2008, 02:23 PM
Would you rather wait ~3 days for a timer, or gauge yourself to avoid being ransacked. Effectively, each quest therefore has an innate, universal timer. This still limits us for every quest. The only difference between raid timers and ransacked is that raid timers are longer (since the loot is so much better) and turbine prevents us from being ransacked (for obvious game mechanic reasons). The shroud timer is a little ridiculous, as people just D Door out anyways...

To fix this, drop the timer to about one and a half days, which will result in more completions, while keeping the same time to avoid becoming ransacked.

07-16-2008, 02:26 PM
holy mackeral, do you really think that i do not already know about that

please get a clue

i want the 20 completions for my tome

the dd-option is also sort of cheesy & additionally denies you the chance of pulling even more larges

the reaver, i run that **** once on elite for the favor, what a snooze

i guess i will just start farming tor for scales so i can make my new halfling rogue a white-scale robe

Then DON'T complete...just Ddoor out and you can run it every day if you want...

07-16-2008, 02:54 PM
For the love of all that is sacred, /not signed.

Get two more alts Shroud ready, and you can run once per night anyway. With 6 shroud ready characters, I already spend more time with Harry than I spend with my wife. While the mission is fun on a tempest ranger, I fear the absence of a raid timer would prohibit me from using the greatest excuse to running my cleric, "Sorry He is on a timer".

07-16-2008, 02:59 PM
Yeah...go ahead and NOT do that...this is not WoW, nor was it ever intended to be...if you're all that concern...work a little harder and get multiple toons flagged so you can run every day. It's what I did. I do a Reaver raid once a day with my guild. Could really care less about the loot...it's more about hanging out with my guildies and goofing off :D:D

I'm glad it's not WoW or I wouldn't be here :)

Let's hope it stays that way.

07-16-2008, 03:06 PM

Shroud items are the most powerful in the game. Since I am trying to be as insanely overpowered as possible, please turn this timer off so I can reach my goal faster. Also I need more reasons to never eat, sleep, or socialize. Thanks in advance! :D

07-16-2008, 03:14 PM
listen and understand

timers are just an artificial cap so you can't basically farm out a raid with your guild one weekend and get everything and content dries up (and consequently you leave the game). if you don't understand why they're there, then you're not arguing correctly.

it has nothing to do with an easy mode button, you still have to run the raid. the shroud should need no timer though because it's a crafting raid and it's a sum of parts as opposed to other raids which drop one weapon/item/set of items(12). with the limitless choices (21384 or whatever teh srhoud has) it would take you forever to "farm out" the shroud on one toon

07-16-2008, 03:18 PM

Shroud items are the most powerful in the game. Since I am trying to be as insanely overpowered as possible, please turn this timer off so I can reach my goal faster. Also I need more reasons to never eat, sleep, or socialize. Thanks in advance! :D

Twerpp, I have to say that you have the best sense of humor. I am still chuckling to myself about your tampon comment the other day. Hilarious!

Anyway, ummmm.... YEAH NO TIMERS BOO FOR TIMERS. just to get back on topic..

07-16-2008, 03:27 PM
I would like the raid timer doubled or more. It is much easier to go watch a movie or spend time with the family when you are not wishing you could be in a raid trying to get that last **** large scale you need to make your 3rd tier mineral II Khopesh. At last I have finaly completed my weapon and have taken a four day vacation from DDO.

07-16-2008, 03:43 PM
/Takes Petition
/Turns on Shreader
/No more Petition
/Not Signed

07-16-2008, 10:32 PM
I definitely agree with the OP, although for different reasons.

Playing at offpeak times mostly myself, it's often hard to make a Shroud group. You send out the tells, and everyone says 'sorry, am on timer' (or this may be the case just for a certain important class like Cleric or Bard - this raid is tough to PUG without 1 bard and 2 clerics).

The ability to D-Door makes the timer fairly redundant anyway - it just means that casual gamers (with no capped alts) do the entire same quest that those of us with multiple toons do, but get significantly less rewards for it. They get about ΒΌ of the chance at larges that we get, less than half the XP (if they care), less chance at Supreme Shards, and less traditional loot too.

The only big drawback to removing the timer would be that it would make accessing Essences of Cleansing and +3 tomes easier.

Compare this to other timed quests like the Hound of Xoriat, where the timer is a necessary balancing factor (as the best loot is all bound).

So I say - throw the casual players a bone, ditch the timer.

07-17-2008, 08:28 AM
i'd actually agree on the shroud timer tho. ... Nonpower gamers are handicapped by the timer, not the other way around.

This is why I tend to agree that the timer for shroud needs to be looked at ... Maybe not removed, just shortened maybe to 24 hours?

If you only have one character, recall out of the raid before completion

Then DON'T complete...just Ddoor out and you can run it every day if you want...

This would deny casual players access to large ingredients, so for that reason I would like to see a different option

More incentive to buy ingredients from plat farmers from the Auction House if you don't want to wait.

Gee ... Turbine encouraging plat farmers?!?! Say it aint so!! :D

07-17-2008, 09:00 AM
i solo my new halfing rogue when i can because trying to play with the summer/school's out kids in the harbor makes me cry as well

HAHA! yeah... got in a group the other night with my WF wiz1 rog3. Immediately after me a WF monk joined in.

