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07-02-2008, 05:07 PM
Welcome to the grand reopening of the QA Lodge! This is the place to ask whether something is a bug or not when you're not entirely certain. It is also a place where you can ask about the status of a known bug and if/when it can be expected to get fixed. Remember, this is not the place to report bugs, you'll still need to continue reporting them through the bug reporting system in game.

We ask that visitors to the Lodge please check the Known Issues (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=150534) list before entering the discussion.

QA Lodge Links:

Recent QA News (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1773393&postcount=2) - A running collection of any significant responses/information from QA team members.
Q&A with QA (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1773394&postcount=3) - Common questions and common mistaken bugs sent to the QA department with answers!
Rules for Lodge Guests (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1773397&postcount=4) - It's important to follow the rules of the Lodge if you'd like to continue to enjoy your stay!
The Known Issues List (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=150534) - Remember to stop by the Known Issues list before diving into the discussion!
A Short Guide to the Bug Reporting System (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=93871) - An explanation of how, when, and why to use the bug reporting form.

07-02-2008, 05:08 PM
We'll be collecting the more interesting and relevant answers in this post and updating it semi-regularly so there will be one place where everyone can see recent responses to questions posted in this thread.

(Last Updated 10-8-08)

IMPORTANT - If you need in-game support, you need to open a help ticket, not a bug report. We get frequent requests for help, many sounding very frustrated, through the bug reporting tool. We often don't see these until a day after they've been filed and there's often nothing we can do about it. The Bug reporting tool is not for requesting help! It's for bug reporting only. Do not ever expect to get a response. Please request help through the appropriate channel. If not for yourself, do it for us -- we hate seeing a desperate plea for help a day after it was submitted.
Patch 7.0.2 is now available!
Bane handwraps will be making a return to a loot table near you in an upcoming release
NEW - Coming soon you might notice that bearded devils correctly obey their teleport delay timer.

07-02-2008, 05:08 PM
Here we will cover common questions asked about QA in DDO. We will also cover common reports on "mistaken" bugs - things that are not bugs, but can easily be mistaken for bugs by people not that familiar with the game rules.

(updated 1/20/09)

Gameplay Issues

Q: My Ranger has a Spot of 30+ but I still can't spot most traps. I know Spot is working since I notice secret doors fine. Why are Trap DC's so high that I can't find them?

A: In our adaptation of the Pencil and Paper rules, we have expanded the Rogue's Trapfinding ability to affect Spot as well as Search. That means that you need to have Trapfinding in order to Spot traps with a DC higher than 20.

Q: I've got an item that claims to give me damage reduction against slashing weapons, but my character sheet is telling me I have DR against piercing and bludgeoning instead. Why are Axeblock items broken?

A: They're not, it's working fine. Here's the description of Damage Reduction paraphrased from the D&D Player's Handbook:

"The number in a creature's damage reduction is the amount of hit points of damage the creature ignores. The information after the slash indicates the type of weapon that overcomes the damage reduction. Some damage reduction, such as that of a barbarian, is not overcome by any type of weapon."

This means that a DR rating of 5/piercing, bludgeoning is telling you that you will ignore the first 5 points of damage from any physical attack except those delivered with a piercing or bludgeoning weapon. In other words, you are protected from the first five points of slashing damage.

Q: I just completed a raid and my quest counter didn't increase. I'm almost to my 20th completion, but now the counter stopped working. Am I going to lose my reward for 20 completions?

A: You've capped your experience points, haven't you? And you’re looking at your Experience Report, aren’t you? The part that says, “You repeated this quest # times,” right?


That counter only records the amount of times you’ve repeated a quest for purposes of calculating the XP penalty for that quest. If you’ve done the quest too many times, you start getting penalized. This also means that if you have capped your XP this number will no longer increase, so you don’t get penalized when you’re not actually getting any XP for completing the quest.

Please use the '/quest completions' command in the chat bar. This will give you the actual times you’ve completed a raid so you know when you’re nearing the 20th mark.

Q: I took the second level of Arcane Fluidity but my Arcane Spell Failure chance is still only reduced by 5%! Is the enhancement broken?

A: The Enhancement is working correctly. The first level of Arcane Fluidity reduces the Arcane Spell Failure by 5% while wearing Light armor. You may have noticed that it has no effect on you while wearing Medium or Heavy armor. The second level of Arcane Fluidity reduces the ASF chance by 5% while wearing Light and Medium armor. This does not stack with the first enchancement, it just allows the 5% reduction to apply while wearing medium armor.

Stacking rules are pretty complex in DDO and the variety of enhancements only complicates things. Please be sure to read each enhancement carefully before spending any Action Points on them.

Q: I'm trying to level my character and the trainer won't let me select a Feat. I can't finish training without picking a Feat, but none of them work. What gives?

A: This is mostly from Rangers trying to train 15th level, but is more understandable from 3rd level characters just multi-classing to a first level Ranger. The problem is that the trainer wants you to pick a Favored Enemy Feat, but the Favored Enemy list is collapsed so that you aren't noticing that those Feats are yellow. Click on the button to expand the Favored Enemy list and select one of those Feats to continue training.

Q: Why am I not getting my full Dexterity bonus to Armor Class?

A: Aside from standard game rules reasons (such as wearing Armor that limits your dex modifier) this is commonly a problem with your encumbrance. Dexterity bonus to AC is capped to 3 when carrying a medium load and 1 when carrying a heavy load. If your AC isn't adding up, check your encumbrance level.

Q: My attack bonus is in the negatives, even though it should be +whatever due to my Base Attack Bonus, Feats, weapon, etc... What gives??

A: Please make sure Defensive Fighting, Combat Expertise, or any other "Combat Mode" isn't activated as they provide a penalty to your attack bonus. Remember that these abilities can be turned on, even if you've dragged them off your hotbars. Remember to turn off abilities when you move them off your hotbars to avoid confusion.

Q: I'm not getting favor for a quest I just completed. What gives?

A: There are two possible causes for this. One is that you're too low a level for the quest to show up in your Adventure Compendium (the star on your menu bar in game). You generally can't see a quest that's more than 2 levels higher than you. Rest assured that the favor is being added, and you'll see it once you gain a few levels. The other possibility is that occasionally with certain quests the favor does not appear right after you complete the quest, even though it is being awarded correctly. You will likely have to log out and back in for any visual change to take place.

Q: An Enhancement isn't available, even though I have all the prerequisites.

A: Are you multi-classed with another class that gives the same enhancement? If you already have it from another class, you can't select it twice.

Bug Reporting

Q: How do I report a bug? Should I report it here on the forums?

A: To report a bug, you'll need to use the help panel in game, and select the option "Report a Bug." Alternatively, you can click on the "Submit a Bug" link towards the top of this page to arrive at the same reporting tool. Be sure to fill out as many details as you can to help us understand the issue. Don't rely on the forums to report your bugs. Using the bug-reporting tool ensures that the bugs are brought to the attention of the QA department. For more information on how to report bugs, there is a very informative article available here (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=93871).

Q: How many bug reports should I send? Should I send a bug report each time the bug happens or just the first time?

A: Once per issue is usually sufficient. The only times a second report would be useful is if you have discovered new information that could help us identify the precise problem, or after a release in which we claim to have fixed the problem. Clearly if we think we fixed it but it's still happening, we need to hear about it again.

Q: How do I know if my bug has been received - do I get a response?

A: When you submit a bug report, you'll receive a confirmation screen that your report went through. On rare occasions, you may be asked for more information, but only if you've provided a contact email address or some other means to reach you. This is only done if the bug you've submitted is extremely difficult for our QA department to reproduce, and we need more details to determine how it is occurring. If you're curious about the status of a bug you submitted, you can check the Known Issues list, the Release Notes, and even the QA Lodge for news and updates. Please keep in mind that not all bugs will be listed in these places, but that does not mean we have not received your bug report.

07-02-2008, 05:09 PM
We ask that visitors to the QA Lodge please adhere to the following Lodge rules:

- DO post about actual bugs in the game, not design decisions.
- DO post asking whether an issue is intended or is, in fact, a bug.
- DO post about old issues that seem like they’ve been around forever. There’s no retirement age for issues that interrupt your play experience.

- Do NOT say anything negative about another poster.
- Do NOT use the QA Lodge as a substitute for reporting bugs in game! The reporting tool is still the best and most reliable way to get your issue looked at.
- Do NOT try to argue about how something is implemented. If we say that it’s by design, you can discuss it in the rest of the developer discussion forum, in a constructive manner.
- Do NOT demand responses to your posts. Don’t be surprised if a few days go by between official posts as QA has lots of other things that need to get done before spending time on the forums.

Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay!

07-02-2008, 05:15 PM
bug: AC is broken

07-02-2008, 05:18 PM
bug: AC is broken
This is not a place to complain about design decisions.

07-02-2008, 05:21 PM
- DO post asking whether an issue is intended or is, in fact, a bug.

Ok, my monk, rogue, and fighter with the GTWF feat are able to force enemies to roll two saving throws from one usage of things like Pain Touch, Assassinate, or Stunning Blow, since the special attack is delivered by both weapons at once. Also my monk gets two blasts of +8 damage from Enduring Strike II, one for each kama. Is this how it's supposed to be, or should I expected it to be nerfed away someday?

07-02-2008, 05:21 PM
bug: AC is broken

Yes, it was last week but we got the AC repairman in and now it's quite a comfortable temperature in the office.

Thanks for your concern.


07-02-2008, 05:24 PM
Ok, my monk, rogue, and fighter with the GTWF feat are able to force enemies to roll two saving throws from one usage of things like Pain Touch, Assassinate, or Stunning Blow, since the special attack is delivered by both weapons at once. Also my monk gets two blasts of +8 damage from Enduring Strike II, one for each kama. Is this how it's supposed to be, or should I expected it to be nerfed away someday?

This seems similar to something applied during MOD 3 then removed quickly: Two Handed Fighting Secondary Effects on Glancing Blows

07-02-2008, 05:25 PM
Ok, my monk, rogue, and fighter with the GTWF feat are able to force enemies to roll two saving throws from one usage of things like Pain Touch, Assassinate, or Stunning Blow, since the special attack is delivered by both weapons at once. Also my monk gets two blasts of +8 damage from Enduring Strike II, one for each kama. Is this how it's supposed to be, or should I expected it to be nerfed away someday?

Same for Smite Evils

07-02-2008, 05:25 PM
Yes, it was last week but we got the AC repairman in and now it's quite a comfortable temperature in the office.

Thanks for your concern.


I would say that is precisely the level of snarkyness appropriate to the situation!!:D

07-02-2008, 05:28 PM
Some monsters display immunity to charm / mind control on their info window, such as creatures in the Shroud or Vision of Destruction raids who have the Mandate of Shavarath buff. Charm Monster and Dominate Person bounce right off. However, I still see them get controlled by the Suggestion or Mass Suggestion spells. Is that correct?

07-02-2008, 05:29 PM
I posted this in the development discussion a while back. http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=151553. Would this be considered a bug with naming? Is this supposed to exsist? What elements of this need to be fixed and when should we be looking for said fix?

*Please note in no way am I being sarcastic or negative. I know by lore rules this stuff is messed up. I am trying for dev input on what they see wrong with it and how they plan to fix it.

07-02-2008, 05:34 PM
Ok, my monk, rogue, and fighter with the GTWF feat are able to force enemies to roll two saving throws from one usage of things like Pain Touch, Assassinate, or Stunning Blow, since the special attack is delivered by both weapons at once. Also my monk gets two blasts of +8 damage from Enduring Strike II, one for each kama. Is this how it's supposed to be, or should I expected it to be nerfed away someday?

It has been this way since beta. If your moving towards an object and hit trip/sutnning blow/sunder really any activatable attack with a twf, both weapons get a roll to execute the move and the monster has to save vs. both attempts. Makes sence to me, since a moving strike attacks with both weapons simultaneously for a -4 to hit.

The bug I believe is that Cleave and Great Cleave only attack with the main weapon, as opposed to with both like they should on twf.

But I could be wrong. Curious to see the dev responce.

07-02-2008, 05:34 PM
Ok, my monk, rogue, and fighter with the GTWF feat are able to force enemies to roll two saving throws from one usage of things like Pain Touch, Assassinate, or Stunning Blow, since the special attack is delivered by both weapons at once. Also my monk gets two blasts of +8 damage from Enduring Strike II, one for each kama. Is this how it's supposed to be, or should I expected it to be nerfed away someday?

This was unintentional, but we were aware of it before it was released. It is currently being evaluated for balance, but no decision has been reached so far.


07-02-2008, 05:41 PM
Please leave it be :) after two years of jumping and tapping trip... :)

Instead fix cleave and great cleave. Since sneak attack now works with both weapons like it should.

07-02-2008, 05:43 PM
When auto attack is engaged or when holding down the mouse button to attack it is difficult to get the Deepwood Sniper clicky to function. Often it won't engage at all. Also if i wait until the end of a normal attack and release the mouse button to activate the sniper shot i see the animation but no attack roll or miss/damage over the monsters head.

Edit: I know ranged combat has special circumstances that make a good solid fix for it problematic so i don't really expect much there. However i would like to know if there is a work-around that would let me maintain my rate of fire while taking advantage of the specialist ability.

07-02-2008, 05:43 PM
Please leave it be :) after two years of jumping and tapping trip... :)

Instead fix cleave and great cleave. Since sneak attack now works with both weapons like it should.

Hmm... that could explain why my twf ranger seems to knock ogres on their backsides more often when tripping them in the face than at their legs :D.

Edit: On the note of attacking by holding the mouse button (above poster reminded me), I've noticed some wonkiness when holding both mouse buttons - left to change direction/camera and right to attack. Seems auto-attack gets stuck on and I have to fiddle with it either with the button in the hp/sp bar or the icon on a hotbar to stop swinging at nothing. Not quite sure if it's a bug or just some wierd gunk making my mouse button stick :eek:, but I will continue noting occurences to try and get more detail.

07-02-2008, 05:50 PM
I posted this in the development discussion a while back. http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=151553. Would this be considered a bug with naming? Is this supposed to exsist? What elements of this need to be fixed and when should we be looking for said fix?

*Please note in no way am I being sarcastic or negative. I know by lore rules this stuff is messed up. I am trying for dev input on what they see wrong with it and how they plan to fix it.

Actually, this is a bit more significant than just a bug with naming. The system is creating an item with two "clickie" effects on it - something it's just not supposed to do. The end result is that you get a name for one of them but the clickie effect of the other. And it looks like you get the caster level of the higher spell, and the cumulative charges of both effects. And that "+6" up in the corner is clearly coming from both effects added together.

The upside of this is that you've got a pretty decent Featherfall clickie. The downside is that we don't yet know what will happen to it once we fix the bug. They're still looking into what's causing it, so I don't have any information as to what the fix might do. It might not effect items already created, or it may strip one of the effects off your item randomly. It's just going to depend on how they have to fix the problem.

In the meantime, enjoy your clickie.


07-02-2008, 05:54 PM
The bug I believe is that Cleave and Great Cleave only attack with the main weapon, as opposed to with both like they should on twf.

But I could be wrong. Curious to see the dev responce.

Cleave and Great Cleave only work with one weapon, per the 3.5 PHB rules and per the spirit of those Feats. Now, we've changed things before in the name of balance or just adapting them to an MMO, but I'm curious what makes you think these two feats should hit with both weapons?


07-02-2008, 05:56 PM
Can you confirm if this is a bug?

I think the bramble casters are not stacking with shield-blocking DR.

Did a test in pvp where I went in the corner to shield-block, once with bramble casters equipped, and once without them equipped. Both times I had a blocking DR of 19. I do know that before mod 7, it did stack and I could get shield-blocking DR of 29 against arrows with the bramble casters equipped.

Any response would be appreciated.
Thank you.

07-02-2008, 05:58 PM
When auto attack is engaged or when holding down the mouse button to attack it is difficult to get the Deepwood Sniper clicky to function. Often it won't engage at all. Also if i wait until the end of a normal attack and release the mouse button to activate the sniper shot i see the animation but no attack roll or miss/damage over the monsters head.

This is a bug report, not a question. Please submit using the bug report form.


07-02-2008, 05:59 PM
Ooops. Didn't complete my thought properly. Was wondering if there was a work around. Sorry for the confusion. And a big thanks for taking time for this.

07-02-2008, 06:12 PM
Some monsters display immunity to charm / mind control on their info window, such as creatures in the Shroud or Vision of Destruction raids who have the Mandate of Shavarath buff. Charm Monster and Dominate Person bounce right off. However, I still see them get controlled by the Suggestion or Mass Suggestion spells. Is that correct?

The Mandate of Shavarath currently wards creatures from Charm effects, but the Suggestion spell (and Mass Suggestion) are not tagged as Charm effects in the Player’s Handbook. As a Compulsion that pacifies hostile opponents, however, Suggestion likely should be prevented by the ward.

