View Full Version : Now that we have quivers and gem bags and ...

06-04-2008, 09:25 PM
collectible bags and ingredient bags...

Just a quick thought here. How about two really nice additions for the next mod?

Apothecary bags for holding our various pots (resists, protects, cures, and so on) and wand bandoliers for keeping all our wands in order? (Something about the concept of a cleric wearing a bandolier full of wands carrying a black doctor bag kept me chuckling on the drive from work to home today.) Much like people getting rid of pages of arrows from their pack, it would be nice if clerics, sorcs, and wizzies were able to free from the shackle of bulky wands eating up all their pack space.

06-04-2008, 09:27 PM
How about a third for spell components!

06-04-2008, 09:29 PM
Spell Component bags are coming... They just were not fixed in time for mod 7, what I'm really waiting for is a bag I can hold my two pages of +5 thieves tools in!

collectible bags and ingredient bags...

Just a quick thought here. How about two really nice additions for the next mod?

Apothecary bags for holding our various pots (resists, protects, cures, and so on) and wand bandoliers for keeping all our wands in order? (Something about the concept of a cleric wearing a bandolier full of wands carrying a black doctor bag kept me chuckling on the drive from work to home today.) Much like people getting rid of pages of arrows from their pack, it would be nice if clerics, sorcs, and wizzies were able to free from the shackle of bulky wands eating up all their pack space.

06-04-2008, 09:33 PM
How about a third for spell components!

Not a bad idea... I didn't even think about that.

Hmmm the one thought against that is that at most you are going to have how many different components? Nine for 9th level spells (maybe 11 if you are a 17/3 split) and they already somewhat stack at 1000 per stack.

But one item spot for 11 types of component...? Yeah it sounds nice.

06-04-2008, 09:36 PM
I think the next best thing to be implement must be SCROLL CASES.

06-05-2008, 07:48 AM
Personally, I think the next thing they need is an auto-trade button for the collectible bag.

If I can gather 1000 of a particular collectible, there should be an easier way to trade them to the collector than by manually doing it 3 at a time.

06-05-2008, 08:17 AM
Personally, I think the next thing they need is an auto-trade button for the collectible bag.

If I can gather 1000 of a particular collectible, there should be an easier way to trade them to the collector than by manually doing it 3 at a time.

Yup, and I'd suggest just adding it to the dialog "oh, I see you have more than 3 of those, can I have all of them?"

06-05-2008, 09:00 AM
Yup, and I'd suggest just adding it to the dialog "oh, I see you have more than 3 of those, can I have all of them?"

YES! Annoying as hell, that. (Same thing in Stormcleave, the few times I was ambitios enough to return the supplies - BS you have to give those over one at a time also.)

06-05-2008, 09:05 AM
Yup, and I'd suggest just adding it to the dialog "oh, I see you have more than 3 of those, can I have all of them?"

Great idea! Wow, why haven't the devs already done that?

06-06-2008, 09:43 AM
Actually I would like to see all the following.

A generic bag of holding. PnP has it, why can't the game.
A pouch for shurikans
A spell component bag.
A scroll container
A wand holster.

2 more bank slots and the ability to get 5 more bag slots, since as it stands I keep running out of room, especially with all the various bags you carry now. I actually have over half a bag full of all the little containers. Either that or make the containers not fit in your inventory.

Also some fun additions would be traveling shops, that you might see in various wards, as well as encounter areas, or certain dungeons. That is one thing I miss from PnP.

06-06-2008, 10:01 AM
Great idea! Wow, why haven't the devs already done that?

Overflow! Turn in 60 level 1 items and you get back 20 "things". Now some might stack, but what if you only have 10 slots open for "things". There is only 1 overflow slot currently. What if someone had 600 items to turn in and clicked the button and got 200 "things".

One way to process this might be a executing stack where the process halts once the first overflow condition is reached, but I suspect coding that would not be quite so trivial now. Imagine combining autogather bags/quivers, with ammo (from some collectors) and how to handle those too?

06-06-2008, 10:05 AM
Actually I would like to see all the following.

A spell component bag.

2 more bank slots and the ability to get 5 more bag slots, since as it stands I keep running out of room, especially with all the various bags you carry now. I actually have over half a bag full of all the little containers. Either that or make the containers not fit in your inventory.

Actually I see the best answer to be something along the line of opening up those two more Bank slots somehow. It is clear on the graphic that there are places for those pages. I could also see a spell component bag helping to address storage issues too, now that they have developed the tech. Just make it a Wide/Deep one. 10 wide and 1000 deep. cheaper one for lower levels is 5 wide and 200 deep or something like that.

06-06-2008, 06:50 PM
Spell Component bags are coming... They just were not fixed in time for mod 7, what I'm really waiting for is a bag I can hold my two pages of +5 thieves tools in!

nah, they should just make eternal theives tools, just make 'em something favor unlocked or else reallty rare to get, like the eternal wands.

06-06-2008, 07:31 PM
So if we have

quivers and
collectible bags and
ingrediant bags and
gem bags and
spell component bags and
tools bags and
scroll bags and
wand bags and
potions bags...

can I get a bag for my bags?

06-06-2008, 07:36 PM
Spell Component bags are coming... They just were not fixed in time for mod 7, what I'm really waiting for is a bag I can hold my two pages of +5 thieves tools in!


2 pages?! I carry around 2 stacks and I don't think I've restocked since level 11...Practically every quest someone assigns me +5 tools without me asking or anything, so I just destroy the stack that has less tools and pick up the new one

06-06-2008, 07:39 PM
My guild got mad at me once for running out of tools onthe wagon chest in von 5 one time, so they perpetually send me +5 tools now and I have no room in the bank.. unfortunately they've begun to occupy pages.. now I just refuse them but it's to the point of ridiculousness when I get them spereating a pack of 50 into singles and mail them ¬.¬


2 pages?! I carry around 2 stacks and I don't think I've restocked since level 11...Practically every quest someone assigns me +5 tools without me asking or anything, so I just destroy the stack that has less tools and pick up the new one

06-06-2008, 07:55 PM

2 pages?! I carry around 2 stacks and I don't think I've restocked since level 11...Practically every quest someone assigns me +5 tools without me asking or anything, so I just destroy the stack that has less tools and pick up the new one


06-06-2008, 08:09 PM
Spell Component bags are coming... They just were not fixed in time for mod 7, what I'm really waiting for is a bag I can hold my two pages of +5 thieves tools in!

How about this.......................

+5 sturdy thieves tools (only a 75% chance that they will be consumed in use)

06-07-2008, 10:51 PM
You win! I'll sign off on that!

/signed over and over again!

How about this.......................

+5 sturdy thieves tools (only a 75% chance that they will be consumed in use)

06-07-2008, 11:57 PM
Actually I would like to see all the following.

A generic bag of holding. PnP has it, why can't the game.
A pouch for shurikans
A spell component bag.
A scroll container
A wand holster.

2 more bank slots and the ability to get 5 more bag slots, since as it stands I keep running out of room, especially with all the various bags you carry now. I actually have over half a bag full of all the little containers. Either that or make the containers not fit in your inventory.

Also some fun additions would be traveling shops, that you might see in various wards, as well as encounter areas, or certain dungeons. That is one thing I miss from PnP.

I have always wondered why a bank can hold less than a backpack...

06-08-2008, 12:16 AM
I have always wondered why a bank can hold less than a backpack...

Because my fighter can carry over 9000 lbs. But nonetheless good point. :)