View Full Version : 12 year old DnD char Buutag: Resurrected on DDO!

07-02-2008, 06:35 AM
These stories were written for one of my first characters, a sentient kolyurut inevitable in a Planescape Setting; He seemed a suitable adaptation, considering DDO's Warforged playable race. Please keep in mind i was 14 at the time, i'm a much better writer now. For more previous character bio's(and other junk), visit http://elysianguardian.deviantart.com/journal beginning with Journal Page 5. *ahem* ::

Many years ago, in a place known as the Kingdom of Tia, a mage was under the service of the queen. Queen Tia was a powerful sorcerer herself, but was growing weaker with age and realized she could no longer hold the kingdom together in peace. So, she instructed her most powerful mage to create a city guard, one whos power had never been seen before. to do this, the mage instructed his assistants to gather items from throughout the kingdom, magical items which were needed for the construction of the new guard. They included a chromatic dragon scale, a vile of blood(to give mortality to the guard) and a piece of iron forged especially for this purpose from the fires of the Smithery of Tia. Once the items were collected, the Mage assisted Queen Tia in summoning a Guard - an Iron Golem imbued with divine powers, magical powers which allowed him to speak as humanoids do, and to heal himself and those he wished to protect. The Iron Golem was christened Butag by Queen Tia, and entered into her service as the guardian of the Gates of Tia. the rules were simple, no enemy of the state shall pass through the gates without answering to the golem. after 400 years of service, the Golem was achieving his goals. However, Queen Tia was growing weak, and with each passing year she became less able to control her own sanity. she finally took her own life, and the Kingdom's End began to come about....
Many enemies of the Kingdom of Tia were lurking within the shadows, unbeknownst to the guard or to the Elite Protectors of the Throne. a simple mage approached the gates one day, walking up to the golem. The golem looked down at him blankly, and asked in a booming magical voice what his purpose was within the city walls. the Mage pondered for a second, then waved away the golem. when the Golem did not step aside, and instead began to prepare himself for battle, the Mage somatically banished the Golem to the Abyssal plains, where he would not find anywhere to guard or anyone to befriend. for 800 years the Golem waited, and wandered from place to place in search of answers within the Abyss. he could find no answers to why he was brought there, and then he came upon a powerful cleric who was searching for more power within the Abyss, to strengthen his wisdom and resolve. the Cleric said he had heard of the Kingdom of Tia, and that he could return the golem to its inner walls...but that the kingdom may no longer exist as an inhabited place. the Golem asked the man to teleport him there anyway, as his job had always been to guard the gates of Tia, and he knew nothing else. quickly the cleric summoned his powers, and the Golem Vanished from the Abyss, only to appear in the Nameless Realm where he found himself under attack by a dwarf and elven man. a guard of the city by the name of laura stepped to his assistance, and together they vanquished those particular enemies of the city, restoring peace and tranquility to an unstable land. the Golem, lost to his kingdom and without a place to guard, is searching for somewhere to call home again - since he obviously cannot return to Tia. Butag will always remember the experiences of guarding Tia and the queen, and never forget the hospitality of the guards within the Nameless Village.
The Kingdom of Tia was a magical land, far away from Neverwinter. it existed on two planes simultaneously, having both an anchor point within the abyss, and within the mortal realm. This was sustained by the kingdom's magical power, bolstered by its many sorcerer's and clerics. it allowed many travellers to treat the abyss as a waypoint, a place where they could go to explore that which no normal being would ever witness. however, it also allowed travellers from the abyss to enter the Kingdom, and this would be its ultimate downfall.....
1200 years ago, when Butag and the Kingdom's Elite guard unit was created to protect the city, all was well. the kingdom was well protected, and there were safeguards in place to stop hostile travellers from entering the city unannounced. however, after 420 years of rule, Queen Tia had grown weak both mentally and physically, and was losing her grasp on the kingdom. so she entrusted her favorite sorcerer, Pentin Batis, to strengthen the grip of the kingdom on its townfolk, in a sort of evocation of marshall law within the land. this would only be temporary according to the queen, and with the help of Butag and the elite guard, Pentin was quick to crack down on crime and corruption within the kingdom.