So, it's working as intended right now, just not intuitively. And we reserve the right to make it work more intuitively later.


07-02-2008, 06:14 PM
Bards now have an arcane check for every spell they cast except dancing ball whether wearing armor or not.

07-02-2008, 06:26 PM
i have a question about bug reporting in general.

1st, there are the easy bugs i.e. the ghaele fell into the wall and can't get up.

2nd, there are the medium bugs that you are pretty sure what the root cause is i.e. kreeper i'm stuck on the ladder because it looks like 2 ladders spliced together that have become slightly separated.

then there are the hard bugs that you have to repeat test until you find the issue so that you don't have to chase red herrings for a month. i.e. why can't i buy from a barkeep without changing tabs?

would it be possible to have a different bug report sheet for testing scenarios so that you can see what we see? or do you want the bugs reported when we think we see them or after we've validated the bug? for example, i have the following bug that i think is what is lagging out most people in shroud 1. i'm testing it over several runs to see if its valid before i submit the bug.

hypothesis - auto-attack is queueing up a ton of attacks and overwhelming the clients ability to handle them causing the application to lag out.

currently on test run 4 of 5

start into beating on portals by clicking. then click on autoattack and leave it on.

results so far

1. its fine until mobs start spawning - then you get the dreaded "you must face trog sniper assassin" and the performance gets slower. it gets slower and slower the farther you get into part 1 until you turn off autoattack and it will slowly recede as your client catches up (you see a huge surge of inbound info at that point).

07-02-2008, 06:27 PM
Attacking from stealth mode is not breaking stealth if you connect and kill a creature with DPS. Normally I would think this is a bug but I'm not sure since it could be a change to make the assassinate ability worthwhile.

07-02-2008, 06:35 PM
- DO post about old issues that seem like they’ve been around forever. There’s no retirement age for issues that interrupt your play experience.

Quest entrances still sometimes present the incorrect difficulty when entering an already active instance. This has been in the game since the beginning of time, and still makes me chuckle.

Any news on when/if this will be fixed (maybe along with world peace, pony mounts?)


07-02-2008, 06:37 PM
Attacking from stealth mode is not breaking stealth if you connect and kill a creature with DPS. Normally I would think this is a bug but I'm not sure since it could be a change to make the assassinate ability worthwhile.

Sneak attacks no longer automatically draw you out of stealth mode. Note that your target will know where you are and will likely take great offense to being stabbed if you didn’t kill them outright.

ACcording to the release notes, this is an intended change.

07-02-2008, 06:50 PM
Cleave and Great Cleave only work with one weapon, per the 3.5 PHB rules and per the spirit of those Feats. Now, we've changed things before in the name of balance or just adapting them to an MMO, but I'm curious what makes you think these two feats should hit with both weapons?


I more wish you'd make Cleave and Great Cleave have the same attack speed for all weapons. 2 handers are so freaking SLOW. 2 weapons is in the middle and sword and shield rates the fastest. Makes no sense at all.

However, as to why we think it should hit with both. Look at the animation. You spin around with BOTH weapons, not just one. Due to the fact that the attack animation is rather ridiculous with some weapons (I'm really going to jab with a light hammer for instance) we just think that the "one animation to fit all" applies and because both weapons are out for the spin, both should hit.

07-02-2008, 06:50 PM
Cleave and Great Cleave only work with one weapon, per the 3.5 PHB rules and per the spirit of those Feats. Now, we've changed things before in the name of balance or just adapting them to an MMO, but I'm curious what makes you think these two feats should hit with both weapons?


If you will imagine this.

A loosely armored but muscular dwarf wielding a warhammer in each hand approaches 3 hobgoblins, their backs turned, around a campfire. In only an instant as the dwarf quickly pivits his feat to a spin holding his hammers out in front of him, one high one low, the three orcs are felled as his warhammers drove through them slamming into each of their hips and shoulders.

That is why I think you should get attacks with both weapons in a cleave, or great cleave. With the way you implemented cleave more like a whirlwind attack rather than the 3.5 rule of getting an extra attack after you kill an opponent, having everything in your 'cleave radius' struck by both weapons would make more sense.

07-02-2008, 07:28 PM
Cleave and Great Cleave only work with one weapon, per the 3.5 PHB rules and per the spirit of those Feats. Now, we've changed things before in the name of balance or just adapting them to an MMO, but I'm curious what makes you think these two feats should hit with both weapons?
Given that a TWF DDO character gets twin benefit from melee special attacks like Trip, Sunder, or Stunning Blow, one might expect that Cleave also gets twin benefit. If the twin special attacks had been intentional, then the same logic which gave you double Sunder could also give you double Cleave.

In a digression, in D&D rangers can use the Bladestorm spell to spin around and make an attack on each adjacent enemy with both their mainhand and offhand weapons. DDO could add that as a spellpoint-consuming enhancement, similar to how Paladins were given the Divine Sacrifice enhancement to duplicate a D&D melee-attack spell.

07-02-2008, 09:11 PM
Just wondering if the Devils and Orthons being able to teleport around at will even when stoned, stunned, held, fascinated, tripped, dancing, commanded, AND paralyzed is a bug or if they're working as intended.

07-02-2008, 09:50 PM
Sneak attack with a ranged weapon breaks stealth. Based on the release notes it seems it should not do this. Bug?

07-02-2008, 10:06 PM
Two things:

1) I have a couple of Dwarven Throwers distributed among my characters. One of them, on a character I'd like to retire, shows as "Bound", while the others do not. What gives?

2) Slow Fall on my monk just doesn't seem to work as described; if I jump or fall off the side of something, I'm getting roughly the same damage I used to get without it. And if it's supposed to work as it does in PnP (i.e., if there's a wall adjacent, the monk can use the wall to slow his fall a certain amount depending on level), how is that different from any non-Slow Fall classes sliding down walls?

07-02-2008, 11:01 PM
With my rogue, and Way of the Thief Arobat II I'm getting knocked down by minotaurs, and also in the Titan room, just not as much as others it seems. Is this as intented.

07-02-2008, 11:23 PM
2) Slow Fall on my monk just doesn't seem to work as described; if I jump or fall off the side of something, I'm getting roughly the same damage I used to get without it. And if it's supposed to work as it does in PnP (i.e., if there's a wall adjacent, the monk can use the wall to slow his fall a certain amount depending on level), how is that different from any non-Slow Fall classes sliding down walls?Slow fall appears to ignore your tumble skill for calculating damage. I suspect it was intended to be implemented by giving you an invisible bonus to your tumble skill, but instead is *only* giving you the bonus, and disregarding the tumble score itself.

I believe the correct route is to bug report it.

07-03-2008, 12:57 AM
Two things:

1) I have a couple of Dwarven Throwers distributed among my characters. One of them, on a character I'd like to retire, shows as "Bound", while the others do not. What gives?

This is also true for Chill Shards. and it seems ot have something to do withe old bug when they wer mysteriously transformed into stacks of 50 or something and people were making literally tons of money by selling them. To prevent the exploit of selling th einadverent stacks of chill shards they made them bound. Then at some point a few mods/patches later they removed the bind on acquire attribute for all new chill shards, but not existing ones.

07-03-2008, 01:01 AM
I have a 16th lvl monk and at first level I got Power Attack on her. I do not use it anymore but Fred will not let me exchange it for another feat. Am I stuck with it or is it just bugged for me?

07-03-2008, 02:50 AM
I have a 16th lvl monk and at first level I got Power Attack on her. I do not use it anymore but Fred will not let me exchange it for another feat. Am I stuck with it or is it just bugged for me?

Do you have another feat that has power attack as a prerequisite? Like cleave?


07-03-2008, 06:40 AM
Slow fall appears to ignore your tumble skill for calculating damage. I suspect it was intended to be implemented by giving you an invisible bonus to your tumble skill, but instead is *only* giving you the bonus, and disregarding the tumble score itself.

I believe the correct route is to bug report it.

Hmm. My monk is strength-based anyway, with not much in the way of dex. That might account for it, since my Tumble is rock bottom anyway. :)

But this is the kind of thing I'm talking about - the description text is kind of vague and could use some clarification as to exactly how it works and what kind of bonus it gives/enhances.

As for the binding dwarven thrower - devs, would it do me any good to bug report it? In other words, CAN it be fixed?

07-03-2008, 07:20 AM
Blocking DR without a shield seems to be a static number regardless of class or level = DR 2. Is this intentional ?
I remember a dev post from over a year ago that explained how a character's base attack bonus plays into the DR amount for both shielded and shield-less blocking.

The Protection from Evil spell has an extremely short casting range (last I checked), unlike other so-called Touch range spells in DDO. Intentional ?

The Good Hope mouse-over description says it gives an Ability check bonus. What is that in DDO terms? It does not seem to be anything. Should it?

D&D characters are allowed to simultaneously utilize Combat Expertise & Fighting Defensively & Power Attack. In DDO these toggles are mutually exclusive. Did you purposely deviate from the D&D rules or is this old game engine tech that could be fixed now?

Some creatures display an IMMUNE message when certain weapon or spell effects are attempted against them. Other creatures demonstrate immunities (we have to guess) without showing the IMMUNE message. I think we see blue sparkles instead? I am still not sure what this sparkle means (if anything) because I've never seen an ingame TIP or contextual help about it. Why have this confusion? Could we get a consistent feedback system implemented?

07-03-2008, 11:02 AM
Just wondering if the Devils and Orthons being able to teleport around at will even when stoned, stunned, held, fascinated, tripped, dancing, commanded, AND paralyzed is a bug or if they're working as intended.

Since devils teleport as an innate at will ability, as long as they are able to 'think' they can teleport. Of the list there, the only ones that might be arguable as preventing them from teleporting would be stunned and fascinated perhaps. The others simply prevent the control of your body/muscles and thus prevent physical movement.

07-03-2008, 11:21 AM
Since devils teleport as an innate at will ability, as long as they are able to 'think' they can teleport. Of the list there, the only ones that might be arguable as preventing them from teleporting would be stunned and fascinated perhaps. The others simply prevent the control of your body/muscles and thus prevent physical movement.

flesh to stone makes you mindless

07-03-2008, 11:24 AM
The Good Hope mouse-over description says it gives an Ability check bonus. What is that in DDO terms?
That would mean it adds to your str/dex roll to resist trip or knockdown. However, I doubt the DDO spell really helps in that situation.

07-03-2008, 11:51 AM
Cleave and Great Cleave only work with one weapon, per the 3.5 PHB rules and per the spirit of those Feats. Now, we've changed things before in the name of balance or just adapting them to an MMO, but I'm curious what makes you think these two feats should hit with both weapons?


There has been some oddness with cleave/great cleave since beta.

1st being the animation speed differences.
I know you have access to the game. So to see what I'm talking about go get a character that has cleave or great cleave. And go through this order.
Equip 1 handed weapon no shield.
Equip 1 handed weapon with shield.
Equip 2 1 handed weapons.
Equip 1 2 handed weapon.

Talking from memory here... but the 1 handed with the shield is smoking fast... where as the rest are all approximately the same speed, which is compatatively rather pokey. I can understand a great sword being slower due to the relative weight and length and rotating mass of the item your spinning around with. But Two weapons and Sword and board should be about the same speed. And 1 weapon with no shield should be the fastest.

The reason I say it should strike with both weapons is two fold.
#1 the animation. Your character spins with both weapons extended.
#2 The number of attacks. The bare facts are... say you have 5 monsters in front of you. You can get more strikes in by just going through the regular attack chain than you can by cleaving and striking each of the monsters in front of you once. This is due to the amount of attacks a twf gets and the slow attack animation speed for twf cleave.

So having it strike with both weapons would balance out the feat for two weapon fighters.

My $.02... and thanks for listening.

07-03-2008, 12:10 PM
Since devils teleport as an innate at will ability, as long as they are able to 'think' they can teleport. Of the list there, the only ones that might be arguable as preventing them from teleporting would be stunned and fascinated perhaps. The others simply prevent the control of your body/muscles and thus prevent physical movement.
Incorrect. Bear in mind that mental actions are a kind of action, so that a creature who cannot take actions also cannot take mental actions.

Stoned (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fleshToStone.htm)- a mindless, inert statue
Stunned (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#stunned)- can't take actions
Held (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/holdPerson.htm)- cannot take any actions.
Fascinated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#fascinated)- taking no actions
Tripped (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#prone)- by the D&D rules, no restriction on your actions, although some rolls are at a -4 penalty. However, DDO has empowered it so that tripped characters cannot take any actions.
Dancing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/irresistibleDance.htm)- impossible for the subject to do anything
Commanded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/command.htm)- equivalent to tripped/prone, above
Paralyzed- enough said.

07-03-2008, 12:27 PM
What's the story with potions? And not being able to use them while under any effect that prevents spellcasting.

07-03-2008, 01:40 PM
Is the dialog for West Threnal quest giver ever going to be fixed to prevent people from accidentally repeating it when they're about to get their end reward? (or was it fixed in a recent update without being announced?)

Is the resistance bonus from Protection from Evil supposed to stack with resistance items?

Same question for Holy Aura, also is Holy Aura supposed to be self-only?

Is there a fix coming for the Abbot goggles bug? (I heard it still wasn't fixed, though I didn't try to test it...)

07-03-2008, 01:51 PM
With my WF monk at 15, I've invested into Monk Recovery III and WF Healer's Friend II, 30% and 20% thinking I should get full amount on heals.
I've asked various clerics to check and they reported to get green numbers on the full heals they gave me, however in the temple of vol, a halfling rogue used a scroll and hit me for 100, yellow numbers, but hit everyone else in the party for 110.

Is it being calculated differently than I think it is? I mean wf lose 50%, 30% + 20% = 50%....

And when I use karmic strike, it doesn't land a hit, I know the description mentions attacking an enemy when he strikes, do I have to do anything special?

07-03-2008, 02:10 PM
2) Slow Fall on my monk just doesn't seem to work as described; if I jump or fall off the side of something, I'm getting roughly the same damage I used to get without it. And if it's supposed to work as it does in PnP (i.e., if there's a wall adjacent, the monk can use the wall to slow his fall a certain amount depending on level), how is that different from any non-Slow Fall classes sliding down walls?

What level are you? On my monk with a 14 tumble at 15, I notice I do fall slightly slower and am virtually immune to fall damage, I jumped down in Coalescence chamber in the beginning without feather fall and took no damage.

07-03-2008, 02:36 PM
Been seeing this for a while, have reported it a few time, but haven't seen any comment on it. I think this bug has been around since I started playing (March 2006). Please fix this, since it has persisted for so long, it has become my number one annoyance with the UI.


The 'lock toolbars' under the UI options menu doesn't work as I'd expect it should.

When enabled, toolbars should be totally locked, meaning that all the items in the toolbar are locked into their spots, and the toolbar is locked to a fixed screen location.

There are a couple different ways that this seems to be a bug.
1) Toolbars can be moved when the option is enabled. One edge of the toolbar remains selectable to drag the tool bar around. On horizontal bars this is the bottom edge. On vertical bars this in the right edge (I believe).
2) Items in the toolbars can be moved once. If the item has been moved (mouse dragged) it becomes locked after it has been released. This is at the items origin and destination locations. These now locked locations seem to persist across multiple log-outs and log-ins and changing characters. Reloading the client resets these locked locations to unlocked.
Wishful thinking:

Lock the entirety of the UI, so that nothing can be moved around. :rolleyes:

07-03-2008, 02:56 PM
Paralyzed- enough said.

I'm confused why you would include paralyzed on this list, claim "enough said" and not link to the D&D rules on the topic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#paralyzed) which clearly state "A paralyzed character has effective Dexterity and Strength scores of 0 and is helpless, but can take purely mental actions."

07-03-2008, 06:03 PM
Incorrect. Bear in mind that mental actions are a kind of action, so that a creature who cannot take actions also cannot take mental actions.

Held (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/holdPerson.htm)- cannot take any actions.
Paralyzed- enough said.
Right idea, incorrect conclusions on some of them. Held makes the subject become paralyzed too:

A paralyzed character is frozen in place and unable to move or act. A paralyzed character has effective Dexterity and Strength scores of 0 and is helpless, but can take purely mental actions

07-03-2008, 08:21 PM
What level are you? On my monk with a 14 tumble at 15, I notice I do fall slightly slower and am virtually immune to fall damage, I jumped down in Coalescence chamber in the beginning without feather fall and took no damage.

5th level. I wonder how much your Tumble score has to do with it...

07-03-2008, 08:31 PM
From what i recall of the 3 and 3.5 rules, any at will action can be used if you are paralyzed. Thus, the freedom of movement at will SLA of some outsiders to prevent them from being held. It was effective against anything that presented a physical obstacle to moving normally ie, paralysis, slow (for that matter, technically haste), web, grease, travelling over difficult terrain. It did not affect magical compulsion ie Hold ... spells or charm spells and any kind of petrification (being as its a transmutation effect, not movement restricting). It could be used as a break paralysis.

