View Full Version : So where's the info for Mod 8?

07-08-2008, 05:37 PM
In the past we got to see what was coming up for release in the next mod as the weeks passed in the developer's diary. We got to see what things were being tweaked, added, or updated. It has now been more then two weeks with no information released. No announcements that things are sent to media sites for us to learn about the game. Nope, communication about the game just dropped off the edge of the world.

Could we please get some information about what the developers are planning to do for Mod 8? Can we please have discussions about what priorities Mod 8 has? When you keep the community in the dark about what's going on, there is a greater tendency for people to be mad when you finally do discuss things. If we have regular discussion or information about what's going to happen, we can discuss it and be able to work through any concerns people have.

Unless, the developers just don't believe the players deserve the information...

07-08-2008, 05:41 PM
its the new buzz word its "top secret" so they can't tell us anything, all we know is there will be a summer update that will have beta dx10 support coming out some time this summer

07-08-2008, 05:50 PM
Given that Mod 8 was supposed to be levels 17 to 20, the fact they're not talking about anything makes more more then a little nervous.

We have items, spells, possible prestige classes, crafting, etc. All of those are issues that could make or break the game. IE. If they decide that in order to cast level 9 spells require your character to grind quests for appropriate 'special components' just to cast 1 spell 1 time, I imagine a few people might be upset.

If for prestige classes you get new skills but have to start at level 1, I imagine a few people might be upset.

If new items for Mod 8 are coming out but are still only +5 with a lot more useless add ons, instead of +6 or +7 weapons, I imagine a few people might be upset.

If crafting details are released and it turns out that you really can only use crafting to add rituals to items, not de-construct them, not upgrade them, and only really useful with shroud items, I imagine a few people might be a bit upset.

There are issues that have been mentioned, but without discussion, they might decide..."Well for crafting we thought it'd be fun if you have to have a certain level of favor, hunt quests for materials that only have a 5% chance of working." Whenever developers go quiet, I assume they don't talk about something because they know it's not going to be well liked.

07-08-2008, 05:50 PM
its the new buzz word its "top secret" so they can't tell us anything, all we know is there will be a summer update that will have beta dx10 support coming out some time this summer

Well there's a good reason not to share information...

Is it too early to start taking bets for how many hotfixes to hotfixes for the bugs there will be with that? :rolleyes:
Vista + Turbine... I just don't see that having too good of a final outcome...

07-08-2008, 06:01 PM
I think the WDAs got axed so that there would be lots of info in various gaming websites and publications for publicity purposes?

Just waiting on those pesky gaming websites to tell us what's going on in DDO

07-08-2008, 06:53 PM
Given that Mod 8 was supposed to be levels 17 to 20, the fact they're not talking about anything makes more more then a little nervous..

They never said that....They said the target was L20 by the end of the year, but that could mean Mod 8 or Mod 9 or a combination of the two.

If new items for Mod 8 are coming out but are still only +5 with a lot more useless add ons, instead of +6 or +7 weapons, I imagine a few people might be upset.

Then they would be silly people, the bonuses should not go past +5, as per D&D rules.

07-08-2008, 07:59 PM
Then they would be silly people, the bonuses should not go past +5, as per D&D rules.

unti; level 21 :D

07-08-2008, 08:00 PM
Then they would be silly people, the bonuses should not go past +5, as per D&D rules.

Once you enter epic levels your weapons can have numerical boni of up to +10. +5 is the cap pre-epic.

07-08-2008, 08:14 PM
Then they would be silly people, the bonuses should not go past +5, as per D&D rules.
Wrong. By the D&D rules, to create a magic weapon requires a spellcaster of three times that of the bonus on the weapon. Thus to make a +5 sword calls for a level 15 crafter.

In DDO, you get +5 swords at level 8-10, or 5 levels early. Therefore we could also obtain +6 weapons 5 levels before reaching epic level 21.

07-08-2008, 08:33 PM
Wrong. By the D&D rules, to create a magic weapon requires a spellcaster of three times that of the bonus on the weapon. Thus to make a +5 sword calls for a level 15 crafter.

In DDO, you get +5 swords at level 8-10, or 5 levels early. Therefore we could also obtain +6 weapons 5 levels before reaching epic level 21.

umm.. having someone craft a weapon and having a person use it are 2 different things.

If we were gonna get +6 weapons we would have gotten them by now anyway. We probably, and I hope, will not get them til epic levels.

07-08-2008, 08:34 PM
They never said that....They said the target was L20 by the end of the year, but that could mean Mod 8 or Mod 9 or a combination of the two.

Mod 6 in Feb, Mod 7 in June.
Realistically only Mod 8 will be able to come out by the end of the year.
Maybe 8.1.