It seemed the kingdom was saved once again - but appearances can be decieving. Pentin was not what he lead on to believe, and had been secretly working for 200 years to overthrow the queen. Pentin, a male Elf of extreme power in the art of sorcery, had been plotting to kill the queen secretly, and take her position on the thrown. He waited patiently, until the queen began to lose her sanity...and that is when he acted. One day, he brought the queen a meal while she was sick in her bed. she thanked him, and told him how grateful she was for all the work he had done for the kingdom. he nodded silently, and smiled - a deviant smile to be sure. He watched her eat the meal, talking to her about various objectives of the kingdom, and how to secure the best future for it. yet all of this was treachery, as Pentin had poisoned the meal with a special ingredient which would lead all investigations awry, convincing all that it was a cyanide based poison which she had ingested of her own volition. After watching the queen die, he walked from her room to the thrownroom, where he informed the queens royal guards that she was dead by her own hands. having no reason to distrust Pentin, the guards believed him, and the ceremony was held honoring Queen Tia's passing into the netherworld....
Pentin quickly took action, grasping power in the name of stability of the kingdom, to ensure that 'chaos did not ensue' after the death of the queen. Butag, the Kingdoms gate guardian, a sentient Golem created by Pentin and the Queen to protect the land, had his own ideas, but faithfully followed Pentin's orders. He had no reason to distrust one of his creators, after all....
slowly, the kingdom began to unravel. the Elite Guard was dismantled, under the order of Pentin himself, saying that it was no longer needed. Butag was left in place at the Gates of Tia, to guard from intruders, but without help, he was easily overpowered by those extremely wicked men and women who would seek to destroy the kingdom.
Within weeks of the Elite Guard's dismantling, a rebellion struck. a small band of rogues and wizards, led by a woman by the name of Cyril, had gathered enough equipment and supplies to attempt an overthrow of Pentin's new government. the Townsfolk soon joined in the rebellion, and it became an all-out civil war, civilians battling against the overwhelming odds of Pentins own personal militia. Butag was caught in the middle of this, and decided finally to not support either side, and remain at his post at the Gates of Tia. 2 weeks after the rebellion had started, with bloodshed widespread and many thousands of commoners and militiamen dead, a lone sorcerer approached the gates of the Kingdom of Tia. This sorcerer was surrounded by a green aura, and Butag immediately suspected involvement with Pentin. the pieces began to fall into place for Butag, within his magical sentience, and he mentally prepared himself for an approaching battle. the sorcerer walked up to the gates, and requested entry. Butag asked the sorcerers name and business within the Kingdom, and the sorcerer answered simply that he was Michael Batis, and that he needed to meet with his brother - AND that the golem WOULD let him pass through. When Butag answered that there was a war within the walls of the kingdom, and that no strangers were allowed through the gates, the sorcerer waved the golem away, and began to walk around him. Butags eye slit began to glow a cold cathode purple, and he began casting defensive spells....but he underestimated the power of this sorcerer, and the sorcerer simply waved his hands, chanted a verse in an unknown language, and an aura surrounded butag...
Butag returned to consciousness stranded in the abyssal plane, far from the portal leading to the kingdom of Tia. he searched for 800 years for the portal, walking from place to place, scanning the horizon, but to no avail. he vowed vengeance on Pentin's family, for the treachery he had brought about. and what of Pentin's apparent brother? where exactly in the abyss had he sent Butag to? Butag did not know, and so he continued to wander, attempting to make friends with the foulest of beasts, using his wisdom to relate to them... by the 800th year, Butag stumbled upon a cleric who had been visiting the abyss....Butag was grateful to see another mortal being, and asked the cleric if he had heard of the Kingdom of Tia. the cleric nodded, and said he could try to return the golem there, but that his spells might not work properly within the abyss, and he could be transplanted somewhere far worse. Butag took the risk, saying only that Tia was his only home, and whether it had long since been destroyed did not matter - only that he return to it. the cleric chanted for a few minutes, then a beam of light cast down on Butag, and he vanished from the Abyss, only to reappear in The Nameless Village.
