View Full Version : Mod 7 Quests?

06-03-2008, 11:52 AM
Greetings! Been on a hiatus for a few weeks but now that Mod 7 is out I'll be back tonight to check things out. I'm just wondering how many new quests there are and what level they are. Not looking for spoilers or anything just wondering what characters I'll be firing up tonight. Thanks in advance for the info.

06-03-2008, 03:42 PM
Hard to believe that no one has an answer to the questions:

Number of new quests?

What level are the quests?

06-03-2008, 03:47 PM

06-03-2008, 03:48 PM

06-03-2008, 03:50 PM
3 new quests in three barrel cove and an adventure zone there as well. The zone is 3-8 so the quests are also probably in that range.

06-03-2008, 04:10 PM

Hey, gee thanks for that link ... read that already and just read that again ... perhaps you can cut'n'paste where it mentions the number of new quests and their levels because I can't seem to find it ... maybe I'm just missing it.

The splash screen the other day stated new mid-level quests ... and I know there's at least three new quests in Three Barrel Cove. Was hoping someone with a little more insight could post the number of new quests and their levels. Doesn't seem that hard of a request. Guess I will have to do it myself once I'm back in town and playing ... either tonight or tomorrow.

By the way, Malhavic, thanks for the info on the Raids ... aprreciate it.

06-03-2008, 04:12 PM
3 new quests in three barrel cove and an adventure zone there as well. The zone is 3-8 so the quests are also probably in that range.

Thank you ... you posted while I was typing my last one (got distracted so a bit of a delay) ... appreciate it. Didn't know if they upped the zone level or not or what was going on there.

06-03-2008, 04:18 PM
Heya Skurlock. Popped home for lunch and checked it out for you.
There are three new quests in 3 barrel cove, each LEVEL FIVE. You can also do them on solo. Plus the aformentioned remodel of 3BC into an explorer area.
There is also a 12 man high level explorer area under the tent, and two new raids in that zone. (Might be short raid encounters like the stormreaver, we don't know yet.) That area will not be unlocked until the server populace collects and turns in "raid keys" that now drop with most raids.
See you in game.