View Full Version : - “For your Butt-kicking pleasure!”
06-05-2008, 11:52 AM
Dungeons and DJs Online Radio will heighten your gaming experience!
It will boost your Focus, Energy and Awareness with high energy music and hilarious comedic breaks.
Our DDORADIO Media player includes Live, integrated chat where players can talk to the On-air DJ or each other!
You can win Gold and Prizes by participating in our Impromptu Events and Contests!
DDORADIO is a Non-profit station with zero commercials!
Made by the players for the players! - 24 hours a day / 7 days a week - “For your Butt-Kicking pleasure!”
CEO - Castwolf Kildragon
06-05-2008, 11:55 AM
* edited
Nice, it's been a while since the new rules went into effect and ran off the old DnD radio on the internet. Lets see if ya'll can fill those shoes. Listening now...
06-06-2008, 04:56 PM
What plug-in does this require to play? I can't load it.
06-06-2008, 06:21 PM
The HTML driven DDORadio player uses windows media player.
Try updating your windows media or windows updates.
Lastly, remove any pop-up blockers when visiting the site that might impede it from coming up.
Hope this helps :)
06-06-2008, 08:14 PM
OS X = Mac = No WINDOWS Media player... :) Thanks though. I found it. Incidently, I think that it just doesn't like Firefox 3, since I tried that on my PC, and got the same issue. Thanks for the station! :)
For those that can't get the stream on the site (please go there and support them though) here is a link that you can play it from.
06-07-2008, 09:12 AM
I want to take a moment and thank everyone for supporting!
The reception has been fantastic and exciting. :)
We are still at the testing stage of the stations format, so continue participating!
Leave any comments that you feel might help the station on our chat or here in forums.
Together we can make this station the very best!
-Castwolf Kildragon
06-07-2008, 09:14 AM
We are looking to produce a new comedic section called “True DDO stories”!
But we need material! So, please email any of the craziest adventure stories you personally experienced to:
Keep it under 100 words and as factual as you can recollect. :)
Now, send those stories!!!
-Castwofl Kildragon
Disclaimer: The names of the innocent Wont be protected and some players Might be harmed during its taping! (jk)
06-11-2008, 03:17 PM
Does this only work with version 10? I am on an OLD computer running 2000 and it will not upgrade due to it being so crappy.
Is it possible to support v9? DDOcast seems to work fine but I can not listen to this. :(
06-11-2008, 03:20 PM
Try this ( link. It's directly to the stream. I can't access the page properly either.
06-11-2008, 04:11 PM
You might also want to go to:
and search for ddo radio.
You can play it from there, you just loose the ability of live chat. :)
Enjoy and please keep the comments comming!
-BigAngel (Castwolf)
06-11-2008, 04:17 PM
Are any of the old crew from DDO still around? I remember the fun we had with the old guild on launch.
06-11-2008, 04:27 PM
Thought about IRC? Then those of us that get the page rendering wrong can participate in our own clients.
06-11-2008, 04:35 PM
nice job on this!
kewl site, but cant seem to have an info page...
when you get time, check out I posted a tech to record audio and upload to a directory as a wav. -- you could do shouts and ads and stuff -- you could also use
the op's voice, his voice is a trip.
06-11-2008, 04:52 PM
I'll tell you guys a funny story.
I come from doing several big projects in virtual worlds like Second Life (Club Vaxen 1 & 2) and (Club Oasis, duda beach)
to DDO just to take a break for a season.
Turns out, I start to fall in love with DDO! (with the help of my girlfriend Selenay)
Selenay and I met in Second Life where she was my DJ for the packed events we would throw.
So now, here we are in DDO and I say to her; "Hey, You know what? I miss hearing you DJ as we play online."
She says; "Yeah and I miss DJing those fun events."
So I say; "Tell ya what. Lets put up a radio stream for DDO, just for kicks! and every once in a while we could throw events."
(Taking it real easy, because again, this is supposedly our season of a break from major events. Lol!)
So, lo and behold, I do a simple search for a name and POOF! is available!!!!
Im like! WHAT?!?!?! no one owns this thing!!!?
We look at each other and it was like, Oh boy, here we go again!!! hahahhaa!
Now, I come to find out that apparently there is allot of history to this name and a lot to live up to.
Well, to make a long story short.
We love DDO and the people so much we can’t think of going back to those others worlds. (Unless, for some sort of joint venture)
But do plan on slowly sliding into the type of events we would throw in those worlds.