I remember all this because i managed to kill a Lupinal character as a DM with an advanced Carrion Crawler. I was sitting there the whole time screaming at him in my head to use his FoM, but did he do it? No he did not.

BUT, i think the freedom of movement works differently in DDO. So this is pretty moot.

The point i was so gloriously meandering away from, is that any at will ability *should* be usable from magical or natural paralysis, but not compulsion or transmutation effects.

Could be worse, they could be immune to the effects. At least it works mostly like it should....

07-03-2008, 08:49 PM
Right idea, incorrect conclusions on some of them. Held makes the subject become paralyzed too:

Yeah, but Hold Person (and therefore Hold Monster) also specifies that the target cannot take any actions. "It is aware and breathes normally but cannot take any actions, even speech."

07-03-2008, 09:23 PM
Yeah, but Hold Person (and therefore Hold Monster) also specifies that the target cannot take any actions. "It is aware and breathes normally but cannot take any actions, even speech."
Hold Person is just a horribly worded spell, but it's clear at least that it causes the paralyzed status. Going by the strict interpretation from just the spell itself, Hold Person contradicts itself - it says you can't take any actions, but that you can attempt a saving throw as a full round action. If there's already one exception specifically listed in the spell which in this case is a "mental" action (a will save), it isn't that big of a leap to say that they intended for mental actions to be allowed.

Either way, it's hardly a definitive answer, and since DDO implemented paralyzed & hold differently it's really a moot point anyways.

07-03-2008, 09:35 PM
I believe that is meant to imply that the only thing you are able to do on your turn is to make a saving throw against the spell, which is not considered an action in any of the rulesets that i've seen. The reason it is stated like that is to prevent the argument that, "I made the save at the beginning of my turn, therefore i can act this turn." It's to clarify that, whether you make the save or not, your turn is over. And it is a compulsion (enchantment) effect, which would also imply that it effects not just your body, but your mind. I dont have any rulebooks handy to check what schools other "paralysing" spells belong to, so dont quote me on that.

The other point would be, is it a Will save or a Fortitude save to resist the effect? If its a will save you shouldnt be able take any actions as the effect should be mental as opposed to physically rooting you to the spot.

07-03-2008, 09:41 PM
I believe that is meant to imply that the only thing you are able to do on your turn is to make a saving throw against the spell, which is not considered an action in any of the rulesets that i've seen...
Except that the spell itself declares this specific saving throw to be an action...The spell states that the saving throw is an action just as clearly as it states that you can't take any actions. I can see the conversation beginning already:
Side 1: "But you can't take any actions!"
Side 2: "Then how can you make a saving throw that's a full round action?"
Side 1: "Because the spell says so."
Side 2: "But the spell also says you can't take actions, and the saving throw counts as an action."
Edit: it seems clear that the saving throw IS intended to be allowed, which implies that mental actions in general are allowed the same as under paralyzed. The strict interpretation really just comes down to the infinite loop of whether you can make a save or not.

07-03-2008, 10:15 PM
It comes down to literal interpretation of the rules. Nowhere in the DMG or PHB does it state that saving throws are considered an action. If they were, you wouldnt be able to make them on other's turns. But, specific beats general, so the rule states that this is an action, and a full-round action. Of course, this is making what is essentially thinking a 6 second long action. ???

I can almost assure you that the spell description is written like that to make sure people play it that way. Nowhere else does it say that saving throws are actions, or full round actions. You dont end your turn dodging a trap in combat. You dont end your turn if you make a save against a Web or Grease spell. And it doesnt take any time out of your turn to do so. It's a specific rule for a specific situation, and it's horribly bad dm'ing to take a specific rule and apply it generally.

If you ever DM, it's your call, but i'd be out of that game.

07-03-2008, 10:20 PM
Edit: it seems clear that the saving throw IS intended to be allowed, which implies that mental actions in general are allowed the same as under paralyzed. The strict interpretation really just comes down to the infinite loop of whether you can make a save or not.

It's really kind of a moot point since, as you point out, saving against Hold Person/Monster is supposed to be a full-round action, thus preventing you from doing anything else, besides Free Actions, so long as your attempting to save against the spell (which the devils would be constantly doing). Since spell-like abilities require the same action/casting time as the spell they're based on, the Devils' Greater Teleport requires a standard action. That means they can't attempt to save against Hold Monster and use Greater Teleport at the same time.

Thus, creatures may, in general, be able to take purely mental actions while held, but Devils should not be able to use their Greater Teleport ability.

07-03-2008, 10:40 PM
Thus, creatures may, in general, be able to take purely mental actions while held, but Devils should not be able to use their Greater Teleport ability.
Keep in mind that the spell doesn't say they HAVE to attempt a saving throw as a full-round action, just that they're able to. If you're willing to agree that mental actions are allowed, they wouldn't be allowed a saving throw but they may very well move out of the spell's range.

07-03-2008, 10:42 PM
Keep in mind that the spell doesn't say they HAVE to attempt a saving throw as a full-round action, just that they're able to.

Except DDO doesn't enable that mechanic. You roll a save as often as possible. You cannot choose to not save and take other actions instead.

07-03-2008, 11:00 PM
Except DDO doesn't enable that mechanic. You roll a save as often as possible. You cannot choose to not save and take other actions instead.
DDO also allows them to teleport while held/paralyzed IIRC...I thought we were just discussing how it works in PnP.

07-03-2008, 11:35 PM
We were talking PnP. At least i thought we were.

All spells allow a saving throw unless the specify that they dont. And trying to save is completely optional. Obviously, this really only has RP value, as there is no point what-so-ever to trying to resist your Cure spells or Bless, or anyother spell that is considered beneficial. And there is certainly no reason why you would choose to fail the Save vs Disintegrate or FoD. I believe there is a spell that lets you turn into mist, similar to a vamps Mist Form ability, that can actually be used to remove enemies from combat when used with Gust of Wind. All the Hold ... spells do is specify that you can't act in the same round you make the save.

And it is not a mental action, it is part of the spell rules. The only thing that is happening is that you are making a save to resolve spell effects. The rulebooks, and common sense should, state that a specific rule overules any general rules. If you cant take any action while under the effect of a spell, but the spell says you can use a full-round action to make a save, you can take that action; but only when under the effects of that spell. Look at the disease rules. It says that you have to make 2 successive saves to remove a disease from yourself. But then, mummy rot and the devil's disease require you to make more than 2 to overcome the disease. The Evasion class ability, same thing. Rules state that you take half damage on a succesful reflex save. Unless you have Evasion, or improved evasion.

The problem is, there is no DM in DDO to make the kind of judgement calls that the PnP game allows. You cant use Strength to intimidate, you cant use Intelligence to bluff. So, it will more likely work one way all the time as opposed to situationaly.

07-04-2008, 09:39 AM
DDO also allows them to teleport while held/paralyzed IIRC...I thought we were just discussing how it works in PnP.

We were discussing how it should work in DDO and using the D&D rules as a basis.

I'm fine with DDO allowing them to teleport while held provided that it delays their ability to save against the spell for six seconds.

07-04-2008, 10:46 AM
Why can't we assassinate with with a range weapon, at least within backstabbing range? I was pretty sure you could in PnP, and logically I think kill shots make sense in game also.

07-04-2008, 11:11 AM
wow, a stickyjack. impressive.

when using flesh to stone on quinny (named undead rat in the orchard) she turns into speedy stonegalez and zips all over the place. she then tries to make a break for it out of cave but saddenly she seems to be having mouse trouble that prevents her from exiting.

hypothesis - fts is working like the fear effect for her.

07-04-2008, 11:47 AM
I'm confused why you would include paralyzed on this list, claim "enough said" and not link to the D&D rules on the topic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#paralyzed) which clearly state "A paralyzed character has effective Dexterity and Strength scores of 0 and is helpless, but can take purely mental actions."
Because Geriant just got finished reading the paralyzed rules, which I had already linked to him immediately previously. Literally, "enough" had been said.

07-04-2008, 10:06 PM
Why can't we assassinate with with a range weapon, at least within backstabbing range? I was pretty sure you could in PnP, and logically I think kill shots make sense in game also.

Nope, you cannot (use Death Attack at range in D&D).

If an assassin studies his victim for 3 rounds and then makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the sneak attack has the additional effect of possibly either paralyzing or killing the target (assassin’s choice).

07-04-2008, 10:09 PM
Do you have another feat that has power attack as a prerequisite? Like cleave?


Yes, dang. Never thought about that. Thanks. Guess I am stuck with Power Attack because I love my cleave on my monk. Oh well. :P

07-07-2008, 02:32 AM
I have noticed, while using maladroit an bone breaking, when you take a mobs dexterity down to 0, some mobs can move, while others can't. (like ogres can't move, but raksasha can) Which ones are bugged?

07-07-2008, 12:21 PM
Try this one that has been in existence forever.

When my "open door" "open lock" "shrining" bar is full, I should be done, not wait 1-2 seconds longer AFTER that.


07-07-2008, 04:27 PM

As soon as the Titan's shields fell, the door did too. I thought they had fired too late and was going for the crystal. I've waited almost 20 mins for the GM already, and my friend is getting impatient waiting for the GM to help me so I can leave with him. Life does not wait for GMs.

Edit: It took about 25 mins, but the GM happily moved my little guy outside tha barrier, Thank you Praliet! Kudos to the GMs who don't monkey around.

07-07-2008, 04:31 PM
Try this one that has been in existence forever.

When my "open door" "open lock" "shrining" bar is full, I should be done, not wait 1-2 seconds longer AFTER that.


I am actually quite accustomed to the wait to a point near reflexive. I can start running as soon as the action is complete.... but every now and then.... I miscalc and end up Interrupting the completed process. Newer players die a lot because of it.

I would also like this changed.

07-07-2008, 04:33 PM
As soon as the Titan's shields fell, the door did too.

Yeah, this is a bug that annoys me now and then too. However, it is still possible for a caster to cast a dimension door through the barrier if they aim themselves right. If you look up at the barrier, where the barrier meets the ceiling, stand at a 30° angle from facing the barrier, and cast then you can get it through once in a while.

I know it is not what you want to hear, but at least players are somewhat capable of finding a workaround for now.

07-07-2008, 04:34 PM

I want a Reskinning tool so I can reskin this guy to a little baby floating around in Monk gear. I also want to turn Reconfigured Blender's head into a Blender.

Also, note the fact his staff is attatched to the end of his potion bottle.

07-07-2008, 04:35 PM
Yeah, this is a bug that annoys me now and then too. However, it is still possible for a caster to cast a dimension door through the barrier if they aim themselves right. If you look up at the barrier, where the barrier meets the ceiling, stand at a 30° angle from facing the barrier, and cast then you can get it through once in a while.

I know it is not what you want to hear, but at least players are somewhat capable of finding a workaround for now.

Note that I am alone in the instance. ;)

07-07-2008, 04:37 PM
Well, you might not have been alone when the raid was finished... :D

07-07-2008, 04:49 PM
Note that I am alone in the instance. ;)

So, Hows that BBB thing goin for ya?

07-08-2008, 02:55 AM

07-09-2008, 12:01 PM
Lately I've been seeing where it is impossible to come out of sneak mode without clicking the sneak icon again. I've gone into sneak, attacked and hit several times, but stayed in sneak mode doing that weird double weapon attack, but never coming out of sneak. It can be annoying since it reduces the attacks to that one attack and reduces movement to a crawl. I think I have come out of sneak when I was the one hit, but not when I was the one doing the hitting.

Orthons can shoot their barbs at me when paralyzed. Bad deal!! I've had one paralyzed and he still took down over half my HP with machine-gunning his barbs/darts into me. I suppose this may fall under the whole 'chess pieces' bug that lets stoned, held and paralyzed enemies slide around all over the place and occasionally make attacks while in those states.

Dogs and Rats in the Vale will sometimes seem to run away or in totally random directions instead of attacking. I've aggroed a Black Wolf around the Named Hyena area and it ran down the hill, turned and ran up the path to the Named Hyena location, stopped, ran halfway back down and then just stopped till I caught up with it and hit it, then it ran back down and toward the bridge. I kind of lost track of it then because I'd managed to aggro six other things chasing that wolf around. Then it came and joined in the attack. Seems the pathing just went crazy. Oh, it wasn't feared or anything since I was the only one in the area and didn't have a fearsome item on and there was not fear-face over it.

The Devil and Orthon in the Shroud part II do total random aggro. No rhyme nor reason, just blink all over the place and attack whoever happens to be close to where they appear, not necessarily the closest. They even attack people who have never damaged them, they've never seen, hiding in corners in sneak mode. You can get them to stay kinda still if they have only 'seen' one person, but they see a second and its random blink and attack.

No matter where you shoot something from, it and all its friends know instantly where you are, even if it was an attack to their back from behind a wall. I could see things running about in random directions trying to see something attacking, but not making a bee-line to where you are - even if you've moved a lot since the attack. Mobs have no trouble finding you - even if you're invisible, camouflaged and sneaking. Once you've done damage to them, they've got a homing beacon on you. That sucks.

(Manyshot and Deepwood sniper should both be a stance with a shorter cool-down)

07-09-2008, 12:02 PM
Lately I've been seeing where it is impossible to come out of sneak mode without clicking the sneak icon again.
You might like to flip through the release notes when a patch comes out.

07-09-2008, 12:04 PM
You might like to flip through the release notes when a patch comes out.
I did flip through.
... maybe not examined thoroughly.... :D

Okay, if that is working as intended, it totally bites!!! Boooooo!!!!

What kind of logic (or lack thereof) was behind that??

07-09-2008, 12:17 PM
I did flip through.
... maybe not examined thoroughly.... :D

Okay, if that is working as intended, it totally bites!!! Boooooo!!!!

What kind of logic (or lack thereof) was behind that??

To make assassinate actually useful IMO.

Tumble will take you out of sneak mode. Just do a quick tumble behind the guy and attack as normal...it's not so bad really.
Just takes some getting used to.

07-09-2008, 12:30 PM
when trying to use potions in combat sometimes they go off with no problem but other times it triggers the cool down but does not actually consume a potion... is this the way it's supposed to be or is this a bug and by bug I mean big gynormis cockroach eating my head because I can't heal myself bug....

Veknesh your wonder rogue
vekneesh your Bread mage
Gomli the pacifist barbarian.

07-09-2008, 01:48 PM
To make assassinate actually useful IMO.

Tumble will take you out of sneak mode. Just do a quick tumble behind the guy and attack as normal...it's not so bad really.
Just takes some getting used to.

I'll give that a try.... thanks.

... *grumble***I'm not an assassin grumble*grumble***don't have assassinate***grumble***assassinine***grumble*

:D LOL...

07-09-2008, 02:06 PM
when trying to use potions in combat sometimes they go off with no problem but other times it triggers the cool down but does not actually consume a potion... is this the way it's supposed to be or is this a bug and by bug I mean big gynormis cockroach eating my head because I can't heal myself bug....

Are you doing it right at the end of another cooldown? Because I've found that to also be true of wands and spells, and I suspect it's true of many other things as well.

It seems if you attempt to activate something with a cooldown too close to the end of another cooldown, if you "jump the gun" so to speak, you get the cooldown for the action, but not the action itself. I don't think it actually uses the spell points or wand charges, but I could be wrong about that.

07-09-2008, 02:10 PM
I've had this happen with rage sometimes, where I try to rage, get the cooldown, but don't actually get the rage (nor does it consume a usage, it just blocks my barb from being able to rage. Kind of annoying.

07-09-2008, 02:13 PM
when trying to use potions in combat sometimes they go off with no problem but other times it triggers the cool down but does not actually consume a potion... is this the way it's supposed to be or is this a bug and by bug I mean big gynormis cockroach eating my head because I can't heal myself bug....

I've had this happen on rage, cast spells, potions, wands, stances, and social skills. If this happens and you notice the thing doesn't get consumed or used then just click it again regardless of the fact that it is displaying a cooldown timer. More often than not it will work.

07-09-2008, 02:22 PM
that doesn't help when your in the middle of combat and need that heal to go off to remain alive :)

07-09-2008, 05:06 PM
Barbarian Rage (from the class feat) turns off the Warforged Brute Fighting enhancement (hate generator stance).

Is this intended?

07-09-2008, 05:10 PM
Barbarian Rage (from the class feat) turns off the Warforged Brute Fighting enhancement (hate generator stance).

Is this intended?

I'm not sure if this is intended, but it is likely related to the fact that Barbarian Rage also turns off Subtle Backstabbing (which is something that does make sense).

07-09-2008, 05:35 PM
I'm not sure if this is intended, but it is likely related to the fact that Barbarian Rage also turns off Subtle Backstabbing (which is something that does make sense).

And Precision.... WHich I also guess makes sense......

07-09-2008, 05:58 PM
But it just doesnt make sense with Brute Fighting. This one should be on par with Power Attack.

07-09-2008, 06:34 PM
But it just doesnt make sense with Brute Fighting. This one should be on par with Power Attack.

