07-09-2008, 11:24 AM
Hi all, I have access to a 32pt build and have been playing some barbs up to about level 4 and rerolling just to see what I like. Tried WF, loved it (I have a WF Sorc) and Dwarf (have a cleric) even rolled a halfling (have a half sorc who rocks) but I want to try a human (dont see many barbs running around)
Questions: On a human I would have to start my main stats with 18/15/15
How gimped would I be with only a 15 Con?
Would it make more sense at level 4 and 9 (or whatever it is) to take +2 Dex to be able to get I2WF since I dont have any tomes, and then worry about improving strength and Con with items and enhancements? To me there is no reason to make a 2WF unless you go all the way to get G2WF. I really don't want to sacrifice more Con to start with a 17 Dex.
Mind you I want to play with Kopesh's all the way (I have a lot of them from another char) and stay pure Barb, but I will take a level of fighter if needed for extra feat, so my feats will be like this:
1-2WF/Kopesh (human bonus)
3-Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting
6-Improved 2WF (If i can get a +1 tome) otherwise Improve: Slash
9-Improved 2WF (If no tome) otherwise Improve Slash
12-Greater 2WF
Questions: On a human I would have to start my main stats with 18/15/15
How gimped would I be with only a 15 Con?
Would it make more sense at level 4 and 9 (or whatever it is) to take +2 Dex to be able to get I2WF since I dont have any tomes, and then worry about improving strength and Con with items and enhancements? To me there is no reason to make a 2WF unless you go all the way to get G2WF. I really don't want to sacrifice more Con to start with a 17 Dex.
Mind you I want to play with Kopesh's all the way (I have a lot of them from another char) and stay pure Barb, but I will take a level of fighter if needed for extra feat, so my feats will be like this:
1-2WF/Kopesh (human bonus)
3-Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting
6-Improved 2WF (If i can get a +1 tome) otherwise Improve: Slash
9-Improved 2WF (If no tome) otherwise Improve Slash
12-Greater 2WF