Btw, WE CRASHED servers with the amount of people we would gather.
We also put allot of money into our projects, in way of prizes, staff and more.
So, when we are ready to go full steam I’m sure you’ll hear about it.
Right now, we are just dipping are toes in the water, and splash it around a bit, in a playful manner. :)
I’ve been contacted by the wonderful people at ddocast, so I hope to give you all the more detailed story and maybe also come to some sort of agreement with them as well.
Know, we are open to whatever you guys want, this is truly just a love thing and definitely not a profit venture as in the past.
06-11-2008, 04:55 PM
Will Churchwarden be coming back?? And what with the trance music? bring on the rock!
06-11-2008, 04:59 PM
Actually I was digging the trance myself...
06-11-2008, 05:03 PM
As of right now, we are playing a simple format;
2 songs Electonica
1 Station ID
2 songs Rock
1 Station Promo
Know that this is really a test signal.
We plan on running this for the first month, testing out the service we went with.
As of now, I’m starting to hear from other stations pop in and out of our stream so we are shopping around to offer you guys the best service.
Again, this is going to be a station made by you guys, so the more you leave in the CHAT the more it will slowly change to sound exactly how you all like it.
So, leave song suggestions on the site chat and soon enough you’ll hear it playing in rotation.
*Churchwarden? was he a DJ from the other station and is he looking for work?
06-11-2008, 05:04 PM
As of right now, we are playing a simple format;
2 songs Electonica
1 Station ID
2 songs Rock
1 Station Promo
Know that this is really a test signal.
We plan on running this for the first month, testing out the service we went with.
As of now, I’m starting to hear from other stations pop in and out of our stream so we are shopping around to offer you guys the best service.
Again, this is going to be a station made by you guys, so the more you leave in the CHAT the more it will slowly change to sound exactly how you all like it.
So, leave song suggestions on the site chat and soon enough you’ll hear it playing in rotation.
*btw, Churchwarden?
One of the original DnD Radio DJs.
Church Warden
A lot of our AH vendors are named after the original DND radio djs.
06-11-2008, 05:10 PM
Since this is a new station and not taken over from the old one, we have no idea who churchwarden is. lol
06-11-2008, 05:10 PM
In this test mode, we won’t be needing a live DJ often.
We are just formulating the Format at the moment.
Once that’s done, we will be looking into hiring all sorts of people from within DDO.
It will be fun! :)
06-11-2008, 05:11 PM
Thanks for the Link!
06-11-2008, 05:14 PM
Since this is a new station and not taken over from the old one, we have no idea who churchwarden is. lol
Well I just told you. lol
06-11-2008, 07:21 PM
Due to technical difficulties beyond our control, we here at DDORADIO were temporarily off the air.
(We had a cheesy audio streaming company.)
Our technicians were rushed to the scene and were able to control the outage quickly.
(Went over there and smacked them around a bit.)
We now go back to our regularly scheduled programming, bringing you the Very best in ROCK and Techno!
(We went with new streaming provider, for your listening pleasure.)
DDO RADIO – “It’s not just for Butt-kickers, it’s also for Name Takers!”
06-11-2008, 10:52 PM
Could you post a page with the ChatBox only and at 100%? I'd really appreciate it. It would make a GREAT Firefox Sidebar, but it would be easier for you to post that, than for me to hack (Greasemonkey/Stylish) your site apart for it. :)
06-11-2008, 11:17 PM
all yours my man, do with it as you will!
-BigAngel ;)
06-11-2008, 11:33 PM
Thanks, but how about more like...
I tweaked it so that it fits into the sidebar, as well as changed the color to a gray so that the text is easier to read.
Once this is set up on your servers (I don't mind hosting this version of the sidebar, but it really is your baby) users who use firefox can do the following to make it a nifty sidebar... If you want me to host it on my host, that is not a problem, then I can tweak it as people report issues but it might cause under-reporting in your stats.
Create a bookmark for the link in one of the 50 ways.
Click Bookmarks --> Organize Bookmarks
Find the bookmark, and select it
Click the more button on the bottom
Check the mark next to Load this bookmark in the side bar
06-12-2008, 02:38 PM
Enjoy the Music. Enjoy the CHAT.
06-23-2008, 10:54 AM
Off the air, atm? Can't access it through, but that may be a result of my recent upgrade to Firefox 3. Tried the shoutcast link, along with the Winamp player, but it can't connect. The message says [connecting] http... and then changes to [timed out]. Bummer. I was hoping to check it out. Maybe later...
