View Full Version : Calling out you DM's

05-31-2008, 08:52 PM
Could one of you please explain to me how you can't help find lost or venderd items.
The last time I had a problem with this games miss haps it took me 4 weeks to get my
stuff that mysteriously dissapeared from my bank account back.
Now this new problem is acctually different because it was part my fault.
It seems when lagg hits because of over crowding on server then it's not the games fault.Please
explain that one to me .
My problem, well Saturday evening around 6:00 est.I was at a vender trying to sell an item from
my inventory.While clicking on the item then hitting the sale button I hit a slow lag spike.
The one that is like a ruberband motion.I obviously hit a wrong tab while spiking and when the lag came to a hault
I had just sold my whole inventory except for what was on me.
True I should of had my stuff locked but in my defense, after playing this game for two years now
I have never had this happen.So now I ask why it is that when I send in a ticket I get the "sorry but their is nothing we
can do for you". Well bullsh--.I know better and so do you.This would of never happened if I didn't hit an
bad timed lag spike.YOUR FAULT if you wouldn't of over crowded the server then these spikes would be happing so dam
often.All I am asking for is for you to help me get my stuff back and you say you can't.Even knowing that with the new mode
we have a 24 hour grace period in which we can by back vendered items.I know you could help if you wanted to
and that your lazy ass in game support could do a better job of helping when needed.
QUESTION are you trying to push the ones that have been here for a while away to AOC or are you just being
lazy and helping only the ones in your inner circle.I can promise that the rapier collection I just lost is by far
one of the most impressive on this server.Took two years to build and 1 20 sec lag to destroy.Complete B.S Thanks for your
support Turbine.No wonder so many have left this game for others. ALL I WANT IS MY STUFF BACK.

05-31-2008, 09:11 PM
if only you waited til tuesday to do that, theres a buyback option in mod 7

05-31-2008, 09:16 PM
Funny thing is that they say they cant help me now but in three days they could of.
A bunch of ass

05-31-2008, 10:03 PM
You do know there is a LOCK ITEM button to prevent you from selling "lock" items to the vender.
That be your fault for not locking your items.
I have not lost a lock items to a vender with lag.
AOC is not even worth the $50 I played it and compared to DDO, AOC is WOW with a muture theme and pretty gfx, buggy gameplay with lots of grind just to lv.

05-31-2008, 10:32 PM
Next time read the whole post before shooting off you thoughts.At least have the common sense to read before giving your 2 cents worth.I stated that Yes I should of had my items locked but I also said that this has never happened to me before and I never had the problem of needing my items locked.Whoever now that this has happened FOR THE FIRST TIME TO ME I can promise taht all my **** will be locked.For the record if I never hit a lag spike while vending this this wouldn't of happened to begin with .THAT WOULD NOT BE MY FAULT.All I was asking for is a little help in getting my stuff back when I know they can.

05-31-2008, 10:42 PM
Next time read the whole post before shooting off you thoughts.At least have the common sense to read before giving your 2 cents worth.I stated that Yes I should of had my items locked but I also said that this has never happened to me before and I never had the problem of needing my items locked.Whoever now that this has happened FOR THE FIRST TIME TO ME I can promise taht all my **** will be locked.For the record if I never hit a lag spike while vending this this wouldn't of happened to begin with .THAT WOULD NOT BE MY FAULT.All I was asking for is a little help in getting my stuff back when I know they can.

if you have been here 2 yrs then

1. you should have known to lock your gear, whether its happened to you before or not.

2. you should know that you wont get your items back, period.

3. you should know whining on the forums about it wil not help.

05-31-2008, 10:47 PM
im from the argo server and i had a similar thing happen except it was a +2 wisdom tome i was gonna save for my monk. i tried to put it in the bank as soon as i pulled it and in transfering from backpack to bank i hit lag and it "fell" in between my bank and backpack so the promt came up to destroy item and i clicked no and it ate it on me and applied the wisdom to my toon. i contacted a senior dm because they are the only ones who actually do help you, and i explained that i didnt mean to use the tome and would really like it if they could remove the +2 wisdom off my toon and regenerate the tome which i had no intention on using and made no sense on the toon i used it on. they also told me to stick it, lol which bites because it was not that i was looking for a freebie, i was just looking to get back what game lag caused.