Went to elite bonebite and the monk runs ahead like a barbarian with a deathwish. He's getting a royal beatdown and ends up incap. "heal me" um, ok, walk over and use repair skill to stand him up. "no heal me", um... no. I'm not your nanny and you arent even using a monk weapon there super-dood. (pure monk running around with a flaming long sword)

My wf rog was a RP attempt. he carried def spells and POTS to heal. He died forever last night. Was not going thru another quest with a bunch of noobs who couldnt comprehend a simple thing like arry pots to protect your health or make arrangements BEFORE the quest to C.Y.A.

07-17-2008, 09:23 AM
I would like the raid timer doubled or more. It is much easier to go watch a movie or spend time with the family when you are not wishing you could be in a raid trying to get that last **** large scale you need to make your 3rd tier mineral II Khopesh. At last I have finaly completed my weapon and have taken a four day vacation from DDO.


07-17-2008, 11:05 AM
I have thought long and hard about this. I am between a casual player and hard-core player (about 20hours/week). The reason for the timer on the raids is to prevent people from running them over and over again to get raid loot. I agree with this. There is no reason to be running VON or Titan 5-6 times in a row to get item X.

That being said, the Shroud requires such a large number of items, and specific items, that removing the timer would make getting those items easier. Each Shroud gives you the chance for up to 2 large items. If you need 24 large ingredients, it is unlikely you will get people making 12 straight runs. The quest still takes long enough, and you still need enough ingredients, that people will continue to run it. This is especially true when you consider people will be getting Essences, meaning they can restart crafting a new item. Simply, for the fact that crafting will continue at the curremt pace, but it will make it more likely to get the pieces that you need, I will sign this.

The Shroud does not have raid loot, you have to make your own. It has taken much longer to make the equivalent (read Tier III) Shroud items than pulling raid loot from other raids and it need to be balanced. The best way to do that is to remove the timer.

07-17-2008, 02:34 PM
i should be able to complete the shroud everyday if i want to with my tempest ranger because leveling a monk is like eating stinky fish & there is not much else to do in this game other than loot

the other raids are not that important to me so i do not care about them

Roll up more characters. Flag them. Having 7 chars flagged means I NEVER miss a Shroud raid. In fact most times I only have 1-3 characters on timer, due to Real Life.

07-17-2008, 04:24 PM
Man, I posted this same request not that long ago and was duly slapped around.


I still would like to see the timer go away, however.

07-17-2008, 07:09 PM

Shroud items are the most powerful in the game. Since I am trying to be as insanely overpowered as possible, please turn this timer off so I can reach my goal faster. Also I need more reasons to never eat, sleep, or socialize. Thanks in advance! :D

hehe not really trying to flame but i must interject that shroud items arent the most powerful item in the game, w/p rapiers are :)

07-17-2008, 09:54 PM
i think real-life & ransack would server as a shroud-timer in & of itself

some of us like to play one character not 7

also, try getting your rogue in the shroud, i.e., most lame-ass leaders would rather have another barbarian

Roll up more characters. Flag them. Having 7 chars flagged means I NEVER miss a Shroud raid. In fact most times I only have 1-3 characters on timer, due to Real Life.

07-24-2008, 10:16 AM
it is about a week after i started this thread

i have 5 shroud completions on my tempest ranger now

i cannot get my capped drow assassin into most PUG shroud groups because most leaders do not have a clue about rogues

server population has shrunk due to summertime & who knows what else

i am leveling a new halfling rogue so that keeps me occupied

devs you need to let us ranscak the shroud if we want to because you are not raising the level-cap, renovating the **** harbor, and not releasing any info about the future of this game

some of your capped player base does not want to focus on the hound of VOD, rather we still want to loot the shroud for larges

please do not make me start raiding the tor everyday with puggers, i might have to get a Wii

07-24-2008, 12:59 PM
i have 5 shroud completions on my tempest ranger now

i cannot get my capped drow assassin into most PUG shroud groups because most leaders do not have a clue about rogues

server population has shrunk due to summertime & who knows what else

i am leveling a new halfling rogue so that keeps me occupied

devs you need to let us ransack the shroud if we want to because you are not raising the level-cap, renovating the **** harbor, and not releasing any info about the future of this game

some of your capped player base does not want to focus on the hound of VOD, rather we still want to loot the shroud for larges

I have the same problem with my Monk.

I am focused on Hound/VoD/Shroud.

I do my best to put 5-6 characters on timer for Shroud, if not all the mentioned raids. It's not easy.

As for your Assassin, just let the Raid Leader know "Assassin build, designed for excessively ridiculous Backstab damage while not taking aggro. Improved Evasion will keep me alive during part 4-5 without much trouble" and they should drop an Invite instead of waiting for you to Join. Simple communication dude-man-guy-dude.

As for the Shroud Timer, I met a player who currently has NOTHING else to do and currently has about 90 large ingredients(and at least 3 Tier 3 II items on all 9 chars). People like him are the reason why there are Raid Timers, and we are the reason for the generously short duration. I have completed 1(one)(singular) Tier 3 item, and am working on a second(2)(additional).