View Full Version : Static Group Seeks Two More!

06-01-2008, 10:24 PM
Hiya all! Our Static group is currently at 4 members, and we've been playing numerous nights during the week, whenever we've all been online. However, it's becoming increasingly obvious that we need at least 5 members to be able to reliably fill the remaining position(s) required for any given instance.

We're currently all level 4/5, but we'd be willing to reroll/make level 1's if it means a well balanced group! =)

Fighter/Fighter/Rogue/Mage/Cleric/Bard would be a fairly ideal combo, in my humble opinion. We're all flexible on what role we'd like to fill in the party, and I am usually the Cleric or Bard, so we do have at least one Healer secured! =)

If anyone is interested, please PM me or talk with me in-game. Alts in the signature. =)

Edit: I failed to mention our current group, incase anyone wants to plug-and-play!

We are:

06-02-2008, 11:52 AM
PM sent.


06-03-2008, 12:31 AM
Borrigan is a perfect fit for you and your group . A great guy who likes to enjoy the quest while toons like me love to zerg.:)WARNING WARNING Watch out for his volgarity on the mic.He likes to pass gas on the mic just a warning in advance :0

06-03-2008, 11:37 AM
Borrigan is a perfect fit for you and your group . A great guy who likes to enjoy the quest while toons like me love to zerg.:)WARNING WARNING Watch out for his volgarity on the mic.He likes to pass gas on the mic just a warning in advance :0

Don't listen to him, he's just jealous that I DIDN'T accidently sell my w/p rapier collection! :D

I don't cuss at everyone Sweets.....I only cuss at YOU when you feel like taking constant dirt naps! ;)

Oh, and as far as the gas thing, I just do that to him cuz he thinks it's funny. :) (I guess potty humor never goes out of style with us big kids :D)


06-04-2008, 01:49 AM
The volgarity on the mic was in referance to the butt trumpit you play on the mic lol

06-06-2008, 12:23 AM
pm sent :)