View Full Version : 4 Men Shroud Completion :D

06-18-2008, 05:14 AM
Some of us just got bored, we decided to 'try' the Shroud with 5 ppl just for fun.
With one guy gone AFK after the first part, we failed on part 4.
Days later we decided to actually 'complete' the Shroud with 4 ppl.

So here it is, our second try and the result.

Start (http://lh4.ggpht.com/iruka41/SFjDyp4d8DI/AAAAAAAAATE/izkhdbu_0as/shroud001.jpg?imgmax=640) Part 1 (http://lh6.ggpht.com/iruka41/SFjDxS4EX9I/AAAAAAAAAS0/VSL9jrDceU8/shroud002.jpg?imgmax=640) Part 2 (http://lh6.ggpht.com/iruka41/SFjDv3aKr2I/AAAAAAAAASk/t_Rs4CruFlQ/shroud003.jpg?imgmax=640) Part 3 (http://lh4.ggpht.com/iruka41/SFjDuWj6PeI/AAAAAAAAASU/6N0lXqzjAuA/shroud004.jpg?imgmax=640) Part 4 (http://lh6.ggpht.com/iruka41/SFjDty3uc4I/AAAAAAAAASM/wBhK2XVe32k/shroud005.jpg?imgmax=640)
Part 5-1 (http://lh4.ggpht.com/iruka41/SFjDx9gQBxI/AAAAAAAAAS8/-y4SPFivUTg/shroud006.jpg?imgmax=640) Part 5-2 (http://lh5.ggpht.com/iruka41/SFjDwm2e1sI/AAAAAAAAASs/7L_VXtkhTwY/shroud007.jpg?imgmax=640) Part 5-3 (http://lh4.ggpht.com/iruka41/SFjDvIE7rLI/AAAAAAAAASc/mMzIyUU-RHA/shroud008.jpg?imgmax=640) Part 5-4 (http://lh6.ggpht.com/iruka41/SFjDzx9Oq7I/AAAAAAAAATU/45DLR6M_CRI/shroud009.jpg?imgmax=640) Part 5-5 (http://lh3.ggpht.com/iruka41/SFjDzfOxSbI/AAAAAAAAATM/B-rFr7VuHzU/shroud010.jpg?imgmax=640)
(Screenshot captured by Zzazo, my guildie.)

Two Rangers, One Sorcerer, One Cleric. No Bug, No Cheating.
Part 4 was the most exiting cause if one of us dies, we're seriously screwed lol.
We agreed that One Ranger and One Barb will work better instead of Two Rangers, but we didn't have a choice.

Taking over 3 hours is definately not an efficiant way to do a raid,
but this was the most impressive raid I've ever expirienced so far!

Oh well, one of the main reason why did it took so long was...
we needed to take a break after part 2 and 4, cause it was just that thrilling >_<

Maybe we can work on the completion times now ;)
(I need better weapons!!! lol)

06-18-2008, 05:48 AM
I has to say it's most impressive you can beat part 2 with 4 people than part 4/5 :-p

Congrats for the awesome run (heh, how can you run this without me ! but I know the communication is the key when you run a short-man raid, heheh. ), keep up those great job!

06-18-2008, 05:52 AM
Awesome work! I bet you needed a break after all that exhilaration! ;)


06-18-2008, 06:07 AM
I has to say it's most impressive you can beat part 2 with 4 people than part 4/5 :-p

Congrats for the awesome run (heh, how can you run this without me ! but I know the communication is the key when you run a short-man raid, heheh. ), keep up those great job!

Thanks :D
Yeah... a lotta talks came and went during the raid, cause everything was quite fast-paced (well, a fast-paced 3 hours lol)
I think preperation and concentration is much more important than skills, items or builds.
So I'm sure anyone can do this if they're really willing to. (willing to overdoze SP pots and spam heal scrolls? ;P)
Hope to see you again soon :)

BTW, why isn't Nightward listed in your signature? o_O)

06-18-2008, 06:10 AM
Awesome work! I bet you needed a break after all that exhilaration! ;)


Yup yup, smokes, ice tea, chicken balls in sweet and sour sauce...
I had to consume those more than the sorcerer consuming SP pots lol.
Thanks for the comment! :)

06-18-2008, 06:28 AM
I must say I am impressed

nice job guys

06-18-2008, 07:29 AM
Step one: Speak moonspeak
Step two: infiltrate DDO Korea
Step three: share all their kick ass methods with everyone else

Great job guys :D

06-18-2008, 08:00 AM
BTW, why isn't Nightward listed in your signature? o_O)

Oh, any why all my toon was still level 14 and one of them are still in progressing... well, because when I come back from my 9 months break, I find out that there's not allow to update your signature with anything more than 4 lines, so I decide not to change it until I can figure out how to fit all my character into a poor short 4 line signature limit :p

(But I guess most people still know the stonespeaker should know Nightward was playing by the same person ;) )

06-18-2008, 08:58 AM
Gratz on this completiong guys!