06-23-2008, 11:00 AM
I got it working. (With Firefox, I needed to go into the source code to grab it.)
Here it is (
06-23-2008, 01:04 PM
My problem doesn't seem to be with the browser or WinAmp, after all. Instead, it seems to be with my connection. Specifically, it would seem that the IT folks here at the office have blocked streaming content. This made a little more sense after I opened the link within Internet Explorer, where the WMP window opens to show the player, but can't connect there, either. Oh, well, ç'est la vie! I'll have to try it this evening when I get home...
I got it working. (With Firefox, I needed to go into the source code to grab it.)
Here it is (
06-23-2008, 01:22 PM
Ah, ya, that is not too uncommon, since streaming radio can REALLY eat up corporate bandwidth.
06-23-2008, 01:40 PM
Listened to it for a bit, but just not my type of music.
Let it go its over, nobody listens to techno -"Without me" d'Eminem
I think the idea is really good, unfortunately there is just way to many different types of players with expectations to fill. The radio medium is pretty much already out there with peoples ability to tailor it to what they want. It would be very expensive to even come close to making a quater of the player base happy with DDORADIO.
After listening to the new owner on DDOCast I thought of a couple things. One, if you're doing it for your personal pleasure then I wouldn't care to much about what others have to say. Simply state what kind of music you plan on listening too, and if others want to hear that... there it is. Secondly, if you really want to make it a valid radio channel, then I'd lose the DDO from the name since the pool of people coming from ddo will be small. Good luck either way.
06-23-2008, 01:45 PM
It's still "Test Signal." Once they have things up a bit more and the listeners are up a bit the format will be set more. They are also securing rights to music, so that this iteration of DDO Radio doesn't go the unfortunate way of the last.
As for the name, BigAngel plans on doing events and the like, so if you are not playing the game then it will be harder to participate. Really the biggest thing is getting some coverage to advance their search ranking so that more people will find it.
06-23-2008, 05:12 PM
Gotcha bud, but I'm not understanding the exact definition of what is going to be accomplished.
1, you want ddo players or x players to listen to it.
2, you want anybody who likes what is being played to listen to it.
It sounds like you're aiming for 1. If that is the case isn't it going to be very expensive to get rights to play the diversity of songs people would want to hear. I have run into all kinds inside the game. Hard core rockers, rap types, people stuck in the 80's, those who like country, alternative, ect... the list is just too long to make a stable base happy. I won't listen to techno or rap myself, the other stuff I can tolerate, but would likely just turn on Sirus if I wanted to here something in paticular.
I think the idea is good, but wonder if it would be more effective to call yourself GameJumpRadio or something like that, then have a DDO channel? That way you can appel to a broader listener base for whats being played, and then have specific events for those familar with DDO.. anyway just my thoughts. I do wish you the best of luck with your idea. I am also a web developer so if you need help with something I'd be happy to lend some time.
06-24-2008, 07:14 PM
Mission Statement
Acting as a secondary auditory stimulant during game play, Dungeons and DJs Online Radio hopes to provide an energetic,
eclectic music format along with game specific information and humor. With the sole purpose of heightening the
DDO gamers experience welts in game, its service is player created and maintained.
DDORADIO will grow in three phases:
1) Test signal and Format study.
2) Live DJ integration.
3) Events and player assistance. (Such as in-world Newby help and more.)
With its live integrated chat, DDORAIDO seeks to adapt its service to the majority of its listeners.
While also providing an open environment that allows DDO players to have direct input and conversation with other players, DJs and management.
DDORADIO is not in direct affiliation with DDO, Turbine or related entities outside of its desire to entertain gamers of this genre.
DDORADIO seeks player involvement and staffing in hopes of creating an auditory experience yet rivaled.
This is – “for your Butt Kicking Pleasure!”
06-25-2008, 01:34 PM
Okay, I fixed the sidebar for all those of us using Firefox. Now it even has a link to the stream up top.
06-25-2008, 02:14 PM
Mission Statement
Acting as a secondary auditory stimulant during game play, Dungeons and DJs Online Radio hopes to provide an energetic,
eclectic music format along with game specific information and humor. With the sole purpose of heightening the
DDO gamers experience welts in game, its service is player created and maintained.
DDORADIO will grow in three phases:
1) Test signal and Format study.
2) Live DJ integration.
