View Full Version : Want to Upgrade my Green Steel Great Crossbow

07-10-2008, 10:26 AM
Been looking at a few recipes for my Green Steel Great Crossbow and I can't decide which one to use. I'd like to hear some suggestions from the community.

I was originally considering the Triple Positive, Lightning II, and Mineral II upgrades but I have since dropped Lightning II from consideration due to its low rate of fire.

The there are two really nice things about the Green Steel Great Crossbow:

1) The 18-20 High Crit range
2) It does 3d8 base damage

So it kinda looks like my choice is between Triple Positive and Mineral II. Maybe there's another decent alternative I haven't considered yet?

Oh, one other thing to keep in mind is the same toon already has a Lightning II Hvy Repeater which I primarily use against Harry and Sally.

07-10-2008, 10:55 AM
Well, mineral II is less attractive than on melee weapons since it's easier to bypass DR with ammunition, so a positive one would probably be better than mineral II for DPS.
Another option could be a radiance one (with good burst), since blinded mob move slowly you can take them out from ranged. Obviously not useful against red / purple names though (but you repeater is probably the most appropriate weapon there, and also probably better than a pure positive great xbow).

07-10-2008, 04:44 PM
Another option could be a radiance one (with good burst), since blinded mob move slowly you can take them out from ranged.

Oooh, good point! I hadn't considered that. The high crit range means that Blinding effect will go off pretty regularly too!

I think Radiance II is in the lead for consideration now.
