View Full Version : So you want another character slot

06-03-2008, 03:38 PM
Ok so yes this will cost you money but here's something I found when I transfered my ranger from Argo to Thelanis.

If you do a character transfer you will get an extra slot (or 2 if I remember right with 1750 favor.) No I am not being silly about the fact you moved a toon and have THAT slot, these are EXTRA slots. I currently can make 11 characters on Argonesson and 10 on Thelanis (no I did not have to delete down to the original number to create my monk(s).

06-03-2008, 03:40 PM
**** it! Now they are going to fix this. :(

But it's totally worth the $50 bucks ($25 to transfer to a server and $25 to transfer back).

06-03-2008, 03:41 PM
Nice work, sure theyll fix it soon now