View Full Version : My apologies to KaTet and my fellow guildies

07-13-2008, 04:09 PM
I would like to extend a formal apology to the members of Katet along with my fellow guildies for the actions of an unnamed player during our Shroud run last night.

During this cross-guild/PUG run we were forced to pick up two unknown players. Names will not be use of course to avoid getting banned but the character of discussion was a Sorcerer from neither of our guilds.

Near the completion of Part 4 one of the clerics from Katet indicated he was having a connection problem. Shortly thereafter we killed the Pit Fiend and made our way to the shrines/chests. I went back to the DCing player and confirmed he wasn't moving. I and one of the other players asked that everyone NOT open the chests to ensure he would get his loot. Unfortunately this Sorcerer opened one of the chests.

Thing happen, no biggie. The Sorcerer apologized and said he was already opening the chest while we said not to and couldn't interrupt the animation. Fine. I accepted that at face value. Almost immediately after the Katet player went link dead.

I gave my usual instructions to shrine up and delegate who was doing what for Part 5. I told everyone to take a break while we waited for the other player to come back. Shortly after that same Sorcerer (who really needs to be named but won't be named) walked over to the other chest and opened it.

I stared incredulously at his actions and asked, "Why did you just open that chest? I told you to wait until the other player came back." His reply was, "I didn't open this one. It was already open. I heard what you said but I had already opened that first chest before you said anything." The entire party then watched as his loot messages scrolled up the chat window.

An outright lie? To my face? To everyone standing around watching? What did this guy take us for?

I was outraged but didn't see what else I could do. After a bio break of my own I came back to find the link-dead player back in the instance (and luckily not out in the Harbor). We gathered and went into Part 5, defeated the Pit Fiend, and I took a Dimension Door out as I didn't get the regular Shard I needed to craft in Part 1 and I didn't want to wait three days to craft. The Sorcerer, who had already indicated that he would be doing the same, left as well.

There was no excuse for his actions. None. This was an impatient greedy person who is now blacklisted by me and several of my guild-mates. You know who you are and even though I'm not saying "don't group with such-and-such" in this post it will NOT stop me from spreading this story so that others on our great server can know what you did and hold you accountable for it.

And if there are any final questions as to his integrity I would like to put a cherry on the sundae for this story. Once we were outside this Sorcerer had the gall to send me a tell asking, "Can we go back inside to the chests after we have come out?" Anyone that thinks they deserve to loot chests or use the crafting altars without paying the price of a 3-day lockout for completion is a complete ass and a waste of server space. A simple "no" was all I could send in a reply without fear of berating him and using language that my have given me a perma-ban.

You know who you are and you will never be welcome in my groups again. I know I can't really apologize to my own guild-mates (let alone any other guilds) for the actions of one person but I felt compelled to offer one anyways and to make sure this story got told.

07-13-2008, 04:39 PM
I was in your group last night and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a KaTet cleric... it was one of the other guys there. You were afk at the time when he came back, but I saw him loot... so even though that sorc f'd up, the cleric was still able to get his chests.

07-13-2008, 04:58 PM
I was in your group last night and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a KaTet cleric... it was one of the other guys there. You were afk at the time when he came back, but I saw him loot... so even though that sorc f'd up, the cleric was still able to get his chests.

Prolly got lucky and the right couple packets wormed their way thru.

07-13-2008, 08:38 PM
PM pls

07-13-2008, 11:15 PM
I can commiserate with you. A wizard recently opened the chest in a Ghosts of Perdition run after being told 3-4 times that some people were switching out for dex toons, looted his stuff and logged off.

I made it a point to remember his name and guild.

07-14-2008, 08:02 AM
Well, I must say that I've been that guy once or twice on different quests - but only the first chest. It does not feel good to be the ass deprives someone of their loot. A mistake is understandable but come on - how do you make that "mistake" 2x within minutes... Sometimes people are so greedy and impatient it's like they're kids and just peeing on themselves to get their loot. I hope Drider is right and the cleric got his chests.

PM please.

07-14-2008, 09:10 AM
PM me please.

07-14-2008, 11:07 AM
Sam/Aurus - Please cross-post offenders name to guild site. kkthxbye

07-14-2008, 12:06 PM
PM please.

07-14-2008, 12:18 PM
Sam/Aurus - Please cross-post offenders name to guild site. kkthxbye

Will do

07-14-2008, 01:39 PM
If anyone wants further details find me in-game.

07-14-2008, 02:36 PM
Hey Bronko ...

I was organizing a shroud run just as I was seeing the Katet group come out ...

I knew we were in trouble when we had three portal keepers show up in part 1 but when one of our sorcs went LD twice in part 1 I knew we were in REAL trouble.

It was a PUG group mixed with mostly good but some bad players.

I must admit as leader I got flustered when we could not coordinate the killings the first two times. That second caster would have made all the difference, needless to say we could not make it past part 2.

I wish I had been on about 1 hour earlier so I could have joined your happy little group ... I have always found your leadership to be impeccable. Very clear on ALL the instructions of what and what not to do. Some people really need to learn how to listen.

Quality people and players in those two guilds you mention ...

Sorry to hear that someone got screwed by someone as ignorant as that sorc.

07-14-2008, 11:08 PM
Hey Bronko ...

I was organizing a shroud run just as I was seeing the Katet group come out ...

I knew we were in trouble when we had three portal keepers show up in part 1 but when one of our sorcs went LD twice in part 1 I knew we were in REAL trouble.

It was a PUG group mixed with mostly good but some bad players.

I must admit as leader I got flustered when we could not coordinate the killings the first two times. That second caster would have made all the difference, needless to say we could not make it past part 2.

I wish I had been on about 1 hour earlier so I could have joined your happy little group ... I have always found your leadership to be impeccable. Very clear on ALL the instructions of what and what not to do. Some people really need to learn how to listen.

Quality people and players in those two guilds you mention ...

Sorry to hear that someone got screwed by someone as ignorant as that sorc.

LOL, the way I look at it, sometimes good leadership and good players just isn't enough. Ran a shroud last night with 7 people including myself that I knew were 100% solid and another 2 that friends/guildies told me were. That didn't stop one ******** pali from killing end guys when he shouldn't in part 2. Our bard was in there for the first time, so instructions were immaculate, and I took to saying "_____, stop hitting that guy he is almost dead do not kill him @#$%! all right clerics stop healing ______ if he kills named when he shouldnt again..." as I watched it happen.

That's one thing I miss with older raids - although a full party was ideal - it was often not necessary - and several good players could carry the slack while others learned. With the newer ones, it's like complete hesitation to PUG even one spot. Now, all it takes is one who, as you said, just won't listen :/

07-15-2008, 09:02 AM
including myself I knew were 100% solid


07-15-2008, 09:41 AM
Wow, what a shame. I can sort of understand (don't like it at all) the Ghosts of Perdition example above, unless it was clearly stated up front, why should he stand around waiting for your alts? Don't get me wrong, I'd wait for you, and I certainly don't blame you for not wanting to group with such an impatient character again, but it's somewhat understandable.

But the Shroud...I mean, he was going to stand around and wait for the group to proceed to Part 5 anyways...it's not like you were asking him to stand around and incur some extra overtime.


1) Wait 5 minutes, loot chests, retain integrity, go on to Part 5.
2) Loot chests, lose integrity, wait 5 minutes, go on to Part 5.

Exact same outcome with one important distinction. What a shame...

07-15-2008, 11:23 AM
That Sorc is high on my "Friends" list.