07-08-2008, 08:36 PM
Wrong. By the D&D rules, to create a magic weapon requires a spellcaster of three times that of the bonus on the weapon. Thus to make a +5 sword calls for a level 15 crafter.

In DDO, you get +5 swords at level 8-10, or 5 levels early. Therefore we could also obtain +6 weapons 5 levels before reaching epic level 21.

You need to have at least 3 times the level, but no weapon can have more than a +5 plus befor epic levls as per the very first paragraph of the magic weapons descriptions (well...unless they changed that in 3.5, I'm still on 3.0)

07-08-2008, 09:41 PM
All I have heard is that originally MOD 8 was meant to be when we take the fight to the Devils on their plane. In a recent dev chat this was pushed back to MOD 9.

So now mod 8 will have:
Revamped newbie area
Maybe level cap raise??

Lots of reasons for people to keep their accounts active instead of just cancelling between mods as we have nothing really known to look forward to.

07-08-2008, 09:57 PM
Once you enter epic levels your weapons can have numerical boni of up to +10. +5 is the cap pre-epic.

Epic Weapons / Armor can go beyond a +10 Enhancement bonus. Nigh infinite; however the cost to create such an item is equal to the enhancement bonus squared times 10000 gold.

I can't wait to have a +50 Holy Burst, Anarchic Burst, Lawful Burst, Unholy Burst Khopesh of Pure Good, Acid Burst, Flaming Burst, Cold Burst, Lightning Burst of Greater Everything Bane of Greater Everything Super Smiting.

07-09-2008, 11:50 AM
All I have heard is that originally MOD 8 was meant to be when we take the fight to the Devils on their plane. In a recent dev chat this was pushed back to MOD 9.

So now mod 8 will have:
Revamped newbie area
Maybe level cap raise??

Lots of reasons for people to keep their accounts active instead of just cancelling between mods as we have nothing really known to look forward to.

Actually the silence is the reason I am thinking about letting my account lapse until the next Mod. I love 3 Barrel Cove, the new raids are interesting but after a while you just need the boost of what is coming to keep you interested. Talking about the WDAs and coming updates was a major source of light banter while everyone was selling off and restocking between quest.

And now you see the trap of the 6 month subscription. To all the DOOOOOOM sayers, nice call.

07-09-2008, 01:13 PM
all we know is there will be a summer update that will have beta dx10 support coming out some time this summer

We also know it involves travel to Shavarath, unless I misread something.

And it may involve some castles.

07-09-2008, 01:30 PM
Seriously we need something to look forward to.
I'm a member of a very large guild. And I gotta say, everyone is getting bored. Lost more than a few already. :(

And Up the speed for archers, and fix the green steel bows please. (personal aside there)

07-09-2008, 01:32 PM
this game has already broken off from D&D quite a bit, I don't remember my dwarven fighter having 450 hps in my normal campaign at 16

+6s and +7s would be very nice to see and fit in well with the current "power inflation" amongst classes... along with the same for stat items, protection, etc.

07-09-2008, 01:39 PM
Wrong. By the D&D rules, to create a magic weapon requires a spellcaster of three times that of the bonus on the weapon. Thus to make a +5 sword calls for a level 15 crafter.

In DDO, you get +5 swords at level 8-10, or 5 levels early. Therefore we could also obtain +6 weapons 5 levels before reaching epic level 21.

As per D&D rules. You have a +5 binus to attack and damage, but the weapon can have enchantments up to +10. Forinstance for adding frost is a +1 enhancement. So the weapon is a +5 with frost ability on it making it a +6 enchanted item.

07-09-2008, 01:42 PM
In the past we got to see what was coming up for release in the next mod as the weeks passed in the developer's diary. We got to see what things were being tweaked, added, or updated. It has now been more then two weeks with no information released. No announcements that things are sent to media sites for us to learn about the game. Nope, communication about the game just dropped off the edge of the world.

Could we please get some information about what the developers are planning to do for Mod 8? Can we please have discussions about what priorities Mod 8 has? When you keep the community in the dark about what's going on, there is a greater tendency for people to be mad when you finally do discuss things. If we have regular discussion or information about what's going to happen, we can discuss it and be able to work through any concerns people have.

Unless, the developers just don't believe the players deserve the information...

I to am concerned. If they screw it going to levels 20 I will drop this game. We already need a ton of spells that are missing, I don't see how they are going to place in the really powerful things anytime soon like timestop for instance. Why do I expect this spell as well as all the others? Because this was suppose to be D&D.

07-09-2008, 02:09 PM
this game has already broken off from D&D quite a bit, I don't remember my dwarven fighter having 450 hps in my normal campaign at 16
That's because you didn't get 20 free HP at the beginning and had to roll your HD rather than just getting the max every level.