I completely agree with that, if you are raging then you are likely fighting like a brute. :p

I'm just saying that both Brute Fighting and Subtle Backstabbing are enhancement stances turned off by rage and are likely sharing the same coding behavior.

07-11-2008, 12:31 PM
Stunning Blow, Cleave, Great Cleave and Whirlwind Attack all give the maximum attack bonus (i.e. the last attack in your combo chain) when used. Stunning Fist does not, and only gives the 1st attack bonus (i.e. the lowest). It this working as intended, or is this a bug?


07-16-2008, 06:35 PM
Quest entrances still sometimes present the incorrect difficulty when entering an already active instance. This has been in the game since the beginning of time, and still makes me chuckle.

Any news on when/if this will be fixed (maybe along with world peace, pony mounts?)


Well, the devs DID look at this recently and determined it wasn't as easy a fix as they'd hoped. Before they got to make any serious headway on it, development on Mod 8 started and a host of higher priority tasks took up their time. But it's still on the list, and the devs I spoke to hope to find some time to take a serious look at it. Once again though, it's losing the priority battle.


07-16-2008, 06:59 PM
Sneak attack with a ranged weapon breaks stealth. Based on the release notes it seems it should not do this. Bug?

This isn't a bug, as the change that was made was not intended to include ranged attacks. There is some question as to whether that would be a bit too powerful, so no change was made until we can analyze the effects on the game further. Feel free to start a discussion thread about it if you're interested.


07-16-2008, 07:09 PM
As for the binding dwarven thrower - devs, would it do me any good to bug report it? In other words, CAN it be fixed?

I'm afraid not. The other poster was right about why it's bound, and there's nothing that can be done about it now. Sorry about that.


07-16-2008, 07:15 PM
Once again though, it's losing the priority battle.


and it should. Way bottom of the list Id say, with:

- handwraps
- porter to meridia
- mods & content

hovering around the top among other things

07-16-2008, 07:25 PM
what about a new adventure

in a tavern!!!

you can call it, the quest to free nat gan (or whatever that dude name is on the balancing pole)

and you can put lawful evil aberrations/the devs there in character form and we have to brawl them to get our nat gan back because they stole them

and when the devs die they drop tasty ham

best area ever

07-17-2008, 06:29 PM
My monk/cleric goes out of monk stance when using a healing scroll or wand. Bug or intended?

07-17-2008, 08:10 PM
I'm afraid not. The other poster was right about why it's bound, and there's nothing that can be done about it now. Sorry about that.


Oh, I remembered the binding at one point, but that was after I traded for it. Is there any way to check the history of an item? That would go a long way towards solving the issue of who got what (I remember the "splitting" of returning items and why they were locked down at that time).

Just a thought.

07-18-2008, 01:45 AM
Slow Fall on my monk just doesn't seem to work as described; if I jump or fall off the side of something, I'm getting roughly the same damage I used to get without it. And if it's supposed to work as it does in PnP (i.e., if there's a wall adjacent, the monk can use the wall to slow his fall a certain amount depending on level), how is that different from any non-Slow Fall classes sliding down walls?

I looked into this. Slow Fall works a lot like Featherfall, although it doesn't slow your decent quite as much. Your Tumble score shouldn't affect it. The trick that I think a lot of people may not be aware of is that Slow Fall is a toggle. That's right, it's just like a combat stance in that it can be turned on and off. It defaults to 'on' when you first acquire it, but it's conceivable that it's somehow turned off for you. If you're wondering why it's a toggle mode, that's because there is at least one dungeon where having it (or featherfall) active makes life more difficult than otherwise. You'll know it when you see it.

If you've sure that Slow Fall is "on" and you're still taking normal damage from falls, please submit a bug report with your character details.


07-18-2008, 05:37 AM
every1 i know noticed that it didn't work....at lower levels tested it every time i got a new lvl of slowfall but at 13 monk it all of a sudden started working now i can drop down ghosts of perdition with no ff on and take no damage.

07-18-2008, 08:49 AM
I looked into this. Slow Fall works a lot like Featherfall, although it doesn't slow your decent quite as much. Your Tumble score shouldn't affect it. The trick that I think a lot of people may not be aware of is that Slow Fall is a toggle. That's right, it's just like a combat stance in that it can be turned on and off.
I think everyone is able to figure out that it's supposed to be a toggle. The problem is that the toggling is obviously broken in at least some ways, so maybe it's broken in more. When a monk hits level 4 and gains Slow Fall, his falling animation permanently changes from the normal pose (both arms out) to a special pose (arms at sides, one leg bent and one straight). Toggling Slow Fall does not turn that pose on and off- it's stuck forever.

In addition, if a level 4 monk jumps off the same cliff repeatedly he'll take the same damage each time, regardless of the state of the toggle.

Furthermore, the description for Slow Fall is broken insofar as it never mentions increasing in power as you gain levels. If the low-level version is supposed to have barely any effect, the text should warn players not to expect anything from it.

07-18-2008, 09:03 AM
Re: Slowfall

You all *DO* realize that Slow Fall only works if the Monk is very close to/next to a wall, right?

Works flawlessly for me. I dropped down Coalescence Chamber (that first drop at the beginning) with no FF, took 0 damage on landing. All I had to do was push into the wall the entire way down.

Working as intended (and as per 3.5 D&D rules, I might add).

07-18-2008, 09:05 AM
Is she just supposed to sit there in "Against the Demon Queen" and not do anything other than sit and look pretty being hit on?

Is she supposed to be invulnerable to EVERYTHING in the Raid? Fire, ice, lighting, magic missles, melee weapons, transmuting weapons, arrows, etc. All list off a singular gray 0 for damage, not immune, not yellow numbers, or anything.

Is she supposed to teleport and NEVER come back to the center circle making the raid un completable?

If she does come back to the center, is she supposed to just sit there all pretty like, and occassionally (like once in 15 raids) toss a telekinesis?

I've bug reported all of these, but she keeps getting worse and worse ever since mod 4. I find it funny that this raid is ignored every single time without any note, but should the titan pathing mess up in the SLIGHTEST suddenly, everything is dropped to fix it.

07-18-2008, 09:08 AM
I think everyone is able to figure out that it's supposed to be a toggle. The problem is that the toggling is obviously broken in at least some ways, so maybe it's broken in more. When a monk hits level 4 and gains Slow Fall, his falling animation permanently changes from the normal pose (both arms out) to a special pose (arms at sides, one leg bent and one straight). Toggling Slow Fall does not turn that pose on and off- it's stuck forever.

In addition, if a level 4 monk jumps off the same cliff repeatedly he'll take the same damage each time, regardless of the state of the toggle.

Furthermore, the description for Slow Fall is broken insofar as it never mentions increasing in power as you gain levels. If the low-level version is supposed to have barely any effect, the text should warn players not to expect anything from it.

I've also questioned if this was working as intended..... until I ran Tempest Spine and was thrown from the final boss. I didn't have a feather fall item on and took ZERO damage when I landed. I was a lvl 7 monk and didn't touch any walls or anything else on the way down. I do keep it on one of my bars and make sure the toggle stays on.

07-18-2008, 09:18 AM
Re: Slowfall

You all *DO* realize that Slow Fall only works if the Monk is very close to/next to a wall, right?

Works flawlessly for me. I dropped down Coalescence Chamber (that first drop at the beginning) with no FF, took 0 damage on landing. All I had to do was push into the wall the entire way down.

Working as intended (and as per 3.5 D&D rules, I might add).

Any character can do this.

07-18-2008, 09:19 AM
Re: Slowfall

You all *DO* realize that Slow Fall only works if the Monk is very close to/next to a wall, right?
That is so completely and totally untrue, it almost seems like you're joking.

07-18-2008, 10:00 AM
I think everyone is able to figure out that it's supposed to be a toggle.

On that note, and for my own curiosity, why is it a toggle?

I haven't been able to make a monk yet, so I don't really know how it works (or is supposed to work). Are there reasons you wouldn't want it on?

07-18-2008, 10:30 AM
There are a few things I have thought of in the past 1 minute...

It seems that the logout due to inactivity is broken, completely. The small box pops up that says you will be logged out, but nothing more...
I know this for a fact, because a few times now, I have had the box pop up and nothing. Once I was afk for over 8 hours, got back, and it was just sitting there saying I was gonna be logged out...

Next, there seem to be a lot of invisible barriers everywhere preventing me from having fun exploring, jumping around stormreach. What is up with this? What a waste of possible entertainment. And why o why did you block up the cavern in house k? :mad:

Paladins multi classed....lol....like that would ever happen....especially with something as dishonorable as a rogue...

Jump skill caps at 40/42....this is just wrong when, if I try, I can double that...

Ice storm...what a worthless spell...why only 1 hit during all of that chaos it causes(graphically)?

Where the **** are spears and pole arms?

Monk wind stance(and some other stuff) doesn't stack with hase(or some other buffs depending on other stuff, so the rumor is)....this just isn't right at all...

There need to be better enhancements put in for higher level, and pure classes.

I don't know much about pnp... But I find it hard to believe that there aren't battle gauntlets of some sort in the game!(which would be spikes, bladed, or blunt) What is up with that?

TWF doesn't work with hand wraps, or just unarmed. Two fists, two deadly weapons(for a monk), why no two weapon fighting bonuses?

Raid system sux, put a min of 1 randomly assigned item(per 6 people) in per run, along with the current system. Make it so people can't get 2 peices of loot, but so that there will always be raid loot dropped in a raid.

Ah...Last, but not least: DDO is not D&D PnP, quit trying to make it so. Make it your own, better, version of D&D please, for the love of the game.

07-18-2008, 12:13 PM
On that note, and for my own curiosity, why is it a toggle?

I haven't been able to make a monk yet, so I don't really know how it works (or is supposed to work). Are there reasons you wouldn't want it on?

I can think of one Gianthold walkup with the funny voiceovers that may warrant turning off slowfall...

07-18-2008, 12:46 PM
I looked into this. Slow Fall works a lot like Featherfall, although it doesn't slow your decent quite as much. Your Tumble score shouldn't affect it. The trick that I think a lot of people may not be aware of is that Slow Fall is a toggle. That's right, it's just like a combat stance in that it can be turned on and off. It defaults to 'on' when you first acquire it, but it's conceivable that it's somehow turned off for you. If you're wondering why it's a toggle mode, that's because there is at least one dungeon where having it (or featherfall) active makes life more difficult than otherwise. You'll know it when you see it.

If you've sure that Slow Fall is "on" and you're still taking normal damage from falls, please submit a bug report with your character details.


People on Risia reported on the forums that it wasn't working. Apparently at level 13 it suddenly starts working. Before that, you toggle it off, jump down, and take 60 damage. Toggle it on, jump down, take 64 damage. Same diff.

07-18-2008, 12:47 PM
Paladins multi classed....lol....like that would ever happen....especially with something as dishonorable as a rogue...

First of all, paladin's are free to multiclass in pnp, they just can't increase their paladin level after they do. What about multiclassing is wrong for the paladin? And who says rogues are dishonorable? They can be lawful good just like a paladin can.

I don't know much about about pnp... But I find it hard to believe that there aren't battle gauntlets of some sort in the game!(which would be spikes, bladed, or blunt).

Your first statement definitely indicated this. There are gauntlets and spiked gauntlets in pnp that do additional damage. None of them are monk weapons. A monk's fists can be enhanced with magic fang; this can be made permanent. I don't know of any items off the top of my head that enhance a monk's unarmed strikes (in a supplement I don't have there may be something). I don't understand what you are talking about to be honest...big clunky gauntlets on a monk's hands? Are you serious?

Ah...Last, but not least: DDO is not D&D PnP, quit trying to make it so. Make it your own, better, version of D&D please, for the love of the game.

This statement is as inane now as it was the first time it was uttered. I don't remember this game being called "Stormreach: A fantasy MMO using a generic rule system", it's called "DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: STORMREACH". Get it? The other parts of this statement are nonsensical.

07-18-2008, 12:59 PM
I don't know of any items off the top of my head that enhance a monk's unarmed strikes (in a supplement I don't have there may be something).

It's in the core. It's called an Amulet of Mighty Fists (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#amuletofMightyFists).

07-18-2008, 01:15 PM
It's in the core. It's called an Amulet of Mighty Fists (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#amuletofMightyFists).

I think there is also the Battle fist for Forged.

07-18-2008, 01:22 PM
I haven't been able to make a monk yet, so I don't really know how it works (or is supposed to work). Are there reasons you wouldn't want it on?
Because you might like to jump into a big hole and reach the bottom today, instead of tomorrow. Of course that's based on the assumption that it actually reduces your movement speed, like the in-game DDO version claims to.

Perma-feather fall could be particular bad in Rackham's Trial, Ghosts of Perdition, Coalescence Chamber, and Reaver's Fate. It would also ruin your ability to fight Garamol.

07-18-2008, 01:27 PM
Of course that's based on the assumption that it actually reduces your movement speed, like the in-game DDO version claims to.

Ah, yeah, that's what I was getting at. It was unclear to me whether it actually slowed your movement speed down or if it just reduced falling damage.

I definitely understand why perma-FF can be a bad thing.

07-18-2008, 02:10 PM
I did some testing with a 4th level monk, jumping off of a ramp in House D - I saw the damage go from 8 (with it toggled off) to 4 (with it toggled on). I put it aside in my mind for another day at that point, and put on a FF item.

If it reduces damage at various levels, instead of eliminating it, that's fine, but it should be documented a little more clearly.

07-18-2008, 02:10 PM
Orthons can shoot their barbs at me when paralyzed. Bad deal!! I've had one paralyzed and he still took down over half my HP with machine-gunning his barbs/darts into me. I suppose this may fall under the whole 'chess pieces' bug that lets stoned, held and paralyzed enemies slide around all over the place and occasionally make attacks while in those states.

Dogs and Rats (animals) in the Vale (and other places) will sometimes seem to run away or in totally random directions instead of attacking. I've aggroed a Black Wolf around the Named Hyena area and it ran down the hill, turned and ran up the path to the Named Hyena location, stopped, ran halfway back down and then just stopped till I caught up with it and hit it, then it ran back down and toward the bridge. I kind of lost track of it then because I'd managed to aggro six other things chasing that wolf around. Then it came and joined in the attack. Seems the pathing just went crazy. Oh, it wasn't feared or anything since I was the only one in the area and didn't have a fearsome item on and there was not fear-face over it.

The Devil and Orthon in the Shroud part II do total random aggro. No rhyme nor reason, just blink all over the place and attack whoever happens to be close to where they appear, not necessarily the closest. They even attack people who have never damaged them, they've never seen, hiding in corners in sneak mode. You can get them to stay kinda still if they have only 'seen' one person, but they see a second and its random blink and attack.

No matter where you shoot something from, it and all its friends know instantly where you are, even if it was an attack to their back from behind a wall. I could see things running about in random directions trying to see something attacking, but not making a bee-line to where you are - even if you've moved a lot since the attack. Mobs have no trouble finding you - even if you're invisible, camouflaged and sneaking (and not moving once they get close). Once you've done damage to them, they've got a homing beacon on you. That sucks.

07-18-2008, 02:18 PM
I did some testing with a 4th level monk, jumping off of a ramp in House D - I saw the damage go from 8 (with it toggled off) to 4 (with it toggled on). I put it aside in my mind for another day at that point, and put on a FF item.

If it reduces damage at various levels, instead of eliminating it, that's fine, but it should be documented a little more clearly.

I have been jumping off the harbor cliff with my 5th level monk since he got Slow Fall - no question I take less damage than free falling (24 v. death). The max damage from a fall seems to be lower, but you reach that max velocity pretty quickly.

07-18-2008, 03:03 PM

Dogs and Rats (animals) in the Vale (and other places) will sometimes seem to run away or in totally random directions instead of attacking. I've aggroed a Black Wolf around the Named Hyena area and it ran down the hill, turned and ran up the path to the Named Hyena location, stopped, ran halfway back down and then just stopped till I caught up with it and hit it, then it ran back down and toward the bridge. I kind of lost track of it then because I'd managed to aggro six other things chasing that wolf around. Then it came and joined in the attack. Seems the pathing just went crazy. Oh, it wasn't feared or anything since I was the only one in the area and didn't have a fearsome item on and there was not fear-face over it.
No matter where you shoot something from, it and all its friends know instantly where you are, even if it was an attack to their back from behind a wall. I could see things running about in random directions trying to see something attacking, but not making a bee-line to where you are - even if you've moved a lot since the attack. Mobs have no trouble finding you - even if you're invisible, camouflaged and sneaking (and not moving once they get close). Once you've done damage to them, they've got a homing beacon on you. That sucks.

The animals one seems to be a mix up of one intended reaction and the normal reaction. If you noise aggro an animal that cant see you it will on occasion go and gather up a bunch of it friends and hunt you down. Some times though, if your between the animal you aggro and its friends it will attempt to do the search and destroy but give up half way through. You seem to be seeing that inplace of the normal aggro, to attack.

