View Full Version : Developers need to quit playing AOC and answer tickets

05-18-2008, 10:54 PM
50 minutes in a lowbie ( lvl 9) run through chains of flame waiting for a key and no response on multiple tickets from multiple players... THIS IS WHY PEOPLE LEAVE... DO YOU NOT GET IT????????????

05-18-2008, 10:56 PM
Customer service from GMs is sometimes spotty, but people putting in multiple tickets is part of the problem. It slows down responses as 6+ tickets need to be cleared to deal with 1 problem. It in no way speeds things up. You are being part of the problem.

05-18-2008, 10:57 PM

05-18-2008, 10:57 PM
No they are the problem. An hour in a quest because a key did not drop please that is insane. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the multiple tickets and realize there is a huge **** problem.

05-18-2008, 11:00 PM
hehe, nice title there Dark, but you meant GM, not Devs.

Anyway, I agree... 50 minutes is just plain riddiculous.

05-18-2008, 11:05 PM
3rd guy that posted a ticket 30 minutes after original received the first response... HUNH??? First come first served???

05-18-2008, 11:10 PM
3rd guy that posted a ticket 30 minutes after original received the first response... HUNH??? First come first served???

I can't do nothing but laugh... xD

05-18-2008, 11:17 PM
and they closed my ticket without a word to me that is rediculous

05-18-2008, 11:28 PM
and they closed my ticket without a word to me that is rediculous

Why they heck would they bother to talk to you? They can see the group of you were together. And as to which they picked, no reason for it not to be random once they saw you were together.

Anyone who has worked a help line knows mutiple calls on the same problem only slows things down. Not for you, but the guy behind you. Maybe 10 groups like you were ahead of you that were part of the problem, you certainly slowed things for all those behind you.

50 min response time is too slow, nothing new there. But you aren't helping, you are making it worse.

05-18-2008, 11:46 PM
yeah...i wasn't gonna post, but the 'multiple ticket' issue doesn't slow things down for the people doing it, it slows things down for the people coming after... so if the group before you did the same thing you did, there's a good chance that slowed your response time down.

05-19-2008, 12:07 AM
waiting more than 5 minutes aint worth the aggravation.
Just bail and do again or do something else.
50 minutes is a lot of time.

I learned a long time ago to just restart or move on...for me, there is no enjoyment no matter what the dungeon is.

just me way to not get crazy perturbed and enjoy the game....

lol....age of conan...

05-19-2008, 01:04 AM
No they need to play AOC to get more ideas for this game.

Its almost always worth it to restart rather than putting in a ticket. I would put the over under at 2 hours.

05-19-2008, 05:37 AM
as evidenced by the help they offer they clearly dont play ddo, nevermind any other games so what makes u think they are playing aoc?

05-19-2008, 05:42 AM
and they closed my ticket without a word to me that is rediculous

May be he saw your ticket and did not want to talk to a person who was not being as nice as the other person who simmited a ticket after the one one you submitted

05-19-2008, 07:49 AM
Yep, GM time is very very very very rare it seems. Was in a group in a quest and the last boss just dissappeared. We waited for about 10 min and he never came back so I said "Lets recall, break group and do again."

The response was . . . No we are at the end, I will put in a ticket. Now it took us about 30-40 min to get to the end. 50+ minutes later, still waiting on ticket and I said . . .

"Hey, I have an idea! Lets break group, reform and do again." And we did, finished the quest, moved on to another one, etc. and NEVER had a GM contact us.

05-19-2008, 07:52 AM
I always get really fast gm response time, monday-friday 8-5pm any other time... pretty slow.

odd that they have the most GM's on when there isn't as many players

05-19-2008, 08:30 AM
I always get really fast gm response time, monday-friday 8-5pm any other time... pretty slow.

odd that they have the most GM's on when there isn't as many players

More than likely, it is the same number of GMs, but fewer players submitting tickets. Fewer tickets, faster response time.

Fewer tickets, faster response time is exactly why groups/people who submit multiple tickets annoy me to no end. It might take 10 minutes to research and resolve a ticket, but it still takes 5 minutes each to research and close duplicate tickets. In a party of six, that's 10 minutes for the resolved ticket and 20 minutes for the duplicates if every person submitted one. That means the group after you had to wait 20 minutes because of your group's five duplicate submissions.

The OP probably waited 30 of the 50 minutes for people just like him submitting duplicate tickets.

05-19-2008, 08:50 AM
No, the Developers need to stop playing with their Quivering Palms (attack that is)

05-19-2008, 08:56 AM
If a quest bugs just do it over because more than likely you won't get helped anyway. I've had several quests bug, put in a ticket and waited. I received a GM response and was basically told they couldn't help me. So aside from harassment issues I wouldn't bother putting in a ticket on a bugged quest it's faster to just redo the quest and hope it doesn't bug out. It's just a waste of your time waiting.

05-19-2008, 09:09 AM
As i stated above in the posts the person who actually got the GM and got the key dropped for us submitted his ticket ~30minutes post inital realization that the quest was bugged...

The reason for not restarting is that we have a few players that have children and therefore have set playing hours, and it is a whole lot easier to pacify the Waggro by saying we are waiting for a GM to fix this so we can finish rather than say "sorry honey we just started this hour long quest even though i was supposed to be off in 15 minutes" And before anyone says why run a quest that you know will put you over time limits reread what i wrote we started with ample time... We should have finished in 75 minutes but with the 57 minute wait we finished in 132 minutes. which was 30+ minutes overtime for those players...

My rant in the OP was just to state that the wait time is insane... Who cares that multiple people file tickets... If the GM's are not answering them in a first come first served basis it doesnt matter if i file one or a hundred if they are just picking random tickets... again read my ticket filed 30 minutes before other players his answered not mine.

As for the answering whomever is nicer... i got a BIG WHAT T. F. for that! Answer whomever is first PERIOD! I dont care if the person cusses you from here to china and back you are in CUSTOMER SERVICE that means hmmm last time i checked your job is to i dunno service the customers? and according to the ticket it says first come first served kinda like McDonalds.

If you were on a tour bus and you all stopped at fast food place and you all were eating. YOu all would have the same objective. get in get food get out... Kinda like a quest everyone wants to get in get xp/loot and get out. If you were the first person in line and your buddy was behind you and they skipped you and took him first how would you feel?? even if he got your food too you would still be peeved for getting overlooked and not addressed by the customer service people right???

so why do we allow them to continually peeve us? Please dont take this as a Im leaving post cause i am not and probably wont until the game is shut down. unfortunatly i enjoy the game and all my friends that i can keep in touch with by using it even though we are states away...

anyway i am still a little ticked but will that stop me from running it again tonight... doubtful... I just wish that the GM's would do their jobs and fix stuff when called upon.

this is my last post on the subject have a good day

05-19-2008, 09:37 AM
May be he saw your ticket and did not want to talk to a person who was not being as nice as the other person who simmited a ticket after the one one you submitted

This is what happened.

GM's tend to just blatantly ignore people that are belligerent in their ticket submissions.

05-19-2008, 09:42 AM
This is what happened.

This might explain why I never had issue with GMs...

05-19-2008, 09:44 AM
In chains of flames the first key can open both doors, if people open the door closest to the entrance they have to featherfall down to other key to get back on track. But it also not the first time the key fell down to magma below and we had to get a swimmer and a demension door.

05-19-2008, 09:48 AM
This might explain why I never had issue with GMs...

Being nice works like a charm. I have been the person that submitted the ticket after another and had the first response, due to the wording of the ticket.

If given a choice, the GM will choose the most amiable person.

05-19-2008, 10:04 AM
Customer Service Rep/=Whipping Post.