For your 16th level fighter that is a boost of 92 HP on average, so your PnP HPs in this case would be 358, which is still high but not unheard of.

This would be a much more balanced game if they gave us the average HP on level up instead of the max.

07-09-2008, 02:28 PM
It would be so nice to have more info on what the next update would be, details on what it will include and when it will be out. For me, I take forever to level a character (months and months, and I still don't have a lvl 16), have my Pally intimitank finally at level 13 (Pally 11 / Fighter 2) and the XP is coming really fast atm. I would love to see and take advantage of the new "defender" prestige class for Pallys, new feats and possibly holy avenger a developer mentioned they were thinking about adding, but without more details on whether this will actually happen and what it will entail I'm not sure how to finish building my character. Based on what the game currently is, I know how I will finish (likely Pally 11 / Fighter 3 / Monk 2). However I can just see getting to level 16, the new stuff comes out and I kick myself because the new stuff would have been really cool to have, but I can't get it (for example, a new cool enhancement requires Pally 12, or Fighter 4, etc, or the new holy avenger rocks, but is lvl 14 Paladin required).

Developers, any info on the next update?

07-10-2008, 12:53 PM
all Im worried about is the 9th level cleric healing spell. my mass cure crit heals for 117 (234 on a crit), but my heal spell heals for 451 (1113 on a crit) <numbers are close> and Im worried that if they add mass heal, that quest to require clerics to have that spell and use it constantly, my clerics story means no 9th level spells til level 21. But my cleric aside, having quest buikld to do that much damage is a very bad idea...

07-12-2008, 12:02 AM
Then they would be silly people, the bonuses should not go past +5, as per D&D rules.

We have plenty of epic items in-game already.

Holy Burst
Greater Bane
Anarchic Burst
Wizardry 5, 6, and 7

All of those were epic items from the Epic Level Handbook in P&P. All of them are in-game and are available as unbound loot.

So breaking the limits for +6, +7 weapons and +7, +8 stat items have precedents in-game already.

I'd say it should only be done on named items, but I also say bring on the missing epic items.

07-12-2008, 01:31 AM
In the past we got to see what was coming up for release in the next mod as the weeks passed in the developer's diary. We got to see what things were being tweaked, added, or updated. It has now been more then two weeks with no information released. No announcements that things are sent to media sites for us to learn about the game. Nope, communication about the game just dropped off the edge of the world.

They pretty much said a few weeks ago (when they ended the weekly updates) that you would see nothing other than info they send to the gaming sites. The reason being that they wouldn't get any press without "exclusives". So, we'll see how well that works out.

07-13-2008, 04:25 PM
As far as what's actually going to be in Mod 8, there hasn't been any real news yet. As far as comparing it to the past Mods, I'd say a level cap bump (2, 4, & 6 had one) toprobably 18. There is a possibility that level 20 could be involved as well in the next bump, but I would bet against it if I were you. I would say Epic levels are out for Mod 8 as well as any new classes. What I think/hope will be in Mod 8 is an abundance of new quests in the high level range, a new group of enhancments and feats (I think the last granted one is at level 18), and possibly the 1/2 orc. I have no substaniation of any of this, just pure conjecture and past history. IOt would be nice for some of the "Speacial News/Promotional" tidbits finally arrived for what is supposed tob coming in the summer update at the very least, but as far as a timeline for Mod 8 goes, my money is on early November. And yes that does indeed sound like it is a LOOOOOOONG ways off.

07-13-2008, 06:32 PM
this game has already broken off from D&D quite a bit, I don't remember my dwarven fighter having 450 hps in my normal campaign at 16

+6s and +7s would be very nice to see and fit in well with the current "power inflation" amongst classes... along with the same for stat items, protection, etc.

you only have 450 hp thats pretty weak my barb max hp when he rages is 724hp he never dies until the cleric run out of mana or they die.

07-13-2008, 07:04 PM
I to am concerned. If they screw it going to levels 20 I will drop this game. We already need a ton of spells that are missing, I don't see how they are going to place in the really powerful things anytime soon like timestop for instance. Why do I expect this spell as well as all the others? Because this was suppose to be D&D.

Supposed to be DnD? Wow, there is tons of things missing, forget about timestop, i want my rogue to be able to break in ANY house of stormreach and rob what he wants, i wanna make sleight of hands checks against merchants so they cant see me steal their items. I want my barb to not answer like a scholar in conversations!! There is ALOT of things that will never be in DDO, that you can do in DnD, the reason being, it is a VIDEO GAME, and an ONLINE VIDEO GAME. The only way i could see time stop being used, is that the time stops for EVERYONE in the instance, except for the person casting it, thus making ppl upset at the caster who did that. And my last point is, DnD being such a complex game, it is not even possible to include anything near ALL of the things in a mmo. The first thing being complete freedom over your character's decisions. I don;t know how they will introduce the lvl9 spells, but they said they will try to include wish, I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure i've read that sometime.

