View Full Version : Does anyone want to buy a 4th ed. PG?
06-11-2008, 12:16 AM
DOes anyone want to buy a 4th edition Player's Guide??
We read it and decided that while there was some neat stuff that they did, the game play itself was lacking. If I wanted to Pen and Paper WoW, I would the WoW RPG. I'd buy that than shell out 35 dollars a book for what WotC gave us.
Not impressed at all. OUr 8k in 3.5 manuals is still a good investment.
AND any game that doesn't have one of the following does not have my respect at all:
unique character creation.
DDO has two out of three. 4th ed. has none.
06-11-2008, 12:26 AM
DOes anyone want to buy a 4th edition Player's Guide??
We read it and decided that while there was some neat stuff that they did, the game play itself was lacking. If I wanted to Pen and Paper WoW, I would the WoW RPG. I'd buy that than shell out 35 dollars a book for what WotC gave us.
Not impressed at all. OUr 8k in 3.5 manuals is still a good investment.
AND any game that doesn't have one of the following does not have my respect at all:
unique character creation.
DDO has two out of three. 4th ed. has none.
I also intend to skip 4.0.
I think there's some good changes that were made (removal of save-or-die effects to make high-level play work for one), but overall - blargh.
I might take little bits of it and add them to 3.5 as houserules. For instance, I'll be nerfing all save-or-die effects to do an amount of damage that is instant death to characters several levels below you - for instance, Slay Living is able to be cast by a 9th level cleric. I'll change it so it deals 40+clvld6 damage - then it'll kill the low-level foes outright, it'll mess up a 7th level fighter badly, but won't kill a 12th-level paladin that rolls a natural 1. And, of course, on a successful save it'll still do 3d6+clvl damage.
06-11-2008, 12:27 AM
4th Ed. .... Jesus, WotC really is screwing the pooch. 3.5 was bad enough they took a product that was allready popular and trashed it for the sake of selling it to kids for more profit, sadly they didnt learn from the way they destroyed Magic the gathering. Quality will allways be better than quantity.
Okay now that im done ranting, I never purchased any any of the 3.0 or 3.5 books so 4.0 has no hope lol.
You know the best part is, go look at the wotc forums and see the outrage when somebody says it's not the best thing senice the printing press.
06-11-2008, 12:41 AM
4th Ed. .... Jesus, WotC really is screwing the pooch. 3.5 was bad enough they took a product that was allready popular and trashed it for the sake of selling it to kids for more profit, sadly they didnt learn from the way they destroyed Magic the gathering. Quality will allways be better than quantity.
Okay now that im done ranting, I never purchased any any of the 3.0 or 3.5 books so 4.0 has no hope lol.
I liked 2.0, too. But I liked 3.5 better. Something about race favourisms with Paladin. Anyways, 3.5 did not destroy the game like 4.0.
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