Customer service reps don't get paid to be abused and if someone is verbally abusive, then that person should expect to get no help. Most call centers/helpdesks have policies stating that their employees need not deal with a "person cusses you from here to china and back." I've had to call about my account/in-game issues and my kid's LOTRO account on a few occasions. I'm nice. I say please and thank you. I've gotten prompt, courteous service and a combined total of three months free play time because of it.

OP, you might not care about multiple ticket issues, but guess what. It's a problem and it is why you waited and why the rest of us wait longer than we should have to wait. If you get mad about slow response times, then quit slowing them down.

If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

05-19-2008, 10:10 AM
50 minutes in a lowbie ( lvl 9) run through chains of flame waiting for a key and no response on multiple tickets from multiple players... THIS IS WHY PEOPLE LEAVE... DO YOU NOT GET IT????????????

50 minutes wow that was quick. Ive had them take more then an hour to respond then another 30 min to esclate to tell me they couldn't do anything about the problem. thats why I no longer use the ingame guys.

05-19-2008, 10:14 AM
Alright i am back... first of all it was the final key not one of the first rooms and the entire quest was done all prisoners freed, ransack, conquest and traps done.

Second as to all the "you must have been mean to them" people out there I was very amiable in my ticket. i stated the issues and politely asked for help. i didnt become irate until having waited 30+ minutes for the final key to open the last door to the final fight. The real piece de le resitance was when after almost an hour 51 minutes to be exact from my first post, which again was very nice and polite, the gm answered the other persons ticket first then closed mine without an aknowledgement. I dont need a sorry for making you wait i know your time is valuable or anything like that i jsut wanted them to be doing their job...

I am not normally a person that does belittle or berate CS people as my wife is a manager in a retail store. I have learned from her stories the value of a little sugar rather than a whole lot of salt. Sugar makes everything go smoother. however again when having waited 50 minutes and no response and the ticket was closed that is asinine.

so long and short sum up... last room final key 50+ minute wait kill bosses in 5 min. 132min total completion. 75 minutes to run vs 50 minute wait still worth it... Just looking for a rationale as to why the gms not doing job properly...

and with that (unless someone directly comments to me) i really am gone later all

05-19-2008, 11:54 AM
Alright i am back... first of all it was the final key not one of the first rooms and the entire quest was done all prisoners freed, ransack, conquest and traps done.

Second as to all the "you must have been mean to them" people out there I was very amiable in my ticket. i stated the issues and politely asked for help. i didnt become irate until having waited 30+ minutes for the final key to open the last door to the final fight. The real piece de le resitance was when after almost an hour 51 minutes to be exact from my first post, which again was very nice and polite, the gm answered the other persons ticket first then closed mine without an aknowledgement. I dont need a sorry for making you wait i know your time is valuable or anything like that i jsut wanted them to be doing their job...

I am not normally a person that does belittle or berate CS people as my wife is a manager in a retail store. I have learned from her stories the value of a little sugar rather than a whole lot of salt. Sugar makes everything go smoother. however again when having waited 50 minutes and no response and the ticket was closed that is asinine.

so long and short sum up... last room final key 50+ minute wait kill bosses in 5 min. 132min total completion. 75 minutes to run vs 50 minute wait still worth it... Just looking for a rationale as to why the gms not doing job properly...

and with that (unless someone directly comments to me) i really am gone later all

Face it Dark they just don't like you or any of us for that matter! :D

05-19-2008, 12:54 PM
This is what happened.

GM's tend to just blatantly ignore people that are belligerent in their ticket submissions.

It's CUSTOMER SERVICE. You have to deal with irate customers sometimes. They should have neither the latitude nor the ability to simply ignore someone who "hurt their feelings". Granted, the customer should do their best to remain civil and adult, but unfortunately that doesn't always happen. I've worked in sales and knwo this first hand.

Any GM that ignores trouble tickets should be FIRED. IMMEDIATELY.

05-19-2008, 01:03 PM
Any GM that ignores trouble tickets should be FIRED. IMMEDIATELY.

I disagree. You receive what you get.

Don't want to be ignored? Be nice and polite. It's not the GM's fault if the quest bugged on you.

05-19-2008, 01:04 PM
Well you know Rowans golden rule... BE NICE!!!

That being said I have never had a big issue with getting a response...

I also know when I hit the more than 15 minute mark, just redo the quest... its quicker...

Seriously... multiple tickets just mean they have to weed through more to find the problem...

So one ticket per group please, nicely worded, have the nice person speak to the gm and see if it works out...

I will admit, it does seem to take too long, but then I lack patience on occasion :D

See ya in Stormreach,


05-19-2008, 01:09 PM
Well you know Rowans golden rule... BE PINK!!!


05-19-2008, 01:21 PM
I thought there was a minimum of 2tickets/response...3 preferred...

To ensure they are not wasting time on solo players.

Always get 2 to post...5 min seperation.
2nd one should always be ready for the first response..

always worked that way in my experience.

05-19-2008, 01:26 PM
Out of all the times I have put in a ticket only one was more than 15 min wait for a GM response to a bugged quest. And that was the day after mod4 release and they got to me in 22 min. I truly believe its all in how you word your ticket as to how fast you get a response. I am always very nice and polite while giving a short but detailed account of what has gone wrong. But, still if the quest is short or the group I am in isn't to far into the quest. I always advise them to recall, reform and start over. But I still put in a bug report because if it happens once it will happen again and they need to know about it so they can check.

05-19-2008, 01:31 PM
It's CUSTOMER SERVICE. You have to deal with irate customers sometimes. They should have neither the latitude nor the ability to simply ignore someone who "hurt their feelings". Granted, the customer should do their best to remain civil and adult, but unfortunately that doesn't always happen. I've worked in sales and knwo this first hand.

Any GM that ignores trouble tickets should be FIRED. IMMEDIATELY.

I disagree. I have in two jobs had the customer service department report to me. The customer is not always right. Most CS trainers will instruct staff to tolerate a certain level of rudeness, but at the point someone is outright rude or beligerent you end the conversation. Obscene complaint letters are not responded to.

Yes, annoyed you understand and tolerate, but there is a line and no staff member should ever be expected to deal with people that treat them like chipmunk funk.

Please keep in mind that the long delay is a function of staffing level's (Turbine's fault) not the CS rep's fault. Why take it out on them?

That said... It would be nice if GM staffing levels were bumped a bit so that we could get the target resonse time down to something reasonable like 10-15 min.

05-19-2008, 01:35 PM
It's CUSTOMER SERVICE. You have to deal with irate customers sometimes. They should have neither the latitude nor the ability to simply ignore someone who "hurt their feelings". Granted, the customer should do their best to remain civil and adult, but unfortunately that doesn't always happen. I've worked in sales and knwo this first hand.

Any GM that ignores trouble tickets should be FIRED. IMMEDIATELY.

It has nothing to do with hurt feelings, it has everything to do with wasting your time. Irate customers complaining in negative ways often are difficult to gather any useful information from, and often have no interest in actually being helped but rather want to be heard. GM's don't have the time to waste on some jerk, much more expedient to let the jerk steam and help multiple nice people in the time it would take to help the jerk while putting up with his attitude.

This isn't sales, either. It's a VIDEO GAME.

05-19-2008, 01:48 PM
GM's are beyond worthless. They steal money from Turbine everyday, which I don't really have a problem with since Turbine can't come to the realization just how worthless GM's are (or worse, encourages them to do nothing). GM's have probably caused quite a few people to quit the game. So in my estimation they are far more of a hindrance than a help to the health of this game.

Out of all the times I have put in a ticket only one was more than 15 min wait for a GM response to a bugged quest. And that was the day after mod4 release and they got to me in 22 min. I truly believe its all in how you word your ticket as to how fast you get a response. I am always very nice and polite while giving a short but detailed account of what has gone wrong.