3) Events and player assistance. (Such as in-world Newby help and more.)
With its live integrated chat, DDORAIDO seeks to adapt its service to the majority of its listeners.
While also providing an open environment that allows DDO players to have direct input and conversation with other players, DJs and management.
DDORADIO is not in direct affiliation with DDO, Turbine or related entities outside of its desire to entertain gamers of this genre.
DDORADIO seeks player involvement and staffing in hopes of creating an auditory experience yet rivaled.
This is – “for your Butt Kicking Pleasure!”
Very nicely worded. That should clear things up for most people.
06-26-2008, 09:05 AM
I don't know why I work on this when I have my own stuff to do, BUT...
I added the DDO Radio logo to the sidebar, as well as my (well known) favorite site feature...
THE FAVICON! --> <--
I can't muck with the colors of the fonts in the sidebar without altering the code in the main page, so I am limited to sticking with what is there. Still, it is functional, and doesn't look too bad.
06-26-2008, 11:29 PM
You work on it, because You ROCK!
Thanks for your support of DDORADIO.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you bro, Im here.
Cheers! :)
06-27-2008, 02:39 AM
Maybe I haven't noticed it, because I'm playing various XBox games at the same time, but. . .
Is it possible, either in the Windows Media Player or elsewhere, to say what song is playing? There's one playing right now, that the name wasn't announced to, nor do I see it anywhere. I've had to resort to writing down lyrics and hunting, which I don't mind, but showing what song is currently playing somewhere would definitely be a headache-saver.
Otherwise, I like it so far. :3
EDIT: Found the song. Heheh. "No One Knows" by Queens of the Stone Age. ;P See? I don't mind huntin'. Just a suggestion to consider, though, if it's possible.
07-15-2008, 08:40 PM
*** Important notice!!! Sorry about having the station down these last few days.
I went into the hospital on Friday morning do to severe work related stress and fatigue.
I'm have been ordered bed rest for a week and am slowly recovering.
I have had the "signal" on my mind the entire time and hope it hasn't been too much of an
inconvenience to you wonderful listeners. We should be back to 100%
in the next few days with great new music and promos dedicated to the wonderful game of DDO. :)
Thank you for your continued support of! ;)
07-15-2008, 10:05 PM
Is this the same DDOradio from 1 year ago that went off air after that whole sirius/ howard stern free radio bill ?............... not sure exactly what it was all about really
07-15-2008, 10:08 PM
*** Important notice!!! Sorry about having the station down these last few days.
I went into the hospital on Friday morning do to severe work related stress and fatigue.
I'm have been ordered bed rest for a week and am slowly recovering.
I have had the "signal" on my mind the entire time and hope it hasn't been too much of an
inconvenience to you wonderful listeners. We should be back to 100%
in the next few days with great new music and promos dedicated to the wonderful game of DDO. :)
Thank you for your continued support of! ;)
Sorry bout the stress................. been there.............. changing jobs helps also.
Take a career vacation and push a broom for a while........... I does wonders for your lifes perspective and recharges your battery.
07-16-2008, 07:37 AM
I hope that you feel better man. I've been worried not seeing you on. Glad to see that you are okay.
07-21-2008, 08:40 PM
Due to lack of interest in DDORADIO the decision has been made to stop the stream.
It seems that a service such as DDORADIO is perhaps not needed at this point in time.
I would like to personally like to thank the few listeners we had for their support.
07-21-2008, 09:23 PM
Awww, that's too bad. I listened to DDORadio some, fer sure.
I'm sure it's hard to really make something like this a success. Too bad this just didn't work out.
I actually think that the game's sound levels and voice chat status make it hard to quest and listen to music at the same time, unless it's like playing from a stereo next to you. Maybe it's just my sound card, but I tended to not be able to listen to the music while questing. I did listen while doing maintenance stuff, though, and liked the idea. You'll be missed - you died so soon....
DDORadio's like the new permadeath player tanking his sorc against an ogre at level 2!
07-21-2008, 09:26 PM
:( <--------- here (I dont have speakers here at work so if it sounds like anything other than what I intended let me know and Ill get rid of it)
01-19-2011, 09:38 PM
Is DDO radio still alive?? With all the new live on DDO I was wondering if this was still active.
01-19-2011, 09:47 PM
You do realize that the thread you just necroed, about 2 posts up, states that its no longer online, right?
01-19-2011, 09:49 PM
Well, it does seem to still be steaming, comes through your itunes
At least the name is still used
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