View Full Version : How do I make my <Insert Rogue Skill> High Enough?

06-25-2008, 05:14 PM
Many People claim you "Need" to have a High Int or dex to be a solid rogue. HOGWASH! You can be a solid rogue and have negative modifiers in ALL your stats if you have the right Buffs and Gear. here are the Max obtainable skillsets for rogues. Use this in conjunction with the Rogue Skill Guide to make sure you build the rogue thats right for you!

Sone Enhancments Require you to have a ML as a ROgue. so keep that in mind if building a rogue that is only a 1 or 2 level splash!

Tier 4 SKill enhancments require Rogue Level 12
Way of the Mechanic is Rogue ML 6
Skill Boost 4(+5 20 Second Buff) is ML 10 for Rogues, Rangers, and Human Versatility

If you dont ahve a Gird, Carry GH Scrolls! UMD Them or hand them to the Arcane/Bard to cast on you for Crucial Situation!

Ask that bard for the +2 SOng Buff! Most bads have more than enough songs to help ya out. and it Stacks!

Save and Turn in your House D Collectables! There are Potions avaialabe that Boost SKills and Stats for 3 Minutes!

Disable Device:

19 Ranks
15 Item COmpetence Bonus
7 +5 Tools
4 ROgue Disable Device Enh
2 Rogue Way of the Mechanic Enh
2 Rogue Way of the Mechanic II
2 Luck Bonus (Head of Good Fortune)
6 Insight Bonus (Shroud Item + Int Skills)
3 Enhancement Bonus (Ventilated Bracers)
3 SF: Disable Device (Feat)
2 Nimble FIngers (Feat)
5 Skill Boost Enh (ROgue, Ranger, or Human Versatility)
4 Morale Bonus (Greater Heroism)
2 Untyped Inspire COmpetence(Bard Song)
3 ALchemical (House D Potions)
1-2 Alchemical INT Bonus (House D Potion)
1-2 Insite INT Bonus (Shroud Weapon +3 Int)
1-3 Rogue Special Ability Skill Mastery (Can be taken 3 Times)
85 + INT Modifier. (+d20, but most shoot for No Fail Trap Disable. Counting onthe D20 can result in a Blown Trap Box and an Unhappy Party)

Open Lock:

19 Ranks
15 Item COmpetence Bonus
7 +5 Tools
4 ROgue Open Lock
2 Rogue Way of the Mechanic Enh
2 Rogue Way of the Mechanic II
2 Luck Bonus (Head of Good Fortune)
6 Insight Bonus (Shroud Item + DEX Skills)
3 SF: Open Lock (Feat)
2 Nimble FIngers (Feat)
5 Skill Boost Enh (ROgue, Ranger, or Human Versatility)
4 Morale Bonus (Greater Heroism
2 Untyped Inspire COmpetence(Bard Song)
3 ALchemical (House D Potions)
1-2 Alchemical Dex Bonus (House D Potion)
1-2 Insight Dex Bonus (Shroud Weapon +3 Int)
1-3 Rogue Special Ability Skill Mastery (Can be taken 3 Times)
82 + Dex Modifier + D20


19 Ranks
15 Item COmpetence Bonus
4 ROgue Search Enh
4 Elf/Drow Search Enh
2 Elf/Drow/Dwarf Search Inherient
2 Rogue Way of the Mechanic Enh
2 Rogue Way of the Mechanic II
2 Luck Bonus (Head of Good Fortune)
6 Insight Bonus (Shroud Item + Int Skills)
3 SF: Search (Feat)
2 alertness (Feat)
5 Skill Boost Enh (ROgue, Ranger, or Human Versatility)
4 Morale Bonus (Greater Heroism
2 Untyped Inspire COmpetence(Bard Song)
3 ALchemical (House D Potions)
1-2 Alchemical INT Bonus (House D Potion)
1-2 Insight INT Bonus (Shroud Weapon +3 Int)
1-3 Rogue Special Ability Skill Mastery (Can be taken 3 Times)
81 + INT Modifier.


19 Ranks
15 Item COmpetence Bonus
4 ROgue SPot Enh
4 Elf/Drow Spot Enh
2 Elf/Drow Spot Inherient
2 Rogue Way of the Mechanic Enh
2 Rogue Way of the Mechanic II
2 Luck Bonus (Head of Good Fortune)
6 Insight Bonus (Shroud Item + Wis Skills)
3 SF: Spot (Feat)
2 alertness (Feat)
4 Morale Bonus (Greater Heroism
2 Untyped Inspire COmpetence(Bard Song)
3 ALchemical (House D Potions)
1-2 Alchemical Wis Bonus (House D Potion)
1-2 Insight Wis Bonus (Shroud Weapon +3 Wis)
1-3 Rogue Special Ability Skill Mastery (Can be taken 3 Times)
76 + Wis Modifier.