There is no doubt that if you are concise, detailed, and curteous as a customer, you will almost always get the same from a customer service rep. However, a customer service rep should probably deal with the angry person first as they are in a more irrational state and would be more likely to end their business relations with the company.

I disagree. I have in two jobs had the customer service department report to me. The customer is not always right. Most CS trainers will instruct staff to tolerate a certain level of rudeness, but at the point someone is outright rude or beligerent you end the conversation. Obscene complaint letters are not responded to.

Yes, annoyed you understand and tolerate, but there is a line and no staff member should ever be expected to deal with people that treat them like chipmunk funk.

Please keep in mind that the long delay is a function of staffing level's (Turbine's fault) not the CS rep's fault. Why take it out on them?

That said... It would be nice if GM staffing levels were bumped a bit so that we could get the target resonse time down to something reasonable like 10-15 min..

I'll comment on the last statement first. I think if Turbine had the disposable income to hire more GM's they probably would. More isn't the solution however. Skilled is the solution. Quality trumps quantity in this case.

The customer is always right is a figure of speech. It's a creed that good customer service people use to motivate themselves to help and satisfy the customer. Of course the customer is not always right, but losing money is the worst thing a business can do. Skilled customer service people can always diffuse someone's anger, whether the customer right or wrong. It's not that hard. Empathy is a good start. Not taking a customer's tirade personally is a good policy. It's easier to calm someone down if you remain calm yourself. Companies that offer a service will inevitably have unsatisfied customers. Service oriented businesses have much more of a burden satisfying customers as opposed to product based customers. Customers can always just return a product. When service is involved it becomes more personal. It's impossible to return a service after all, and money back isn't always the best option. Realizing this makes dealing with unsatisfied customers much easier. That said, unfortunately good customer service is a dying art. Somewhere along the way companies kept cutting costs to make more money. It seems customer service was a casualty.

This isn't sales, either. It's a VIDEO GAME.

I'm not sure what you mean here. People create and develop video games to sell and make as much money as they can. It's one the most lucrative, if not the most lucrative entertainment market in existence (gambling and prostitution being its only rival as I see it).

05-19-2008, 04:37 PM
I disagree. I have in two jobs had the customer service department report to me. The customer is not always right. Most CS trainers will instruct staff to tolerate a certain level of rudeness, but at the point someone is outright rude or beligerent you end the conversation. Obscene complaint letters are not responded to.

Yes, annoyed you understand and tolerate, but there is a line and no staff member should ever be expected to deal with people that treat them like chipmunk funk.

Please keep in mind that the long delay is a function of staffing level's (Turbine's fault) not the CS rep's fault. Why take it out on them?

That said... It would be nice if GM staffing levels were bumped a bit so that we could get the target resonse time down to something reasonable like 10-15 min.

I am lumping GM's in with CS here as I feel that GM's fufill a CS-type role.

Oh rest assured, the customer is NOT always right. You'll never hear me say that. However, when dealing with the public, you do have to have a thick skin. Sometimes people are just rude, because that's the way they are. Perhaps they are having a bad day already and you're not getting them at their best. Perhaps they are tools. All the same from my perspective as the reason for that behavior doesn't matter. How you as a representative of the company does. I agree that nobody should tolerate openly hostile behavior. The thing I was responding to for the most part was this posted by Asp:

"GM's tend to just blatantly ignore people that are belligerent in their ticket submissions".

My statement that they should have neither the latitude nor the discretion to do so is based on that statement. I don't see how someone could be beliggerent on a ticket submission in the first place, but regardless it's their job as a GM to respond to these things ingame.

I agree that they should hire more of these shlubs though, and standardize what they can and cannot do. It's unacceptable that two different GM's can give you two different responses to the same problem. Whether it's "just a game" or not is irrelevant. Some of us expect service for our money, even if it is a small amount we spend each month.

05-19-2008, 04:39 PM
WB Riffs! That's my bro right there! CAN YOU DIG IT?

05-19-2008, 04:43 PM
Shlubs? I hope they are taking notes.

05-19-2008, 05:17 PM
But I still put in a bug report because if it happens once it will happen again and they need to know about it so they can check.

You mean I am not the only one that does this?! HOLY ****! :D

05-19-2008, 05:29 PM
LMAO, if I put in a help ticket for chains this is how it would go.

Get tired of waiting, re-run chains.

Run Wiz King

Pick up bowl. Run guildie through to get his bowl.

Do DQ pre

Do DQ raid.

Do Reaver Raid.

Somewhere in between Shroud 1-5 recieve a GM tell, I have no idea why at first because I had forgotten by now I even put in a ticket hours ago.

Help tickets have been so useless, the ONE time it was actually helpful, I just had to take a screenie of it because I knew no one would believe me.

05-19-2008, 05:33 PM
LMAO, if I put in a help ticket for chains this is how it would go.

Get tired of waiting, re-run chains.

Run Wiz King.

Actually, if I get tired of waiting for Chain, I'd not re-run Chains, but I'd go run WK.

05-19-2008, 06:30 PM
No worries they will be back....

looked at screen shots................not impressed
looked at beta footage................even less impressed

05-19-2008, 06:46 PM
No worries they will be back....

looked at screen shots................not impressed
looked at beta footage................even less impressed

LoL, Sorry Father, but if you look at footage from Beta, where DX10 was not enabled, and take all other aspects into consideration, like what program they used to record said footage, what settings they had, what program they used to convert the original into a file appropriate for online DL, then consider what said individuals had for a system make up, you can't possibly make a determination on the game. ESPECIALY about the graphics.

Next, Screen Shots? Again, what settings were the computer taking them able to support, what did they actualy have their settings at, so many things and variable. Again, without knowing these things, you make a judgement? LoL, again.

Next, I have played, in both the open Beta, AND in the Early Access, and both ran smooth for me. Sure, a couple hickups, but look anywhere, other than those who's feelings were hurt because they can't seem to understand that an Early Access that allows just anyone and EVERYONE in isn't Early Access, it would be an Early Release. I am flat out impressed with the smooth EA program, and how well the game is running. The game ISN'T for everyone. Some people will want to try it out, but wont have the computer to support it. If they do, they may not be able to support anything but bare minimal settings. It is revolutionary, meaning it WILL have higher requirements to run well. DDO will always be more than able to cater to those who don't want to invest in hgiher requirements, the size of the file download alone will show that. DDO has years behind it, they will also be able to show a history. You can't argue with that, and neither will I. BUT, to just throw out an OPINION is just plain wrong to do unless you at least have done some research, like playing, and showing what it was you were playing from. First hand knowledge of pplaying a game is far more valuable than someones unbased opinions, especialy when a game hasn't even gone actualy live yet. Again, LoL.

No flaming, just dont like it when people debate ANYTHING with almost NO knowledge of what it is they are speaking of. Are there going to be growing pains, Only a fool would say no. I certainly wont say NO, as if there aren't, then it is as much a miracle as the Early Access having gone as smoothly as it has.

And, for the record, Yes, I DO play BOTH D&DO and AoC.

05-19-2008, 06:49 PM
For the record no DX10 for AoC for 3 months at least...


05-19-2008, 06:51 PM
Then thier web site needs to update footage and screenies...I didn't see these as youtube videos,
I went to thier main page.

so sad to say.....................not impressed
introduction of nudity..........cheesy, if you need bare breasted women to sell the game, you have a problem.

05-19-2008, 06:51 PM
Meah, I put in a ticket because I wanted to run the Reaver and Cydonie wasn't showing in GH.

I logged in and out, she didn't show up.

I logged on to another character and she still wasn't there.

I logged on to a third character who wasn't in GH and she wasn't in the marketplace either.

I shut the game off completely and restarted. She wasn't there.