There's some friends of mine that want to try this, I told them this is a pain to short man, but after reading this, I'll shut my mouth :D

You should get your counter move 3 more completions just for this!

06-18-2008, 09:17 AM
Good job!

Another one for Ghallanda.

06-18-2008, 10:43 AM
Nice one!

06-18-2008, 10:52 AM
Must say Part 2 is the most impressive to me with such a short group. Congrats....

Parts 4-5.. They would definatly take a lot longer with just 4 of ya, but with 2 rangers, There probboly wasnt much meleeing going on.

06-18-2008, 11:46 AM
Congrats and Very Nice job

06-18-2008, 03:08 PM
I personally thought it would be a pain too,
I decided to do this because it was just for fun at the first time.
(Cause one-time-only pain sometimes can be fun lol)

Unfortunately we saw some possibility in our first run so we had to give it another shot :mad:

06-18-2008, 03:10 PM
Yup, definately got lucky on Part2, I must admit.
No teleporting mobs, no fire elemental.
I'd like to believe that the Dice God sent us those easy 4 to make us successful :p

06-18-2008, 03:15 PM
Awesome accomplishment.

Why do you think one barb and one ranger would've worked better?

More DPS on parts 4 & 5, but a lot more healing required too.

Id think 2 rangers ranging Big Boy would take longer, yeah, but way less healing required.

Oh and edit; How many rounds did it take in Part4?

06-18-2008, 03:17 PM
How many rounds was parts 4 if ya mind me asking???

06-18-2008, 03:40 PM
Iruka41 is emperor chun je

06-18-2008, 04:38 PM
Couldn't count how many rounds on part 4, sorry I was too nervous lol.

Sorcerer killed all Gnolls, Rangers killed all Orthons/Devils.
So after first couple rounds, Sorcerer's kill count must have increased by 4.

Maybe Zzazo captured screenshots after part 4 with the XP panel up, than we can calculate it fairly exactly.
(I remember all sorcerer's kill count was not much different from rangers after part 4 though)
*EDIT: I mean, after part 3! my bad.)*

06-18-2008, 04:42 PM
Nice work! Truly impressive.

Honestly tho, I wanna know how you can see anything with all those hotbars. :D

06-18-2008, 04:47 PM
Honestly tho, I wanna know how you can see anything with all those hotbars. :D

That wasn't me, but my guildie who took the shot! lol
(For some reason all my SShot becomes plane balck screen, can't capture any :<)

I asked the same thing, but somehow he manages it lol.
I only use 8 bars dragged out ;)

06-18-2008, 04:51 PM
Hats off guys truly great work.......

06-18-2008, 04:56 PM
Tremendous Job!! Now the cleric in me is wondering how much it would cost :eek: to do something like this on Thelanis :D

06-18-2008, 05:08 PM
Tremendous Job!! Now the cleric in me is wondering how much it would cost :eek: to do something like this on Thelanis :D

Yeah a lotta resource lol.
Can't imagine this on regular basis if it was I who's spending that much ;)
Fortunately our sorcerer had some extra pots, gold and enthusiasm, thanks to Zzazo.
It would have cost much more if he wasn't a WF too. :cool:

06-18-2008, 05:16 PM
Awesome accomplishment.

Why do you think one barb and one ranger would've worked better?

More DPS on parts 4 & 5, but a lot more healing required too.

Id think 2 rangers ranging Big Boy would take longer, yeah, but way less healing required.

Oh and edit; How many rounds did it take in Part4?

Oh, we're thinking of WF barb, so our WF sorcerer could repair him.
Since he's not carrying any insta-death spells like FoD, he had to nuke those Gnolls via Ball Lighting, Delayed Blast Fireball.
So the more it takes, massive SP needed to keep killing those Gnolls.
If we had a WF barb, our sorcerer could Reconstruct him, while our cleric Destruct those Gnolls.