05-31-2008, 11:00 PM
It's doesnt really matter if u lock stuff it still disappears.... but I guess it has less of a chance than just accidentally selling stuff. But thats why love DDO it's always full of surprises never know what bug u might find next..... or in ur case when the lag will hit next.

But I'll agree with u some what .... it's either they dont have the system or they just dont want too use it but I found out of all MMO'S most do have some type of system that allows dev teams or whoever too look back at the time whenever a problem occured and what caused it. In most cases u r SOL but I know a few ppl on other MMO game's actually got there stuff back because it was a game fault.

05-31-2008, 11:05 PM
if you have have been here 2 yrs then

1. you should have known to lock your gear, whether its happened to you before or not.

2. you should know that you wont get your items back, period.

3. you should know whining on the forums about it wil not help.

1. I did say i should of had my stuff locked ( so learn how to read)
2. As far as not getting my gear back ...well that is BS because they could if they wanted to.
3. As far as whining on forums go...well if I dont complain about it , then how does it ever get fixed. It is called expressing a complaint not whining. Last but not least if you dont like what I wrote then dont read it and keep ytour coments to yourself while your sitting in your mommas basement piking for a meal.

05-31-2008, 11:23 PM
maybe an 'iron safe of holding' could be introduced to store those precious items in. Not even xray vision could tell you what is inside!

05-31-2008, 11:31 PM
Does DDO take your items if so I have the safe for you. It's called THE SAFE FROM DDO SAFE or TSFDS. It makes it so all your items are safe from DM's,DEV members,gliches,bugs,and the occational lag, this can all be your's now for a new low price of 100pp so call now.

P.s. no C.O.D.'s and must pay 100pp shipping and handling.

06-01-2008, 03:30 AM
1. I did say i should of had my stuff locked ( so learn how to read)
2. As far as not getting my gear back ...well that is BS because they could if they wanted to.
3. As far as whining on forums go...well if I dont complain about it , then how does it ever get fixed. It is called expressing a complaint not whining. Last but not least if you dont like what I wrote then dont read it and keep ytour coments to yourself while your sitting in your mommas basement piking for a meal.

heh, it wasnt a personal attack man, really. I was only stating the obvious, things you probably knew as you were typing the original post. There are dozens of posts about the same **** thing. Nothing is ever resolved about lost gear. If you dont like the honesty of my reply, dont create such a useless thread.

06-01-2008, 04:01 AM
I had a wish cake bugg out on me. I asked for unimagined wealth and it gave me hams :)

06-01-2008, 04:11 AM
I had a wish cake bugg out on me. I asked for unimagined wealth and it gave me hams :)

Mine gave me a tummy ache ...:(:p;):D

06-01-2008, 02:50 PM
Mr. DM, I sold something I didn't want to sell. Could you wade through piles and piles of barely legible data, find the exact item I sold, trudge through more data to confirm it was sold to by my toon and for what price, and then screw with the game coding and give me my item back? Possibly spending up to 1 hour during busy times to track down the stuff that I could have not mistakenly sold simply by using current functionality features, that anyone who actually cares about their gear knows to use, when you could be tracking down and deleting spammer accounts to keep the game clean and prevent my friends and I from *****ing at you about all the spam tells we're receiving?


06-02-2008, 12:37 AM
Mr. DM, I sold something I didn't want to sell. Could you wade through piles and piles of barely legible data, find the exact item I sold, trudge through more data to confirm it was sold to by my toon and for what price, and then screw with the game coding and give me my item back? Possibly spending up to 1 hour during busy times to track down the stuff that I could have not mistakenly sold simply by using current functionality features, that anyone who actually cares about their gear knows to use, when you could be tracking down and deleting spammer accounts to keep the game clean and prevent my friends and I from *****ing at you about all the spam tells we're receiving?


Did you really think that it takes that much work for them to check on a player and his gear? Get a clue on how the game works before trying to be cute and attrack attention to yourself.You know my kids use to attrack attention by $hitting their diapers and then wanting changed.The spam isn't ever going to change how about you use your own addvice and use the in game functions to squelch the spammers wow's theres an idea.Either way I am not that upset anymore exspecially when I know it is partly my fault for not locking my stuff down.Alot of it has been replaced and some of it will just have to be looted some lucky day.Either way they are putting in a by back function in 2 days anyway.So this shouldn't be a problem again.OHH wait my bad to do that they are going to have to Could you wade through piles and piles of barely legible data, find the exact item I sold, trudge through more data to confirm it was sold to by my toon and for what price, and then screw with the game coding and give me my item back? Possibly spending up to 1 hour during busy times to track down the stuff that I could have not mistakenly sold simply by using current functionality features, that anyone who actually cares about their gear knows to use, when you could be tracking down .