I went in and out of GH to reload the instance a few times, she was still on her coffee break.

Others could say that they could see her and she was appearing fine for them.

So I put in a politely worded ticket and waited, soloing GH and killed an hour or so (it was just over an hour between sumbiting my ticket and when it was closed). A GM closed my ticket without even talking to me, and Cydonie still wasn't there.

Great 3 characters currently in GH with no way to get out, and another 2 that run around GH with no way to get in. Nice.

GMs and tickets are generally worthless in this game, and if you actually get taken care of it rates as a minor miracle. While my problem was a minor one, it was bothersome because I logged back in a couple hours later after turning off the game in disgust and Cydonie still wasn't there.

Thankfully she was there the next day. But to close my ticket without resolving the problem or talking to me at all shows a complete lack of customer service and professionalism.

05-20-2008, 05:53 AM
In the time it took you to write this thread, spell "Ridiculous" wrong, and wait 50 minutes for a ticket to be answered, think
of all the AoC playtime you could have gotten done.

Really, people who cry about the rain but never do anything about it amuse me..


05-20-2008, 06:05 AM
Meah, I put in a ticket because I wanted to run the Reaver and Cydonie wasn't showing in GH.

I logged in and out, she didn't show up.

I logged on to another character and she still wasn't there.

I logged on to a third character who wasn't in GH and she wasn't in the marketplace either.

I shut the game off completely and restarted. She wasn't there.

I went in and out of GH to reload the instance a few times, she was still on her coffee break.

Others could say that they could see her and she was appearing fine for them.

So I put in a politely worded ticket and waited, soloing GH and killed an hour or so (it was just over an hour between sumbiting my ticket and when it was closed). A GM closed my ticket without even talking to me, and Cydonie still wasn't there.

Great 3 characters currently in GH with no way to get out, and another 2 that run around GH with no way to get in. Nice.

GMs and tickets are generally worthless in this game, and if you actually get taken care of it rates as a minor miracle. While my problem was a minor one, it was bothersome because I logged back in a couple hours later after turning off the game in disgust and Cydonie still wasn't there.

Thankfully she was there the next day. But to close my ticket without resolving the problem or talking to me at all shows a complete lack of customer service and professionalism.

Not sure if help tickets are tied to the account or the character but is it possible amidst all of your character switching the GM missed you?

If they just closed your ticked and never said a word to you then that is bad form. But without the facts i dont think its fair to them
to assign blame without knowing the underlying conditions.

As far as having characters stuck in gianthold, couldnt you have just partied up with a wizard high enough to cast
portal and gotten out that way?

Or am I missing something here?


05-20-2008, 06:05 AM
No they are the problem. An hour in a quest because a key did not drop please that is insane. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the multiple tickets and realize there is a huge **** problem.

Just rerun the quest...

it takes about 15 minutes, or 30 with a very low level party(level 10-11).

Unless you spent 90 bajillion Mnemonics, no real loss.

05-20-2008, 09:13 AM
This is what happened.

GM's tend to just blatantly ignore people that are belligerent in their ticket submissions.
I don't know about that.
I am always very polite in my tickets and to date, I have never, not even 1 time, been helped by a GM.
The only times I have even gotten a response the response was....
"there is nothing I can do to help you. Is there anything else I can help you with?"...
What kinda S**t is that?

05-20-2008, 09:34 AM
How truly sad that people have to work so hard to find ways in which to pin the complaints about inadequacies of this game on the people complaining.

The OP did not recieve proper service because he isn't nice enough.
I LoL'd when I read this...people are walking by my office lookin at me funny.

Can someone please post the nice-o-meter so we all know if we're in the right zone in order to get a GM to answer us?

LoL again.

05-20-2008, 09:41 AM
I don't know about that.
I am always very polite in my tickets and to date, I have never, not even 1 time, been helped by a GM.
The only times I have even gotten a response the response was....
"there is nothing I can do to help you. Is there anything else I can help you with?"...
What kinda S**t is that?

That's usually the same response I get. But at least it's a response. It's pretty rare that I submit a ticket that isn't responded to within 15 minutes.

How truly sad that people have to work so hard to find ways in which to pin the complaints about inadequacies of this game on the people complaining.

The OP did not recieve proper service because he isn't nice enough.
I LoL'd when I read this...people are walking by my office lookin at me funny.

Can someone please post the nice-o-meter so we all know if we're in the right zone in order to get a GM to answer us?

LoL again.
You can laugh and call it lame all you want. It's a simple fact. The GM's don't respond to belligerent ticket submissions very quickly. What makes me laugh is that you want to pin the mistakes of the user on the company.

05-20-2008, 10:13 AM
That's usually the same response I get. But at least it's a response. It's pretty rare that I submit a ticket that isn't responded to within 15 minutes.

You can laugh and call it lame all you want. It's a simple fact. The GM's don't respond to belligerent ticket submissions very quickly. What makes me laugh is that you want to pin the mistakes of the user on the company.

What time do you play?...
Maybe its just better on your server but on Khyber Pfffft I usually run the quest again...run 3 or 4 more quests and then I MIGHT get a response.
Satya had a point man...it is pretty bad from a customer service POV

05-20-2008, 10:25 AM
i waited for 4 hours vefore completely giving up for a gm on a gianthold quest (i think it was foundation). i just wanted to see how long it would take them to respond, but i eventually had to log and go to bed. i wont even bother with a gm anymore.

[edit] on khyber

05-20-2008, 10:25 AM
What time do you play?...
Maybe its just better on your server but on Khyber Pfffft I usually run the quest again...run 3 or 4 more quests and then I MIGHT get a response.
Satya had a point man...it is pretty bad from a customer service POV

Depends, the normal range is about 4ish PM CST to about 10 or 11 PM CST.

How is it bad from a customer service POV? Wal-Mart won't deal with a belligerent customer, either. "The customer is always right" is a garbage statement made by people that don't understand CS. (not that you said it)

05-20-2008, 11:07 AM
Depends, the normal range is about 4ish PM CST to about 10 or 11 PM CST.

How is it bad from a customer service POV? Wal-Mart won't deal with a belligerent customer, either. "The customer is always right" is a garbage statement made by people that don't understand CS. (not that you said it)
Bro I'm not saying they should stand for abuse but, the service is dismal at best.
I've played tons of MMO's(not WOW though) and the GM response time, in my experience has been abysmal in this one.
Hell even City of Heros had less than a 5 min response time.
Point is, if what the GM's are doing is helping the nicest customers first that's just sad, bad business and just plain wrong.
I own my own business so my whole life is CS.
If I operated this way....bam out of business.
They are lucky to be graced with a hard core base group of people that loved PnP and all things D&D.
Guys like you and Quanefel and the like will defend Turbine to death and I respect that.
I'll defend them to a point as well.
I just think it's sad that our love for this game will always go unrequited.

05-20-2008, 11:10 AM
Bro I'm not saying they should stand for abuse but, the service is dismal at best.
I've played tons of MMO's(not WOW though) and the GM response time, in my experience has been abysmal in this one.
Hell even City of Heros had less than a 5 min response time.
Point is, if what the GM's are doing is helping the nicest customers first that's just sad, bad business and just plain wrong.
I own my own business so my whole life is CS.
If I operated this way....bam out of business.
They are lucky to be graced with a hard core base group of people that loved PnP and all things D&D.
Guys like you and Quanefel and the like will defend Turbine to death and I respect that.
I'll defend them to a point as well.
I just think it's sad that our love for this game will always go unrequited.

I dont defend Turbine to the death, I'm just not exceedingly quick to point my finger in their direction when there is a more logical answer from my perspective. I don't suffer long GM waits, it's a very very rare occurrence.