For the second one I recomend watching ghoste's shadow mage videos. He shows some neat tricks for dealing with that situation.

07-18-2008, 03:06 PM
The animals one seems to be a mix up of one intended reaction and the normal reaction. If you noise aggro an animal that cant see you it will on occasion go and gather up a bunch of it friends and hunt you down. Some times though, if your between the animal you aggro and its friends it will attempt to do the search and destroy but give up half way through. You seem to be seeing that inplace of the normal aggro, to attack.

For the second one I recomend watching ghoste's shadow mage videos. He shows some neat tricks for dealing with that situation.

Dog Aggro broke in Mod 7. They go haywire randomly now...

07-18-2008, 03:08 PM
Dog Aggro broke in Mod 7. They go haywire randomly now...

Ah I spend most of my time in the Shab section so I'm really familiar with the cats and less with the dogs these days.

07-18-2008, 05:00 PM
Is dragon shards dropping in coalesence chamber end chest a bug? And if it isn't, can we get this end chest item removed from any quest above 12?

07-18-2008, 05:05 PM
Is dragon shards dropping in coalesence chamber end chest a bug? And if it isn't, can we get this end chest item removed from any quest above 12?
That would be silly and backwards.

Higher level characters have much more demand for dragon shards than someone lower. After all, you can't cast Trap The Soul until level 15.

07-18-2008, 05:16 PM
Siberys dragon shards, for the feat exchange, not the fragements. That was what was in the chest for me, along with 168 plat.

07-18-2008, 10:56 PM
The way it worked for me was that slow fall actually upgraded in levels. The higher the level of slowfall I got the less damage I took. At 16 it works the same as feather fall but you fall a bit faster. Also in the Reaver you float up and come down slower when he throws the anti-grav.

07-19-2008, 08:39 AM
It looks like th map for the threnal ruins is broken...

07-21-2008, 12:24 PM
A monk wearing an outfit and carrying light load can't use fast movement, when he equips a non-ki weapon. Normally a monk is supposed to lose fast movement only when wearing armor or carrying medium/heavy load. In regards to this, monk AC works correctly.

In regards to this, I'd like to ask devs to reconsider the whole undocumented "rapidly lose Ki" thing that happens whenever monk becomes uncentered. Especially in the case of being uncentered by non-monk weapons it doesn't make sense. A monk using non-Ki weapons should still be able to at least use Wholeness of Body, but with the rapid loss of Ki it's hard even if one meditates twice (sort of 2 Meditations per day = 1 Wholeness of Body per day).

Another "difficulty" monks face is being uncentered by wands. When using wands a character still does unarmed strikes, therefore monk isn't actually using the wand to fight - it just happens to be in the hand. Switching to wand currently means the mentioned rapid loss of Ki, but also loss of stances (how unfortunate to lose Earth stance and HP it gives, possibly dying, just when you're about to heal yourself!).

And finally a small story:
Every time I run Gwylan's Stand on my monk, it just happens to be me who has to carry the Cylinders around. My monk is strong, but not strong enough to carry all 8 and still have light load. What happens is I become uncentered, but can't trade the Cylinders away to reduce the load! Trying to drop them doesn't work, as game tries to destroy them and I have to press No. The only way is to recall and reenter, but, understandably, I don't want to do that...

07-22-2008, 06:44 AM
Re: Slowfall

You all *DO* realize that Slow Fall only works if the Monk is very close to/next to a wall, right?

Works flawlessly for me. I dropped down Coalescence Chamber (that first drop at the beginning) with no FF, took 0 damage on landing. All I had to do was push into the wall the entire way down.

Working as intended (and as per 3.5 D&D rules, I might add).

Perfectly aware of that (and have been so, as evinced by my earlier posts on it). The thing is that ALL characters can slide down walls and take no damage. Furthermore, I've checked it with Slow Fall toggled on AND off, and there is not one point's difference between the two in terms of falling damage. What, then, is the benefit of Slow Fall to monks in DDO?

I'll bug-report it, but from what others have told me in-game about it not working for them at all at any level short of double digits, I'm not sanguine about seeing a solution.

07-23-2008, 07:57 PM
Perfectly aware of that (and have been so, as evinced by my earlier posts on it). The thing is that ALL characters can slide down walls and take no damage. Furthermore, I've checked it with Slow Fall toggled on AND off, and there is not one point's difference between the two in terms of falling damage. What, then, is the benefit of Slow Fall to monks in DDO?

I'll bug-report it, but from what others have told me in-game about it not working for them at all at any level short of double digits, I'm not sanguine about seeing a solution.

I was gunna post that some guy I was with in coal chamber jumped to the bottom with his monk and took no damage. As you said though..... he was double digits.

07-25-2008, 10:31 AM
Noticed last night in Vision of Destruction......

Devils in there COntinue to Teleport aroun when they are Blinded. Everywhere else they stop their teleporting when Blinded.....

I also find it odd that they can continue to teleport even at 0 STR. (thats everywhere.. Not just Vod)

07-25-2008, 11:36 AM
Everywhere else they stop their teleporting when Blinded.....
Wrong. I've seen people post that before, but it's not true. Go out to Vale of Twilight with a Blinding Sickness spell and test it yourself.

07-25-2008, 12:05 PM
Wrong. I've seen people post that before, but it's not true. Go out to Vale of Twilight with a Blinding Sickness spell and test it yourself.

Cant speak for Blinding Sickness.....

But Radiance Guard, Holy Smite, and The Blind Spell do indeed stop them from teleporting.

07-25-2008, 12:09 PM
But Radiance Guard, Holy Smite, and The Blind Spell do indeed stop them from teleporting.
Wrong. They absolutely don't.

I suppose you're making that mistake because their frequency of teleporting is reduced by the 50% movement debuff of blindness.

07-25-2008, 12:21 PM
Wrong. They absolutely don't.

I suppose you're making that mistake because their frequency of teleporting is reduced by the 50% movement debuff of blindness.

Yeah, that must be it:rolleyes:

Untul you have "Developer" under your name, how bout you leave the answers to the Dev... If I wanted Player Opinion, I would of made a Separate thread about htis... I'm only interested in Silthes response.

07-25-2008, 12:29 PM
Untul you have "Developer" under your name, how bout you leave the answers to the Dev... If I wanted Player Opinion, I would of made a Separate thread about htis... I'm only interested in Silthes response.
What you "want" isn't important to me. You're spreading lies, so in response I'm spreading the truth.

The fact that normal non-VOD devils can teleport while blinded is not a matter of "Player Opinion". It's something that anyone moderately interested in this subject could have tested for himself.

PS. I, like many players, am frequently more accurate about DDO's behavior than developers are.

07-25-2008, 12:40 PM
I am pretty sure blinded devils still can teleport, but a rogue with a brilliance II will usually take one out before he ever gets the chance.

07-25-2008, 12:44 PM
I am pretty sure blinded devils still can teleport, but a rogue with a brilliance II will usually take one out before he ever gets the chance.

I assure you that Brilliance 2 does NOT make the death of Devils in VoD swift. THose guys have 10 times the hit points of other devils. ANd if Blindness is supposed to cause slowness.. Its not doing that in there either.

07-25-2008, 12:46 PM
I assure you that Brilliance 2 does NOT make the death of Devils in VoD swift. THose guys have 10 times the hit points of other devils. ANd if Blindness is supposed to cause slowness.. Its not doing that in there either.

Since when are we talking about VOD? I was speaking in general terms.

07-25-2008, 12:48 PM
Since when are we talking about VOD?
The context of the question was that Imaqpt thinks that only VOD devils can teleport while blinded, and others cannot. (This is something anyone with Blindness, Power Word Blind, or Contagion could easily check for himself)

You are fairly correct, in that part of the reason players may think most devils can't teleport while blinded is because they die pretty soon, so they don't get a chance to use the power. And clearly the 5000+ hp devils in VOD would die slower, giving more time to notice them porting.

07-25-2008, 12:50 PM
Since when are we talking about VOD? I was speaking in general terms.

My COmplaint is that VoD Devils are not functioning hte same as Other devils.

07-26-2008, 10:48 AM
The Toughness granted by Minos Legens, as currently implemented, allows access to the Toughness enhancements. These enhancements remain even if the helm is later removed. As I see it, this is a somewhat gray area, and there are two parts that could use some clarification about whether or not they're bugs:

Should the Toughness granted by the helmet open up enhancement lines?
If the answer to #1 is Yes, should the enhancement lines remain if the helmet is removed?

07-26-2008, 01:20 PM
The context of the question was that Imaqpt thinks that only VOD devils can teleport while blinded, and others cannot. (This is something anyone with Blindness, Power Word Blind, or Contagion could easily check for himself)

You are fairly correct, in that part of the reason players may think most devils can't teleport while blinded is because they die pretty soon, so they don't get a chance to use the power. And clearly the 5000+ hp devils in VOD would die slower, giving more time to notice them porting.

Speaking from the viewpoint of stealth soloing Running With The Devils - the regular bearded devils absolutely can teleport with blindness going. Blindness can keep them from aggroing, and may very well alter which characters they are aware of when they do, which would change the behavior of how often/where they teleport to.

07-27-2008, 08:30 PM
The doomsphere has a set of doomsphere rays that a typical beholder doesn't use. Some of these include Boneshatter, Chill Ray, Withering, Sear Flesh, and so on. However, when a doomsphere lights up like a christmas tree and zots you with all of its rays at once, it uses normal beholder rays (flesh to stone, finger of death, hold person, inflict moderate wounds, etc.) and not those that the doomsphere naturally uses. Is this intended or something that was overlooked?

07-29-2008, 04:01 PM
PS. I, like many players, am frequently more accurate about DDO's behavior than developers are.
My my my, aren't we the arrogant one...:eek::rolleyes:

07-31-2008, 03:14 PM
Fighting in the Lodge is not permitted. Take it outside (i.e. to PMs)

07-31-2008, 06:09 PM
All my handwraps that have ghost touch on them are not hitting incorporeal mobs the way they are supposed to. I am still getting the incorporeal miss chance when hitting the mobs.

07-31-2008, 06:22 PM
All my handwraps that have ghost touch on them are not hitting incorporeal mobs the way they are supposed to. I am still getting the incorporeal miss chance when hitting the mobs.

Zoning removes the affect of Lesser, Improved, and Greater Regeneration applied by raid loot. Re-equipping the raid loot items after zoning will reapply the effect.
Some handwraps weapon effects are not working properly. - That would include Ghost Touch
Greensteel bows are currently not properly applying blast effects.
HP regeneration items are currently negating the effects of Monk Wholeness of Body. Unequipping the regeneration item will allow Wholeness of Body to take effect.

Known Isues THread

07-31-2008, 06:29 PM
I have an eighth level cleric on Gh server. When I earn action points it always the tool time either shows one, even if I have 2+ saved up. It doesn't matter if I logout and log in again.
If I open the Character Windows and select the enhancement tab it displays the correct number of enhancements.

07-31-2008, 06:36 PM
OK I've asked this a number of times but I keep missing the devs and then threads get closed and worlds end... so once more
I've seen player guesses and tests and what not but really I'm looking for a full complete and accurate Dev answer

Quarter Staffs

Glancing Blows

THF Feats

TWF Feats

how do these 4 items interact and relate to each other.

Is it that TWF has some minor effect on Q Staffs

Does THF work on Q Staffs

What are the formula for determining glancing blows and is this accurate for quarter staffs

If not what is

Just want to clear up confusion for myself


07-31-2008, 06:59 PM
There was a dev explanation a while back, but the exact quote is probably lost. Quarterstaves are a completely separate style of attack that is not affected by TWF or THF (and thus no glancing blows) was the short answer, but that was from long before monks. They do receive 1.5x str bonus from PA just like normal two-handers, but that was about the only similarity. Also as expected they do benefit from all of the bludgeoning feats (WF, GWF, WS, GWS, IC)...or at least they did way back when I was using a vertigo Quarterstaff.

Glancing blows were recently discussed here (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1803864&postcount=16):

They summon ninjas to stab people for you. Sadly, being proper ninjas, they are so hard to see that you can't figure out what they're doing...

By default, you have a -5 to hit on all of the to hit rolls for glancing blows. THF takes this to a -2, GTHF takes it to a +5, making it much more likely that you'll be landing all those little blips of damage. Note that we don't display these to-hit rolls, since they get hugely spammy when you're swinging at a lot of targets.

By default, glancing blows do damage of <normal weapon damage> * <modifier>, where <modifier> depends on your BAB. At BAB16, it's 0.3. THF takes this to <normal weapon damage+10>*<modifier>; GTWF takes this to <normalweapondamage+20>*<modifier>.

This has changed a couple times in the past; at one point the feats were just changing <modifier>. This may change in the future; do not take my posting of numbers as irrevocable truth.

07-31-2008, 07:04 PM
There was a dev explanation a while back, but the exact quote is probably lost. Quarterstaves are a completely separate style of attack that is not affected by TWF or THF (and thus no glancing blows) was the short answer, but that was from long before monks. They do receive 1.5x str bonus from PA just like normal two-handers, but that was about the only similarity. Also as expected they do benefit from all of the bludgeoning feats (WF, GWF, WS, GWS, IC)...or at least they did way back when I was using a vertigo Quarterstaff.

Glancing blows were recently discussed here (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1803864&postcount=16):

Except Q staffs do get glancing blows... I have a Monk QStaff combatant that see GBs all the time

Now if they do get glancing blows does that mean that the thf styles apply or if not why not and if so do they apply the same way that the do for a maul


08-01-2008, 02:36 PM
Is the dialog for West Threnal quest giver ever going to be fixed to prevent people from accidentally repeating it when they're about to get their end reward? (or was it fixed in a recent update without being announced?)

Is the resistance bonus from Protection from Evil supposed to stack with resistance items?

Same question for Holy Aura, also is Holy Aura supposed to be self-only?

Is there a fix coming for the Abbot goggles bug? (I heard it still wasn't fixed, though I didn't try to test it...)

1) Good question. I've made sure there's still an open bug report on that NPC, but I don't have an update on it. I'll bring it to the devs attention again though.

2) No. Resistance bonuses do not stack with other Resistance bonuses. Both Protection from Evil and resistance items give Resistance bonuses to saving throws, so they should not stack. Spells like Heorism give Morale bonuses to Saving Throws so that will stack with either Resistance bonus.

3) Same answer as number 2. Holy Aura gives a resistance bonus. The effect should match the description of the spell. This is a general rule. If the description says it's an AOE and you're only hitting yourself, it's a bug, and vice versa.

4) Depends on how you define "coming." It was fixed once, but turns out it didn't take. A few other changes in global scripts MIGHT have fixed it, but probably didn't. We're having trouble reproducing it in QA, so either it's fixed, it's now temperamental, or there's now an extra step needed to get it to happen that we don't know about. If it happens to you, please submit another bug report with as much information as possible.

08-01-2008, 02:47 PM
4) Depends on how you define "coming." It was fixed once, but turns out it didn't take. A few other changes in global scripts MIGHT have fixed it, but probably didn't. We're having trouble reproducing it in QA, so either it's fixed, it's now temperamental, or there's now an extra step needed to get it to happen that we don't know about. If it happens to you, please submit another bug report with as much information as possible.

Interesting....Most of the time I'm able to cause the goggles issues simply by forgetting to take the goggles off and recalling once everyone else is dead or being dead with them on and having to release because everyone else is dead as well.

So far my ranger 16, human, is 10/10 on getting stuck in a loading screen when this happens. I'll keep bug reporting away and maybe we will hit on something.

08-01-2008, 02:54 PM
The Toughness granted by Minos Legens, as currently implemented, allows access to the Toughness enhancements. These enhancements remain even if the helm is later removed. As I see it, this is a somewhat gray area, and there are two parts that could use some clarification about whether or not they're bugs:

Should the Toughness granted by the helmet open up enhancement lines?
If the answer to #1 is Yes, should the enhancement lines remain if the helmet is removed?

1: That's a bug. Prereqs should generally only count things that are fairly permanent.
2: Much of the motivation for #1 is not needing to deal with answering this kind of question.

08-01-2008, 02:54 PM
2) No. Resistance bonuses do not stack with other Resistance bonuses. Both Protection from Evil and resistance items give Resistance bonuses to saving throws, so they should not stack. Spells like Heorism give Morale bonuses to Saving Throws so that will stack with either Resistance bonus.

3) Same answer as number 2. Holy Aura gives a resistance bonus. The effect should match the description of the spell. This is a general rule. If the description says it's an AOE and you're only hitting yourself, it's a bug, and vice versa.

Are fixes coming for these then?

(Also, are you going to add in the "Blindness Ward" portion of this spell, which is one of the only reasons it would be useful in DDO.)

08-01-2008, 03:06 PM
Blocking DR without a shield seems to be a static number regardless of class or level = DR 2. Is this intentional ?
I remember a dev post from over a year ago that explained how a character's base attack bonus plays into the DR amount for both shielded and shield-less blocking.

