View Full Version : NWN 2 Bugged out GARBAGE

07-06-2008, 02:45 AM
I am so sick of computer games coming out half finished and buggy. I want to know what organization do I contact about this industry. I have contacted my congressional rep and senators and am crazy with anger right now. Is there a organization I can join that fights for consumer rights just for software buyers ???????????? CONGRATS TO DDO FOR BEING MOSTLY BUG FREE.....I couldn't play Temple of Elemental Evil due to bugs now NWN2 mask of the betrayer this is complete ^&*%^*&%./ I have a Nvidia card that is mainstream so whatever.

07-06-2008, 05:23 AM
NWN 2....

Was good but when the players themselves take more responsibility to fix bugs then the devs...its bad.

07-06-2008, 05:30 AM
I am so sick of computer games coming out half finished and buggy. I want to know what organization do I contact about this industry. I have contacted my congressional rep and senators and am crazy with anger right now. Is there a organization I can join that fights for consumer rights just for software buyers ???????????? CONGRATS TO DDO FOR BEING MOSTLY BUG FREE.....I couldn't play Temple of Elemental Evil due to bugs now NWN2 mask of the betrayer this is complete ^&*%^*&%./ I have a Nvidia card that is mainstream so whatever.

Granted I have not played it in a bit.... But I know when the Game First came out before the expansion it was one of the most buggiest Games I ever bought... But by the time the expansion came out it was greatly improved... Bug wise and game play wise..

What problems are you having?

07-07-2008, 03:35 PM
THIS! Except I didn't think it was very good to begin with :D

NWN 2....

Was good but when the players themselves take more responsibility to fix bugs then the devs...its bad.

07-07-2008, 03:39 PM
I just hate how every character I made in NW2 had to look like a decrepted old foggie

07-08-2008, 01:04 AM
I am wearing the veil in the library I need to answer the questions on the four pillars BUT I get no questions and the answers are all mixed up. One pillar will not give me answers at all or questions. I also had to kill librarian to get the veil because there were NO dead bodies to take one off gained 3 points toward evil alignment:)

07-08-2008, 12:43 PM
Go to http://gamebanshee.com/neverwinternights2/ . There is an in-depth walkthrough that can answer any questions you have.

07-08-2008, 12:54 PM
Anyone ever find a way to kill that **** Dragon? I went back at level 16 and can't keep him down. I get him to near 0 and he starts regen like a MOFO! Only think I can assume he's there for is flavor, although the chests look lootable ¬.¬

07-10-2008, 01:12 PM
I have a very bad memory leak problem in NWN2 it seems when I load into an area or just after a cutscene the game gets choppy and I have to Alt-Tab out and back in and its fine. Real annoying.

07-10-2008, 11:13 PM
Sadly, its not just NWN that was released in "BETA" form.

At launch ...
Vanguard was horrible, and err, still is.
Age of Conan, OMG, a total waste of cyberspace.
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic ... on the pc was bad .. Xbox 360 version was worse.
Neverwinter Nights wasnt great at release either, and NWN2 .. well ...

There are more, and not just in the RPG genre. Seems more and more game companies are relying on their paying customers to be BETA testers.

This is the reason I stopped playing console games. The consoles are overpriced junk, and the games, well ... do I really have to type it?

At least there are some good PC games left. DDO is one (obviously) but the quality of our hobby is going down, thats for sure.

07-12-2008, 05:18 PM
Is there a organization I can join that fights for consumer rights just for software buyers.

07-13-2008, 04:33 PM
Did you ever patch up TOEE? Played pretty well for the most part for me, got a couple bugs and glitches, nothing game breaking until a couple playthroughs where one area would slowdown pretty badly, something to do with too much data someone said I think. They even had some unofficial releases where people worked on extra dungeons, so I got some extra time out of it.

Think I really enjoyed TOEE since it did pretty well on getting the turnbased goodness onto a computer :3

07-17-2008, 12:49 PM
NWN 2....

Was good but when the players themselves take more responsibility to fix bugs then the devs...its bad.


i think that is what turned me off about age of conan, no devs talking about the problems it was having.

their meetings probably went something like: 'maybe if we don't acknowledge the bugs, they'll just go away!'

07-22-2008, 10:57 PM
their meetings probably went something like: 'maybe if we don't acknowledge the bugs, they'll just go away!'

That sounds vaguely familiar oh wait we have that now haha.

07-22-2008, 11:30 PM
I am so sick of computer games coming out half finished and buggy. I want to know what organization do I contact about this industry. I have contacted my congressional rep and senators and am crazy with anger right now. Is there a organization I can join that fights for consumer rights just for software buyers ???????????? CONGRATS TO DDO FOR BEING MOSTLY BUG FREE.....I couldn't play Temple of Elemental Evil due to bugs now NWN2 mask of the betrayer this is complete ^&*%^*&%./ I have a Nvidia card that is mainstream so whatever.

There has never been a program or operating system ever released bug free. It would be easy if everyone had the same computer and did exactly the same thing with it, huh.

07-23-2008, 01:44 PM
There has never been a program or operating system ever released bug free. It would be easy if everyone had the same computer and did exactly the same thing with it, huh.

There is a difference between acceptable bugs and unacceptable bugs that were left in simply to hit a release date. Also yes every thing ever invented has had some hitch when it was produced. Hell even an anvil had to be refined a little. Take DDO for example, for some reason they have a test server. For what resaon I dont know because they obviously dont fix any of the bugs people report, unless they favor the players. If the bug effects players negetivly we have to deal with it as a "Known Issue" its the same with alot of the games released in the past 6-7 years. They push them out as fast as they can and as long as they work somewhat they patch them post release. Its a sad state of affairs but I blame people that cry and whine about something coming out a month late. I would rather it be late then on time and worth a used babies diaper.