05-20-2008, 11:14 AM
Skilled customer service people can always diffuse someone's anger, whether the customer right or wrong. It's not that hard. Empathy is a good start. Not taking a customer's tirade personally is a good policy. It's easier to calm someone down if you remain calm yourself.

As someone who has worked in customer service for more than five years, and is considered by co-workers and customers to be the best CS person at my store, I know this is not always the case. There are some customers who either can't be satisfied or do not want to be satisfied. Perhaps they had a bad day and want to take it out on someone, or perhaps they are just a jerk who enjoys causing trouble, but either way, they won't be satisfied regardless of what you do. Part of being a good CS person is recognizing when this is the case, and cutting the person loose so that you can move on to someone with a problem that you can resolve.

05-20-2008, 11:15 AM
I dont defend Turbine to the death, I'm just not exceedingly quick to point my finger in their direction when there is a more logical answer from my perspective. I don't suffer long GM waits, it's a very very rare occurrence.
You my friend, are in the very lucky minority...
we should do a survey...
it would be telling..
No, even better, they should do that survey next..

What's your normal wait time for a GM response?


Heres mine.....at least 1 hour if at all

05-20-2008, 11:21 AM
As someone who has worked in customer service for more than five years, and is considered by co-workers and customers to be the best CS person at my store, I know this is not always the case. There are some customers who either can't be satisfied or do not want to be satisfied. Perhaps they had a bad day and want to take it out on someone, or perhaps they are just a jerk who enjoys causing trouble, but either way, they won't be satisfied regardless of what you do. Part of being a good CS person is recognizing when this is the case, and cutting the person loose so that you can move on to someone with a problem that you can resolve.
how long do your customers wait to talk to you?
I can promise you the longer it is, the madder they will get.
Do you just openly dismiss the ones that are a little angry? They do.
The worst part is even when you get a response....
the response is no help.
wait an hour for no help.
should we be angry then?...
Is it still our fault then?

05-20-2008, 11:35 AM
how long do your customers wait to talk to you?
I can promise you the longer it is, the madder they will get.
Do you just openly dismiss the ones that are a little angry? They do.
The worst part is even when you get a response....
the response is no help.
wait an hour for no help.
should we be angry then?...
Is it still our fault then?

I've never interacted with any of the DDO staff, so I cannot make an accurate reply one way or the other.

05-20-2008, 11:36 AM
What's your normal wait time for a GM response?


Heres mine.....at least 1 hour if at all

I'd say around 15-20 minutes.

I've only gave up once, because it took over 45 minutes. It was 3 am so...

05-20-2008, 11:41 AM
You my friend, are in the very lucky minority...
we should do a survey...
it would be telling..
No, even better, they should do that survey next..

What's your normal wait time for a GM response?


Heres mine.....at least 1 hour if at all

15-20 minutes.

05-20-2008, 11:42 AM
I'd say around 15-20 minutes.

I've only gave up once, because it took over 45 minutes. It was 3 am so...
I'm really starting to believe this might be a server issue.
Khyber...The red headed step-child of DDO

05-20-2008, 11:45 AM
I'm really starting to believe this might be a server issue.
Khyber...The red headed step-child of DDO

Let's play a game.

What would your ticket look like if you were stuck with the CK Bug? (Basicly, you have a perma-CK on you that makes it impossible to see ahead of you and you keep on dying because of perma-Con damage. Even if you move, it'll follow you everywhere. Even out of the quest.)

Asp, do the same.

05-20-2008, 11:49 AM
I've never interacted with any of the DDO staff, so I cannot make an accurate reply one way or the other.
Well, put yourself in that situation...

You have a bugged quest that you and your group has invested say...an hour.
You submit your ticket and wait....
and wait.....
and wait....
Lets call it 30 mins.....(I'll be conservative here...well for me anyway)
Gm says sorry can't help you...
You do another quest...
Same thing happens...
Are you now angry?

05-20-2008, 11:52 AM
Are you now angry?

Is it the GM's fault? No. Why are you mad at him?!

05-20-2008, 11:53 AM
Let's play a game.

What would your ticket look like if you were stuck with the CK Bug? (Basicly, you have a perma-CK on you that makes it impossible to see ahead of you and you keep on dying because of perma-Con damage. Even if you move, it'll follow you everywhere. Even out of the quest.)

Asp, do the same.
hehe ....
I'd prolly be more nervous than angry.
I'd start off nice and most likely get progressively more terse.
Is that a real bug??...God that sucks!

05-20-2008, 11:54 AM
Let's play a game.

What would your ticket look like if you were stuck with the CK Bug? (Basicly, you have a perma-CK on you that makes it impossible to see ahead of you and you keep on dying because of perma-Con damage. Even if you move, it'll follow you everywhere. Even out of the quest.)

Asp, do the same.

I love this bug... I love having it in a tavern and repeatedly dying over and over again while people try and figure out why I am dying...

And I have never put in a ticket for it... I log off...


But Borror0 thanks for reminding me of the good times...

See ya in Stormreach,


05-20-2008, 11:55 AM
And I have never put in a ticket for it... I log off...

I was on a lowbie, didn't feel like loosing XP. Neither did the cleric, so I put in a ticket for the two of us.

Glad it was good memories for you. :p

05-20-2008, 12:00 PM
Is it the GM's fault? No. Why are you mad at him?!
I'm not saying it's his fault.
What I'm saying is if you have these situations happen you might expect the player to be just a little upset by the time you respond.
And to use that as a reason not to help the player??
Sorry bad CS....
Honestly I have lost all hope and don't even bother to submit tickets anymore unless it's something like that CK bug you were talking about.
I'm not a doooooooomer but they need to step it up a bit.

05-20-2008, 12:00 PM
"I am currently experiencing a mysterious bug. It appears my character is permanently affected by a cloudkill spell from an enemy monster, and I can't get rid of it. It remains even through death, and I am continually dying from constitution damage. It continues to happen even in public instances and taverns! Plz help!!!"

05-20-2008, 12:10 PM
Is that a real bug??...God that sucks!

Yeah, logging off kills it but...

I'm not saying it's his fault.
What I'm saying is if you have these situations happen you might expect the player to be just a little upset by the time you respond.
And to use that as a reason not to help the player??

It's your duty to remain calm and to explain yourself clearly. A GM that will have to go through your twenty curses and tirhty insults will have a worse day and it will slow him down. His duty is to help the most players is the shortest time possible. An angry player is longer to deal with. So, he'll reward the calm ones who will be less time consuming, and then will deal with the troublesomes.

05-20-2008, 12:11 PM
I dont defend Turbine to the death, I'm just not exceedingly quick to point my finger in their direction when there is a more logical answer from my perspective. I don't suffer long GM waits, it's a very very rare occurrence.

Naturally since it doesn't happen to you it doesn't happen at all / is trivial at best? Look at the ratio of people who say CS is adequate - good to those who say it's craptastic. The number is <<1. What is your logic, that if you ask nicely for a service that you PAY for you will get it faster than someone who doesn't??? That's laughable at best man. Honestly, consider that statement very carefully. You should always try to be nice to everyone as a general principal. When asking someone to do you a favor, all the more so. GM support isn't a favor, it a service that we all pay for, and there should be no distinction between someone who needs assistance that is ****es off and someone who is obliviously happy. I'm not defending the person who is outwardly rude, I am defending his right to service. Do you see the distinction between the two?

05-20-2008, 12:17 PM
Yeah, logging off kills it but...

It's your duty to remain calm and to explain yourself clearly. A GM that will have to go through your twenty curses and tirhty insults will have a worse day and it will slow him down. His duty is to help the most players is the shortest time possible. An angry player is longer to deal with. So, he'll reward the calm ones who will be less time consuming, and then will deal with the troublesomes.
I am always calm...
I even reread my tickets before I send them because I tend to be sarcastic in life and it doesn't translate well when I type.
But how do you know if someone is going to be troublesome if you never respond!?!?