Butag gave up on finding the Kingdom again, as it had probably long since been destroyed by war and ravaged by looters, but he will never give up on searching for Pentin or his brother, for they are the true criminals....
standing there in the middle of the village, watching pedestrians and townsfolk scamper by hurriedly, butag wonders why it is so peaceful....he has not heard spell casting in at least a day, yet continues to watch for those who would disgrace the land by committing an act of violence....
the sky crackles, and a planar portal opens high above his head. the clouds circle around it as if caught in a whirlwind, whilst debris and farm animals of the village get sucked into the maw. he watches in horror as the villagefolk are, one by one, sucked into the gate, clamoring for help, reaching for anything that is sturdily attached to the ground. and then, Butag's large mass is also pulled towards the gate...slowly at first, as if a powerful sorcerer had lifted him off the ground, then - hurling towards the portal like a rampant projectile, unable to slow himself with magic or force...tis the end, he thought....
he quickly awakens to find himself in the presence of a god. a very angry god, one who had been disobeyed and dishonored with foul names one too many times....
everyone in the village is also there, from cromwell, to Tess Darkmire. As an act of retribution, the God punishes the citizens of the land in the simplest way, the way that only a god may punish one....instant death. the townsfolk were slaughtered where they stand, and butag's soul left his body for a short while. the God acted out of wrath, for the apparent abuse that it had recieved. and for this Butag does not blame it...
Butag awoke in Siflige, having been carried by a great vortex of wind far from the Nameless Land. he found others from the nameless land there as well, Tess, Darren, and others...apparently the townsfolk had been scattered throughout the mortal planes....
Butag ran, shuffling his massive feet in the direction of the nameless land...he must return to his home, the only home he knows, for that is where he is needed. for 3 days and 2 nights, he traveled on, knowing no peace, no rest, fighting off villians and monsters alike until he returned to the gates of the nameless village.....
the gates had been locked by the wrathful god, and the city, as butag could see over the gates, had been left in ruins....truly a powerful god, indeed....
the city was ravaged by the interdimensional portal, leaving no life within the city walls...death was the only odor in the air, and Butag knew that this was another end to a once glorious place he had learned to call home....but this one was not destroyed by deception or civil war, but by the retribution for the sins of its citizens...
Butag is gathering support now for the reconstruction of the nameless village. Slavery may be employed in this task, but it will only be temporary in order to get the town back into shape. as soon as it returns to normal operational status, butag will once again fill the ranks of the guardship at the nameless village, for that is the only home he knows, and perhaps the only place worth staying at....
a waif, wondering aimlessly through the forgotten lands - this is Butags new path. until the nameless land is reconstructed, there will be no peace within Butag, for he is a guardian, and with no place to guard, he has lost his way...
with no justice to guide his thoughts or actions, how will he react? how will he deal with his agression and resentment for those that angered the Nameless gods? my advice will be to stay clear of butag, unless you know him well...he is very frustrated by this latest turn of events, and has very little patience for arguing...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Butag looks around the village, wondering how it could have been pieced back together so quickly...this plane is quite unstable he thought.
imagine his surprise when he drew his weapon to attack a known felon, only to find that powerful magic hendered him from completing this task.
"what is this? trickery? deceit? or just some godly act of posession and restriction?" he thought to himself...
Butags place is no longer in the nameless land. peace is being enforced by the nameless one, now...he finds no solace in his actions, and criminals who were once wanted by the village are now under the nameless one's protection and watchful eye....
Butag stands atop the loft looking out over downtown, just by the prison...pondering this recent turn of events...what could have led to such a change? if it was magic, truly arcane magic, then Pentin must be near. for he is the only sorcerer known to butag that is capable of such restriction. Butag ponders that for a moment...thinking of Pentin's trecherous actions, looking for meaning behind what has happened....he stares off into the distance once more, unsure of his future.
at this moment, he hears the crackle of lightning....and looks down to none other than Pentin preparing a spell, electricity darting between his fingers, his eyes lit with an undying blue flame...
with a beam of searing light, butag is able to disrupt the casting of pentins spell, and then the man runs, towards airol road and the orc pass....Butag follows, not knowing what is in store for him....
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