View Full Version : Known Bug List?

06-04-2008, 07:09 AM
Usually when they release a mod w/ info on mod, they also release known bugs they are aware of at time of release. Did one get released?

If not, maybe people can start posting to this thread w/ bugs seen so far. Yes, i know there is a bug report for ingame but, that does nothing to help other people to be aware of common issues players are having.

Myself and guild mates are having toons becoming locked and unaccessable.
Switching toons or moving to new instances can cause load screen of death (or just fustration)
When mailing items, The items aren't being mailed. Have to try several times before they will send.
Repaired items (random not consistant w/ inventory spot/place) become unlocked so can be sold by accident (noticed this in Risia before mod went live)

Thes are just a few but, I am sure others are noticing these bugs happening.