View Full Version : Compendium and the Monk

06-02-2008, 11:46 AM
I know, I am eager to know the details but... when you guys are updating the compendium with all the info for the monk class?

My guess is that this is with the monk week, but still... I wanna know :)

06-02-2008, 11:51 AM
When you guys are updating the compendium with all the info for the monk class?

Knowing them, it'll take a while. Use the wiki page meanwhile.:) /points sig

06-02-2008, 12:14 PM
thanks :)

I use both actually, just trying to point out something, many new players will go to that knowledge base most of the times, and I really like the way the compendium its done, it wont hurt to get it up there :)

Maybe they'll upload it tomorrow and they'll shut my mouth :P

06-02-2008, 01:26 PM
I use both actually

Not like I'd be blaming you, I use both too. I simply don't have enoughtime on hand to update everything on the wiki to be up to date.. yet. ;) When I took over the wiki, it was in a pityful shape, getting better but still could use some improvement. With the way they made the new compendium, I've got even more reasons to update the wiki because I really don't like the way they made it and their total lack of redirect.

And quite honestly, if I have to choose to work on a wiki, we'll I'll pick my own.. right? More control, more possibilities.

Just trying to point out something, many new players will go to that knowledge base most of the times, and I really like the way the compendium its done, it wont hurt to get it up there :)

Oh, I don't disagree. I think it's important of them to upkeep some sort of official source, but they should put a link to us somewhere... becasue there are areas where we're simply better than them because it's not something they support. Crafting, for example.

Maybe they'll upload it tomorrow and they'll shut my mouth :P

hehe, it'd be nice... but I doubt it.

06-02-2008, 01:34 PM
The next Compendium update should be tomorrow. I'll have the whole "yay Compendium has been updated" announcement once it's good to go :)

06-02-2008, 01:35 PM
I dont think we're better than them, I just think we do another kind of effort, I've been a couple games where the coordinated effort from players to have a central point of information (guides, walkthrough 's, cheat sheets, etc) its waaaay bigger than the documentation provided by the company that made the game.

I applaud your effort to keep up to date the wiki :)

06-02-2008, 01:48 PM
I dont think we're better than them, I just think we do another kind of effort, I've been a couple games where the coordinated effort from players to have a central point of information (guides, walkthrough 's, cheat sheets, etc) its waaaay bigger than the documentation provided by the company that made the game.

What I meant is that the wiki will be always be more complete because of that. At that point, we,re just arguing on definitions. If you keep arguing, I'll have to use my tomatoes.:D

I applaud your effort to keep up to date the wiki :)

Sometimes I wish I had a few more helpers... it's a wiki, you don't even have to know me to help... -_-

06-02-2008, 02:06 PM
Sometimes I wish I had a few more helpers... it's a wiki, you don't even have to know me to help... -_-

Little Wiki Elfs maybe? ;):D

06-02-2008, 02:23 PM
underpants gnomes

06-02-2008, 02:25 PM
Ooompa Looompas? (or however you spell it :P)

06-02-2008, 02:37 PM
Little Wiki Elfs maybe? ;):D

Does that mean I have to get fat, grow a beard, dress in red, bleach my new beard to white and get a wife? If so, can she be one of those sexy Miss Santa?:D
(I live in Canada, so I guess you can call that North?)

06-02-2008, 02:42 PM
Ooompa Looompas? (or however you spell it :P)

Oompa Loompas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oompa-Loompas), you only got too many o's.

PS: If they could fix it so I could check a page on it...