View Full Version : Please help

06-11-2008, 02:56 AM
Hey guys. I finally today made my Green steel blank. (Goggles.) I already know what I want to put on it, so I suppose I'm seeking confirmation that I am understanding it correctly.
It seems I need to go Material, Opposition and Negative each time. So, on my next shroud run, assuming I have the proper ingredients:

1. At the first altar I would mix the various small ingredients to make the upgraded ingredients, (m-o-n) then add in a low energy cell and my blank, and I'd be all set with Tier 1, my goggles now giving me Blindness and Disease Immunity.
2. Assuming I'm rolling in ingredients here, I go to the second altar and take and mix the various medium ingredients to make the upgraded ingredients, (m-o-n) then add in a medium energy cell and my blank (well now not quite blank anymore), and I'd be all set with Tier 2, my goggles now giving me Immunity to Fear and Proof against Poison, along with the previous.
3. Assuming I'm rolling in ingredients here, I go to the final altar and take and mix the various large ingredients to make the upgraded ingredients, (m-o-n) then add in a high energy cell and my increasingly useful goggles, and I'd be all set with Tier 3, my goggles now giving me Deathblock, along with the previous.

Is that right so far?

4. Since Tier 1/2 were both Negative focus, I also have, via my goggles the Aspect of Negative energy, which gives my goggles the use of symbol of weakness 3x a day?
5. I would also get a pure aspect of negative, tier 3 bonus, which (since all 3 are negative) which is a slay living guard. (This means like say, the armors/robes of like lesser fire guard that when someone hits you whielw earing that item they are hit with a weak sly living spell?)

6. Am I understanding this correctly?
7. As a Cleric, is that a pretty nice set-up for an item? (I'm going to get exceptional bonuses to green steel scepters for wisdom, sp bonuses, and so on, this is just to replace a lot of different items that I wear, and to insure protection from various problems that might come up.)

Thank you everyone, for taking the time to read even if you don't respond.

06-11-2008, 03:04 AM
your close, on steps 1,2, and 3 you first mix your raw materials with an energy cell into the manufactured ones (focus, materail etc..), then you take those manufactured ones and mix them with an energy cell and a crystal of power. then you take the infused crysal of power (which will be negativly alighned) and mix it with you green steel item and an energy cell which will essential transfer the power from the crystal to the item.
for further information if you decided to due a mixed element item you would do steps 1 and 2 but for step 3 you would infuse two seperate power crystals, then infuse those two together and then put the mixed element crystal on the green steel item like normal. this is just a simplified description but you get the drift.

also the slay living guard has a small chance of going off per time you are hit but when it does the enemy must make like a dc 35 save or die.

06-12-2008, 01:16 PM
If you want a quick reference I think what you're trying to make is this (http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~delallea/ddo/shroud/cgi-bin/shroud.cgi?item=goggles&weapon=weapon&effects=blindward_disimm,proofpoison_fearimmune,de athblock,slay_living_guard_&altar=3).

06-12-2008, 01:35 PM
Kind of beta testing my forum output here, but this should walk ya through the process:

DDO Crafting Planner Version 2.2.0
DDO Crafting Planner Home Page (http://www.inthecore.com/DDO/crafting )

Greensteel Goggles With Blindness Immunity, Disease Immunity, Immunity to Fear, Proof against Poison - Symbol of Weakness (3/day), Deathblock - Slay Living Guard (On-Being-Hit chance, DC 30 Fortitude Save takes 3d6)

Green Steel Section
Altar of Fecundity - Meridia

Use either formula to create your item. Only one needs to be used.

Greensteel Goggles

Formula #1
Gather These Raw Materials:
0 - Bitterscrub Fungus
2 - Chipmunk Funk
3 - Locus Husk
2 - Glistening Pebble
3 - Lammanian Lily Petals
2 - Green Briar Twigs
4 - Eberron Energy Cells
5 - Shavarath Stones: Might, Battle, Strategy, Victory, Foresight

Create - Filaments of Toil
Combine: Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Green Briar Twig, Eberron Energy Cell

Create - Violet Taper
Combine: Chipmunk Funk, Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Eberron Energy Cell

Create - Wonderous Oil
Combine: Chipmunk Funk, Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Green Briar Twig, Eberron Energy Cell

Create - Shavarath Signet Stone
Combine: Stone of: Might, Battle, Strategy, Foresight, Victory

Create Final Item - Greensteel Goggles
Combine: Shavarath Signet Stone, Eberron Energy Cell, Filaments of Toil, Violet Taper, Wonderous Oil

Formula #2
Gather These Raw Materials:
1 - Bitterscrub Fungus
2 - Chipmunk Funk
3 - Locus Husk
2 - Glistening Pebble
3 - Lammanian Lily Petals
1 - Green Briar Twigs
4 - Eberron Energy Cells
5 - Shavarath Stones: Might, Battle, Strategy, Victory, Foresight

