View Full Version : Additional account.

06-04-2008, 11:26 AM
So let's say I want to make a 2nd account, how can I get it? Do I need to buy another box with a number or can I just get the number and only pay monthly sub? What are the options? I do not think I will like to pay for a new box when I already have one buried in a closet.

06-04-2008, 11:37 AM
Each account is registered to a serial number. Sorry to say but you would have to purchase another serial number. Not sure if you to buy a complete game, but sadly the price is the same.

06-04-2008, 11:42 AM
You still would however get 30 days free...

06-04-2008, 11:46 AM
You can digital download the game and just use that serial number to create the new account. Then set up the payment method you wish for that account. (9.99 monthly deal is over though :( ) This method also includes 30 days.

06-04-2008, 12:27 PM
What I did for the wife and I.

Purchased 1 Collectors edition retail game.
Installed collectors edition copy on both PC's
Went online to Direct to Drive
Purchased a Downloadable version
Received my Key in an e-mail.

Went into billing
Added the key to my active account
Now I have 2 accounts and am billed under 1 name.

When we launch our game we have an option to select which account to log into.
Load game, put in account name / password
GUI pops up, Select my characters or her characters (nick names of 2 accounts)
Server selection comes up
Pick server, get into game.

D2D has it for $14.95