The Protection from Evil spell has an extremely short casting range (last I checked), unlike other so-called Touch range spells in DDO. Intentional ?

The Good Hope mouse-over description says it gives an Ability check bonus. What is that in DDO terms? It does not seem to be anything. Should it?

D&D characters are allowed to simultaneously utilize Combat Expertise & Fighting Defensively & Power Attack. In DDO these toggles are mutually exclusive. Did you purposely deviate from the D&D rules or is this old game engine tech that could be fixed now?

Some creatures display an IMMUNE message when certain weapon or spell effects are attempted against them. Other creatures demonstrate immunities (we have to guess) without showing the IMMUNE message. I think we see blue sparkles instead? I am still not sure what this sparkle means (if anything) because I've never seen an ingame TIP or contextual help about it. Why have this confusion? Could we get a consistent feedback system implemented?

1) I'm pretty sure that blocking without a shield is intentionally weak. The blocking DR is actually a complex formula taking several things into consideration such as level, BAB, shield qualities, etc. I think without a shield though a lot of the benefit goes away, and that was intentional.

2) Check it against Otto's Resistable Dance and I think you'll find the ranges similar. Basically, for touch spells you need to be more or less right next to the target to cast. The Cure spells however (Cure Light Wounds, etc) had their range increased to make it possible to heal effectively. That was a deliberate deviation from the pen and paper rules just to make playing a cleric fun and effective. In the early pre-release days, the cure spells (and a few other restorative spells) were all set to very short range. You think it's difficult getting the barbarian to sit still long enough to get buffed? You try healing him in the middle of a grand melee when you need to be right next to him to do it. Now think about doing that for four more people at the same time.

We only changed the ranges on spells we thought would mostly be cast in combat on allies. The rest we left as is.

3) Hmm... Good Hope DOES give bonuses to Ability checks, as per the pencil and paper rules. Thing is, I don't think there ARE any Ability checks in DDO. Rest assured though, if there were, Good Hope would give you bonuses to them. (This is a peril of copying text from the D&D Player's Handbook.)

4) Combat Expertise, Defensive Fighting, and the rest were deliberately made exclusive back in pre-alpha. Unfortunately, no one seems to remember what the reasoning was. Fortunately, no one seems to remember what the reasoning was. I suggest starting a separate thread to see what others in the community think about changing how it works now. If there's enough support, we might start discussing it internally. If anyone suddenly rememebrs what the original reasoning was, I'll let you know.

5) We have a consistent feedback system. There are three ways a monster will avoid a spell effect, each with a different visual cue to let you know what's going on. First, is the blue-ish little octagon thing to indicate that it made its saving throw. Second, is the Immune message telling you that no matter what you do, the monster will not be affected by your spell. Third, the blue "sparkly" as you put it indicates that you failed to overcome the monster's spell resistance. The first and third indicate it might be useful to try casting again, as there is a chance the spell will take effect. The Immune message tells you to try something else.


08-01-2008, 03:17 PM
3) Hmm... Good Hope DOES give bonuses to Ability checks, as per the pencil and paper rules. Thing is, I don't think there ARE any Ability checks in DDO. Rest assured though, if there were, Good Hope would give you bonuses to them. (This is a peril of copying text from the D&D Player's Handbook.)

In DDO, the "save" against being tripped is effectively an ability check. And I'm pretty sure that Good Hope is not affecting it.

08-01-2008, 03:18 PM
In DDO, the "save" against being tripped is effectively an ability check. And I'm pretty sure that Good Hope is not affecting it.

Nor does Symbol of Pain affect it either.

08-01-2008, 03:20 PM
In DDO, the "save" against being tripped is effectively an ability check. And I'm pretty sure that Good Hope is not affecting it.

I would also think that breaking down doors or using runes would also fall under an ability check.

08-01-2008, 03:29 PM
I would also think that breaking down doors or using runes would also fall under an ability check.

I can understand the distinction there, though. That's not a "check" so much as it is something that requires a certain ability score.

I've argued before that Good Hope should give you a bonus to your effective score for those things since, in D&D, they would be ability checks. But I could also really live without it.

The being tripped thing, though, is absolutely a d20 + an ability modifier, which is precisely what an ability check is.

08-01-2008, 03:32 PM
Third, the blue "sparkly" as you put it indicates that you failed to overcome the monster's spell resistance. ~Silthe

we are talking a totally different blue effect here. the SR failure looks like you hit a blue concave shield (think star trek spaceship shields). the sparkly he is talking about looks like welding sparks being thrown off for a second.

08-01-2008, 03:33 PM
Blocking DR without a shield seems to be a static number regardless of class or level = DR 2. Is this intentional ?

With Shield:
This fomula applies when blocking with a shield and only against melee attacks. Active (bracketed) Damage Reduction is halved if blocking ranged attacks.

Passive DR + [(BAB / 2) + 2 + Shield DR rating (now includes Shield Enhancement) + Shield Mastery Feats + Shield Mastery Enhancements]

Two-Weapon Fighting:
This fomula applies when blocking while wielding two weapons and only against melee attacks. Active (bracketed) Damage Reduction is divided by 4 if blocking ranged attacks.

Passive DR + [(BAB / 3) + 2 + Two-weapon Blocking Feat]

Two-Handed Fighting, Single weapon & no shield, or Unarmed:
This fomula applies when blocking while wielding a two-handed weapon, a single weapon but no shield or fighting unarmed and only against melee attacks. Full Damage Reduction if blocking ranged attacks.

Passive DR + [(BAB / 5) + 1]

Figure out yourself if it's working properly. :) Could be a display bug.

08-01-2008, 03:35 PM
5) We have a consistent feedback system.

On that topic... can we look (again) into getting that feedback system reflected in the combat log?

Spell resistance already shows up, but it'd be nice if you got Immune and Save messages there as well. We obviously don't need to see the numbers involved in the monster's save, but given that the blue-hex already tells us whether they save or not, is there a reason we can't see that in the combat log (along the lines of "<Monster> saved against your <Spell>."

08-01-2008, 03:50 PM
Two-Handed Fighting, Single weapon & no shield, or Unarmed:
This fomula applies when blocking while wielding a two-handed weapon, a single weapon but no shield or fighting unarmed and only against melee attacks. Full Damage Reduction if blocking ranged attacks.

Passive DR + [(BAB / 5) + 1]

And this is deliberately pretty lame -- a dragon tries to bite you and you decide to... stick your arm in the way? Yeah, I suppose it's less bad than having him eat your head, but you aren't really helping a whole lot. If you want to block, go buy a shield (or at least get an off-hand weapon so you're sticking something steel up the dragon's nose).

Also, yay for people reading my previous posts on the all-too-complicated blocking DR system :)

08-01-2008, 03:54 PM
Also, yay for people reading my previous posts on the all-too-complicated blocking DR system :)

Why is the DR different for blocking ranged attacks? One would think that a shield would be just as effective at blocking incoming arrows as it would be for melee attacks.

08-01-2008, 03:55 PM
On that topic... can we look (again) into getting that feedback system reflected in the combat log?

Spell resistance already shows up, but it'd be nice if you got Immune and Save messages there as well. We obviously don't need to see the numbers involved in the monster's save, but given that the blue-hex already tells us whether they save or not, is there a reason we can't see that in the combat log (along the lines of "<Monster> saved against your <Spell>."

Yeah, this has been on my to-do list for a long time. Since, um, the point in beta testing when I wrote most of the chat feedback that we do have. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things considered higher priority, so it keeps being bumped down into the "next time" bin.

Also, if there are any particular spells or effects that aren't giving the appropriate blue splash or immune text, it may be worth filing a bug; we do have the power to stop those (for things like making paladin auras not spam immunity messages), so it is possible that we accidentally set some effect to not give feedback when it really should.

08-01-2008, 03:56 PM
Also, yay for people reading my previous posts on the all-too-complicated blocking DR system :)

Actually, the credits go to Mab_Bombardier for going in game and figuring it out himself.

08-01-2008, 03:56 PM
And this is deliberately pretty lame -- a dragon tries to bite you and you decide to... stick your arm in the way?

Why, if you're wielding a big-ass sword, axe or hammer would you try to block with your arm instead of the aforementioned big-ass weapon? For that matter why would you do it when you were using a smaller, one-handed weapon?

(Which is to say, why are Twohanded Fighting and One-handed No-Shield in the same category as Unarmed instead of in the same category as Two Weapon fighting? Wouldn't the logical thing to do when blocking be to use your weapon, even if it's not in the offhand, to do the blocking?)

08-01-2008, 03:59 PM
Yeah, this has been on my to-do list for a long time. Since, um, the point in beta testing when I wrote most of the chat feedback that we do have. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things considered higher priority, so it keeps being bumped down into the "next time" bin.

When you do that, could you consider a way to filter the feedback we get per window?

Liek this, I could have a widnow for how often I get it, another for saves, etc. It'd be nice also to consider adding dices for spells like Ray of Enfleebement. Right now, we have no idea of how much we have debuffed the mob for. Oh, and SR rolls. Oh, and better feedback for saves we do. Sometimes they are missing.

08-01-2008, 04:01 PM
(Which is to say, why are Twohanded Fighting and One-handed No-Shield in the same category as Unarmed instead of in the same category as Two Weapon fighting? Wouldn't the logical thing to do when blocking be to use your weapon, even if it's not in the offhand, to do the blocking?)

It's much easier to block with two weapons than with a big badass sword.

08-01-2008, 04:01 PM
Oh, and SR rolls.

Your SR rolls aren't in the combat log? :confused:

I could've sworn I got them. Am I imagining that?

08-01-2008, 04:02 PM
It's much easier to block with two weapons than with a big badass sword.

You know if we weren't just standing there with the weapons in front of our faces, I might buy that answer. ;)

08-01-2008, 04:03 PM
Your SR rolls aren't in the combat log? :confused:

I could've sworn I got them. Am I imagining that?

Hmmm... pretty sure they aren't... would need to recheck... /logs on

08-01-2008, 04:03 PM
Your SR rolls aren't in the combat log? :confused:

I could've sworn I got them. Am I imagining that?

Yep. All you get is the blue force shield blip.

08-01-2008, 04:04 PM
Oh, and SR rolls.

Spells you cast upon another monster show Spell Penetration rolls. (Off hand, I don't remember if these are in the combat log, but they do show up as a dice roll)

Spells you are hit by from a monster does not show a Spell Resistance Roll, but it will display "Spell Resistance: Success" upon working.

08-01-2008, 04:05 PM
If you want to block, go buy a shield (or at least get an off-hand weapon so you're sticking something steel up the dragon's nose).
I'll take that opportunity to repeat a 1-line suggestion:
Merge the Two-Weapon Blocking feat into Two-Weapon Defense. Switching from TWF->Shield to block is so easy and more effective that spending a feat to block better with TWF isn't close to worth it.

08-01-2008, 04:07 PM
Off hand, I don't remember if these are in the combat log, but they do show up as a dice roll

Oh, I know they show up as a dice roll, but as far as my memory goes, they do not show up in the combat log.

I'll be sure of it in a few minutes. Logging on my sorcerer right now.

08-01-2008, 04:18 PM
I was wrong, it shows up.

Oh, I know they show up as a dice roll, but as far as my memory goes, they do not show up in the combat log.

I'll be sure of it in a few minutes. Logging on my sorcerer right now.

08-01-2008, 04:50 PM
When you do that, could you consider a way to filter the feedback we get per window?

Liek this, I could have a widnow for how often I get it, another for saves, etc. It'd be nice also to consider adding dices for spells like Ray of Enfleebement. Right now, we have no idea of how much we have debuffed the mob for. Oh, and SR rolls. Oh, and better feedback for saves we do. Sometimes they are missing.

Hmmm.... Yeah, we could give you something to sort the messages to different tabs of your chat window. Dice for lots of things are suppressed to keep the die in the corner of your window from going totally nuts (this is why you don't see glancing-blow-attack-rolls; you're making three or four rolls at once...). We generally go with not showing dice in the chat log if we don't show them over there. Similarly, we don't want the chat log scrolling by too fast, so we've tried to keep it less spammy; if I add a bunch more messages to it, I'm probably going to have them default off, so that those of you who want to see it have to actively decide to see more.

Huh, I thought you always saw your own saving throw rolls. Are there certain spells/effects/situations that you aren't seeing them, or is it more random?

08-01-2008, 05:03 PM
Exporting chat to a file would be nice too... or... Just give us an API, and we (DDO players that are also code-monkeys) can do some of the work... ;)

08-01-2008, 05:05 PM
Hmmm.... Yeah, we could give you something to sort the messages to different tabs of your chat window.

I would love that. I always told myself I'd like a window reserved to see how often I'm getting it. Making different windows for each type of dice rolls would be handy to check yourself how good you're fairing in that area. For example, against a fire elemental, you could check how often you're failing your saves.

Are there certain spells/effects/situations that you aren't seeing them, or is it more random?

It's certain situations. Notice that some of these might be more from player effects, as I do a lot of testing in PvP.

I remember, for example, having trouble with Sirroco's Telekinetic save. But that's one amongst most things. I know I have seen a few situation where a save should have been displayed and there was not. Didn't have time to fill in a bug report, and then forgot... but it happenned a few times. But most likely, most of these were likely to happen in PvP, like I said.

08-01-2008, 05:07 PM
Exporting chat to a file would be nice too... or... Just give us an API, and we (DDO players that are also code-monkeys) can do some of the work... ;)

or a logging option where you have a file size and a rolling log with max 10 logs

08-01-2008, 05:48 PM
4) Combat Expertise, Defensive Fighting, and the rest were deliberately made exclusive back in pre-alpha. Unfortunately, no one seems to remember what the reasoning was. Fortunately, no one seems to remember what the reasoning was.
I suggest that part of the reasoning was UI optimization to make common actions faster. If a character has both Power Attack and Combat Expertise, he's normally in one mode or the other. Only rarely does he intentionally turn them both off, and turning them both on at once would almost never be the right idea (because you couldn't hit anything). Therefore, causing PA to automatically deactivate CE falls under "optimize for the common case".

Essentially, by restricting the possible actions allowed by the software, it took less effort for the user to perform the most common tasks.

08-01-2008, 07:16 PM
I suggest that part of the reasoning was UI optimization to make common actions faster. If a character has both Power Attack and Combat Expertise, he's normally in one mode or the other. Only rarely does he intentionally turn them both off, and turning them both on at once would almost never be the right idea (because you couldn't hit anything). Therefore, causing PA to automatically deactivate CE falls under "optimize for the common case".

Essentially, by restricting the possible actions allowed by the software, it took less effort for the user to perform the most common tasks.

UI aside... I could see it as a viable state for many melee in shroud part 1. You're wacking a super low construct with as much damage as you can... but you're also trying to ignore being hit by orthon/devil cleaves.

Warforged Barbos can take -11 to hit for fully enhanced PA... but they have strength to compensate... or destruction/sunder... or they're doing favor runs... so taking a -10 to hit (for PA and CE enabled) isn't an unheard of negative... though you might want to accompany the change with slider amounts for these abilities.

Ed: Were we supposed to make a new thread on this? I thought a dev had answered similar threads by saying the stances were exclusive of each other... didn't know PnP allowed them all enabled at once.

08-01-2008, 07:31 PM
BTW... the most recent "bug" I saw was running the reaver... I got a disconnect (interwebs between me and Turbine went down as my teamspeak was still running fine) just as the reaver puzzle-part was starting. [Traceroute went about 15 of the 20 hops to ddo.com] I got back in 5 minutes later to find that the quest was over (I did get completion) and the group had opened the 3 chests but not the raid chest (I was fine with this - glad they waited on the main chest). I walked up to the raid chest and got a few party chats that they were almost done waiting - I was moving toward the chest... and heard the lid pop open... but there was no loot for me. [BTW, yes I did make sure my target was hitting Warded-Chest and not accidently clicking one of the opened ones. I did look in all 4 and tried the raid chest a few minutes later in case there was a sync issue.]

Is this a timing bug... or a preventative where you don't get raid loot if you aren't in the quest during completion?

All the recent code locking people out of looting feels kind of like a slap in the face and causes more group angst then I've seen from any other change. I mostly know why it went in... just complicates a lot of DC'ing situations. I understand it for people "changing" toons... I don't understand it for the same toon that dc's. Is that too tough to differentiate?

08-01-2008, 08:15 PM
Spiders give IMMUNE message when my wizard tries to Web them. The render-fiends in The Subterrane gives off a burst of bluish sparks, and seem immune to Web. That does not seem a consistant feedback system to me.

Only now, at level 16, am I figuring this out. IMMUNE feedback is much easier to understand. Regardless, I think this info should be available to players in-game somewhere. I shouldn't be clueless about it at level 16.