Create - Filaments of Toil
Combine: Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Green Briar Twig, Eberron Energy Cell

Create - Violet Taper
Combine: Chipmunk Funk, Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Eberron Energy Cell

Create - Wonderous Oil
Combine: Bitterscrub Fungus, Chipmunk Funk, Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Eberron Energy Cell

Create - Shavarath Signet Stone
Combine: Stone of: Might, Battle, Strategy, Foresight, Victory

Create Final Item - Greensteel Goggles
Combine: Shavarath Signet Stone, Eberron Energy Cell, Filaments of Toil, Violet Taper, Wonderous Oil

Tier 1 Upgrade Section
Altar of Invasion - Shroud Part 1

Negative - Opposition - Material
Blindness Immunity, Disease Immunity

Gather These Raw Materials (From Shroud Part 1 Chests):
2 - Small Glowing Arrowheads
1 - Small Gnawed Bones
2 - Small Infernal Chains
2 - Small Devil Scales
2 - Small Twisted Shrapnel
3 - Small Sulfurous Stones
1 - Shard Of Power
5 - Shavarath Low Energy Cells

Create - Inferior Focus Of Negative
Combine: Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Infernal Chain, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Low Energy Cell

Create - Cloudy Gem Of Opposition
Combine: Small Gnawed Bone, Small Infernal Chain, Small Devil Scales, Small Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Low Energy Cell

Create - Diluted Material Essence
Combine: Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Devil Scales, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Low Energy Cell

Create - Imbued Shard Of Power (Negative)
Combine: Inferior Focus Of Negative, Cloudy Gem Of Opposition, Diluted Material Essence, Shard Of Power, Shavarath Low Energy Cell

Create Final Item - Greensteel Goggles With Blindness Immunity, Disease Immunity
Combine: Greensteel Goggles, Imbued Shard Of Power (Negative), Shavarath Low Energy Cell

Tier 2 Upgrade Section
Altar of Subjugation - Shroud Part 3

Negative - Opposition - Material
Immunity to Fear, Proof against Poison, Symbol of Weakness (3/day)

Gather These Raw Materials (From Shroud Part 2 & 3 Chests):
2 - Medium Glowing Arrowheads
1 - Medium Gnawed Bones
2 - Medium Infernal Chains
2 - Medium Devil Scales
2 - Medium Twisted Shrapnel
3 - Medium Sulfurous Stones
1 - Shard Of Great Power
5 - Shavarath Medium Energy Cells

Power - Depleted Shavarath Medium Energy Cell With +6 to +10 Weapons (Combine Weapon & Energy Cell on Alter)

Create - Focus Of Negative
Combine: Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Infernal Chain, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

Create - Gem Of Opposition
Combine: Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

Create - Material Essence
Combine: Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

Create - Imbued Shard of Great Power (Negative)
Combine: Focus Of Negative, Gem Of Opposition, Material Essence, Shard of Great Power, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

Create Final Item - Greensteel Goggles With Blindness Immunity, Disease Immunity, Immunity to Fear, Proof against Poison - Symbol of Weakness (3/day)
Combine: Greensteel Goggles(With Tier 1 Upgrade), Imbued Shard Of Great Power (Negative), Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

Tier 3 Upgrade Section
Altar of Devastation - Shroud Part 5

Negative - Opposition - Material
Deathblock, Slay Living Guard (On-Being-Hit chance, DC 30 Fortitude Save takes 3d6)

Gather These Raw Materials (From Shroud Part 4 & 5 Chests):
2 - Large Glowing Arrowheads
1 - Large Gnawed Bones
2 - Large Infernal Chains
2 - Large Devil Scales
2 - Large Twisted Shrapnel
3 - Large Sulfurous Stones
1 - Shard Of Supreme Power
5 - Shavarath High Energy Cells

Power - Depleted Shavarath High Energy Cell With +8 or Higher Weapons (Combine Weapon & Energy Cell on Alter)

Create - Superior Focus Of Negative
Combine: Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Infernal Chain, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath High Energy Cell

Create - Flawless Gem Of Opposition
Combine: Large Gnawed Bone, Large Infernal Chain, Large Devil Scales, Large Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath High Energy Cell

Create - Pure Material Essence
Combine: Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Devil Scales, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath High Energy Cell

Create - Imbued Shard of Supreme Power (Negative)
Combine: Superior Focus Of Negative, Flawless Gem Of Opposition, Pure Material Essence, Shard of Supreme Power, Shavarath High Energy Cell

Create Final Item - Greensteel Goggles With Blindness Immunity, Disease Immunity, Immunity to Fear, Proof against Poison - Symbol of Weakness (3/day), Deathblock - Slay Living Guard (On-Being-Hit chance, DC 30 Fortitude Save takes 3d6)
Combine: Greensteel Goggles(With Tier 1 & 2 Upgrade), Imbued Shard Of Supreme Power(Negative), Shavarath High Energy Cell

06-13-2008, 02:42 PM
Thank you guys so much, incredible help :)