05-20-2008, 12:18 PM
Naturally since it doesn't happen to you it doesn't happen at all / is trivial at best? Look at the ratio of people who say CS is adequate - good to those who say it's craptastic. The number is <<1. What is your logic, that if you ask nicely for a service that you PAY for you will get it faster than someone who doesn't??? That's laughable at best man. Honestly, consider that statement very carefully. You should always try to be nice to everyone as a general principal. When asking someone to do you a favor, all the more so. GM support isn't a favor, it a service that we all pay for, and there should be no distinction between someone who needs assistance that is ****es off and someone who is obliviously happy. I'm not defending the person who is outwardly rude, I am defending his right to service. Do you see the distinction between the two?

You may think it's laughable, but it's a simple fact of life that being crass, rude, and mean will not get you very far. The crude, rude, and crass person has a right to the service they paid for, yes.

However, they should expect to be served at the convenience of the service rep, due to their attitude. It's human nature to pick and choose when possible. Practicality should dictate a person's actions, not their emotions.

05-20-2008, 12:21 PM
Hello from the Plane of Spammerwrath


I'm using a planar voice throwing machine.


I hope this is getting through.

On behalf of all us posters on this plane I would like to welcome you. Talk on the street is you'll soon be joining us. In such case, please, PLEASE, get a few stacks of Roast Boar Shanks, and some Ghallanda Distills. I have yet to see a bartender on this plane.

05-20-2008, 12:45 PM
You may think it's laughable, but it's a simple fact of life that being crass, rude, and mean will not get you very far. The crude, rude, and crass person has a right to the service they paid for, yes.

However, they should expect to be served at the convenience of the service rep, due to their attitude. It's human nature to pick and choose when possible. Practicality should dictate a person's actions, not their emotions.

Well said. People have this mistaken idea that they can talk however they want to customer service and nothing will happen. That is false. Rude customers can get in trouble or at the very least have their call terminated/ignored if they push it. It gets to a point where the one customer yelling and screaming and being insulting isn't worth trying to retain, even if that means a few other lost customers due to word of mouth. This is especially true if other customers are being made to wait unnecessarily and then they start to get upset.

We have fired customers at my job that have been overly rude and pushy, especially if they weren't paying us a whole lot for our services. It is true that you tend to put up with more from customers who pay you more. However, we all pay the same price, roughly speaking.

Never thought I'd do this, but to quote Dane: "You people really get your $15.00 a month, don't you?"

05-20-2008, 12:56 PM
How about...

Instead of blaming the players (who PAY to play this game) for getting mad, tired, irritated, nasty, and impatient because they're left sitting waiting, waiting, waiting, and waiting and then canned answers, dismissed, and no resolution...

and instead of blaming the GMs
Who I'm sure are not all incompetent, server favoring, niceness level monitoring, favoritism showing, nincom****s...

How about suggesting that perhaps Turbine hire a few people so that it doesn't take hours on end (Yes, hours on end) to get a GM response?

How about GM receptionist who can ask you a half dozen qualifying questions in order to forward you to the GM specialist to suit your flavor and then can you down some Peter Frampton through the VC with intermittant breaks informing you the average wait time and that you're still in cue ?

Maybe they could allow you to renew your driver's license at the same time.

Oops. Sarcasm probably adds 7 minutes to my GM response rate.

05-20-2008, 01:20 PM
How about...

Instead of blaming the players (who PAY to play this game) for getting mad, tired, irritated, nasty, and impatient because they're left sitting waiting, waiting, waiting, and waiting and then canned answers, dismissed, and no resolution...

and instead of blaming the GMs
Who I'm sure are not all incompetent, server favoring, niceness level monitoring, favoritism showing, nincom****s...

How about suggesting that perhaps Turbine hire a few people so that it doesn't take hours on end (Yes, hours on end) to get a GM response?

How about GM receptionist who can ask you a half dozen qualifying questions in order to forward you to the GM specialist to suit your flavor and then can you down some Peter Frampton through the VC with intermittant breaks informing you the average wait time and that you're still in cue ?

Maybe they could allow you to renew your driver's license at the same time.

Oops. Sarcasm probably adds 7 minutes to my GM response rate.
HEhe I think I love this chick

05-20-2008, 01:33 PM
How about...

Instead of blaming the players (who PAY to play this game) for getting mad, tired, irritated, nasty, and impatient because they're left sitting waiting, waiting, waiting, and waiting and then canned answers, dismissed, and no resolution...

and instead of blaming the GMs
Who I'm sure are not all incompetent, server favoring, niceness level monitoring, favoritism showing, nincom****s...

How about suggesting that perhaps Turbine hire a few people so that it doesn't take hours on end (Yes, hours on end) to get a GM response?

How about GM receptionist who can ask you a half dozen qualifying questions in order to forward you to the GM specialist to suit your flavor and then can you down some Peter Frampton through the VC with intermittant breaks informing you the average wait time and that you're still in cue ?

Maybe they could allow you to renew your driver's license at the same time.

Oops. Sarcasm probably adds 7 minutes to my GM response rate.

I think the point some are trying to make is that sure, if you wait for a long time to get a GM response you're going to be upset and that's understandable. But being nasty, rude and discourteous to the GM, even if you perceive that they "kept you waiting" or whatever doesn't make the situation any better, in fact it makes it worse.

If one is going to demand accountability from Turbine and their customer service, they also need to have some personal accountability as well. Paying for a service doesn't preclude anybody from being polite and respectful. You can be irate, you can be upset, but you can also be respectful and courteous at the same time, they aren't mutually exclusive. Believe it or not problem resolution is best accomplished when client and companywork together.

I understand the desire to vent at the first person who represents "the company" that a person gets ahold of when they're ticked off by something, but don't take it out on them. If anything take it higher up the chain with the company because rest assured decisions being made higher up are affecting the ground level customer service policies. If one can't turn off their vitriol and sarcasm long enough to help the company understand and try to help the problem then what can anybody expect? I'm not saying there aren't some GM's who like people we've all worked with don't do their jobs, but aside from making you feel better what does getting rude accomplish?

Unfortunately, it seems a non-trivial amount of gamers tend to be self-centered, confuse being rude with being assertive and are all about immediate gratification and think their subscription fee buys them the batphone to Kate Paiz...

05-20-2008, 01:39 PM
HEhe I think I love this chick

You hope it is a chick!

05-20-2008, 01:40 PM
You hope it is a chick!

05-20-2008, 01:59 PM

Only a chick would get that upset.:eek: I think you are safe.:) Besides. no spelling or grammatical errors. The boys tend to degrade to kindergarten grammar when they get irate.

ps Look at that! I managed to insult both sexes in one line. Yay me.

05-20-2008, 02:09 PM
I'm really starting to believe this might be a server issue.
Khyber...The red headed step-child of DDO

last time i put in a ticket on Khyber, it wasnt that long at all. that was when the named sorrowdusk gargoyle wasnt coming down.. thinl maybe 30 minutes. also was in a group a few months ago where the CO6 boss bugged out, didn't seem to be long at all on that response either.. dont remember time of day though

05-20-2008, 02:19 PM
wow, and I didn't even know I was upset.

05-20-2008, 02:22 PM
wow, and I didn't even know I was upset.

Yep, it's a girl :p

05-20-2008, 02:38 PM
last time i put in a ticket on Khyber, it wasnt that long at all. that was when the named sorrowdusk gargoyle wasnt coming down.. thinl maybe 30 minutes. also was in a group a few months ago where the CO6 boss bugged out, didn't seem to be long at all on that response either.. dont remember time of day though
Still 30 minutes is a long time man...
I can redo most quests in that time...
so I don't bother anymore...