So.. yeah that opinian could be just for us, or some other group with WF Sorc.
(Now I'm thinking of getting maxed Favored Attack/Damage on my ranger, and suggest the sorcerer to grab FoD lol)

06-18-2008, 05:22 PM
I really hope to see some Moonspeaking people in our guild.
That'd be fun and beneficial ;)
It's a bit hard to describe things when we're in PUG due to the language barrier.
(I know some ppl like Odd and Lunatic who even make a PUG Vision of Destruction, but that's a different story, most of us can't lol)

06-18-2008, 07:27 PM
No pain, No game...Huh.. the monsters, although our guildie....they're pain guys..

06-21-2008, 10:45 AM
There was a post made when Exodus beat the Abbot after mod 7 and some of you took the opportunity to bash DDO Korea, which aggravated us in Exodus. First because this was about us beating the Abbot and second because we run with DDO Korea allot and know how good they are. This accomplishment speaks for itself and is nothing short of amazing. But allot of you were worried about there ability to speak English. There English is not prefect; they Korean, that being said they do speak enough English to communicate what they want you to do, you just have to speak slow or type it and not step on them when they’re trying to talk. These guys blow through raid that most can't even finish and could teach you allot if you would just give them a little respect!

06-21-2008, 11:19 AM
Unless the sorc killed quite a few more devils than you thought, that's at least a 20 round part 4.

06-21-2008, 01:46 PM
Unless the sorc killed quite a few more devils than you thought, that's at least a 20 round part 4.

After reading that, I rechecked what I've said, and found out that I wrote something wrong :<
In fact the sorcerer and the rangers' kill count was about the same fater "part 3".
Sorry for the wrong information.

I remember part 4 was around 10 rounds, but just I can't be sure. :)
Some of us felt like it was under 10, some of us felt like over.

06-22-2008, 05:35 PM
Very impressive !!!

06-23-2008, 03:50 AM
Colgate faced a big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries. Colgate translates into the command "go hang yourself."

I think cfoltz604 translates into the word tr...EDIT:p

06-23-2008, 08:38 PM
There was a post made when Exodus beat the Abbot after mod 7 and some of you took the opportunity to bash DDO Korea, which aggravated us in Exodus. First because this was about us beating the Abbot and second because we run with DDO Korea allot and know how good they are. This accomplishment speaks for itself and is nothing short of amazing. But allot of you were worried about there ability to speak English. There English is not prefect; they Korean, that being said they do speak enough English to communicate what they want you to do, you just have to speak slow or type it and not step on them when they’re trying to talk. These guys blow through raid that most can't even finish and could teach you allot if you would just give them a little respect!

I think there are very few good players on Ghallanda who don't know how good most of these guys are.

Grats Guys on an amazing accomplishment.

06-25-2008, 12:41 AM
Oh didn't know this thread has moved to the achievement forum.

We tried again and just finished our second completion 20 minutes ago.
This time we faced the Orthon, the Troll, the Earth, and the Orc in part 2.
It took a little bit to figure out how to take care of the Orthon, a mean teleporter lol.
(Good thing the Orthon was so slow after he's been killed.)

Party formation was slightly different this time.
We wished we had a WF barb last time, so one of us raised one quickly enough lol.
So it was a WF Barb, a WF Sorc, and a human Cleric and a dwarven Ranger.
Definately we had more DPS against the Pit Fiend this time, since both the Barb and the Ranger could melee.
It took exactly 10 rounds to beat him in part 4.

So it took 170-ish minutes. Not bad compared to the last run (over 200 minutes lol)
We consumed 16 Mnemonic Pots, and xxx amounts of Heal/Reconstruct scrolls.
(Don't even want to tell how many scrolls we burnt lol)
We focused to reduce the amount of SP pots we needed, and the result wasn't that horrible :D

I'll post another thread with the screen shot in the Ghallanda forum soon as I get the shot from guildie.
Maybe I could describe a little bit more about what and how we did.

Thanks for all the comments and complements :D
We're thinking of doing Xoriat Doggy with the same members, I just can't imagine how fun will it be lol.
(I need to switch my favored enemy from giant to abberation lol)

07-09-2008, 01:29 PM

You guys were really committed to your cause! I doubt very few groups of 4 could pull this off.
I would say that very few groups of 8 could pull this off.

You guys have raised the bar for all others.