Thanks Borror0 for the Blocking DR info. Your formulas seem right. Just checked:

My bab 10 character lists blocking DR 3 when unarmed or wielding a single weapon. Increases to DR 5 when a second weapon is wielded.

I also figured out that if a wand is in hand, and weapon or nothing in the other hand, then the blocking DR lowers by 1.

08-01-2008, 08:28 PM
we are talking a totally different blue effect here. the SR failure looks like you hit a blue concave shield (think star trek spaceship shields). the sparkly he is talking about looks like welding sparks being thrown off for a second.

I think a good example of the above is when trying to use certain spells on the Madstoned guys in Madstone Crater. They don't have SR, they aren't making saves, and they don't put up IMMUNE text, yet many spells do not work on them, and the only explanation are the vague blue sparkles.

08-01-2008, 08:40 PM
Was the removal of spell duration and spell save DCs intentional?

I find it fairly irritating to have to memorize the duration for all of the non- 1min/level spells so I can remember in which order to lay down CC, or to time roughly when a spell is going to expire, or when deciding whether I want to extend the spell or not. If I only used 2 or 3 spells, that'd be a minor issue, but, as a wizard, I tend to utilize around half of the spells available at each level at one time or another.

The save DC issue isn't as big a deal, but it's nice to know, and was also a good reminder for times when i swapped out my +Int item and for a clicky and forgot to put it back on--with the DCs present, I'd sometimes notice that something was too low, and would go swap. Now, it takes monsters saving against my spells a half dozen or a dozen times before I notice (most often happens when I get DC'ed at a bad moment, and don't think to check all of my equipment when next I log in).

08-01-2008, 08:47 PM
[Sorry to put up multiple posts, but I keep thinking of these after the fact]

The final boss in Foundation of Discord tends to disappear when the floor beneath him collapses or shortly thereafter (in one run, he stuck around long enough to kill me and another party member with Finger of Death before bugging).

I've personally submitted a bug report on this 3 times, and know of other people who have as well, yet it not only has not been fixed, but I don't see it in the Known Issues Thread either. And this has been going on for at least 6 months (when i first got to GH).

Branching off of this, I would like to formally request that shrines should be reset by GMs when they are brought in to fix a bug. It seems like every time I run a quest on hard or elite and there is a bug that requires a GM's assistance, we wait for 20-45 min. by which point all of our buffs are expired, and (in many cases) the casters and clerics had expended most of their SP before the party realized that something was amiss. Then the GM comes in, and respawns a boss, or opens a door, and sends us on our merry way, sans-buffs and sans-spellpoints. Is reactivating a shrine THAT difficult or seen as being an exploit in some way?

08-01-2008, 09:41 PM
Speaking of varying feedback on monsters I've been trying to land Crushing Despair on our lovely friend the Pit Fiend for quite some time with my bard.

One of the following 3 things happens:
I get a failure to penetrate spell failure message.
I get a spell penetration success message and I see a save message pop up above his head
or I get a spell penetration success message and no further feedback at all.
(There might be blue sparkles there although it's hard to tell, I'll keep an eye out for those next time.)

I have seen the Crushing Despair effect listed on him once, although it was from a wizard. No more experimenting on that front yet as not many wizards carry it.

08-02-2008, 05:06 AM
And this is deliberately pretty lame -- a dragon tries to bite you and you decide to... stick your arm in the way? Yeah, I suppose it's less bad than having him eat your head, but you aren't really helping a whole lot. If you want to block, go buy a shield (or at least get an off-hand weapon so you're sticking something steel up the dragon's nose).

Actually, it works quite well to use an open hand for defense (it is quite nimble when your fist is not clenched around something). If an animal opens wide, you can actually punch it in a way to close its jaw or misdirect its attack (use its weight against it) to set it up for your offensive hand. Think of a bullfighter (not the modern style with that silly cape) where they misdirect the attack of the animal with the free hand so they can sink the blade into the back. You can also use the force of the animal to move you where you want with that free hand (think of rodeo clowns who catch air just for the crowds).

As for one-handed defense, might want to watch people who fence. The same weapon is nimbly transfered from defense to offense with a flick of the wrist.

I would prefer a free hand with a gauntlet to a big, clumsy shield... unless I was in a hail of arrows!

08-02-2008, 09:08 AM
Actually, it works quite well to use an open hand for defense (it is quite nimble when your fist is not clenched around something). If an animal opens wide, you can actually punch it in a way to close its jaw or misdirect its attack (use its weight against it) to set it up for your offensive hand. Think of a bullfighter (not the modern style with that silly cape) where they misdirect the attack of the animal with the free hand so they can sink the blade into the back. You can also use the force of the animal to move you where you want with that free hand (think of rodeo clowns who catch air just for the crowds).

As for one-handed defense, might want to watch people who fence. The same weapon is nimbly transfered from defense to offense with a flick of the wrist.

I would prefer a free hand with a gauntlet to a big, clumsy shield... unless I was in a hail of arrows!

Have you done any SCA fighting? For all it's faults it best demonstrates how much raw force is exerted on a muscle-power battlefield. A fencer would be annihilated before he/she had a chance to demonstrate their finesse by spear or shield-block/overrun. Given just the presence of armored men crashing around me I'd want full body protection, a great helm, and a good sized shield just to make sure I don't crack ribs when I lose my balance - having an overweight armored man fall on you is no fun even if you are protecting your vitals.

08-03-2008, 01:28 AM
I know there have been lots of posts about ranged combat being buggy, but I did want to mention the exceptionally hard time I've been having with thrown weapons.

For starters, I recently submitted a bug report in regards to the IC: Throwing Weapons feat not properly applying. After some further experimentation I think it might only be happening some of the time instead of all the time as I originally reported. There does seem to be a static bug where the unexpanded threat range does not show up when I tool-tip over the appropriately equipped weapon.

Next, I know that there have already been several posts about 'missing' or 'phantom' attacks in regards to bow weapons. This phenomenon is also happening with ranged attacks from thrown weapons. Occasionally the attacks will 'pile up' and I will see several hit messages all at the same time. Other times when I attack I will see the animation, up to and including the projectile hitting the target, but there will not be a hit or miss message in the combat log and no die roll. This can even occur when I am attacking an inanimate object such as a breakable (even if it is targeted in the focus orb).

Finally, there is an animation bug where I can throw ANYTHING that I happen to have equipped in my main hand if I am quickly switching between gear. The switch can be because I am changing to/from a throwing/melee weapon (I've thrown a Sunblade, Transmuting Longsword of Pure Good, and a few other melee weps I carry for the occasional close-in battle) or if I am 'switching' to a potion (I have thrown CSW pots, Lesser Restore pots, and all sorts of curatives while trying to drink them and spam the attack button). I have questioned party members about how hilarious it looks to see a gigantic +2 Holy Greatsword go hurtling towards some mob but they all say they aren't seeing the effect. This appears to only be an animation bug because I'm not seeing actual attacks from these items show up in my combat log. How cool would that be though: throwing a Vorpal Greataxe through the air ala Conan the Barbarian movies. :)

I will continue to post other bugs as they show up with my nifty little halfling thrower and bring any of the really strange ones back to QA for adjudication for their severity.

08-03-2008, 03:52 AM
Yeah, this has been on my to-do list for a long time. Since, um, the point in beta testing when I wrote most of the chat feedback that we do have. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things considered higher priority, so it keeps being bumped down into the "next time" bin.

Also, if there are any particular spells or effects that aren't giving the appropriate blue splash or immune text, it may be worth filing a bug; we do have the power to stop those (for things like making paladin auras not spam immunity messages), so it is possible that we accidentally set some effect to not give feedback when it really should.

Ok, this has got to stop. This is a common developer speak without explanation. So I'm asking you to tell us right now what has the highest priority? We're resorting to asking "is this working?" and the result ends up being "maybe but even if it's not I can't tell you." The communication is getting to a stage of being really unhelpful. Even if we do report something unfair, broken, just just plain confusing there is no idea when or if the developers think it's important to EVER fix. There are spells that are simply put, broken. (Examine the costs for using Create Undead vs Summon Monster). Stop being so 'vast and mysterious' and start giving people answers.

08-03-2008, 05:50 AM
Way to go, bash a developer for answer a question...

I do agree that the whole Turbine crew could give us more information, but post like these are going to do the opposite by making them post less. Rather than complain about him posting something unsatisfying, ask him a question... and no, not on the tone you used. Simply saying "We often hear about htings not being on top of your priority list. So, can I ask... What is on top of your priority list right now?:D"

There's bug I'd like to see fixed and that have been around for a long time. The super-slow casting time for Cone of Cold and Scorching Ray on my sorcerer being one of them, but complaining the way you do is just going to make DeadlyGazebo post less. It is not an obligation for him to post here. Read, probably, but he is taking some of his own personnal time to reply.

Ok, this has got to stop. This is a common developer speak without explanation. So I'm asking you to tell us right now what has the highest priority? We're resorting to asking "is this working?" and the result ends up being "maybe but even if it's not I can't tell you." The communication is getting to a stage of being really unhelpful. Even if we do report something unfair, broken, just just plain confusing there is no idea when or if the developers think it's important to EVER fix. There are spells that are simply put, broken. (Examine the costs for using Create Undead vs Summon Monster). Stop being so 'vast and mysterious' and start giving people answers.

08-03-2008, 05:57 AM
I have zero experience with other MMOs, but from what I've seen around on the boards here, Turbine is exceptionally good at communicating with its player-base.

That said, for whatever reason, Turbine seems to be overlooking, ignoring or completely forgetting that, when dealing with people who have grievances, sometimes the best course of action is to simply explain that steps are being taken to address the issue(s). Mystery may be called for when dealing with new releases and such (debatable), but mystery should not figure into how a gaming company deals with bugs that plague paying subscribers.

If there is a bug you know you just are never going to get around to fixing (such as the mislabeled quest difficulty), yet you feel unavoidably hesitant to say so, ask yourselves whether stringing us along is better than just saying you won't fix the bug, or even, GASP!, if perhaps additional time and resources should be devoted to bugs that actually impact gameplay. Sure, everyone wants a new mod, everyone wants more content, and these are the things that bring players into the game, but perpetual bugs DO drive some people away. Yes, all evidence suggests that spending less time on bugs than on new material will still result in expansion (Microsoft is king of this practice), but...


on so many levels and making so many people's gaming experience unpleasant? At least SAY something! I don't care if the ladder bug, or the quest difficulty bug doesn't get worked out, as, while annoying, they arne't a HUGE issue, but handwraps not working, new abilities coming out broken (alchemical bonuses), glitched quests (DQ II, Foundation of Discord to name a couple), and much more that is not coming to me because it is 6 AM. Doesn't any of this mean anything to you? I see Known Issues threads updated several times without ever including some of these perennial problems. At least TALK to us about all of this. How about commenting on the known issues?!

08-03-2008, 07:58 AM
Hey, DG. Any word on the issue with dwarves (or at least dwarven clerics...) where when you attack with a one-handed weapon while holding a shield and running (chewing gum is optional)? The attack is out of sync with the actual hit. The back swing is about a quarter to a half a second too long, which causes the first swing to be off a bit. Right now it looks like he is REALLY winding up, and things seem to explode from the wind of his back-swing before he even attacks.

(I file a bug report on this every 6 month or so, and it has been since game start.)

08-03-2008, 08:42 AM
Also, if there are any particular spells or effects that aren't giving the appropriate blue splash or immune text, it may be worth filing a bug; we do have the power to stop those (for things like making paladin auras not spam immunity messages), so it is possible that we accidentally set some effect to not give feedback when it really should.

Oh! I know one - I had to sort of reverse engineer it from context. In Madstone Crater, you can use Greater Command on the Ogres and Trolls, but when you try to cast it on the Minotaurs, it fizzles with arc-welding sparks.

I am guessing that this happens because the Madstone Minotaurs do not speak Common, so they do not hear the command to SIT!

Although frankly, given that they speak their final words in Common suggests otherwise.

In any case, that's one where you don't get any feedback other than some sparkles - no rolls, no hexagon, no spell-resistance half-shield and no immune message (what I would expect to see)

08-03-2008, 10:22 AM
Oh! I know one - I had to sort of reverse engineer it from context. In Madstone Crater, you can use Greater Command on the Ogres and Trolls, but when you try to cast it on the Minotaurs, it fizzles with arc-welding sparks.
Those sparks ARE your feedback. They have a defined meaning, and this is fine.

I am guessing that this happens because the Madstone Minotaurs do not speak Common, so they do not hear the command to SIT!
No. You can target one and push Z to read why.

08-03-2008, 12:12 PM
Those sparks ARE your feedback. They have a defined meaning, and this is fine.

Not according to Silthe.

5) We have a consistent feedback system. There are three ways a monster will avoid a spell effect, each with a different visual cue to let you know what's going on. First, is the blue-ish little octagon thing to indicate that it made its saving throw. Second, is the Immune message telling you that no matter what you do, the monster will not be affected by your spell. Third, the blue "sparkly" as you put it indicates that you failed to overcome the monster's spell resistance.

Yeah, he's got the wrong "sparkly" but he's saying that things that are immune should give the immune message.

Then DG says:

Also, if there are any particular spells or effects that aren't giving the appropriate blue splash or immune text, it may be worth filing a bug;

So JayDubya pointed out a scenario where there is no immune text.

And you decided he was somehow wrong for doing so. Thanks for helping. :rolleyes:

08-03-2008, 01:50 PM
And you decided he was somehow wrong for doing so.
You're trying to be sarcastic, but you failed. It was wrong, and the "somehow" is by the elementary rules of the English language; in particular the definition of the word "or".

08-03-2008, 03:48 PM

3) Hmm... Good Hope DOES give bonuses to Ability checks, as per the pencil and paper rules. Thing is, I don't think there ARE any Ability checks in DDO. Rest assured though, if there were, Good Hope would give you bonuses to them. (This is a peril of copying text from the D&D Player's Handbook


Defending against a trip/overun/knockdown is supposed to be a STR or DEX ability check. This is what annoys all of us high dex or strength builds that we have NO defense against these attacks.

08-03-2008, 05:02 PM
You're trying to be sarcastic, but you failed. It was wrong, and the "somehow" is by the elementary rules of the English language; in particular the definition of the word "or".

The sentence could potentially be saying "Bug report something that isn't giving either of those things" or it could be saying "Bug report something that isn't giving both of those things."

Welcome to the "elementary rules of the English language."

08-03-2008, 11:42 PM
Not so much a bug but a QA thing. Mob caster/range AI has been horribley broken for a long time. This takes a lot away from the game. Is there any effort being made to fix it? I can't believe this hasn't been a priority.

Enemy mob caster/range...
1) sees PC
2) runs toward PC until he bumps into PC
3) turns around and fires a spell at the wall

08-04-2008, 07:53 AM
Is the current drop rate for large ingredients in the shroud working as intended?? I seem to have way too many medium ingredients and not nearly enough large ingredients. Seeing as how crafting down the Para/Quasi path (Magma,Smoke,Radiance,Ash,Ooze,Mineral,Dust,Ice,Li ghtning,Vacuum,Salt,Steam) requires twice as many large ingredients as it does the mediums and smalls, what is being done to address this?

Thank you sincerely,

08-04-2008, 02:04 PM
The API would be real nice to us..

we could make a DDOmeter program to measure how we going against the enemies...

total DMG dealt, number of misses and hits against especific enemies etc etc etc..

loot collected and $ value total received per quest.. a lot of work to do and a funny software to make..

think i would expend a couple hours a day coding that..

imagine a parser for quest timers :)

u log in your char /quest and bump all values imported to a tool that control your quest timers :)

08-04-2008, 02:07 PM
The API would be real nice to us..

we could make a DDOmeter program to measure how we going against the enemies...

total DMG dealt, number of misses and hits against especific enemies etc etc etc..

loot collected and $ value total received per quest.. a lot of work to do and a funny software to make..

think i would expend a couple hours a day coding that..

imagine a parser for quest timers :)

u log in your char /quest and bump all values imported to a tool that control your quest timers :)

In case it was missed, we talked about what we would like to see in a DDO API. Lots of great ideas in there.

08-04-2008, 02:07 PM
pulling levers or breaking doors "should" be ability checks, but think they coded as having a minimum hability score for that.. maybe add the good hope bonus to those stats would solve?

08-05-2008, 01:34 PM
Just wondering if the Devils and Orthons being able to teleport around at will even when stoned, stunned, held, fascinated, tripped, dancing, commanded, AND paralyzed is a bug or if they're working as intended.

Disregarding the discussion on how it should work in pencil & paper D&D, in DDO Orthons and the others can use their purely mental teleport ability while under most if not all of those conditions. It is unclear if someone made that a deliberate choice at some point or if it just "happened" that way.

So, for the purposes of this thread, it's not a bug.

It IS a design issue that could be changed. I encourage all of you who feel strongly about it to start another thread giving reasons why you'd like to see this change.


08-05-2008, 01:40 PM
It IS a design issue that could be changed. I encourage all of you who feel strongly about it to start another thread giving reasons why you'd like to see this change.