05-20-2008, 02:39 PM
Yep, it's a girl :pWhew

05-20-2008, 04:56 PM
I dont think its a server thing and its a mixed lot. Sometimes you get a quick response that doesnt help sometimes you get no response. Ive been on runs that have bugged or we needed help and weve waited and just given up or reran the quest. A infamous one of these was Vons 2 a quest that still makes me tense to run. The other night though I put in a ticket about an issue I had where my character would get stuck in non stuck spots, she could still cast hit targets but just couldnt move. It happened in different areas but it was the same she could run in place, hit, cast spells but could not move. So finally after it happened again for the tenth time I put in a ticket and about ten mins later I got a GM. He was courteous asked me questions which I answered but couldnt really find a reason for it. So I basically logged out logged back in set my graphics to the lowest I could and it seemed to work. I dunno about response time but I know that even if they do respond quick there are going to be times they just cant help and that will irate a person who is tensed about waiting even more. I know it doesnt help the OP and it doesnt make any sense to me why his ticket was closed an ignored if what I read in his other post about being courteous is right. All I can do is chalk it up to GM's like most customer service people are human, they arent gods or goddesses cant make things right all the time and pretty much are the games whipping boys/girls when it comes to stuff going wrong. As frustrated as ive gotten with them I know how it is to be in their position so it helps me reign back even when my limited scheduel is conflicted by waiting for them. I know to some its not an excuse for some Gm's lack of knowledge and the closing of tickets with no resoloutions but Ive yet to meet a perfect customer service rep, for that youd need someone who could please everyone and thats just no possible especially in a setting like this with very passionate players.

05-20-2008, 05:07 PM
Somewhat pertinant, but funny none the less:


05-20-2008, 05:17 PM
Not sure if help tickets are tied to the account or the character but is it possible amidst all of your character switching the GM missed you?

If they just closed your ticked and never said a word to you then that is bad form. But without the facts i dont think its fair to them
to assign blame without knowing the underlying conditions.

As far as having characters stuck in gianthold, couldnt you have just partied up with a wizard high enough to cast
portal and gotten out that way?

Or am I missing something here?


I switched out characters and logged in and out of the game before I submitted the ticket. I stayed on as one character (the character I was on when I submitted the ticket) from the time that I put it in to the time it was closed without any AFKs. No one tried to get a hold of me and the tickets was closed with absolutely nothing done.

I could have gotten a teleport out of GH, but with an open ticket I didn't want to be in the middle of a quest or in some out of the way place when it came time to actually resolve the issue.

Not usually a complainer, but I found that to be horrible customer service and was not impressed at all.

05-20-2008, 05:28 PM
and they closed my ticket without a word to me that is rediculous

Happened to Us twice.. One did respond with "is your problem solved?" and immediately followed with a closing statement.

05-20-2008, 05:30 PM
here is the actual post that i put in ticket please flame away if it reads rude or insulting...

" At final door in the burning city (chains of flame) and the final key did not spawn we heard it fall but noone has it... We have one guy dead in the lava but he was dead prior to the last fight room. please help."

Sooooo for all those people that say that i was rude and mean and (insert bad words here) please let me know what was so bad about my ticket that I was ignored for over an hour...

again i am a huge supporter of the game and will play it till it is gone but i am still a little peeved.

05-20-2008, 06:20 PM
I'm really starting to believe this might be a server issue.
Khyber...The red headed step-child of DDO

On Khyber 10-15 minutes average for myself, longest Ive waited since beta was like 1 hour but was like 2am PST.

05-20-2008, 06:29 PM
50 minutes in a lowbie ( lvl 9) run through chains of flame waiting for a key and no response on multiple tickets from multiple players... THIS IS WHY PEOPLE LEAVE... DO YOU NOT GET IT????????????

The Developers who work on DDO do *not* deal with customer service. If they do, did or had I would be absolutely shocked. Their profession and specialty is coding and design, for the most part, why should they be distracted?

Always file a stuck ticket if you're running a quest where something happens which prevents your progress. Essentialym if you cannot progress due to a bug then you are effectively STUCK!!

I can only recall a single time when I had to wait more then 30 minutes to have a slime removed from the top of the ladder that was preventing us from exiting a pool. Other then that, most of tickets are responded to in seconds, rarely minutes.

Luck prehaps?

Also, try using the command /loc and pasting the results in your stuck ticket. It might be able to assist the GM's.

05-20-2008, 06:41 PM
here is the actual post that i put in ticket please flame away if it reads rude or insulting...

" At final door in the burning city (chains of flame) and the final key did not spawn we heard it fall but noone has it... We have one guy dead in the lava but he was dead prior to the last fight room. please help."

Sooooo for all those people that say that i was rude and mean and (insert bad words here) please let me know what was so bad about my ticket that I was ignored for over an hour...

again i am a huge supporter of the game and will play it till it is gone but i am still a little peeved.

It's not bad, but you could have reworded it better to expedite assistence. Assuming you read my previous post...

Quest: Chains of Flame
issue: stuck - Placeholder did not drop key to progress quest
We cannot progress, we are stuck!!
/loc (copy and paste; sometimes this helps, some times it doesn't matter)

^that's how I would have filed it. Don't fret, the player base shouldn't be used to filing tickets. Hope you get help quicker next time.

05-20-2008, 07:47 PM
I was a 10th level character on the run with darkrune in this quest. He had the star so he filed the first ticket. He detailed earlier what he said in the ticket. My time to play is limited due to real life responsibilities. So when the last key didn't drop an hour into the quest 30 minutes before I was to get off in a "good" Pug/guild group we decided to file a ticket (one ticket that darkrune filed) as recalling, losing a player, looking for a replacement, then rerunning wasn't a resonable option. I thought 15-20 minutes they drop a key or respawn the boss with the key we fight the last fight I get off right on time satisfied with night's gaming experience with no Waggro. At the time I was supposed to log (1030pm) 30 minutes after first ticket I said to myself the ticket thing has been buggy I thought for just the spam stuff but maybe for this too maybe darks didnt go through. So I said in chat I'm gonna file a ticket too it has been a long time, and I need to get off here. So I filed and so did another char 5 min later when he got back from afk. Mine was a stuck player report with the words "HELP!!! Key didn't drop! Party stuck!" I will admit that at 11pm (one hour after 1st ticket 30 minutes after mine) I did add a comment to my ticket "It's been an hour where are you??? HELP!!!" It took over an hour to get the 1st response and it was to the third ticket filed. When the response came I closed my ticket myself. My point and the one I think darkrune was trying to make is with the release of a highly anticipated competitors product coming with in days and people unhappy because of the "fix" that caused the lag fiasco that is still not fixed. Now is the time to have extra people available during peak game times to keep your players happy. Good customer service will keep a product competitive in any business. I love this game and want it to continue to do well but as a business man I understand it has to have enough subscribers to keep it profitable for it to remain. I get angry when I see things happen that would be the last straw for other players. The more frustrated people that leave the less time this game remains viable.

05-20-2008, 08:22 PM
here is the actual post that i put in ticket please flame away if it reads rude or insulting...

" At final door in the burning city (chains of flame) and the final key did not spawn we heard it fall but noone has it... We have one guy dead in the lava but he was dead prior to the last fight room. please help."

Sooooo for all those people that say that i was rude and mean and (insert bad words here) please let me know what was so bad about my ticket that I was ignored for over an hour...

again i am a huge supporter of the game and will play it till it is gone but i am still a little peeved.

Okay, sadly, I know what happened here. However, I feel for your long wait. I know that would stink, I've just never waited that long.