06-25-2008, 05:23 PM
UMD n1?!


06-25-2008, 05:27 PM
the only caviat I would add to that list is int modifier can be important for one reason. That is the number of skillpoints you have to play with in general. And while you can easily hit very high levels with an 8 int, you will have less skill points to dole out at character creation and at level up. And again it does not mean you have gimped your character necessarily it just means you will have to be a little more careful with spending your skill points and understand your limits to maxxing out less skills than you would with say a a 12 int or more.

06-25-2008, 05:27 PM
I DOnt Consider UMD a Rogue Specific skill for this post, but ok...


19 Ranks
5 Item COmpetence Bonus(7 Fingered Gloves, Staff of the Seer)
2 Bard Virtuosso
2 Luck Bonus (Head of Good Fortune)
6 Insight Bonus (Shroud Item + CHR Skills)
3 SF: UMD (Feat)
5 Skill Boost Enh (ROgue, Ranger, or Human Versatility)
4 Morale Bonus (Greater Heroism)
2 Untyped Inspire COmpetence(Bard Song)
3 ALchemical (House D Potions)
1-2 Alchemical CHR Bonus (House D Potion)
1-2 Insight CHR Bonus (Shroud Weapon +3 CHR)
54 + CHR Modifier.

06-25-2008, 05:48 PM
For those laymen who would like to buff up their rogue skills without rare items.......I offer the following tips.

Fox's Cunning
Owl's Wisdom
Cat's Grace

Available to anyone and usualble by anyone.

For those with a decent UMD skill
Greater Heroism
Find Traps

Command items add +2 to UMD
Golden Cartouche from Delera's is usualy easy to get (some people have bad luck though) +3 to UMD.
Potions of Eagle's Slender to give a Cha boost to UMD.

The Voice of the Master from Delera's gives a +1 luck bonus to skills (same as Prayer spell) and seems to have a 100% drop rate right now.

+5 Thieve's Tools are usable by any lvl rogue. They are common on the AH, but I keep them and pass down to other chars of mine.
Free agent favor will let you buy + 4 thieve's tools.

Haste potions give +1 to saves.

resist and Prot pots
Jump scrolls
UMDed wands........

And keep an eye out for the best rogue skill boosting gogles/gloves etc...you can find. Anything below the current max in the game is usually cheap on the AH....you don't need the best...second best 'll do just fine.

And use those AP for rogue skill boosting enhancements.........

06-25-2008, 05:51 PM
Doesn't Disable Device also have a D20 roll?

Also, Way of the Mechanic II gives another 2 to each of the skills (except UMD) another Level 12 required enhancement

06-25-2008, 05:56 PM
Doesn't Disable Device also have a D20 roll?

Also, Way of the Mechanic II gives another 2 to each of the skills (except UMD) another Level 12 required enhancement

Yes, DD Does have a D20 as well, However, the Goal to shoot for on a Rogue is to be able to hit every trap without the chance of Critcal Failure. The d20 should be academic.

FOrgot WotM II.. Will add that. Thanks

06-25-2008, 06:03 PM
Yes, DD Does have a D20 as well, However, the Goal to shoot for on a Rogue is to be able to hit every trap without the chance of Critcal Failure. The d20 should be academic.

FOrgot WotM II.. Will add that. Thanks

If I remember if you miss the trap DC by more than 5 it is critical failure, if you miss within 5 you get to retry. Its been such a long time since I blew any trap I haven't really thought about it like I did in the old days of lvl 10 cap and no +5 thieves tools

06-25-2008, 06:05 PM
If I remember if you miss the trap DC by more than 5 it is critical failure, if you miss within 5 you get to retry. Its been such a long time since I blew any trap I haven't really thought about it like I did in the old days of lvl 10 cap and no +5 thieves tools

Thats exactly how it works. This thread is just giving all the availabale bonus' My Other thread details out all the High Water marks taking into consideration the Critical Failure Chance. (Added Notion on the D20 on DD Skill)

06-25-2008, 06:38 PM
Rogue skill mastery can also provide +1-3 more points depending on how many times you choose that as your special feat.

01-27-2009, 11:09 PM
bump for upcoming maintenance

02-05-2009, 07:11 AM
Ah here is the thread I was looking for.... Nicely formatted by the way