You mean the dozens of other threads complaining about how irritating the hyper-teleporting can get aren't enough reasons?

08-05-2008, 01:43 PM
You mean the dozens of other threads complaining about how irritating the hyper-teleporting can get aren't enough reasons?
They would need a few more. Might as well mention the lag it creates on the way to A Vision of Destruction.

Is that a bug, or gameplay issues?

08-05-2008, 01:46 PM
at the very least, we need some way to defeat that sort of teleportation, there are spells in the phb like dimensional anchor and binding weapons in one of the optional books I think.

with devils and orthons moving faster than us by a large leap and with teleportation, there is no option to dps them unless you're moving around, hence we just use vorpals

08-05-2008, 01:50 PM
at the very least, we need some way to defeat that sort of teleportation, there are spells in the phb like dimensional anchor and binding weapons in one of the optional books I think.
Higher priority than that is to prevent them from teleporting more than once per "round", which would mean a cooldown of prehaps 2 or 6 seconds. Currently they can re-teleport with 0 cooldown... I've actually been standing there and seen a blue teleport animation appear in front of me with no associated devil, because he teleported to me and then away again before he even showed up.

Here's an example thread on the subject

08-05-2008, 01:50 PM
Is it intended that targets are not counted as flat-footed while balancing whether or not the target has 5 or more ranks in Balance (such as while standing in effects like Grease)? I didn't test it extensively, but I tried it on several enemies who don't seem to have a very high balance skill at all. The primary reason for asking is that sneak-attacks using a backstabbing weapon were not being generated while fighting things standing on Grease. I can see this making some of the less-popular spells more useful such as I think some of the ranger spells, grease, and possibly some of the cloud spells.

You can walk on a precarious surface. A successful check lets you move at half your speed along the surface for 1 round. A failure by 4 or less means you can’t move for 1 round. A failure by 5 or more means you fall. The difficulty varies with the surface, as follows:

Being Attacked while Balancing
You are considered flat-footed while balancing, since you can’t move to avoid a blow, and thus you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). If you have 5 or more ranks in Balance, you aren’t considered flat-footed while balancing. If you take damage while balancing, you must make another Balance check against the same DC to remain standing.

A grease spell covers a solid surface with a layer of slippery grease. Any creature in the area when the spell is cast must make a successful Reflex save or fall. This save is repeated on your turn each round that the creature remains within the area. A creature can walk within or through the area of grease at half normal speed with a DC 10 Balance check. Failure means it can’t move that round (and must then make a Reflex save or fall), while failure by 5 or more means it falls (see the Balance skill for details).

08-05-2008, 02:48 PM
Orthons and bearded devils don't teleport while tripped or webbed.

08-05-2008, 05:06 PM
Why can't we assassinate with with a range weapon, at least within backstabbing range? I was pretty sure you could in PnP, and logically I think kill shots make sense in game also.

In PnP, the assassin's Death Attack must be delivered with a melee weapon. We did not change that in DDO (partly for tech reasons).

So for the purposes of this thread, it's not a bug.


08-05-2008, 06:09 PM
Try this one that has been in existence forever.

When my "open door" "open lock" "shrining" bar is full, I should be done, not wait 1-2 seconds longer AFTER that.


I remember bugging that myself a long time ago when the Earth was young. I'll dig it up and see what happened to it. I think it got "fixed" so it wasn't as bad as it was originally (MUCH more noticeable than it is now) but never re-fixed when pointed out that it still wasn't quite right. Maybe a dev will have some time to take another look soon.


08-05-2008, 11:14 PM
Disregarding the discussion on how it should work in pencil & paper D&D, in DDO Orthons and the others can use their purely mental teleport ability while under most if not all of those conditions. It is unclear if someone made that a deliberate choice at some point or if it just "happened" that way.

So, for the purposes of this thread, it's not a bug.

It IS a design issue that could be changed. I encourage all of you who feel strongly about it to start another thread giving reasons why you'd like to see this change.


Simply cause sometime they teleport into walls... making the quest unfishable (like in the Shroud, part 2)

Plus, many other monsters can still move while stoned or paralyzed. Lets think of Ogres, Kobolds.. and so on...

08-06-2008, 04:12 AM
I remember way back when that i pulled a +2 ghost touch full plate and was trying for the longest to pull a +5 to pair with the +5 ghost touch tower shield i had. In pnp i know that ghost touch on a shield or armor should make that armor like normal for the purpose of defense against wraithes and other incorporeal creatures. so was wondering if it is by design or not that ghost touch shields (and armor i guess even though i haven't seen any in a long time, removed from loot tables?) don't give their bonuses to ac v.s. incorporeal creeatures?

08-06-2008, 04:55 AM
Quite often I manage to put Hold Monster on a target and the target is still moving around!

This also happens with hypnotised targets, though that one can argue about, but when the monster is actually completely **paralyzed**, how can it still move around?

This happens the most in Maze of Madness, when you cast Hold Monster on Razor Cats - often the cat starts "sliding" all around the place at full speed and 5 tanks spend 2 minutes trying to hunt it down (quite hilarious, i must say). It happens in no relation to other effects (e.g., both while feared and while not under fear effect).

Is this some kind of funky AI bug? I want to run away from my enemies too, when I get held!!

08-06-2008, 05:02 AM
In DDO, there is no such as AC versus incorporeal creatures. Rather than making them ignore our Armor, Natural and Shield bonus to AC, incorporeal mobs got a huge bonus to to-hit. So, the only thing the ghost touch on your shield will server is shield bashing. Now, adding an untyped bonus to AC equal to your shield bonus versus incorporeal mobs could be nice.

It's clearly possible as the phase hammer has Greater Incorporeal Bane.

I remember way back when that i pulled a +2 ghost touch full plate and was trying for the longest to pull a +5 to pair with the +5 ghost touch tower shield i had. In pnp i know that ghost touch on a shield or armor should make that armor like normal for the purpose of defense against wraithes and other incorporeal creatures. so was wondering if it is by design or not that ghost touch shields (and armor i guess even though i haven't seen any in a long time, removed from loot tables?) don't give their bonuses to ac v.s. incorporeal creeatures?

08-06-2008, 08:27 AM
Simply cause sometime they teleport into walls... making the quest unfishable (like in the Shroud, part 2)

My own bete noir in this regard is the "Devil Assault" milestone inside Ritual Sacrifice.

Seems there is always at least one fiendish scorpion that burrows beneath the floor and won't come out again. This happens about 2 out of 3 times I play this quest. It's ridiculous.

Quite frankly, I wish that the Devs would impose a sweeping policy on their content team:

Until all the bugs are worked out of teleporting/tunnelling/phasing creatures, they CAN NOT be used as required milestones to advance a quest.

08-06-2008, 08:46 AM
Seems there is always at least one fiendish scorpion that burrows beneath the floor and won't come out again. This happens about 2 out of 3 times I play this quest. It's ridiculous.

I find the if you have cast firewall or any damaging aoe spell and/or are wearing fearsome they don't come back up.

08-06-2008, 08:49 AM
I find the if you have cast firewall or any damaging aoe spell and/or are wearing fearsome they don't come back up.

I assumed it was something along those lines.

We had quite a grand time playing with it while we waited half an hour for a GM to show up. We cast a few earth elementals, who earthgrabbed it and yoinked it back to the surface; we could catch it in a web; we even got symbol of persuasion to work on it. Eventually we could even swing at it and get streams of yellow 0's. But it was never truly "active" in the game world so we couldn't do anything to it.

08-06-2008, 11:10 PM
I remebered the other day that Ogres sometimes stun themselves when attacking. Is this a working as designed feature?

I first noticed it when I ran to Meridia the first few times. I was shield blocking an ogre while testing my smites and every now and then after striking me he would be stunned. I put it down to me having some sort of guard effect on that I wasn't sure about. (I didn't have any guard on though)

Just recently though I was running Hiding in Plain Sight solo and one of the Ogres there seemed to stun himself just by swinging at me. Another creature was between me and it so he did not even get an attack roll on me but he was stunned for a few seconds.

It really is a weird phenomenon, and I forgot to bug report it. If I see it agin I will.

08-06-2008, 11:18 PM
I remebered the other day that Ogres sometimes stun themselves when attacking. Is this a working as designed feature?

This happens because the ogre's rage ended. If the group had trouble taking an ogre down sometimes the best way to handle it is to let it romp around, rage, romp some more, and attack it when it is stunned from its rage ending.

08-06-2008, 11:39 PM
I put a bug report through for my rogues Way of the Acrobat II 'can not be knocked over' ability ceasing to work again.

No idea whatsoever what caused it to stop working though, just noticed it during part 5 of the shroud when someone cast grease and I was moving slowly over it and getting save rolls. Only thing I can think of is that my net dropped out in part 1 and I reconnected. Logging out and back in fixed it though.

08-08-2008, 05:12 PM
I remember bugging that myself a long time ago when the Earth was young. I'll dig it up and see what happened to it. I think it got "fixed" so it wasn't as bad as it was originally (MUCH more noticeable than it is now) but never re-fixed when pointed out that it still wasn't quite right. Maybe a dev will have some time to take another look soon.


so when are the AXES getting there shine....acid needs to drip.......................................please advise


08-09-2008, 08:39 AM
I put a bug report through for my rogues Way of the Acrobat II 'can not be knocked over' ability ceasing to work again.

No idea whatsoever what caused it to stop working though, just noticed it during part 5 of the shroud when someone cast grease and I was moving slowly over it and getting save rolls. Only thing I can think of is that my net dropped out in part 1 and I reconnected. Logging out and back in fixed it though.

Sometimes very similar thing happens to my WF, who is wearing moderate fortification item. Once in a while (perhaps due to unintentional disconnects) he just loses his *base* WF fortification (the 25%) and is left with 75% from item. Unequipping item makes fortification 25% and it's not just a visual bug, as I was critted with mod fort item on. This weirdness persists till I relog. I haven't been able to track the source of this problem, hence can't provide details on how to replicate this so far. :/

08-09-2008, 09:06 AM
Sometimes very similar thing happens to my WF, who is wearing moderate fortification item. Once in a while (perhaps due to unintentional disconnects) he just loses his *base* WF fortification (the 25%) and is left with 75% from item. Unequipping item makes fortification 25% and it's not just a visual bug, as I was critted with mod fort item on. This weirdness persists till I relog. I haven't been able to track the source of this problem, hence can't provide details on how to replicate this so far. :/

did u dc prior to losing ur fort? I find if I dc in a quest theres a strong likelyhood I'll lose all my wf immunities. Most noticeable by the Rage Fatigue icon that appears in the corner while on my barb. But it sounds like a different problem, b/c I've yet to find a way to get them to come back short of relogging.

08-10-2008, 04:33 AM
did u dc prior to losing ur fort? I find if I dc in a quest theres a strong likelyhood I'll lose all my wf immunities. Most noticeable by the Rage Fatigue icon that appears in the corner while on my barb. But it sounds like a different problem, b/c I've yet to find a way to get them to come back short of relogging.

Most likely yes, but the last time this happened was a rather long time ago (I don't play just WF, you know :D)... The fortification is easy to check through the character window, while WF immunities are harder to track (my WF is fighter/wiz, not barbarian). It is quite possible that yours and mine are the same bugs.

08-11-2008, 03:38 AM
Couple things that have screwed me over inside quests recently:

1: Hypno mobs, get the chest with key in it, run away,,,then get killed by the same mobs u hypnotized not too long ago...why do mobs agro on you if they have no clue it was you.

2: Same thing really, how do they know where to go. Shouldn't they loose agro if they can't see/hear you, and only look around a little


08-11-2008, 11:01 AM
Couple things that have screwed me over inside quests recently:

1: Hypno mobs, get the chest with key in it, run away,,,then get killed by the same mobs u hypnotized not too long ago...why do mobs agro on you if they have no clue it was you.

2: Same thing really, how do they know where to go. Shouldn't they loose agro if they can't see/hear you, and only look around a little


Hypnotize, in game and just like "real" hypnosis, doesn't cut off awareness of your surroundings. It just removes volition for a short while. It does work nicely with stealth, however, allowing you to immobilize patrolling critters while you do whatever your doing. If you're at low levels and want to just waltz past things, use a sleep spell.

And the "I know where you are" thing is a pretty consistent complaint for stealth junkies. They do something pretty similar even if you got out of sight and hid. Currently the workaround is to make yourself invisible and hit stealth, which will make them lose you if your stealth skills are high enough. They don't seem to check line-of-sight when you're around corners, so that would appear to be broken at the moment.

Edit: Odd way to go about it, but if you charm things before they see you, and are stealthed/not there when they come out of it, they never aggro. Dropping a mass suggestion, running past, and scraping off the charmies will prevent you having to fight.

08-11-2008, 11:24 AM
Shouldn't they loose agro if they can't see/hear you, and only look around a little

Currently, the way to truly lose aggro is to be approximately 200 feet or more away from them (or have them tether).

08-17-2008, 10:09 AM
Are cr2 wargs in tangleroot(explorer) supposed to have 100 hp? Seems a little much...

08-21-2008, 11:48 AM
Question about the portals in part 1 of the Shroud.

True Law does not affect the portals. When attacking with a true law weapon, I get an immune message. Is that a bug, or is it working as intended?

The reason I ask is because:

1) True Chaos does work on the portals (which suggests the portals are not chaotic)
2) Anarchic does *not* work on the portals (which suggests the portals are not lawful)


3) when using a true law weapon of greater construct bane against the portals I see 1 yellow number (base damage) + 1 red number (gtr bane) + immune

So I wonder if this is a bug, or whether or not there is some reason True Law does not work on them.


08-26-2008, 01:32 PM
1) Good question. I've made sure there's still an open bug report on that NPC, but I don't have an update on it. I'll bring it to the devs attention again though.

2) No. Resistance bonuses do not stack with other Resistance bonuses. Both Protection from Evil and resistance items give Resistance bonuses to saving throws, so they should not stack. Spells like Heorism give Morale bonuses to Saving Throws so that will stack with either Resistance bonus.

3) Same answer as number 2. Holy Aura gives a resistance bonus. The effect should match the description of the spell. This is a general rule. If the description says it's an AOE and you're only hitting yourself, it's a bug, and vice versa.

4) Depends on how you define "coming." It was fixed once, but turns out it didn't take. A few other changes in global scripts MIGHT have fixed it, but probably didn't. We're having trouble reproducing it in QA, so either it's fixed, it's now temperamental, or there's now an extra step needed to get it to happen that we don't know about. If it happens to you, please submit another bug report with as much information as possible.
Just wanted to say big thanks for answering those! :)
I know I bug-reported (3) around the same day Holy Aura was released, and I know some people have been claiming Prot from Evil to stack with resistance items, though I never checked it myself. Just telling you in case you want to check whether you got some bug entry in your bugtracker ;)

08-26-2008, 01:52 PM
Are cr2 wargs in tangleroot(explorer) supposed to have 100 hp? Seems a little much...

CR 2 Worgs (Worgs on normal) are critters with 4 HD in DDO. Most of the 4 HD critters in DDO have about 60-70 HP and CR 2 Worgs, if I remember, have about that much as well.

08-26-2008, 03:19 PM
CR 2 Worgs (Worgs on normal) are critters with 4 HD in DDO. Most of the 4 HD critters in DDO have about 60-70 HP and CR 2 Worgs, if I remember, have about that much as well.

Actually I've found that anything that looks like animals or vermins (so that includes worgs) have more hit points than their bi pedal counter parts in the encounter.

example. tangle root normal, part 6. Capped sorc with skiver, max damage enhancements, and great pot 7 sceptor. When I roll low for damage (and I'm running empowered) worgs can surive it. I've seen this many many times. However, a low roll against the hobs, and the hobs die. By low roll I'm talking low damage rolled on the delayed blast ball, and no none of them made their saves.

And I've seen this on other more than 2 legged creatures also.

And oh man.. slimes on elite in Durk's got a muckbane? Those suckers have more than 100 hp each, they are worse than the freaking kobolds in there.

08-26-2008, 03:25 PM
And oh man.. slimes on elite in Durk's got a muckbane? Those suckers have more than 100 hp each, they are worse than the freaking kobolds in there.

Slimes are nasty at low level!:eek:

08-26-2008, 03:27 PM
Slimes are nasty at low level!:eek:

Why else would we run Dirk's got a Secret over and over...

08-27-2008, 12:06 PM
1: That's a bug. Prereqs should generally only count things that are fairly permanent.
2: Much of the motivation for #1 is not needing to deal with answering this kind of question.

Is anything released in this game that doesn't have a bug?:rolleyes:

08-28-2008, 06:18 AM
When I use a weapon with +10 trip DC enchantment to trip a mob and then switch away to a different weapon, what DC does the mob make balance checks against? The higher or the lower value?

And does the opposite work the same way? I mean tripping with normal weapon and then switching to +10 trip weapon.