I found your wording fine, but often people are fairly rude with their ticket complaints. Without the wording it's impossible to know, and honestly I wouldn't have judged you anyway.

Unfortunately, the last door in Chains of Flame is not opened by a dropped key. It is opened with the key recieved from the last prisoner that you must talk to and free, it will always come from the one that is talked to that completes the objective. I think it's the 20th, but not sure. The person that does the talking will receive the key and a DM message on their screen alerting them to their ownership of the key.

Unfortunately it sounds as though the person in the lava perhaps had the key, or maybe it was never obtained? Did you talk to all the prisoners required?

05-20-2008, 10:10 PM
All things were complete with Conquest, ransack, etc. Literally just the two bosses in the next room to beat. It was simply a glitch or bug not a major deal just needed a quick fix. Once the response happened it was literally 5 minutes till I was picking up the end reward. The only issues were the wait for response, and the skipping of first come first served.

05-20-2008, 11:33 PM
my recent quest in ritual had a few bugged scorps. sent in a ticket. waited for abt 5 min. gave up and left instance. immediately GM contacted me. so i asked those inside to wait while i get back in. 5 mins. told the GM to wait for me as i recalled. got in ran to the spot and told GM to respawn them. 5 mins.

i waited 5 mins......... sometimes you get a GM early, other times, they respond slowly. its about timing and luck

sorry u did not have both

05-21-2008, 03:10 AM
That's around 4 in retail and 6 in a call center. In two different companies I got the highest awards for my customer service performances. I'm the person who gets the customer demanding to speak to a supervisor to say what a GREAT job I do and why am I not promoted, etc ONCE A WEEK if not more.

This includes technical support and internet support in all forms (phone, email, chat, etc.)

So let's just say I have a pretty good perspective on the topic and what a good appearance let alone actual result of their customer support success ratio is.

First off, the customer is always FIRST. Not right. That original saying was simply used to motivate good employee courtesy using a fallable sentence to do it. But they are the priority in any business, period.

That said, abuse, obscenity (including profanity) and threats are NOT tolerated. We normally let you vent, allow time to build a dialouge, but we will warn you often multiple times we do not accept that response and to please not say/do that [especially if illegal such as violent threats] AND we WILL drop you like a hot potato if after x warnings or continuing of violent threats are ongoing.

That ALSO said, we are NOT allowed to drop an unanswered contact in most companies. Ever. Even a "no response" gets logged. If a CSR is caught deliberately not taking a call or ticket, they are often immediately terminated in those most companies. Period.

So, I don't care HOW rude you assume (and you know what that makes) a person may or may not have been on a ticket. They deserve a response in a timely manner shown in a professional attitude at least in the beginning (and if the abuse keeps coming after the company allowed vent time, be ready to be warned player.)

I am mainly on Thelanis and I find it ENTIRELY UNACCEPTABLE my average wait time is 1.5 to FOUR hours or sometimes higher.

I am a former techie and csr, know how to fill out tickets acccurately (and shown above) with courtesy and respect.

I cannot accept the wait time to be told nothing can be done when often a T2 person explains "They shouldn't have done x and said no, this is a very easy fix." That is when I actuially GOT a T2 reply.

And you want me pi**** off, I hate waiting HOURS then discover when I am ONLINE WITH THAT CHARACTER FROM THE START (assuming here for the sake of argument the problem is still ongoing) the GM simply CLOSED THE TICKET WITH ABSOLUTELY NO CONTACT WHATSOEVER.

Oh, if I have the time I make another ticket, ask for an immediate escalation, and REPORT who did that. But alas, even the T2 reps have given a response (like a certain rep w the letter S) that they can't do anything and you have to send a complaint to an email that isn't even set up for that as its sole purpose. Good luck getting Turbine's corporate address from them (yeah there are other ways besides that, but they give NO service for complaint escalation is the point.)

So blunty, the service in my year+ observation on the most part su***. If I get physically stuck however, I am responded to in minutes (but helped ONLY if physically rooted, so be warned ticket cloggers not physically stuck.) Ironicly I have received some of the best CS there.

So, to Turbine, clean up your act, or we can take this to the customer's next level before departing. I can personally note the time and name and detail of every incorrect act, write them in a complaint letter, and send them to the office of the President. For forum legal reasons I will not post it here, but you savvy web users can find it.

Trust me, when a complaint is sent to that department, they have to reply short of a company's complete uncaringness, which Turbine is not.

At that point, investigations sometimes happen or they just decide to remove the reoccuring ones getting complaints and replace them.

Trust me, they do pay attention. I'm one of the very few if not only reps ever to get a POSITIVE written letter sent to that office of a company. They were quite impressed and I was enjoying my quarterly award even without that letter on my merits alone.

So in conclusion,

Be nice, don't assume, be detailed, escalate if not helped to what you know is a reasonable (especially if you saw the solution done before by another) fix, remember names, still be polite to the escalated, and note note note their times, responses and what they actually did.

If they did an exceptionally good or bad job, let Turbine know if you feel it merits going to that level.

And again, stay frosty and be nice. Until you work daily with a queue of over 300 people on hold on average for waiting "calls", you have no idea even when properly set up the pressure we have to avoid each call after call, and try to solve every one of those callers' issues.

Okay I'm done. Criticism is fine but no ranting or flaming please. Thanks is also appreciated too :)

05-21-2008, 06:57 AM
Unfortunately it sounds as though the person in the lava perhaps had the key, or maybe it was never obtained? Did you talk to all the prisoners required?

sadly he didnt i asked everyone to check their inventory... this is a guildie that i trust and if he said it wasnt there then it wasnt there... if it was no harm no foul i would have dove down, UMD'ed a ddoor scroll, grabbed his stone, and finished but alas he was dead and no key... The key is a drop on exit which means that if he had the key the only way that it would have dropped is if he had it and res'ed out, but again it was not in his inventory or in the lava that he could see where his stone was... we had talked to every slave (15 for completion + 15 more for extra 100ish xp) cause we wanted to milk every last drop of xp as we were running 9-11 lvls in the lvl 12 quest. oh well live and learn next time i will just chalk it up to pi** poor service and add another notch on the post of bad things that have happened in the game... hopefully that post never gets more marks than the good!

05-21-2008, 07:36 AM
Before we get too much further carried away with breaking the forum rules on name calling and insults, I wanted to instead advise players of a few things to help with help requests

- If you need in-game assistance, please be sure that your tickets are being filed to the help system and not to the bug tracking system. While we encourage you to file bug reports, the team responsible for review of the bug reports is not connected to the in-game support team, and this can delay response time to your requests. Be sure to file the tickets to the help team, and you are welcome to file a separate query for the actual bug report.

In the event the in-game help team is unable to assist you with your issue, you may be asked to submit a formal bug report to the QA team. Please note that the QA team does not respond to requests for help sent through the bug tracking system, and these requests will go unanswered. Bug reports will be responded to only if the QA team requires additional information from the reporting player.

- Due to a high volume of requests, the In-game Assistance team is unavailable to provide the courtesy service of providing quest completion total confirmations. The surplus of these requests can delay us in getting to players who need more urgent assistance, such as being stuck in their quest etc. We are aware that the command for players to check their quest completions does not correctly display the total that is being tracked in the system, but this is a feature that is scheduled to be fixed in Module 7.

- If you need In-game assistance related to harassment, please file a ticket through the help system. The one-click reporting feature should be used to report issues with spam, and the verbiage of the one-click feature is being reviewed to help make this more clear.

- If the In-game help system is ever in a state where you cannot file your ticket, the In-game Customer Service forum is also available

The In-game support team is here to help, and we hope these tips help to make your service more expedited, but we always accept constructive criticism, which can be filed by using the Contact Us link here on the forums, or by contacting turbinesupportexperience@turbine.com