07-14-2008, 12:28 PM
you only have 450 hp thats pretty weak my barb max hp when he rages is 724hp he never dies until the cleric run out of mana or they die.

wow, someone get me this Barb's autograph...

07-14-2008, 12:45 PM
wow, someone get me this Barb's autograph...

Haha! :D

07-14-2008, 02:54 PM
All I have heard is that originally MOD 8 was meant to be when we take the fight to the Devils on their plane. In a recent dev chat this was pushed back to MOD 9.

So now mod 8 will have:
Revamped newbie area
Maybe level cap raise??

Lots of reasons for people to keep their accounts active instead of just cancelling between mods as we have nothing really known to look forward to.

Thats the exact reason the WDAs were pulled down so people would keep their accounts active from mod to mod. With the weekly postings, most would only come to the site to see what was posted then reactivate their accounts if they liked the upcoming content. This way most wont bother with shutting off their accounts.

07-14-2008, 03:01 PM
you only have 450 hp thats pretty weak my barb max hp when he rages is 724hp he never dies until the cleric run out of mana or they die.

724 HP? What you hitting with? A wet noodle?

07-14-2008, 03:02 PM
wow, someone get me this Barb's autograph...

It's actually rather low for a HP build, and HP builds (in general) might as well be hitting with toothpicks.

07-14-2008, 03:17 PM
wow, someone get me this Barb's autograph...


07-14-2008, 03:43 PM
They pretty much said a few weeks ago (when they ended the weekly updates) that you would see nothing other than info they send to the gaming sites. The reason being that they wouldn't get any press without "exclusives". So, we'll see how well that works out.

And I hope whomever made that decision gets fired before the game gets cancelled due to lack of players. There were a lot of players who were hanging around just based on the DEV notes saying what they were planning for the future (waiting for monks). Now, I don't see any buzz about waiting for feature X... Just people posting what is coming for other games.

07-14-2008, 04:02 PM
Supposed to be DnD? Wow, there is tons of things missing, forget about timestop, i want my rogue to be able to break in ANY house of stormreach and rob what he wants, i wanna make sleight of hands checks against merchants so they cant see me steal their items. I want my barb to not answer like a scholar in conversations!! There is ALOT of things that will never be in DDO, that you can do in DnD, the reason being, it is a VIDEO GAME, and an ONLINE VIDEO GAME. The only way i could see time stop being used, is that the time stops for EVERYONE in the instance, except for the person casting it, thus making ppl upset at the caster who did that. And my last point is, DnD being such a complex game, it is not even possible to include anything near ALL of the things in a mmo. The first thing being complete freedom over your character's decisions. I don;t know how they will introduce the lvl9 spells, but they said they will try to include wish, I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure i've read that sometime.

Yes, this is supposed to be like DnD.
Things that are missing totally fit a DnD Campaign: I have ran campaigns where classes (whole books) were prohibited and you couldn't learn spells like Wish and Timestop (my world, my rules). Likewise, I used optional rules from the books as well as house rules for the sake of gameplay. I hear people complain about the alignment restrictions (no evil), but I ran good only campaigns as well.

My problem is that Turbine's leadership is driving it to be an MMO just like the others and that is where the failure is (go play those games already!). They inflated hit points and damage which unbalanced the spells with max numbers (e.g. Symbol of Death) as well as DR. Then, from a PR perspective, they tried to go away from the normal levels to the counter when yuou get action points so they can have inflated numbers to compare with other MMOs (glad that failed!)

I think the root problem is that all of this inflated Action Point stuff that drove the monsters to get more inflated abilities, which drove the characters abilities up, in perpetuum.

I like the DnD teamwork philosophy and I wish they would get rid of the AP/solo aspects, but that would limit it to the PnP crowd and not the MMO/ video game players. I think the opposite is now in effect and they are driving away their core customers to get the drive-by twitch players who will just get bored after they race through the content. Those who enjoy dungeon crawling aren't getting the real deal and get just as frustrated with the monsters spamming spells.

07-14-2008, 04:05 PM
yup, they'd pretty much have to nerf everything in the game to bring magic items inline with normal pnp paper rules. so inflating them past +5 is no biggy, shoot, look at the items we have now as raid loot. these are way past artifact-level and into mid-30s epic level per the pnp rules

07-15-2008, 07:38 AM
You don't need to worry about Mass Heal doing 451 or 1113 on crits, without a Superior Potency IX item you will be missing a +50% bonus which is a significant amount.

07-15-2008, 07:51 AM
This is what Turbine is going for. No news until after release of new mod, then comes the release notes :)