06-02-2008, 07:04 AM
Get a clue on how the game works before trying to be cute and attrack attention to yourself.

Someone should take his own advice. I even left the typo in there for you. Don't come to forums with your ineffectual whining and then blast people with your crappy attitude when they give you what you came here looking for: attention.

06-02-2008, 07:11 AM
how about reading what you are selling first. Gotta love this world you make a mistake and yell at others for YOUR mistake. I love this new society. No one is ever accountable for their own actions.

06-02-2008, 07:17 AM
No one is ever accountable for their own actions.

Amen to that brutha!

06-02-2008, 09:28 AM
You're arguing with a guy who thinks babies **** themselves just to get his attention. It's something he must have learned as a child hmself - just look at his posts.

06-02-2008, 09:43 AM
All sympathy I had for you, left. Your snotty attitude and method of responding to people leads me to care not for your plight.

Heck, on this server, having your plight, being a good chap about it, and not sounding like an illiterate mook, would warrant help rebuilding your collection....

I have many friends who play or played WOW and AOC, and more. They all say our Forums, our interaction with the Devs, and DM assistance is on the whole, FAR superior to other MMO's. Now it may not seem like that at times, but Those who come from other games know whats up.

Devs talking with players this frequently is like cats playing with dogs, argo respecting ghallandra, and twerp and cupcake getting married... :-)
(i love that last one!)

-the always funny dogchair

06-02-2008, 12:27 PM

Just drop it, I know you're p***ed, we talked about it yesterday, but poking at other posters isn't helping your case. Send an impassioned plea to tech assistance or a PM to +Sparker or something, but don't grind it up on our forums. It's just asking for bad blood. Count to 10 and breathe. Re-read your posts. Now that you have, I'm gonna hit you on the nose with the newspaper......bad Sweets, bad.

If you take the time to explain what exactly what happened, when, to what vendor, and ask nice if someone in tech can go back to an in-game data save point (forget what they are called atm), maybe they can fix it like they did with the bank thing. That's how they fix it, look back at a previous back-up and notice the discrepencies. It may take some time, like the bank job, but you gotta plead your case without malice and have some patience.

Dude, and you know those jokers working in-game as GM's at first level are as dumb as a box of rocks (well maybe not in RL, but we all know they play that way in-game). You're way too vetern and repected to come off like a 10-year-old who didn't get the cereal he wanted in the supermarket.

/mom voice on: "Start over from square one and we'll let it slide this time young man. Any more lip from you and I'll wash your mouth out with soap and put you in time-out for release day." :D /mom voice off

Luv ya dude, let me give you a hug, ....oh...and snowmann's still g*y ;)

06-02-2008, 12:48 PM
Actaully, I hit <Add All> then aparently <SELL> on my Main the other day without any lag at all.... COuld of sworn I was on Repair tab .. WHen I logged back into him the next.... day and saw al those empty spaces I was quite confused..... Luckily, I'm pretty adamant about locking stuff (As it makes selling much easier) but never realized you culd Lock Consumables and still actually use them (Silly Me....)

The stack of Mana Pots was my single greatst loss there, and a few weapons aI was saving to Put onthe AH...

Got all my stuff locked now.

06-02-2008, 01:08 PM
.Either way they are putting in a by back function in 2 days anyway.So this shouldn't be a problem again.OHH wait my bad to do that they are going to have to Could you wade through piles and piles of barely legible data, find the exact item I sold, trudge through more data to confirm it was sold to by my toon and for what price, and then screw with the game coding and give me my item back? Possibly spending up to 1 hour during busy times to track down the stuff that I could have not mistakenly sold simply by using current functionality features, that anyone who actually cares about their gear knows to use, when you could be tracking down .

You know, there is a huge difference between the game having a function that keeps track of what you've sold and having a DM try to figure out what you've sold. Just because they are putting something into the game soon that will automatically track that information doesn't mean a DM isn't going to have to try to dig through logs for hours trying to verify your claims now.

06-02-2008, 02:05 PM
Insulting one another and breaking forum rules isn't going to result in getting assistance.