View Full Version : DPS d.axe vs g.axe
07-14-2008, 12:03 PM
Dwarf fighter green steel dwarven axe with 8 swings
vs same fighter with green steel great axe and 5 swings?
Is it no contest or they close?
07-14-2008, 12:14 PM
Is it no contest or they close?
The dwarven axe wins. The greataxe does more damage per hit, but not enough more to make up for three more hits from the dwarven axe.
The result depends a little on what kind of magic the axes have on them. If you're using high DPS effects like Lightning 2, the dwarven axe wins by more than if you just had Mineral 2 on it.
07-14-2008, 12:16 PM
And the Dwarven Axe looks cooler! :D
07-14-2008, 04:23 PM
I dont have a character with all the two handed fighting feats, so I don't know how much that splash damage adds up. My fighter with no 2 handed feats gets 0-5 dmg i think on splashes.
Also i was thinking if both axes were crafting identical.
So basically 8 swings dual wielding is better than 5 swings with spalsh.
08-27-2008, 11:44 PM
28-35 glancing blow damage while partied depending what buffs are up.
01-12-2009, 05:22 PM
The dwarven axe wins. The greataxe does more damage per hit, but not enough more to make up for three more hits from the dwarven axe.
The result depends a little on what kind of magic the axes have on them. If you're using high DPS effects like Lightning 2, the dwarven axe wins by more than if you just had Mineral 2 on it.
It isn't that simple. For a single target... Dual wield DA wins... for mulitple targets say 3-4 taking glancing blows (splash) from G2HF... GA wins. On the low side your glances will hit each additional target for 20 damage. It makes up for the 3 extra swings fast in multiple mob situations.
04-24-2009, 08:32 AM
Dwarf fighter green steel dwarven axe with 8 swings
vs same fighter with green steel great axe and 5 swings?
Is it no contest or they close?
In the real game it's not 8 swings for 5 swings. That's just a made up figure pulled from pen and paper that never applied to DDO.
It's highly variable and depends on character race, player skill, monster movement, lag, a dozen other factors. In some cases the Dwarven axes will get zero swings while the greataxe gets fifty - due to improved swing range on the greataxe. In others the dwarven axe might get twice as many swings. It all depends on too many things to list into an equation.
There both fine weapons but I'd bet on the Greataxe any day.
07-24-2009, 12:56 PM
Dwarf with DA wins, no contest, Shade haves a point, but with the DA dmg and such its a hard thing to beat. I'd rather take the fast swing with more hits with the chance of more crits, then i would a slow but powerful wep with a less crit chance due to the speed of the Great Axe. But to every man his own.
07-27-2009, 06:19 AM
a less crit chance
Both weapons critical on a 20 only. They are the same for crit chance.
07-27-2009, 06:23 AM
Both weapons critical on a 20 only. They are the same for crit chance.
i'm actually more amazed at his divine abilities
07-27-2009, 06:56 AM
i have 2 barb 1 dwarf with 2 weapon fighting feats and dual wields min II DA and does pretty **** good
I also have a WF that uses muals (same as great axes in range and swing rate) and I simply can do way more with my wf usuing a mual then i can with my dwarf using dwarven axes.
1 i can keep out range of there melle attacks while still being able to hit them taking 0 dmp
2. cost hell of a lot less Larges to make 1 Mual vs 2 Dwarven axes
3. dont have to farm part 1 shroud as much for power shard
4. dont have to farm the side quest as much to get a full stone and twigs
5 I find i do slightly more dmg with the mual over time in most situations then I do with dwarven axes. less swings but more dmg and more connecting hits.
6. Muals seems to do better when there is lots of lag. (witch is most of the time in the shroud)
7. spalsh dmg in mod 9 will up the dps of 2 weapon fighting even more
8. Its not truely needed to get all the 2 handed fighting feats to still have high dps this is not true with 2 weapon fighting. This gives you more options on you build.
Only time i find 2 wepaon fighting far supior over 2 handed fighting is stat dmging.
07-27-2009, 07:03 AM
i have 2 barb 1 dwarf with 2 weapon fighting feats and dual wields min II DA and does pretty **** good
I also have a WF that uses muals (same as great axes in range and swing rate) and I simply can do way more with my wf usuing a mual then i can with my dwarf using dwarven axes.
1 i can keep out range of there melle attacks while still being able to hit them taking 0 dmp
2. cost hell of a lot less Larges to make 1 Mual vs 2 Dwarven axes
3. dont have to farm part 1 shroud as much for power shard
4. dont have to farm the side quest as much to get a full stone and twigs
5 I find i do slightly more dmg with the mual over time in most situations then I do with dwarven axes. less swings but more dmg and more connecting hits.
6. Muals seems to do better when there is lots of lag. (witch is most of the time in the shroud)
7. spalsh dmg in mod 9 will up the dps of 2 weapon fighting even more
8. Its not truely needed to get all the 2 handed fighting feats to still have high dps this is not true with 2 weapon fighting. This gives you more options on you build.
Only time i find 2 wepaon fighting far supior over 2 handed fighting is stat dmging.
do note 1 huge factor is the reduction in swing speed of the greataxe. as of mod 8, the swing speed of the greataxe (maul too) is faster than the other 2h weapons, with mod 9, people have confirmed that the speeds will be the same
but to add on to that, shade has also shown how the swing speed can be vastly increased by breaking the swing sequence in a video he posted. a twf will not be able to do that
08-08-2009, 05:24 AM
If you learn to twitch with a 2hw youll achive the highest dps in game. Dont care who wants to argue with me, ive seen both sides. Depends on your playstyle though bro, if you dont want to run around concentrating on twitching i suggest you go 2D axes.
08-08-2009, 05:41 AM
... makes it a question that is impossible to answer...
Where did you get 8 Swings vs 5?
In game actual attack rate is usually about 8 vs 4 autoattacking, or 8 vs 6 if twitch attacking...
What effects are on the axes?
Is it a generic fighter? a Kensai? a Stalwart defender?
Quickly running the dps numbers (assuming you are twitch attacking)
Kensai does slightly better with greataxe
Generic fighters and stalwart defenders do slightly better with DAs
But over all pretty equal.
08-08-2009, 05:48 AM
do note 1 huge factor is the reduction in swing speed of the greataxe. as of mod 8, the swing speed of the greataxe (maul too) is faster than the other 2h weapons, with mod 9, people have confirmed that the speeds will be the same
but to add on to that, shade has also shown how the swing speed can be vastly increased by breaking the swing sequence in a video he posted. a twf will not be able to do that
Greataxe swing speed is not being reduced.... rather the sword/falchion swing speed is being increased to match it.
03-25-2010, 11:43 AM
assamite posted something about twitching what is that?
this term is not in wikki gloss.
to the (?)
DA or GA ? i use both . still i am only lv 6 and is somewhat easier to get the +4 GA and less costlly than 2 high end DA .
what i notice is the GA does well with everything. it does really good against spiders ,vermin, gaints.
twf with the DA does fair mostly so far but does really well vs.human type some undead of equal size . on one other note vs twf duel wielding muck bane is a bonus.
however at this stage of the game my go to is my +4 GA
i like twf but i tend to take on more damage for now .
the GA lets me dish out alot of damage while keeping some distance from an attacker thus it seems i take on less damage while fighting
these are straight up axes with no magical effects on them
still looking forward for better wepeons
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